Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1773: The lord

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Xiao Nai He thought about it, and then he suppressed his thoughts and stopped talking.

"Is there only Huang Huang's identity? Do you know that you should not have more?"

Now that Beimingxie has been killed, Xiao Naihe's relationship with Dan Ting has become more and more complicated. He even vaguely has a feeling that one day he is afraid of facing this imperial dragon.

Now let's make clear the true identity of Huang Lin first, in case of unexpected needs.

"Huanglin ..."

When Zhu Zi thought about it, he looked a little hesitant: "It's not that I refused to say it, but I didn't know much. Even if I knew, if I talked too much here, the emperor might know, I feel When someone is talking about himself, he will travel through the 3,300 world with his kind of strength, ignoring the space barrier, and come directly and bombard me, not to mention it! "

Xiao Nai knew that Zhu Zi was not lying. With the strength of a master of the original source, Xuan Miao was incomparable. If someone felt that he was discussing himself.

At that time, Huang Lin might be able to use his magical powers to break the space prohibition, ignore any laws of space, appear in any corner of the 3,300 world, and wipe out Zhu Zi.

In the past, Xiao Nai dared to discuss Huang Lin because he did not say much about the true secrets of Huang Lin.

If Xiao Naihe knew many of Huang Lin ’s secrets and had a discussion on the surface, I was afraid that Huang Lin could break the space and really come to Xiao Naihe.

Of course, Xiao Nai, after stepping into the peak of the Nineth Layer, perfectly integrated the celestial and astrological maps in his body. Even if the master Huang Lin wants to sense himself in a moment, it is not so easy.

However, Xiao Nai did not dare to take risks. He had entered the passive realm, and naturally knew how powerful the master of unity was, let alone Huang Lin, an old monster that had lived for almost an epoch.

"In this case, let me ask again, both of you are alien life on the third plane? Are you a survivor after the Sixth World Jihad?"

"Yes, Yang Peng and I have survived from the Six Worlds Jihad to the present day, but now there are few people among the aliens, and I do n’t know where those people are. They are hiding in the 3,300 world In this first plane, it is categorical that identity will not be easily revealed. "

"Oh? In that case, how have you survived for thousands of years."

"Naturally is a closed-door practice. Our alien life is different from others in the first plane. After the six-world jihad alien defeat, we know that we cannot come out at will. After all, the adult in the **** realm is still there. , Was discovered by the man in the God Realm, and everything is done. "

Xiao Naihe knew that the person in the God Realm that Zhu Zi said should be a mere mortal.

According to legend, Bai inorganic performance in the Six World Holy War is very amazing, a person propped up the entire God Realm, it is precisely because of the existence of Bai inorganic, God Realm was able to save a lot of heritage.

Although Zhu Zi is powerful, if compared with the existence of Bai inorganic, it is to hit the stone with eggs!

"There is another question, the truth about the destruction of the Wu people, do you know some clues?"

"The clue that the Wu people were destroyed?"

Zhu Zi looked slightly surprised, and did not expect Xiao Nai to actually ask such words.

But in one breath, Zhu Zi was clear again. This Xiao Nai cultivated Wu Dao, but he did not have the flesh and blood of the Wu clan's children. I was afraid that he did not know much about the destruction of the Wu clan.

"Hey, I do n’t know much about the destruction of the Wu people, but I can only say that the people who wiped out the Wu people are definitely not our outside world. When our outside world came down from the third plane, we took the lead Hands on the Wu clan, but it is not the **** realm that kills the most people in our outside world, but the Jiu Wu You Huang of the Wu clan. I really want to avenge, but the Jiu Wu You Huang actually died, which is also considered It's disguised to help us get revenge. "

Zhu Zi did not conceal his gloating and gloating over the death of Jiuwu Youhuang.

Hearing this, Xiao Nai didn't move, just closed his eyes slightly, and said in a hurry: "It's not your alien, then do you have any other clues?"

"If you want to know more clues about the destruction of the Wu clan, you can find those few people, Fumengwu in the **** realm, and the heavenly body. These two must know the truth."


Xiao Nai He smiled coldly.

Fu Mengwu is very mysterious. With his current strength, he has already stepped into the unity of the origins. Even if he asked Fu Mengwu himself, he was afraid that he would not know anything from it.

Although the heavenly ontology is now comparable to itself, but the heavenly ontology is so profound that it does n’t even know where it is.

Especially after the last complaint with the long sky, I was afraid that the Taoist body would be afraid of itself that day, and it would never come out easily before it was restored.

"Two other people also know some of the clues. One is the flower face in the **** realm. This person is a friend of Bai inorganic and Jiuwu Youhuang. They have a close relationship and know a lot of things. The other is the king in the demon world. Yong Ye, Jun Yong Ye did not inquire about some things of the Wu people at that time, maybe also knew that something was there. "


Xiao Nai had some surprises, did not expect that Hua Xiang actually had such a good relationship with Jiuwu Youhuang and Bai inorganic?

It sounds like the relationship between Huaxiang and Bai inorganic is not bad.

"Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang?"

Xiao Nai gave Zhu Zi a glance.

Zhu Zi looked sincere, but he was very calm. Only the coldness in his heart exposed his thoughts.

"The last question, who is the adult you said?"

"The adult ... sorry, I can't say it!"

"You said so much, don't you want me to let you go?"

"Think, but I can't say the name of my adult, because the adult moved a little bit on my body and Yang Peng. If I reveal a little news about the adult, I will be sensed by the adult When the time comes, break the void and really kill me. "

Zhu Zi exhaled and said slowly.

At this time, Xiao Naihe also knew that he could no longer ask what Zhu Zi said. Although he knew a lot of things, none of these things were very useful.

"I have told you so many things now, you should be able to let me go?" Zhu Zi said suddenly.

Xiao Nai smiled faintly: "Do you really think I don't know?"

"What does Xiao Shengzi advise?"

"What you say is half-truth, you can't believe it at all, or you can't believe it at all. I know that you will never easily reveal many secrets. You didn't even reveal the identity of the adult behind you , Just want me to let you go, and I have n’t promised to let you go before. "

"You ..." Zhu Zi's face changed violently, and his tone suddenly became extremely unbearable: "You don't talk, you are not a gentleman, but you are still a son of Sixiu Avenue."


Xiao Nai smiled coldly: "I have never said that I am a good man, and then, why the son of Sixiu Avenue must be connected with the gentleman and the words? Don't say I didn't mention it before, even if I did, Just against you before you have to deal with me, take away my flesh, and refine my soul, I won't let you go. Are you really a fool when I am Xiao Nai? Let my enemies want to harm me? "


"You can't resist, let me surrender you, let you spit out the name of the big man behind me."

"Buddhist crossing magical power?"

Zhu Zi was shocked, and his group of thoughts immediately became very scary, struggling crazy.

"Yang nine hundred and sixty, my Buddha is compassionate. Crossing the other shore, proving the life!"

At this time, Xiao Naihe's body suddenly appeared a piece of golden light.

These golden lights wandered continuously under Xiao Naihe's flesh, and suddenly, a very mysterious breath appeared.

Throughout the void, there seemed to be a momentum that was completely controlled by Xiao Naihe.

Between the words, there seemed to be some air turbulence in the manor.

Originally, Xiao Nai had set a ban on each of the legal seals in this manor, and even ordinary masters of the Ninth Realm could not feel anything from it.

When Xiao Naihe's golden iris was shrouded, Zhu Zi made a very happy cry.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I kind between me with with with with withdrawing will not die!

Then, in this burst of calls, Zhu Zi's voice slowly calmed down.

After a while, I saw a pious expression in Zhu Zi's eyes: "Put down the butcher's knife and stand on the ground to become a Buddha!"

Xiao Nai couldn't help but breathe out and secretly said: "This Buddha's way of probation is really different, it is too Xiao Nai He's spirit, it is more than the previous consumption with the Beiming evil war. If it is not this Zhu Zi himself has left a spirit body, otherwise I will consume more energy. "

Xiao Nai glanced at Zhu Zi, the soul of this god, and knew that Zhu Zi's current success had not yet been completed, but he wanted to know some information about the enemy in and after Zhu Zi.

"Say the true identity of the adult behind you." Xiao Nai He burst out with a word like thunder, as if it was half of the thunder burst, shaking the whole void.

Zhu Zi's face moved slightly, and there was a hint of piety in his voice: "Our grown-up is ..."

Just when Zhu Zi wanted to say his name, suddenly, he saw Zhu Zi's face change slightly and became extremely painful.

And Xiao Nai froze a little, then shouted: "A bit bad, retreat!"

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