Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1828: The origin of heaven

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"Great magical power, did not expect that there is such a Taoism!"

"This Xiao Shengzi ... is he also the legend of the Nineth Peak?"

Suddenly, a person shivered, and a tone of terror appeared in his tone.

"Nonsense, it must be the peak of the Ninefold. If it is not the peak of a dollar, where will the pioneer of the four repairs be created?"

Jiuyang Daozun nodded, at this time, he no longer has any sense of pride.

Compared with the master of the Nineth Chongfeng, who is also the pioneer of the four Xiu Avenues, let alone the middle of the Nineth Chong, even the late Nineth Chong, or even the ordinary Nineth Chongfeng, can't compare to a Xiao Naihe.

Comparing Jiuyang Daozun with a four-cultivation saint, that is the difference between cloud and mud.

Thinking of coming here, Jiuyang Daozun sighed softly, and looked at Xiao Naihe in shock and admiration.

Although they did not know who Chen Beixuan was, the means just now showed the true means of Xiao Naihe.

The battle of the Ninth Peak is absolutely impossible.

"Xiao Shengzi, if you let me go, I would like to tell you all the secrets of the five declines of heaven and man, how? Not only that, I can trust you and let you drive 50,000 years!"

At this time, Chen Beixuan under Wuzhi Mountain suddenly turned to Xiao Naihe.

Today, Chen Beixuan is pressed by Xiao Naihe's five-finger mountain, his whole body's blood is already very weak.

Because Long Aotian's Yuanshen shot in the end, instinctively competed with Chen Beixuan for the flesh, and was finally given the opportunity by Xiao Naihe. He directly used the four masters to suppress Chen Beixuan fiercely.

Now Chen Beixuan can't move, and his strength is extremely weak, even a creator can easily kill Chen Beixuan.

It's just anyone's choice!

"You are very smart, and actually started to talk to me about the conditions. Just now I was still alive and killed, now I will let you pass you?"

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, his consciousness swept in, forming a projection of the soul, and talking with Chen Beixuan.

Chen Beixuan deserves to be the first generation of Heavenly Dao. Now Long Aotian's flesh is almost reinvented, just like Xiao Naihe's first time facing the stars in the ruins.

But Chen Beixuan actually had the ability to speak with Xiao Naihe. As for Long Aotian, the instinct shadow of Yuanshen had disappeared.

"The winner is the king and the loser Kou! I understand this reason most clearly. When we competed for the position of the heaven and earth, it was for the heaven and earth to be lucky. At that time, the competition was even more fierce. Know this truth. "

If others heard it, Chen Beixuan's explanation was shameless. But Xiao Nai did not know much about Chen Beixuan's words.

In the realm of Chen Beixuan, what kind of face is nothing but nonsense, it is better to live for yourself.

"Do you think I will let you go?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

"If you think about it, I know many secrets of the five declines of heaven and man. As the first generation of heaven, he inherited the experience of heaven in many eras. Knowing the secrets of the five declines of heaven and man is definitely the first person today.

Chen Beixuan didn't even worry about how Xiao Nai would kill himself.

In Chen Beixuan's eyes, Xiao Nai will sooner or later enter the passive realm and achieve immortality.

But it is also in this era of ages that immortality is immortal. If the era of the era comes to the end of the Dharma period, the era must be reformed to usher in the five declines of heaven and man.

That is why, since ancient times, in countless eras, only so many masters have fought to find a way to survive the five-decay catastrophe.

Even the existence of the Archaic Saints has not become a passive state, they have begun to consider how to survive the five declines of heaven and earth.

If Xiao Nai is clever, he will never kill himself for an opportunity that can truly live forever.

Hearing this, Xiao Nai sighed softly, and when she looked at Chen Beixuan, there was a trace of pity and regret in her eyes: "Do you really think I will believe you? It is a pity that if you step back 10,000 steps, even if you know the sky What is the secret of the five declines of mankind? In so many epochs, there must be many people who have explored the great disaster of the five declines of heaven and man. Then how? In the end, the dust still returns to the dust. There's no way to get rid of it, you don't need it. "

When Chen Beixuan's face changed, he suddenly thought of a possibility. His voice moved, and he asked repeatedly: "Do you want to create a path? Then use the power of the path to survive the five failures of heaven and earth? This is impossible. How can you have Such a skill? Besides, even if the path creation is successful, it may not be able to survive the five declines of heaven and man. "

"Haha, is that right? Your apprentice is Tian Dao Chen Ming. He seems to think that this method is feasible. Only if he separates his Dao Dao book, he deliberately uses the Dao Dao book to create Tao in disguise and become the third generation of six Dao sources. If Chen Ming really turned Tiandao into the third generation of the original source book, then it was a way of creating Taoism in disguise. He also had his own thoughts and wanted to use the Taoism to survive the five declines of Heaven and Man. "

Xiao Naihe's eyes are full of fine eyes.

Tian Dao Chen Ming could not have just issued the Dao Dao Tong and Long Tian Ting book just to restore the unity of the origin. He absolutely expected that Tian Dao Tong would back himself.

I am afraid that from the beginning, Chen Ming was not just to restore the passive state, but to make Long Tiantong and Tian Daotong vie with each other, and finally devour each other to prove the original book of Taoism.

Once the preaching is successful and becomes the third generation of six original books, it is a disguised creation.

Not only can Chen Ming restore the passive state, he can even survive the five decays of heaven and man.

But there are some key points, why Xiao Nai didn't understand it, it seems that Chen Ming itself has other secrets.

Of course these things cannot be discussed clearly now.

"What do you want to do?" Chen Beixuan asked.

Xiao Nai suddenly grabbed it with one hand, and pulled out a part of the origin of Heavenly Dao deep in the spirit of Chen Beixuan.

The origin of Heavenly Dao is not the origin of Chen Ming, but the oldest one.

Xiao Naiho has just grasped a part of it, and can feel the horrible charm contained in it.

"Even if I really want to know, I can retrieve the memory from your soul, and I can do it with patience."

"Huh, Xiao Naihe, you really deserve to be the first person in this new generation. If you don't die in the future, you will definitely be the protagonist of the history chapter. Unfortunately, if you think you can use the means of soul search to get my memory, That's too simple. I won't let you get even if I burn myself. "

Chen Beixuan said to do it.

He knew that there was no hope anymore, and immediately urged the weak power of the soul in the body to burn it directly.

A heavenly Dao self-immolating the soul, I am afraid that it can not be seen in countless eras, but once it burns, it is not a means for ordinary practitioners to self-immolate the soul.

It was a supernatural power that could not be stopped.

"Chen Beixuan."

Xiao Nai did not expect Chen Beixuan to be so decisive, and suddenly he was about to quit.

But at this time, Chen Beixuan's flesh actually swelled, as if to explode endless power.

Seeing this, Xiao Naiho's heart was slightly shocked, and he coldly scolded Chen Beixuan.

I didn't expect Chen Beixuan to die, he would have to yin himself, use his own soul to burn, and burst from the power.

How horrible is a heavenly spirit detonating itself?

Even the falling Heavenly Path self-explosive spirit can instantly separate things within three thousand miles in a way beyond physical rules.

Xiao Nai will certainly die.

Even if he has such spirits as Nirvana, Nirvana Rebirth, and magical powers that are resurrected in place, once surrounded by this self-explosive force, he doesn't want to live.

When the time was almost at the most critical time, Xiao Naihe's eyes suddenly burst into a flash of light, only to see Xiao Nai's grasp, and a layer of brilliance condensed in his forehead.

"Vientiane Senrow!"

That is Xiao Naihe ’s strongest golden pill, he can ignore any laws of space and tear any space.

It was at this moment that Xiao Naihe grabbed Chen Beixuan's swollen flesh with one hand, and at one moment, threw it into another dimension space.

He didn't care which unmanned space he dropped into.

Almost at the moment of throwing in, there was a horrible explosion sound from Xiao Naihe's ear, and when Jiuyang Daozun and others heard this explosion sound, they all had a crushing smell above the soul.

It was a feeling that originated from the deep fear of the soul.

But at the next moment, Xiao Naihe had already closed the door to space, and even if Chen Beixuan blew himself up, Xiao Naihe would not be involved.

"Unfortunately, if I can know some secrets from Chen Beixuan's mouth, it is still very useful."

Xiao Nai sighed slightly.

Since he knew some secrets in Zhao Juixian, Sifanghou, and Yinri, and he knew some cracking methods of the five declines of heaven and man, he was very excited.

But now Chen Beixuan has really disappeared, and Xiao Naihe said it was useless.

Subsequently, a white light condensed in Xiao Naihe's hands, which was the part of the original power that was captured from the depth of Chen Beixuan's soul.

Although not many, but Xiao Naihe's research is enough.

"But don't worry about it for now, but it seems that there is something wrong with Yantian Pavilion. I just care about what the girl said just now."

Almost in a thought, Xiao Naihe seemed like a ghost, and instantly came to the female nun who started talking.

This nun has reached the late eighth level, and the power of thunder in the body is constant.

But compared with Xiao Naihe, it is a little witch.

The nun saw that Xiao Nai did not find anyone, but found herself, and suddenly felt afraid.

But vaguely, this woman actually had a strange excitement.

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