Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1799: Watch the sea

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At this moment, Xiao Naihe also knew that his whereabouts had been discovered.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Nai turned into a meson form, suddenly a ray of white smoke emerged.

This white smoke is actually Xiao Naihe's spiritual power.

After drilling out, the spiritual force floated from the top of the mad army at a very ghostly speed.

"what happened?"

The mad army is still dazed.

Liushan, however, had noticed something in an instant. I saw that his whole body was running with energy and blood. With one shot, the punch seemed to be a tiger coming down the mountain, and the whole void was shocked.

"Sure enough someone attached to the mad army and actually sneaked into our territory."

Liu Shan burst into a blast, and when that punch came out, there was a shock around him, as if the thunder sound broke, and when he brushed it, a white light flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

Before the mad army responded, Liushan's punch came to the top of his head, a punch on the left, a grab on the right, and a white smoke on the front.

"Exterminate me."

I saw Liu Shan catching it all, and the airflow around Zhou Kong was all poured back to the front. It seemed that the wind was blowing out. When a trillion spiritual powers turned into a shock, it burst like this.

"Missing Golden Retreat!"

Xiao Naihe's voice seemed to be a ghost, light and fluttering.

But after the five words came out, they finally split into a **** figure.

It seems that the sun and moon are contained in this **** figure, and the whole small world is said to be received.

At the next moment, I saw a **** figure drilled out of the white smoke, directly striking Liushan's fist, and struck Liushan's effort to grab it!


Liu Shan couldn't believe that he twitched the strength of his body in an instant, and he was bounced off like this.

"Mad Army, did you actually put people in?"

"You traitor."

"Should be executed!"

All kinds of different life above the beam of light clamored, pointing at the mad army with anger.

But at this time, the mad army's face was already ugly to the extreme, and he didn't know what to explain, only to see him open his mouth and was about to say something.

Then Guanhai patted Kuangjun's shoulder and smiled lightly: "I know this is not your fault. Even when I came in just now, I didn't feel it for the first time."

"grown ups……"

The mad army was moved, but he didn't expect only Master Guanhai to come forward, but when he was grateful, his heart was also shocked. This person could even hide the past when Master Guanhai flew in the first time. How did he do it?

"Who the **** is it that he was attached to me at this time, even I didn't find it. If it wasn't seen by an adult, I'm afraid I really became a sinner."

The mad army couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

Everything that happens here is confidential. Once the news that their alien life is still alive is spread out, I am afraid that everyone in the four realms will come to suppress them.

At that time, the plane war launched by their outside world was called the Six World Jihad in this first plane, which caused many masters in the 3,300 world to die and destroy the Daomen. How much hatred.

Those in the Four Realms who have come from the Holy Realm of the Six Realms must surely be afraid of their lives in other worlds. Do n’t look at many people in these Four Realms who are in the civil war. Once the people watching the sea go out, their identity will be exposed come out.

I'm afraid that those powerful in the civil war in the four realms will immediately unite and destroy the mad army, Liu Shan and others.

It is no longer more than six thousand years ago, and Master Guanhai has long ceased to exist as a passive state.

But in God Realm, there are two masters who step into the passive.

A white player and a husband can destroy them.

Even if they have dozens of forces in the ninth realm, they are still not as strong as the one with the same source.

"Is this person a master of unity of origin? Right? Right, if it is a master of unity of origin, then there must be many great magical means, without having to be attached to me."

Thoughts flashed in the mind of the mad army, thinking of this.

After the white smoke spread out, a flame was finally formed, and a figure emerged from the flame.

"The Seals of the Heavens!"

Five big characters, the words are like thunder, and the sound of thunder bursts out.

Suddenly, a huge seal of law descended from the sky, directly at the front, and fell hard in front of the mad army.

Afterwards, I saw Xiao Nai's five-finger squeeze of this seal turned in a reverse direction, just a shot at Liu Shan facing the attachment.

"not good."

Suddenly, that dangerous feeling came out of his heart. Liu Shan knew not well. I saw his body quickly drilled, as if he was picked up by a halo.

However, although Liushan tried his best to resist, he still did not have time to avoid it. It should be correct with Xiao Naihe's method. His hands were covered with qi and blood to form a defensive border, but he did not expect to be hit hard by Xiao Naihe. open.

For a time, Liu Shan only felt that his body seemed to be overturning the river and the sea, and there was a feeling that both the soul and the flesh and blood must be broken up.

Since he stepped into the late stage of Jiuzhong, there have been few such embarrassing situations.

The last time it appeared, it was against Yan Naihe in front of Yantiange Mountain Gate not long ago and was repelled by the other party.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Liu Shan seemed to have thought of something. Suddenly his face changed, and he raised his head. His eyes suddenly burst out with a fine awn. When he saw the figure in front, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"It's you! No wonder I couldn't stop me just now."

Both Liu Shan and Kuang Jun saw Xiao Naihe's face, and recognized it in a moment.

"Liu Shan, who is this person?"

There was a sound from the thirteenth beam of light on the east side.

"This man is Xiao Naihe, the legendary son of the Three Cultivators."

Liu Shan's voice became a bit bitter, and he was defeated twice in Xiao Naihe's succession. The taste was really uncomfortable.

If it were n’t for Guanhai ’s impression of Xiao Naihe ’s impression, I was afraid that he would be defeated by the opponent twice in a row, and Liu Shan was already in a state of mind.

"He is Xiao Naihe? Even the Kuangjun and Liushan can't help each other? Sure enough, it's just as the name suggests, but I can't. The old man will give you a trick."

The figure on the thirteen beams of light appeared, and suddenly it seemed like a lightning figure quickly shot, only to see the other party's five fingers and a grasp, flew to the front in a very weird posture, a fierce grasp, as if to give the entire void Scratch through.

Subsequently, the blood on the figure burst out, and it was actually the master of the late Jiuzhong.

"Empty Jianmang!"

I saw that the old man grabbed it with his hand toward the front, as if grabbing the wind and waving it smoothly.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!

This wind seemed to come to life in an instant, and actually formed a white sword spirit, so he rushed out towards the front one by one.

At the next moment, the sword gas surged, it seemed to break the world, even this pagoda had a touch of shock.

This is not an ordinary tower, but made of some shocking materials, and it has planted many magic seals and prohibitions against magical powers. It can be said that it is more stable than any Taoist door in the world.

A single pagoda is no longer under any Taoism of the late nineth layer in the world.

Even the masters of the Ninth Peak have a full blow, and they may not be able to blow down the entire pagoda.

But this old man actually caused the pagoda to shake up in one hand, which shows how powerful the old man is.


Xiao Naihe's expression remained the same. Since he was discovered, he never thought of being afraid of the hands and feet. When he saw him catching it, he was also learning to catch the old man in the void, but also caught the wind.

"I will also give you a sword spirit."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and his tone was lightly understated. He grabbed it slightly in the void, and suddenly released a fine mane in his hand.

Whirring whirring……

The wind is rolling wildly.

The two sword qi flashed Jianmang and collided in the void.

The next moment, as if Mars hit the earth, there was a fission.

This tower layer was actually shaken again when these two sword qis collided.

Unlike the old man's sword, there are four different powers in Xiao Naihe's sword.

On the surface, the best morals of humanity, demon Taoism, and Buddhism Taoism, and at the same time, they exerted the ‘promise countercurrent’ to enhance their spiritual power.

In this way, a twitch in the void, the sword gas exploded, actually overshadowed the old man's sword.

Afterwards, Jianmang waved as if sweeping a thousand armies, and hurled forward to crush the old sword light.

"What? The proud Jianmang I am proud of ... How can he ... Even a genius master, it is impossible to learn at a glance."

The old man spit blood and was forced to go back by Xiao Naihe's Jianmang.


Looking at the sea, he seemed to think of something, but he didn't do anything.

If you watched the sea at this time, wouldn't it mean that the people on their behalf were not as good as Xiao Nai? These people all know the truth, and now an action to get rid of the infiltrator has actually formed a farce of battle.

"I can't do this. Xiao Shengzi is so powerful, let's help."

Suddenly, six people flew from the other six beams.

Xiao Naihe glanced at it. Four of these six people are in the early stage of the 9th Chongzhong and two are in the middle of the 9th Chongzhong.

I saw the six people's bodies flickering, as if the star burst apart and merged together.

"Incorporate Taoism? There is such a Taoism in the outside world."

Xiao Naihe's encounter with these alien life is just two or three times, and the two or three encounters are in a single face.

So Xiao Naihe is still curious about these masters from the outside world. He would like to see why the outside world can squeeze out the Buddha Road and become the second generation of six sources.

"Nine stars and seven brakes! Suppression!"

With a bang, these six qi and blood were urged, and a qi and blood Jinglong appeared above the head, rushing to the top.

Inside the tower, it looks like a small world, with heaven and earth, mountains and water, and the sun and the moon, and the air.

The two qi and blood Jinglong rushed into the sky, and they immediately penetrated to break the entire void.

"Why is the Taoism of six people called Jiuxing Qisha!"

Xiao Nai He thought, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes.

"So it turns out, from nine to nine, from seven to six!"

Xiao Nai thought of something, then a smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho's brow drilled the first light.

It seems to be the light of Taoism condensed with the six people, but the **** Jinglong that Xiao Naihe used to get out of his head is not the illusory appearance of the six of them, but a real real ghost.

He Xiao Nai originally had true dragon essence and blood in his body, and after seeing the existence of Zulong, he had already had a very profound research on the dragon.

The real blood and blood dragon that had gathered together suddenly shouted.


The tower layer shook slightly, and all the power suddenly poured in.

"Ah? Could he be our nine stars and seven brakes?"

The faces of the six people became really interesting, blue and white, and the shock flashing in their eyes was like electric light, very dazzling.

"Get me down."

Xiao Naihe looked at the Taoism of the six people, as if he was slow, and cast it in front of his eyes.

Since Xiao Nai and He Rongdao succeeded, they have been extremely keen on the various avenues.

"It's impossible, he is clearly not a person in our world, why can we practice our Taoism?"

The mad army's complexion changed greatly.

"No, you see, this Taoism practiced by Xiao Nai does not have the breath of Taoism in our alien world, but condenses Buddhism, humanity, and demonism, and merges with each other. Look carefully, although his Taoism It ’s the same as ours, but it ’s not a real interracial avenue. "

Liu Shan said suddenly.

The mad army nodded!

That qi-blood true dragon actually shattered and swallowed all six qi-blooded Jinglong in this way, and the next moment, it was directly suppressed by the six people.

"It's amazing, this man really is the legend of the Son, I'm not as good as him."

A man suppressed by Xiao Naihe suddenly shouted.

Although they are all alien life, they are no different from the monks in the 3,300 world, and they also have great respect for the strong.

At this time, I was shocked to see Xiao Naiho's such a powerful force, but also admired Xiao Naihe very much.

"I'll see you later."

At this moment, from the first beam of light suddenly came the next figure.

When this figure came down, the airflow around it seemed to shatter all kinds of magical powers.

"Nine heavy peaks!"

Xiao Naihe's expression flicked lightly, knowing that this shot was not easy.

But the same is fearless, if before the Tao, Xiao Nai may have three points of fear.

But now Xiao Naihe has already succeeded in integrating the Tao. Although he is in the state of the ninth peak, if according to the saying in the world of 3,300, now Xiao Naihe is a half-step passive existence, even vaguely. About a half-step passive legend.

The successful fusion of the Dao, the fusion of the four avenues, is no less than that of a cultivator who is less than the supreme realm. Suddenly, he became the creator of the world overnight and opened the earth.

"Come on, come on **!"

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and the powers of Buddhism and Demon Dao unfolded together, combining the "Rulai Mudra" and the "Great God Wheel of the Heavens".

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows condensed a ruling body, but he didn't have the breath of Buddhism and Taoism. Instead, he was filled with the absolute spirit of demon Taoism, which was extremely strange.

At that moment, the Buddha can also kill people!

"** Now!"

Xiao Naihe hovered in one hand, and a huge ** suddenly spun around in the sky, as if toppling the entire river.

In that aura, all the void should be smashed away.

"This is the Son of Three Cultivators? Okay, take me to the sky!"

This master of the Nine-level Peak also has a strength in his eyebrows, but it is different from Xiao Naihe's **, but a French seal.

** The French seal appeared, and a golden light came out in the void, as if a golden ocean was formed in an instant, rolling everyone up.

That kind of collision between different forces, incomparably magnificent, Xiao Naihe could almost feel that the other side was putting all their attention on themselves at the moment of the shot.


After three bursts of words, there was a trace of cruelty on the face of the master of the Nine Heavy Peaks, and he took a step forward, thinking that when this French seal was taken out, Xiao Naihe and his opponent's punishment had been eliminated.

"The original road is like this, the Alien World Avenue really has its own charm. It is no wonder that it can squeeze out the Buddha Road and become one of the second generation of six sources in this era of heaven and earth."

Xiao Naihe's voice suddenly spread from the thick black mist.

In the next moment, it was another **, which fell from the sky and smashed hard in front of the other party.

"Lei Jiu, you retreat. Xiao Shengzi has succeeded in melting the Tao, equivalent to my half-step passive existence, you are not his opponent."

At this time, Guanhai finally made a sound. I saw Guanhai walking ahead and waving his hands. Suddenly, the spurs burst out in his hands, and a vortex was formed, which turned Xiao Naihe's ** stop.

At that moment, the gas field of the entire tower layer seemed to have changed, and Xiao Naihe's expression was more cautious.

He is a master, and he is not inferior to himself.

"You are just looking at the sea, the one who was in front of the Yantian Pavilion and split up a split idea with me?"

Xiao Nai's eyes moved, and suddenly he thought of what happened on Yantian Pavilion.

This view of the sea nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, at that time, it was also to save my subordinates, and then sent out part of his avatar mind, and dealt with the Son, I hope the Son will not be surprised."

"Well, since you let me eat a secret loss at that time, I will get back the scene first now, don't know if you agree?"

Xiao Naihe also smiled faintly.

"I also want to try the strength of Xiao Shengzi and be able to play against the legendary Sanxiu Son, which is not easy!"

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