Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1798: Break the status quo

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Since Xiao Naihe was reborn, although he has seen many masters of Jiuzhong, he has never seen so many masters of Jiuzhong realm gathered in one side.

Some of these people's strength may still be in the early nineth layer, some in the middle of the nineth layer, and even a few in the late nineth layer and the peak of the nineth layer.

If these strengths are united, I am afraid that I will be able to sit under the Danting immediately, the third largest force among the four realms.

Even Yantian Pavilion can't compare.

Although there are Xiao Naihe and the Night King in the Yan Tian Pavilion, and the immortal elders are also considered to be one, but behind these masters, there is also a mysterious adult.

The strength of the mysterious adult is not under Xiao Nai. ,

"Dozens of masters with nine levels of realm, if united, I am afraid I am not an opponent at all."

Xiao Nai thought about it secretly.

If these dozens of people attack Xiao Naihe together, Xiao Naihe may be able to kill some of them, but it will definitely pay a heavy price.

Of course, if Xiao Nai wants to go, these dozens of people can't leave Xiao Naihe no matter how powerful they are.

In Xiao Naihe's current state, no one in the world can kill Xiao Naihe completely.

Even the master of unity of origin is the same.

Of course, if such powerful people as Bai inorganic and Huang Lin are determined to kill Xiao Naihe, as long as he pays a little price, Xiao Naihe will soon lose his place.

Having said that, these dozens of masters of the nine-level realm, if they come to the 3,300 world, can definitely occupy any continent, and even the demon world and the demon world can be leveled overnight.

The forces of dozens of ninth levels are really terrible. Even the half-step passive masters such as Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang, once they meet these people, they are afraid that they will turn around and leave the next moment. considerate.

"Fortunately, these people didn't attack Yantian Pavilion collectively, otherwise Night King and I, even if we borrowed time and place, could solve some of them, Yan Tian Pavilion would have to be defeated. But also, these people united In addition to Danting and God Realm, almost no sect and power can resist. However, it can be seen that if you do not use the power of these dozens of people, I am afraid that there is definitely a big purpose behind. "

Xiao Nai suddenly said.

What kind of idea is the interracial, but there are so many masters.

However, even if dozens of masters with nine levels can destroy most of the forces in the world, in the face of the masters of the unity of the origin, I am afraid that there is no shaking power.

Survivors of other worlds should also know that even if they want to occupy the entire first plane, only Bai Ganfei and Fu Mengwu will be able to succeed.

Unless the realm of this stranger survivor has reached the origin of unity, there will be capital for competition.

"It's not more than six thousand years ago now. Once these different kinds of life have been hiding for more than six thousand years, they have developed such a large background quietly. What do they want to do? Unless the assimilation is possible, Bai inorganic, The master of Fu Mengwu came down, and dozens of people were finished in an instant. "

As soon as Xiao Nai thought, he raised his head, and the dozens of people had all put their eyes on the front.

"Mad Army, this time you lost all your flesh. What happened? Are you monitoring that Xiao Nai? How did it fall to this point?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Xiao Naihe's ear.

"That was the man I saw in front of Yantian Pavilion, the man named Liu Shan?"

When the mad army talked to himself, he heard that the man who had fought against the Night King in front of Yantian Pavilion was called Liushan, and now he appeared in front of him.

"After Liu Shan played with me and the Night King, his appearance remained unchanged, and there was some faint skill in vagueness. I don't know if it was due to the contest."

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, then the mad army smiled bitterly: "Liushan, you are right, then Xiao Nai is not an ordinary person, the nineth peak, the integration of the three major principles. Although he is not in the realm of Taikoo Saint, Talent is definitely not under the Archaic Saints. "

Liu Shan nodded, thoughtfully, glanced at the new flesh of the mad army, and suddenly said: "That Xiao Naihe is really powerful, I finally understand why the adults are looking for Xiao Naihe, it seems that Xiao Naihe's body, There must be some secrets. Maybe it ’s a great opportunity for us to make a comeback. "

"Zongsheng Yimai is now out of the mountain. He seems to have begun to join some masters in the 3,300 world. He wants to form a three-legged form with adults and Huanglin, which is enough to fight against the white inorganic **** realm."

"The guy Zong Sheng sent someone to deal with Huang Ming's big disciple Bei Mingxie, and wanted to recruit Bei Mingxie, but it seems that something happened without success."

"This person of Huang Lin is the Lord of the Court of Pagoda, and it is the most powerful force in the Nine Heavens Realm, and this person of Huang Lin, like Bai Gan, is a legendary character who has united the origin and stepped into the passive realm. Adult and Zong Sheng It has not yet been restored to this state, and it must definitely be connected to other forces outside to be able to form a standing form with God Realm and Dan Ting. "


When Xiao Nai heard this, he suddenly started the conversation between Zhu Zi and Yang Peng. The former name of Huang Lin was called "Emperor".

There are some masters in Taikoo. The single name and one word, such as ‘Saint’ and ‘Hong’, are the most top masters in Taikoo.

And Huang Lin in the ancient times simply called the word "emperor", but it was nothing. Xiao Naihe had some expectations.

"However, Huang Lin seems to have a great relationship with their aliens, and so is Bai inorganic. What happened to the Sixth World Jihad?"

Since the third plane is going to attack the first plane, it is definitely not a good thing to decide in a day or two. I am afraid that in the countless eras, the two planes are connected and will never wait until six. Before the outbreak of the Jihad, the two planes were connected.

The three planes are all located in Taiyu, but if you want to shuttle between different planes, if you do n’t have the chance to be led by an expert, I am afraid that you will be easily lost in Taiyu.

When Beinanyi achieved the passive state, he had the ability to shuttle between different planes.

"Although the purpose of these alien life is now, they can't turn over the storms and waves."

Although he has a big hatred with Bai inorganic, Xiao Naihe has to admit that as long as Bai inorganic is present, then these alien life do not want to repeat the Six Worlds Jihad.

Nowadays, a white inorganic has withstood all the different life now.

"But just now I heard someone's name from their mouth, called Zong Sheng. Listening to the introduction, it seems to be the mysterious person behind Zhu Zi. The tone of listening seems like there is still a conflict between these two different life factions."

Xiao Nai let go of her thoughts and listened.

Liu Shan leapt up and sat on another beam of light, slowly said: "Adult has said, Zong Sheng this person's mind is spicy, and very bold, since he dare to send someone to deal with the imperial disciple's big disciple I have my own grasp. But I heard that Beimingxie stepped into the ninth peak and its strength is still above me. Zong Sheng dared to fight the other party's idea, I was afraid that some secret means would not be used. "

"Zong Sheng this person has to be guarded, but Xiao Naihe can't let go. Listening to the tone of the adult, it seems that he wants to get something from Xiao Shengzi's body, or move his hands and feet."

The mad army groaned a little, and then spoke again. Suddenly, a burst of light shone from the depths, as if it were black spots, constantly expanding.

In an instant, it has spread to the front.

"Adult is here."

Not only the mad army and Liu Shan, but dozens of masters on the beam of light, they bowed their heads again and looked respectfully.

Suddenly, this white light rolled into a net of light, spread out in the void, and fell down, as if a avenue formed by a moonlight.

And a figure gradually came out from under Yuehua, and the air flow was rolling.

"I've seen Master Guanhai!"

Dozens of people spoke in unison!

Guan Hai smiled slightly: "Mad Army, I also know about this time, you are indeed wronged."

The mad army heard the words of watching the sea, and immediately looked excited, "can serve for adults, even the Ma Ge shroud will not hesitate."

When Xiao Nai was in the meson, a star chart suddenly appeared: "Is this person the alien master who met me on the Yantian Pavilion? This person's power is no longer in the flower phase, he is in a half step. Between passive and original unity. "

Xiao Naihe knew that this person must be like him, and Zeng Jin is also a passive state, but because of what he wants to degenerate to the present state.

However, even if it is degenerating, this man named Guan Hai should be the one closest to the passive state that Xiao Naihe has seen today.

Not even the body of Tiandao is so close.

"Adult, the subordinates are not talented. They were discovered by Xiao Naihe and forced to do it. But in the end, he was destroyed by two avatars before he escaped." Kuangjun was ashamed.

Watching the sea and nodding, beckoning, the first thought shrouded in the mad army.

"This new flesh was made by Wannian Ganoderma lucidum, among which the beasts I caught before were extracted from the blood. This failure is nothing! After all, Xiao Naihe is the heir of Taigusheng, the most Close to the existence of Taigusheng, I heard that he had played against the 'Emperor' this time. "

"What?" It's not just a mad army. His face changed drastically even after listening.

At this moment, the smile on Guan Hai's face became brighter and brighter, and it seemed to mean something else: "Although you failed this time, you lost to Xiao Naihe, but you also made great achievements. Bring people here ... "

The mad army shivered when he heard it.

Liu Shan was also slightly surprised, and his complexion suddenly changed.

"Step back."

Liu Shan burst into tears, and his blood was vigorous, as if shocked.

"This guy found me?" Xiao Nai froze for a moment, immediately knowing that Guanguan had already noticed his existence.

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