Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1772: Emperor

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When Xiao Nai shot, the sky thundered, and countless striking sounds were transmitted.

Zhu Zi, who flew into the air, was suddenly crushed by the whole person. The force exploded, and the surrounding airflows collided together, forming a vortex.

These vortices merged into Xiao Naihe's mind, and when pressed down, Zhu Zi's entire person was instantly crushed.

In the next moment, Xiao Naihe already had an extra sphere of light in his hand, and there was a small ** among them.

** During the rotation, Zhu Zi was pulled down directly, and it was already Xiao Nai and He who were caught in the God Wheel.

Zhu Zi had a feeling of being absorbed by the whole person in this magic wheel and unable to move.

But almost within a breathing time, only to see a gleam in her thoughts.

This piece of polished light is the fluctuating power released by Zhu Zi after burning part of his dignity.

"Xiao Shengzi, I admit that you are indeed far more powerful than I thought. No wonder even the arrogant boy Bei Beixie died in your hands. Today is my enemy, but after I recover in the future, I will definitely find You settle the account. By then the adult will definitely take action in person to separate your body and soul. "

Zhu Zi's face was full of fierceness, and his tone was extremely crazy.

Although Zhu Zi has burned part of his divine personality, his own divine personality has not been completely burned. A small part of it can not be recovered for a long time at most, and the cultivation base is reduced, and he will not die.

And this Zhuzi is so decisive, I am afraid that there are still hidden means behind it, maybe after I burn the divine personality, there may be my own way to recover.

"Do you think you have a chance to leave now? You can't help you!"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, grabbed his right hand, and condensed a huge seal of God Wheel in the void, which was merged into a punishment.

This divine wheel cooperated with the handprint of nothingness, so it was such a catch in mid-air, and once caught, the whole void was shaken.

Huh huh huh ...

As if it were windy, a cold meaning immediately filled up, so that the temperature in the field suddenly fell.

At the next moment, I saw Zhu Zi's whole person wrapped in a huge **** wheel, and even escaped without an exit to succeed.

"What? Xiao Naihe, what do you really want to do?"

Zhu Zi's voice shouted out of it, very crazy, his eyes full of blood.

This manic and violent voice has become a little scared when it is communicated.

Now Zhu Zi is really afraid of Xiao Naiho, and even his own personality is willing to burn, and he wants to escape.

His flesh started to decay, and his strength was less than before.

However, Zhu Zi knew that even if his body did not rot, he was afraid that he would not be Xiao Naihe's opponent.

Unless Yang Peng can fully control the physical strength of Beimingxie, cooperate with himself, and deal with Xiao Naihe together, this will have a chance.

"If you don't want to succeed, your personality is burning!"

After two consecutive burns, Zhu Zi's soul became more and more fierce, his breath of life now flows faster at this time, and he is now forced to burn more of his personality by Xiao Nai.

I saw a burst of ice and fire floating around him, like a ghost and yin and yang gossip map, covering the sky and covering Xiao Naihe's entire body.

All of a sudden, the Shen Wheel, which had originally merged with Xiao Nai, was also broken at this time.

"This Zhuzi is already at the end of his desperate journey, and his life is burning, and the power that burst out, even if I am to deal with it, it is a little hard. My physical body must not be injured. To resist. "

Xiao Nai thought.

The physical strength of Beimingxie has reached the peak of Jiuzhong, which can be almost comparable to any of the nine defensive Dao weapons.

I saw a little white light in Xiao Naihe's eyes, and then a bit of electric python was drilled from the center of his eyebrows.

The anaconda came to life as if it had become a living creature at this moment, and then it got to Xiao Naihe's front.

Throwing a figure from the computer python, this person is the body of Beimingxie.

I saw a burst of fine light on Bei Mingxie's flesh, and the fine light was revealed, and a golden bridge was built above.

There was a mighty force in the middle of the bridge, which seemed to be the fusion of the coercion of the heavens and the earth, rolling down from the top.

"Actually Beimingxie's flesh, Xiao Naihe, you are so mean."

Zhu Zi was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Xiao Nai actually used Beimingxie's flesh as a medium, using Beimingxie's flesh to condense into a magic circle.

This Beimingxie has already stepped into the peak of the Nineth Layer. Although it is dead, the body still maintains the strength of the previous life.

If Beimingxie passed out of the Lushe, I am afraid that in the 3,300 world, there will be a **** storm of robbery.

It can be seen that Beimingxie has a strong physical strength.

Although it's not as good as Xiao Naihe's Vajra, it's also invincible.

Now Xiao Naihe uses Beimingxie's physical body to condense such a form, covering the sky and stopping Zhu Zi's offensive.


Bei Mingxie's flesh suddenly lost a lot of power at a very fast speed.

Today's Beimingxie Lushe was completely hit by Zhu Zi. Although it was not completely destroyed, the Lushe was already wounded. Jin Dan and Qihai were all shattered.

If Bei Mingxie is alive now, if he is killed by Zhu Zi like this, he is afraid that his own flesh will be completely defeated immediately.

"Xiao Nai, you are so cruel. You actually used Bei Mingxie's flesh as a shield. You are not afraid that Bei Mingxie in the underworld knows that you will trust dreams to deal with you?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly: "It seems that you are stupid? Even a master of the nineth peak, it is impossible to enter the underworld after death. Only mortals can enter the underworld circle before they enter the innate fairyland. Among them. After building into a fairy road, if you die, there is no chance of reincarnation. "

But when Xiao Naihe spoke, he couldn't help thinking that he was not reincarnated, but after he died, he could still be born again.

I wonder if he is the only cultivator who reincarnated in this way.

After this idea emerged, Xiao Naihe suddenly saw Zhu Zi speechless.

He himself desperately burned his own personality, but Xiao Naihe used the body of Beimingxie as a shield. For a time, there was an idea that he could not break through.

Almost after this idea flashed, Zhu Zi didn't hesitate anymore. As soon as the soles of his feet exerted force, he even used the power of feeding.

After a while, it was already outside the manor, about to break the void, tear the void tunnel, and disappeared directly.

Xiao Naihe didn't hesitate anymore, his body's acupuncture burst into a momentum, as if forming a huge cannonball in the sky, and then bombarded into the sky.

And Zhu Zi, who flew beyond the cracks in the void, the whole person, should be a whole cloud of black mist, so Xiao Nai was arrested.

At the next moment, I saw Zhu Zi in the dark mist. The golden light in Xiao Naihe's eyes flicked away the dark mist and showed his own appearance.

After seeing Zhu Zi's appearance, even Xiao Nai was a little surprised.

This Zhu Zi looks very ordinary. Xiao Naihe knows that this body is definitely not from Zhu Zi himself. Before that, Xiao Naihe had eavesdropped on the two people outside the study room and knew that Zhu Zi had changed the house several times.

The reason why he wants to change his body is that he can't persevere for 3,000 years, and his body can be ulcerated.

"This Zhuzi has changed his body three times, each time less than 3,000 years, which means that he has at least 5,000 or 6,000 years. This person may have been a character left when the Six World Jihad was around."

There was a thought in Xiao Naihe's mind, and then he quickly followed, and saw that Xiao Nai raised his palm, and there was a thunderbolt in his palm, which floated up and was shot down fiercely. It hit the top of Zhu Zi's head.

Xiao Nai had Bei Mingxie's flesh as a shield, not afraid of Zhu Zi's trouble.

This shield of the Northern Wicked Evil is simply better than any defensive weapon.

Anyway, this body is not his, how to use and be hurt is not distressed.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Zi, who couldn't attack at all, and suddenly had a tragic thought.

He found that no matter how he dealt with Xiao Naihe, or even burned a part of his own personality, he could not take down Xiao Naihe as a whole person.

That kind of pain is simply beyond words.

"Take it down."

Xiao Nai He let out a faint sound, and then there was a wave in the void, only to see the void palm that Xiao Nai He condensed in the middle of the sky, severely grabbed Zhu Zi's body in the palm of his hand, not to let Zhu Zi Any possibility of escape.

"Xiao Naihe, if you let me go, I am willing to surrender to you and recognize you as the boss."

Zhu Zi felt that he no longer had any ability to resist, knew that he could no longer go out by himself, and immediately begged for mercy.

"How do you have the same reason as Beimingxie, even the words of asking for mercy are exactly the same."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and suddenly felt a little funny.

Before Bei Mingxie was captured by himself, he also begged for forgiveness, saying that as long as he let him go, he would like to be Xiao Naihe's younger brother.

This is also the same for Zhu Zi. Both of them are impressive ninth-level pinnacle masters. They are one of the best, and they are the characters of a domineering overlord. They will all say such things when they are captured.

But Xiao Nai knows that the more powerful the master, the more cherish his life.

Even the masters of the Ninth Peak are the same.

"Xiao Naihe, I know you and the powerful, the Four Cultivation Avenue, the Son of the Son. With your ability, you may have the hope of stepping into the passive realm in the future and achieving the unity of the origin. I am not ashamed to trust you. . "

Zhu Zi continued.

"You think so simple, you are a master of the nine peaks, I was arrested, and did not give up the righteousness, but instead begged me for mercy?"

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. I know you are a son. Your reputation is well-known in the world. You must estimate a lot of superficial effort. I also know that you have a lot of things in the dark that you cannot do freely. . After I surrender to you, I can help you to do things in the dark, including some things that cannot be exposed, how? "

A sly look flashed in Zhu Zi's eyes. Although it was hidden quickly, it was still seen by Xiao Naihe in an instant.

Xiao Nai did not move, but said lightly: "I Xiao Nai He is not a gentleman, and I also have my own selfishness. If I have everything in my body and everything is positive, I don't know how many times I have died. "

"I am the existence of Ninefold Peak and know many secrets. If you are willing to take my life, I can tell you some secrets, how?"

At this time Zhu Zi looked indifferent. Although there was a trace of cruelty and cunning hidden in the depths of his pupils, he was very sincere on the bright side.

Xiao Nai did not move her voice, deliberately pretending to be in a perceptive eye, without traces.

When Zhu Zi saw it, he sneered slightly, but at the same time he felt hopeful.

"Then you have to see what news you want to use to protect your life. A master of nine peaks, your life is definitely precious."

"Naturally, the secret I know will never let you down."

"Okay, I want to know, why did you call Huang Lin" Emperor "before? Is there any hidden identity that this Huang Lin does not have?"

"Yes, Huang Lin is actually called Huang, and his identity is very mysterious. I can only say that Huang Lin does not belong to the people in the 3,300 world, nor the people in the Nine Heavens, independent. Beyond the Four Realms, beyond the realm of heaven and earth. He has survived to this day, at least close to the life of an era. "

Xiao Nai moved a little in his heart, and suddenly thought a moment: "No wonder, this Huanglin actually has such a background. No wonder I felt a strange breath in him, not like a person, a demon, a demon, a god, a witch. It ’s also not like a strange life like Zhu Zi. But he actually survived for nearly an epoch, which is far more than an old monster like the Hong family ancestor. "

At this time, Xiao Naiho remembered that he had not yet smashed the void, stepped into the supreme realm, and was still a disciple in the Yantian Pavilion. He once entered an independent continent.

That continent was imperially sealed by Huang Lin itself from a long time ago. In the end, if not a few of them entered, they broke the seal that was about to decline. I am afraid that the independent world could not be fully integrated into 3,300. Come in the world.

Being able to seal such a small world from ancient times, it is only by this kind of years that the time for Huang Lin to practice is very long.

Xiao Naihe closed his eyes at this time and murmured secretly: "I'm afraid that Huang Lin is more mysterious than Bai Nan!

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