Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1820: Nirvana

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Xiao Naihe's figure moved as he walked deep into the secret realm.

Suddenly, a flash of red light wrapped Xiao Naihe's whole person.

Now Xiao Naihe has not fully recovered to the original peak state, but at least it can be compared with the general nine-fold peak.

"what is this?"

From Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, a golden light suddenly emerged, glorious and moving, and the majestic energy was like a rush of water, caught in the surrounding sky, and the red light above was directly drawn in.

Everywhere ...

After the red light broke, it turned into three beams of light. When these three beams of light were irradiated, Xiao Nai was directly trapped.

"Finally someone came in."

"How many years? I just feel like I have passed an era."

"You fart, no matter how powerful we are, it is impossible to survive an era and escape the fate of heaven and earth."

At this moment, three sounds came out of the beam of light, and the masters of these three sounds seemed to emerge from the beam of light.

Xiao Naihe's face changed, and the spiritual power in her body suddenly seemed to be a divine light, bursting out of every hole of his own.

Suddenly, Xiao Naihe's strength was extremely exciting.

Although not as good as the previous self in the peak period, it is still in the state of the ninth peak.


Xiao Naihe did not expect that there were other people in this ruin.

This is where? This is below the boundary river, although not the deepest, but under the boundary river, the crisis is heavy, and even half of the passive existence is reluctant to enter it, full of death.

But now three people suddenly appeared, which didn't shock Xiao Nai.

For a time, Xiao Naihe's whole person's strength was urged to the extreme, and he was ready to explode at any time. As long as there were any rash actions in the three beams of light in the front, Xiao Nai He must take action in an instant.

"Actually the peak of Jiuzhong? And I think his years and rings should not exceed twenty-six! It's so young, even when the old man was at this age, he wasn't in Jiuzhong."

"Old man, don't be so stinky. When you were twenty-six years old, you might not even be the best."

"You are the same, it's not as good as me. I remember you were still in the God's air before you were thirty."

The three people who were talking actually quarreled.

Xiao Naihe's expression is a little weird, but he didn't have any relaxation, his eyes still flashed a little light.

I saw his hands move, and a book of Sudden Suddenly appeared on top of his head, that is, the Four Classics.

"Huh? That's ..."

At this moment, the three quarreling sounds suddenly stopped, and one of them said, "What is this? Why do I feel that there is a source of power on it? This kid clearly has only the Ninefold Realm, but I am in his scriptures. Feel the power of the source? "

"Obviously, the one above the head of this child should be one of the six Dodge Books, which has a lot of demon power, and it should be the heavenly demon code. He wants to be behind the demon gate."

"No, it's not demon's way. It should be after our Buddhist door. You see there is a layer of golden light in him. That's the same as the 'Rulai's handprint' handed down from Shakyah.

"You are all wrong, it should be after my humanity. His Daoist breath is clearly full of humane breath, which is already the source of humanity in disguise."

"It doesn't seem right, I seem to feel the breath of the guy" Hong "in his scriptures. Is he a descendant of" Hong ", after the Wu people?"

The three voices immediately argued, all around the narrative of Xiao Naihe's head.

Hearing Xiao Naiho here, a sudden shock in his heart: "Hong? Could it be Taigu Hong, one of the ancestors of the Wu people? It should be. From their tone, these three people seem to be too ancient. People. Is it still possible to pass down the ancient ruins from this ruin? "

Xiao Nai was shocked.

From the life passed down from the ancient times, now Xiao Nai has only seen three people.

One is Zulong, the top master among Taikoo Zhenlong.

The other is the ontology of Heavenly Dao.

The last one is Huang Lin.

In the ancient times, Huang Lin sealed a world, and Xiao Nai knew before he entered the realm.

But he didn't expect that there are still three ancient lives in this ruin.

"No, you should not be an archaic life. You are obviously dead. You are not a living person. Are you an archaic spirit?"

Between Xiao Naihe's words, his hands moved, and suddenly the light in the three beams of light collided, and suddenly three figures appeared.

These three people are old and young, and middle-aged!

Although it doesn't seem to know their age on the outside, Xiao Naihe knows that if these three people are really alive, they might all be tens of thousands of years old.

"Yes, we are indeed dead. As early as when we played against Chen Beixuan, we were already dead!"

One of the old men sighed softly, and his tone was full of pity.

When Xiao Nai heard it, he raised his brow: "Chen Beixuan?"

"Hey, you may not know the name Chen Beixuan, but if you say heaven, then you should know it?"

"Right? Is it Heavenly Dao?"

Xiao Nai moved around, a look of surprise in his eyes.

The current Taoist ontology was handed down from Taikoo. Xiao Nai didn't know how many days of Taoism were inherited, but from what the old man said, Tiandao ontology has been inherited for at least two generations.

"Now there should be Heavenly Dao in this heaven and earth, but the first generation of Heavenly Dao is Chen Beixuan. After he achieved Heavenly Dao, he controlled the order of the human world, and finally wanted to extend his hand into the demon and Buddha realm. , The three of our talents will work together to deal with Chen Beixuan. "

The middle-aged man seemed to recall something, suddenly said.

Although these three people are in a state of soul, Xiao Nai can feel an unfathomable aura from them.

These three people are afraid that they existed in the state of passive state during their lifetime, and they still have the same kind of passive existence.

"I didn't expect the three of you to be the first generation of Tian Dao ontology, and the existence of Tian Dao is not ordinary people. Especially the first generation of Tian Dao, I am afraid that compared to today's peak of Tian Dao ontology How much. "

Xiao Nai He gave a slight meal, "Then three of you are dead, what about Chen Beixuan?"

"You said Chen Beixuan? He was also dead, and like the three of us, he fell into this space."

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