Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1822: Advance in one fell swoop

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Xiao Nai was shocked. He found that his shock today should be the most since rebirth.

Even if the two worlds were humans, the total number of shocks could not be more secret than the three gods and souls said today.

"Emperor, do you say that person calls himself" Emperor "?"

"Yes, how do you know him?" The old humane's eyes lit up, as if capturing something in Xiao Naihe's expression.

Xiao Nai thought for a moment, and suddenly the thoughts moved, and a light and shadow condensed in his eyebrows, and the light and shadow converged into a form of law.

This is the projection of God's mind.

The appearance of ‘Huanglin’ appeared in this projection, and there were some breaths about Huanglin, Xiao Nai tried to simulate it as much as possible.

"Huh? It's him! This guy actually survived the Archaic? It's amazing, I didn't expect it."

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the three gods.

At this time, Xiao Naihe had become very calm. He vaguely knew that today he might be able to know some secrets about ‘Huanglin’ from the bodies of these three gods.

Guan Hai had already said that Huang Lin's former name was "Emperor", and Xiao Nai did not care much.

But hearing these three people's words today, Xiao Nai suddenly felt a mysterious and extreme charm from them.

Since Huang Lin survived from the ancient times, these three gods and souls knew nothing about him.

But why both Guanhai and Zongsheng also knew Huang Lin. Both Guanhai and Zongsheng were strangers. Even the former name of Huanglin knew this, which made Xiao Nai feel too surprised.

"This man named" Emperor "is now known as Huang Lin. I have dealt with him once. This person has a lot of strength. Although he hides a lot of skills, he is definitely the leader in the passive realm. The breath that comes down is not humane or Buddhist, it is more like an avenue that I have never seen before. "

Xiao Naiho slowly recalled his actions against Huang Lin.

"It turned out to be the case, but you don't know some things. Do you think that in this first plane, there are only" human, buddha, demon, witch, demon, and **** "? The original avenue? There are many sources of avenues. If these sources of avenues can still be passed down, there are no six sources of origin today, maybe dozens or even hundreds of sources. "

Upon hearing the words of the old humane, Xiao Nai suddenly realized, "Does the road that Huang Lin cultivates is actually the origin of the avenue inherited in other eras? No wonder, no wonder I can't feel the breath of the six origins in him. If this is really the case, what kind of person is this Huang Lin, who can actually practice the avenues of other eras? Isn't he survived from other eras? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Na couldn't help but feel a kind of absurdity.

If Huang Lin really survived from other eras, does it mean that Huang Lin can survive the five decays of heaven and man, which is even more powerful than Bai inorganic?

"The emperor's mysterious origin is only higher than Chen Beixuan. We don't know his depth. If he is still alive, he is afraid that he has reached an extremely brilliant state." The bald monk sighed slightly.

Xiao Nai nodded his head. Huang Lin was afraid that he would be much more powerful than he thought. No wonder Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, and Huo Luo Wang all infiltrated into the God's competitive battle to get There is a chance secret about the imperial promotion of Huang Lin.

Moreover, Huang Lin does not seem to be very important to this secret. It seems that he can give it to others. What is the origin of this Huang Lin?

Suddenly, Xiao Nai felt a vacillation in the void, and the star above his head fell to the sky, shaking a bit, as if countless stars collided.

Suddenly produced a terrifying power, it is a taste of oppression of the soul. Xiao Naihe's flesh and soul have a torn feeling.

"This is ... Chen Beixuan's breath? Isn't he like us, the soul of the **** has not completely fallen, but is trapped in this relic?"

The old humane suddenly changed his face and looked, "Boy, how did you come in?"

Xiao Naiho told the three gods and souls that they stepped into the passive ruins between themselves and Long Aotian.

At this moment, the three people heard a strange expression on their faces. They glanced at each other and shook their heads, saying: "I didn't expect this to be the end! If I didn't guess wrong, this person should be the soul of Chen Beixuan The body did not fall completely, but maybe you moved your hands and feet on what you said about Long Aotian. "

"You mean ... Chen Beixuan wants to pass on his chance to Long Aotian?"

Xiao Nai **** raised his eyebrows. If this were the case, it would not be easy for Xiao Naihe to kill Long Aotian.

Now Xiao Naihe has not fully recovered to the peak period, at most it is the ordinary nine-fold peak. Even if there are two great fate tools, I am afraid that it is not so easy to win Long Aotian.

"Humph." The old humane smiled coldly: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. Chen Beixuan is stronger than any of the three of us. Although the spirits of the three of us can survive, we don't have much mental power anymore. Chen Beixuangui is a Heavenly Dao, and he has absorbed a lot of Heavenly Dao luck. He is more powerful than us, even if there is a God Soul Body, I am afraid that I can take the rebirth. "

The demon's soul body nodded: "Yes, I'm afraid that Chen Beixuan has another idea ..."

Xiao Naihe's face changed, and if Chen Beixuan took away Long Aotian, he was afraid that the first one would come to him by then.

Chen Beixuan's horror is definitely ten times and one hundred times stronger than Long Aotian!

All of a sudden, Xiao Naiho also felt the crisis.

The humane old man seemed to see the meaning of Xiao Naihe, and he laughed: "Chen Beixuan is powerful, but he has died for so many years, and his spirit is also weakened. Even if he can win, he wants to win a ninth peak. It takes at least five or six days to become an expert. If you can rise to the passive state within these five or six days, you do n’t have to be afraid of Chen Beixuan. "

Xiao Naihe looked weird, "Is it possible to rise to the passive state in five or six days? Is it possible?"

The three old men smiled awkwardly: "But you are four avenues of cultivation. If you practice one avenue alone, it will be no problem to rise to the passive state in five or six days, but the four avenues are too difficult. Unless the three of us are at their peak , It is possible to pass all of your essence to you. "

Then the old humane sighed softly: "Hey, if your kid is not a ninth peak, if it is just a level of the creator, maybe all three of us will be tempted to take away your flesh. But your physical strength is strong , The three of us are absolutely incapable of fusion. At that time, the soul of the soul has not yet entered your body, maybe it will disappear. "

These three gods and souls did not hide the desires in their hearts. At this time, starting from seeing the three of them, Xiao Naihe had vaguely felt some thoughts of their three gods and souls.

However, Xiao Nai was not afraid. The four avenues in his body were mixed, even if Chen Beixuan was the first person in Tiandao, he was afraid that he would not take away his own body.

"You do n’t have to be afraid, the three of us old guys are just gods and souls, and now we are showing up to talk to you, I am afraid that they will disappear after a while. Once the gods and souls are scattered, the spirits left in this ruin will It's a pity that it passed quickly, injected into the boundary river, and turned into nothingness. "

Xiao Naihe moved his face, looked up.

That's right, this relic is full of spiritual energy. If Xiao Nai can get a part of it, maybe he can recover to the peak in one fell swoop.

However, these auras are not under their own control and cannot be absorbed at all.

"The three of us and Chen Beixuan struggled for so long, and finally fell here. If we let him go out alive alone, we are too reconciled. Boy, we can use the last bit of spiritual power to send all the spirits in this relic. Here you are. You may be able to push you to the realm of destiny in one fell swoop. You have to promise to kill Chen Beixuan so that you can never go out, how? "

The eyes of the old humane are as bright as the moon, shining and pointing directly at the heart.

Xiao Naihe's face remained the same, but he moved secretly in his heart and began to consider some things.

Although the conditions of these three people are very attractive, they have to deal with Chen Beixuan themselves.

Who is Chen Beixuan? That was the first person in heaven.

Even if Xiao Naihe was in the peak period, that is, the time of his own demon in the previous life, I was afraid that he was not Chen Beixuan's opponent.

"But if Chen Beixuan seizes Long Aotian's body, then he will take control of Long Aotian's memory, knowing the things in this ruin, knowing my existence, I will definitely come to me. I will have to meet him sooner or later. It's better to promise these three people. "

Thought moved, Xiao Naihe finally nodded.

The three gods and souls laughed, relieved.

Among them, the bald monk smiled and said: "The donor is also a Buddhist cultivator. Although the poor monk passed this earthly spirit to you, it can be regarded as the inheritance of the poor monk."

"Yes, yes. Your kid inherits the mantle of the three of us. Remember the names of the three of us. My name is Zhao Juexian!"



The three said their names.

Xiao Naihe's eyes burst out with a gleam: "My name is Xiao Naihe."

"Okay, the spirit in this ruin was formed by the three of us after the fall of that year, and our own spiritual power was formed. If you absorb it, you may be able to advance to the passive state in one fell swoop. Absorb as much as you can. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Naihe suddenly turned black.

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