Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1821: The secret of the five declines of heaven and man

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"Chen Beixuan fell here ..."

Xiao Naiho's head seemed to be buzzing, his body shook slightly, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Who is Chen Beixuan, that is the first person in heaven.

The first heavenly figure in this era of heaven and earth was also the first batch of masters to enter the passive realm.

The characters who can reach this point are all powerful to a terrifying level of understanding of the unity of origin.

When Xiao Naihe became a demon in the past, although he also entered the passive state, but in terms of his understanding of the unity of the source, Xiao Naihe said nothing like the character of Bai inorganic.

Similarly, the first generation of Tiandao Chen Beixuan, I am afraid that it is a character like Bai inorganic, which is definitely more powerful by three points than when he was at his peak.

But even such a powerful person, who actually fell here, could not help but shock Xiao Naihe.

"Chen Beixuan is indeed a generation of arrogance, actually the first person who can exist in this era of heaven and earth. The three of us joined together, but they just died with him. It is a pity to think about it now.

One of the old men sighed softly. This old man should be a master of passive realm in humanity. Although he is just a body of gods and spirits, his eyes are like a flame burning, very dazzling.

"It's true that Chen Beixuan is the first person of Heavenly Dao, maybe it is really possible to step into a higher level, maybe he will be like the predecessors at that time, and he will survive the fate of Heaven and Man."

It was a bald-headed monk speaking. This bald-headed monk, like Xiao Naihe, exuded a transcendent power of Buddhism and Taoism, which should be comparable to himself, and all stepped into the realm of Yang 960.

At this time, Xiao Naihe's two main sources in the body have reached the passive level.

One is the "Demons of the Heavens" that has just been reborn in Nirvana.

The other is the Rulai handprint.

If Xiao Nai gave up witchcraft and humanism, any source of the demon Buddha alone can immediately achieve the passive level and step into the unity of the source.

Of course, if Xiao Nai and Demon Buddha practice double cultivation, it will not take long to enter the passive state.

"But what's the use of this? The Bai Bai guy didn't know how much better than me. Even if I stepped into the passive state by relying on the ability of double cultivation of Shinto, it was still not as good as Bai inorganic. At least it needs three cultivations."

Xiao Naihe had a thought in his heart and had a deep understanding of his own strength. During his speech, Xiao Naihe suddenly thought of the sentence that the old man just said.

"Wait, just now, you said, step into a higher level above the passive realm and ride through the five decays of heaven and man? As far as I know, there is no way in this passive realm, and you have to ride through the five decays of heaven and man, It's almost impossible. "

Xiao Naihe asked quickly.

"How is it impossible? It seems that you don't know how many epochs have been experienced in this first plane. Our epoch should be in the middle and late stages, but in so many epoch eras before, can we only repair to the passive state? This step? Child, you are too naive. "

"The passive realm, the unification of the origin, frees the flesh, the soul and the heavens and the earth. Although it is detached from time and space, at most it can only shuttle through the plane space and enter the depths of Taiyu."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and he did not step into the state of passiveness. He knew very much about the unity of the source.

When he was a celestial demon at that time, although he was good, at most he could only go to Taiyu and enter the second plane or even the third plane.

However, these two planes have become desperate and cannot survive.

"You have such a deep understanding of the passive realm. If it is not your physical soul, the annual rings do not exceed 26, I really think you are the reincarnation of the passive old monster!"

A white-bearded spirit body said, only to see him stretch out a lazy waist. From the outsider's point of view, the old man's movements were very impolite, and he didn't twist to the extreme.

But Xiao Naihe saw that the old man's simple action was full of the charm of the road, which was far from what Xiao Naihe could understand at this time.

"Demon spirit breath?"

Xiao Nai was stunned for a moment. The breath of this old man was the breath that he had cultivated to the demon himself, and stepped into the passive release.

"Hey, you also know the demon yuan. It seems that you have inherited the source of the demon path. You are practicing the demon codes of the heavens."

There was a hint of surprise in the old man's eyes, knowing that Xiao Nai was also a demon, and he could not help but become friendly.

Xiao Naihe did not hide, and nodded slightly.

"Although the monsters of the heavens are the original books of reorganization since the birth of this era of heaven and earth. But have n’t you thought about the fact that the origins are also passed down in the era of the era before. For example, the humane you cultivated in Know that from the first era of this face, it will be passed down to the present. "

Xiao Nai suddenly changed his face when he heard it.

He was also a clever figure, and as soon as he heard the old man, he immediately knew what the old man wanted to say.

"You mean that even the inheritance of the origin can be passed to other eras, so those existences that transcend the origin itself can also survive the five declines of heaven and earth?"


That's right, it is like the origin of Buddhism and Taoism. It has been passed down from the last era. Since even the Taoism can pass through the five declines of heaven and man, it is passed down.

Xiao Nai somewhat understood that he had actually entered a misunderstanding for so many years.

He thought that if he wanted to get through the five decays of heaven and earth, perhaps he could only take the path of creating a road, but the road was three thousand, and the creating road was only one of them.

"Senior, the understanding of" Dao "is far below, thank you for your guidance."

The master comes first, although Xiao Naihe's current experience in Sixiu Avenue is not under anyone in the world.

But the old man's comprehension of Dadao is indeed higher than himself. Besides, this old man was originally a life in the ancient times. To salute him was not a shameful thing.

Xiao Nai can speculate that these three people were at their peak, and they were afraid that they would be even better than they were when they were the demon. Otherwise, they would not have such a thorough understanding of the Tao.

"You don't have to be so arrogant, I just learned from the experience of my predecessors, and all of my experience is derived from the predecessors of the previous era."

"What? Did the old gentleman have seen the masters of the era before?" Xiao Nai was shocked.

The old man's face was slightly embarrassed and shook his head: "That's not true. I just inherited some opportunities from the previous era. These experiences were obtained from those opportunities."

"It turns out so."

Xiao Na couldn't help but be silent.

Afterwards, the original bald head suddenly said nothing, "Children, the poor monks see how you find it in your body, and there is a reverent breath. Could you inherit the chance of Sakyamuni in the last era?"


The three gods and souls suddenly exclaimed, and there was a trace of horror in their eyes.

The spiritual body that cultivated humanity couldn't help but spread the voice: "This is terrible. He actually inherited two major sources in his body. No, he still has humanity and witchcraft in him. Boy, tell me honestly, are you four? Repair the avenue? "

"I did cultivate demon, buddha, humane and witchcraft." Xiao Nai did not conceal.

"That's it, good fellow. In addition to the two ways of the demon and the Buddha, your witchcraft is also the source of power. And your humanity seems to be close to the source. If your humane practice reaches a higher level, you can transform To become a true humane source, it will be the four major sources by then. "The old humane sighed softly.

The bald monk continued: "This is more than that, this donor has four cultivation paths, and he has now built the ninth peak, and if the poor monk is not wrong, you have already succeeded in the way of the donor. If the path is successful, step into the no. The source immediately has the ability to survive the five declines of heaven and man. "

The other two gods sighed separately.

That's right, if these three people were alive, they would only be more powerful than Xiao Nai's last life.

But what about it, still can't escape the fate of heaven and man.

But Xiao Naihe is different. If he succeeds in creating the Tao, and the world will enter the end of the Dharma period in the future, if the heavens and the earth are in five declines, tens of billions and hundreds of billions of life will be lost, but Xiao Naihe can survive, this is the most Powerful means.

"The three seniors, the Chen Beixuan you said, can he also ignore the five declines of heaven and man?" Xiao Nai suddenly asked.

The old humane nodded and shook his head again, so Xiao Nai was confused.

"Chen Beixuan is unfathomable, even if there is a passive state, he is also the top person in this level. He should be able to step into a higher level, there is no way above the passive, we do not have this I know. But Chen Beixuan is indeed very likely to survive the five failures of heaven and man. "

"At that time, it was most likely to step on the passive, and to survive the five declines of the heaven and earth, there were only four people. The first one is Chen Beixuan. This person is the first person of heaven, and naturally has this qualification."

"The second one is called" Hong ", and we have some grudges. This person is the ancestor of the Wu clan. The first guy to practice the" Yu Chen Wu Lu ", at that time he seemed to have created a unique school called" Tianlun Shenxiao " "Picture," claims to be able to survive the five failures of heaven and earth, although some patience, but how can it succeed. "The old humane said here, suddenly a cold smile.

Taikoo Hong?

Xiao Na couldn't help but think of the "Tian Lun Shen Xiao Tu" relic of Tai Guhong.

"Tianlun Shenxiao I also know, why is it impossible to succeed?"

"Huh, although this guy was shocked, he was absolutely gorgeous, but he didn't correct it, but instead he walked away. That day, Lun Shenxiao Tuchuang was gathered from the blood of Wu clan children. Every time it takes hundreds of thousands or more The blood of a million children. There are few Maori people. Where can you stand Hong's experiment? But in order to control the other three realms, he was united by several passive masters and bombed together. "

Another demon's spirit body waved his hand, and he was reluctant to mention Taikoo Hong.

Xiao Nai He moved a little in his heart, and he suddenly thought that before getting the ‘Tianlun Shenxiao Map’, Bai Fei did n’t seem to care about the ‘Tianlun Shenxiao Map’.

You have to know that the "Tianlun Shenxiao Picture" was claimed to be able to survive the five decays of heaven and earth, but Bai inorganic was actually unmoved, and it was directly torn apart.

Did the guy already know that the ‘Tianlun Shenxiaotu’ could not be achieved at that time? What is the origin of Bai inorganic?

"The third one is a bit like your kid. He is called 'Holy'. This son is the existence of Sanxiu Avenue. Before we died, this son had already stepped into the ninth and one yuan, and he had begun to melt the Tao. I don't know him now How is it? "The old humane suddenly sighed.

"Ancient Saint?"

Xiao Naihe took a slight look and said quietly: "The Saint has already sat down. At that critical moment when he created the Tao, he was calculated by the newly-increasing Tiandao body."

"Really? That's a pity." The bald monk also sighed, and all regretted in his tone: "The Heavenly Taoist has always been mysterious and has great ambitions. Even if Chen Beixuan died, the next generation of Heavenly Dao will still have the same temperament. "

"However, this generation of Tiandao is not much better. The incident that happened more than 6,000 years ago caused Tiandao to lose weight and degenerated from a passive economy."

Next, Xiao Nai also carefully collected the Six World Holy War more than 6,000 years ago.

After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, the eyes of these three old men could not help but reveal a hint of fineness, and slowly said: "We know the third plane, we also stepped into Taiyu and found the third place. At that time, the third plane in which the alien was located was not much Reiki, and almost until the end of the Dharma period, we knew that the third plane was at the end of the era. There is no other way but to return to the first plane. . "

"But I didn't expect that the alien race would launch the Six Worlds Jihad in order to occupy the first plane, but what really surprised me was that the alien race avenue would actually become the second generation source in this first plane."

"Amitabha!" The bald monk put his palms together: "The Interracial Avenue inherits countless eras and naturally has its own mysteries. Although it has squeezed out the origin of my great Buddha, I have to admit the mystery of the Interracial Avenue."

These three people could not help but discuss about the origin of the road.

"Each of these three people was above me at the peak, especially when the two demon cultivators were Buddhists. Although they were not practicing the original source book, their strength was no longer under the two main sources. It is a pity What ’s more, if they are alive, I can get some experience from them. "

Xiao Nai shook his head, and there was nothing but regret in his expression. Then his heart moved, and suddenly asked: "Yes, you said the last person who has the opportunity to survive the five declines of heaven and earth, who is it?"

The humane old man froze a little, pondered a bit, and a hint of fineness appeared in his eyes, slowly said: "This person's origin is mysterious, and I don't know the old man, but I only know that he calls himself 'Emperor'!"

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