Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1827: Suppression of heaven

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Between the words, the fragments of the spirits and souls in the void gathered together, as if the doors of phantoms were fused together.

In a flash, it turned into a figure, showing Xiao Naihe's form.

"Good young man, this man should be over twenty years old."

"As soon as the cultivator enters the innate fairyland, he can maintain his appearance. When he reaches the supremacy, he can rejuvenate himself and use some secret techniques to change his appearance into a young one. Maybe this person has been an old monster for thousands of years Now. "

When entering the uppermost realm, any cultivator can use the mystery technique to return to his youthful appearance. However, the masters who have practiced to the highest level, which are not masters of thousands of years, have little interest in the appearance of this skin.

It might as well work hard to cultivate to a higher level.

Jiuyang Daozun shook his head, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes: "No, this person's years and rings are definitely no more than thirty, I'm afraid it's not even twenty-six. There is a dollar, nine levels. "

What is less than thirty or even twenty-six ninth realm.

If this kind of master is placed in the four realms, which one is not the best in the world, it is the devil in the devil.

Even in the Archaic period, I have not heard of any master who was able to enter the Ninth Realm before 30 and became a legend.


When these people came over, Xiao Naihe discovered early in the morning. Except for Jiuyang Dao Zun, other people in Xiao Naihe's eyes were just like that. Naturally, they didn't care much.

Chen Beixuan exhaled softly and regarded Jiuyang Daozun and others as air. In his state, he no longer needs to pay attention to others' eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, I didn't think that you are not the Three Cultivation Sons, and actually practiced the roots of Wu Dao. The method you just used should be the spirit in the" Dust and Witch Book ".

Chen Beixuan, who is the first person in heaven, will naturally not fail to know Yuchen Wushu.

"Chen Beixuan, you are also a personal thing. I didn't expect to die for so long, and it would force me to use real hard work."

No one knows more about his own strength than Xiao Naihe himself.

Since absorbing the spirits in the ruins and merging the remaining strength of Zhao Juxian and the three of them, now Xiao Naihe has been endlessly approaching the level of unity.

However, Chen Beixuan was actually forced to exhibit the magical power of "the soul is not scattered", which shows that Chen Beixuan is a powerful person.

Xiao Naihe also knows that if he was ten days and a half months ago, he was afraid that he would not be Chen Beixuan's opponent.

Chen Beixuan is worthy of the character of Bai inorganic, even after taking away Long Aotian's flesh, the power exerted by him actually far exceeds Long Aotian itself.

These words were a little shocked by the bystanders.

"Chen Beixuan, who is this? Why haven't I heard of this character in the 3,300 world?"

"Is this person a master of the family hidden in this continent?"

"And what Xiao Naihe said, who is it? But the name is so familiar."

These monks discussed each other, and they have now backed away thousands of miles away.

One of the women's beautiful eyes moved slightly, revealing a trace of fine light, looking very charming.

Later, I saw this woman suddenly shaken and lost her voice: "Isn't he the Xiaoxi son Xiao Nai who had been rumored before?"

Xiao Naihe's reputation spread long ago. Although the 3,300 world is big, the upper circle of the cultivators is a little bit. Once the news comes out, it will spread like a locust.

"And just now that Chen Beixuan said that Xiao Nai is the source of Wu Dao cultivation ...... Could it be that the Maori Avenue has been lost for six thousand years?"

When the remark came out, the audience was shocked.

If heard in other populations, these masters will definitely not believe it.

But the person who speaks is a master of the Ninth Realm, even if everyone doesn't know Chen Beixuan, but what a Nineth Master says, that is Chrysostom, it will definitely not deceive people.

Hearing that Xiao Nai was actually practicing Wu Dao, no one in the room was not surprised.

Some cultivators may not feel much about the power of the Wu people.

However, some people in the field came from before the Sixth World Jihad, and all of them are masters who are extremely powerful. They are very familiar with the Wu people.

They are more aware of the value of Majestic Avenue than those new masters.

"Actually it is the Wuzu Avenue, I originally thought I would never see Wuxiu again, but I didn't expect to appear here!" Jiuyang Daozun sighed softly.

Suddenly the pride in his heart was a little shaken.

On the contrary, an eightfold real person suddenly showed a weird look and said: "So, Xiao Shengzi is not a legend of three cultivations, but a legend that pioneered the four cultivations?"

After hearing this person's words, all took a breath in the air.

Legend of Sixiu Avenue? What does that exist, has never appeared in ancient times.

At that time, Taikoo Shrine created the Three Cultivations, and declared that broadcasting, Liufang Baishi, all the practitioners knew the power of Taikoo Shrine.

But now Xiao Nai has actually pioneered the Four Cultivations, does it mean that the person in front of him may have a position in the future that is greater than that of Tai Sang Sheng?

If it can only be so, then it is too scary.

Jiuyang Daozun felt a tremor in his heart. He was very proud of himself after entering the mid-ninth period. Now he is hit by Xiao Naihe. Naturally, he feels a little uncomfortable, but he hums gently: "I do n’t know if that Xiao Naihe, There are too many people with the same name and surname in the world. The illusory legend of Sixiu Avenue is really impossible. "

He didn't believe it when he said it, let alone convince other masters.

Same name with same surname?

If this is really the case, how could it be such a coincidence that they are masters of the Ninth Realm?

"However, I heard that Xiao Nai is a man from Yantian Pavilion in the wild mainland. It is said that Yan Tiange seems to have been attacked by various forces now. I don't know if it is true."

A Jurchen said something.

When Xiao Nai heard it, his mood moved.

Was Yan Tiange attacked?

Hearing here, Xiao Naiho seemed to think of something.

However, at the moment when Xiao Nai was distracted, a burst of light and shadow suddenly broke out in the void, as if the surrounding airflow entered a space, constantly compressing and evacuating, forming a vacuum, stripping off the breath of the entire world.

"Seven Stars come out with a sage!"

At this moment, Chen Beixuan's voice seemed to come from the ancient times. In every word, there is a force of heaven, and there is a way that can separate the world from the world.

That kind of power is beyond the control between heaven and earth.

"Oops, Chen Beixuan's state of mind is actually sensitive to this level."

Xiao Naihe was only slightly distracted, and he was caught by Chen Beixuan. The opportunity broke out and he used Taoism.

This kind of decisiveness even admired Xiao Nai.

As soon as Chen Beixuan shot, the surrounding airflow was already dissipated, and the water dragons that had condensed in the void were scattered at this time.

In the dim sky, there is a kind of momentum like the world is torn and the mountains and the sea are torn down.

Chen Beixuan was in control of Tian Dao at that time. The first person as the order of Tian Dao, he must be a figure in the Five Realms before he achieved Tian Dao.

His own strength is actually somewhat similar to Shuangxiu Shenzi.

After the shot, various forces were mixed together, and the world was shocked. I saw Chen Beixuan's palm condensing a white light, which seemed to form from the endless world.


As soon as the white light fell, most of it was separated, just like a long sword, split instantly, forming a division between the two realms.

"This Chen Beixuan still has this means?"

Xiao Naihe's eyelids jumped, when he was in the days of becoming a demon, he used his demon power to condense, form a knife, and cut it directly, rigidly dividing a star field among the nine days. Come.

That is the means of passive state.

Although Chen Beixuan is still far from the level of unity of origin, it has a sword spirit that also contains the charm of the passive state. Once cut, it seems to divide the entire space into two.

Xiao Nai was physically strong and did not dare to brave himself to fight.

"The great chaos of the heavens."

Shrinking his body, Xiao Naihe has condensed a huge phantom of chaos behind him.

At the beginning of heaven and earth, there were chaotic monsters.

Nowadays, Xiao Nai used his own Taoism to simulate the existence of chaos. The moment when he exhibited the Taoism, it seemed to form a flash of fire.

Suddenly, the chaos behind Xiao Naihe burned up, and the whole body of light and fire condensed together to form a round ball junction, blocking itself.


However, although Xiao Naihe condensed his enchantment, most of those who came to watch did not know.

Some are still miles away, and I don't feel anything at all.

I saw a flash of white light, traversing my body, and suddenly those five or six heavy cultivators split into two.

It ’s not just these people, even the creator who stepped into the mile is too late to dodge.

Chen Beixuan's unexpected move, even Xiao Nai could not have expected it, not to mention these confused bystanders.

Bump bump.

At that moment, at least dozens of masters were cut in half by this sword gas in an instant, and even a nine-fold and an eight-fold real person could not dodge and was abolished.


Jiuyang Daozun looked cold and sweaty, a kind of terror suddenly derived from his own heart.

It was not just him, those practitioners who came to watch the battle were frightened by Chen Beixuan's sword spirit.

Sword Qi has tens of thousands of miles, almost can destroy a country at once.

To what extent?

Even people as strong as Jiuyang Daozun think they can't do it.

"This ... this is not the middle of Jiuzhong, Yiyuan Peak, it is Yiyuan Peak. The predecessor is the legend of Jiuzhong Peak."

Jiuyang Daozun's face was pale, and there was even panic in his eyes.

He originally thought that Chen Beixuan was just the same as the mid-ninth middle layer of his own, but this completely made Jiuyang Daozun feel terrified.

Even Jiuyang Daozun knew that if he was facing himself just now, even if he was the golden body of the mid-ninth layer, he would be cut in half.

"We ... are we actually watching a ninth-level pinnacle matchup?"

The two and three cultivators are extremely terrifying, and their words are a little trembling.

But at this time, another force suddenly broke out in the void.

The original chaotic phantom scattered fragments at this time, and another figure was cut in half.

That was Xiao Naihe's body, which was split into two.

"Unfortunately, a legend of four cultivations, actually died here."

"But Senior Chen is a strong player at the top of Jiuzhong. Even if Taigu Sheng is reincarnated, it would be difficult to resist."

These people were terrified in their hearts and looked at the bodies of Xiao Naihe's two halves.

But at this time, they actually saw the two halves of the body falling down in the void, with a layer of golden light converging together, growing with a kind of flesh and blood visible to the naked eye, reconnecting the two halves of the body.

Almost between the fingers, a powerful flame suddenly burst out, as if it were a flame tornado, wrapping the two halves of the flesh to form a fireball.

A grotesque roar sounded like an ancient beast Phoenix in ancient times.

When this voice came out, Xiao Naihe's body was intact and sprang from the fireball.


That Jiuyang Daozun was shocked again.

He was previously shocked by Chen Beixuan, but now he is shocked by Xiao Naihe.

Which cultivator could be restored in half when the soul and flesh were cut in half? Is n’t that immortal?

"The heavens are big nirvana, nirvana is born again."

Xiao Nai He seemed to be the master among the heavens, revealing a strong breath all over his body, only to see his five fingers crushed, the Taoist breath of his body was already condensed into a mass.

A general book appeared on the top of the head, like Wuzhi Mountain, and it was suppressed severely.

"not good."

Chen Beixuan's complexion is about to retreat.

But at this moment, a tremor suddenly appeared in his body.

"My physical body cannot be controlled by you, absolutely not!"

This was the voice coming from Chen Beixuan. When the people in the room heard it, he suddenly froze for a moment, not knowing why.

"This is Long Aotian's voice? Isn't Long Aotian's Yuanshen instinct still dead? This Chen Beixuan hasn't been refined and clean?" Xiao Naihe heard this voice, and no one could guess the truth.

I'm afraid that although Chen Beixuan has taken away Long Aotian's flesh, the Yuanshen in Long Aotian's flesh has not been completely refined.

At the critical moment, Chen Beixuan's strength was degraded and could not be suppressed. Instead, he allowed the Long Ao Tian Yuanshen in the house to drill out and instinctively compete with Chen Beixuan to **** the control of the flesh.

Almost at this moment, Xiao Nai guessed what happened to Chen Beixuan itself!

"It's a **** help me, suppress it."

The Four Daoist Scriptures are scriptures formed by condensing three sources and humane experience. Each page contains the power that makes Jiuyang Daozun a terrifying person.

In this way, he was suppressed from the void and pressed hard against Chen Beixuan.

At this point, Chen Beixuan was completely suppressed by the mountain formed by the general manager!

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