Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1831: Return

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"Two ants are average."

When the Night King snorted coldly, he was about to shoot, a dark breath rolled in his palm, and a huge palm was condensed from the void, and he had to catch Tan Moran and there was snow in the world.

This talk is not like the world has snow. For the Night King, it is indeed a character like a ant, but for the inside of the Yantian Pavilion, once inside, it is extremely dangerous.

"Night King, your opponent is me."

Huo Luo sneered, a flame burst out, and stopped the night king.

"King Huo Luo, do you really want to force me?"

"Night King, you are so sad, did not expect to be Xiao Naihe's minion, but also a minion's minion."

"You Huoluo is not even as good as a servant. If it were not for the help of Lord Danting, you and Beisongyang would have died long ago."

The Night King called out.

When King Huo Luo heard it, his face suddenly turned red, although the murderous opportunity pervaded.

That's right, when he was at the wedding banquet of Wu Shenyi, he and Bei Songyang and Xiao Nai shot. If it wasn't because of Huang Lin in the end, I was afraid that Xiao Nai might really kill himself.

This matter is the biggest shame of Huo Luo King. I didn't expect that he was insinuated by the Night King now.

"you wanna die."


A burst of black gas and a burst of fire gas collided in the void, immediately enveloping both Huo Luo and Ye Wang.

"Welling Thousand Fingers!"

At this moment, a gleam of eruption burst between the fingers of the immortal elder, like a star in nine days

When this starlight emerged, it formed a long river, which seemed to separate Beisongyang.

"Immortal, you are not as good as me."

Bei Songyang smiled coldly because of Xiao Naihe's 'death', he was very happy during this time, and he also recovered some confidence. Now, with a shot, there is a faint shadow of his peak period.

"Changchun Blood Rainbow Silk, **** me."

A **** breath flew from Bei Songyang's fingers. When he saw this blood, even the immortal elder's heart produced a danger, and suddenly retreated towards the back.

Then I only saw that there was a vortex of the soul above the head of North Songyang.

The so-called vortex of the soul is a vortex formed by the power of its own soul, which can crush and tear other people's vortex.

Even if the soul of the immortal elder is drawn into it, he will surely die.

Once the soul of a cultivator is completely smashed, it is impossible to be resurrected.

After all, not everyone has the magical power of Xiao Naihe.

For a time, the entire scene became increasingly chaotic.

"We rushed in."

Wu Shen burst into a blast.

At this time, over 100,000 cultivators around him erupted into a terrifying power.

These people have reached the innate realm with the lowest cultivation.

Not counting Huo Luowang and Bei Songyang, the highest one reached the late Jiuzhong.

Now with a command, these erupting qi and blood smoke burst out in a flash, rushing into the sky.

For a time, it seemed that the entire wild continent shook.

If there is a spirit of the Creator, he is soaring in the air.

If he was swept away by this qi and blood wolf smoke, I was afraid that the smoke would be wiped out immediately, which shows how complicated the whole scene is now.

"We rush, this Yantian Pavilion is a first-class sect, there must be many treasures, exercises and so on."

"Haha, kill the disciples inside, and we will get rich."

"Master Wushen, my old Song gives you credit, don't forget me."

"Shang Shang Shang, the man killed in Yan Tian Pavilion, the woman stays, hehe."

These people are all surrendered to Wushenyi, and each one is very cruel.

Part of it is to make a good impression on Wu Shenyi, and the other part is to win the resources in Yantian Pavilion.

After all, if a top sect is broken, then the resources inside will also be divided up. The sect of Yantian Pavilion, there are certainly a lot of resources.

If these resources can be obtained, it is definitely a great opportunity for these people.

Killing more people is the best way to get rich, not to mention how many times these people have already done it.

There was a sneer on Wu Shenyi's face, and he wished to see the Yantian Pavilion that Xiao Naihe valued all destroyed here.

More than a dozen practitioners have already run to the front.


Just at this time, a sword gas was released from Yantian Pavilion, and the surrounding aura changed, as if the entire void was twisted at this time.


At this time, the sword energy that emerged from the void was actually released from the Yantian Pavilion.

Wu Shen moved his eyes and saw a woman appearing inside.

Yun Weixue floated and stood in the void.

Although she is still the level of the creator, but with the help of Xiao Naihe, she now has the means to deal with the Eightfold Realm, and even the general Ninefold Legend may not be able to get her.

"I know who she is, this person is Xiao Naihe's Taoist companion, who can capture this woman, and I am guaranteed by the God of War, I will reward three hundred Nine-grade Shendan."

Wushen shouted sharply.

Three hundred ninth-grade gods?

In addition to those masters in the mid-to-late period of the nineth layer, the other cultivators moved their faces and heard a greedy color in their eyes.

"Xiao Nai is so beautiful and blissful. I didn't expect his comrade to be such a beauty. His knowledge is no worse than those of the Holy Land Saint Maiden, even better."

Tan Moran himself loves female sex, and this is not the first time he has seen Yun Weixue.

A long time ago, I was talking about Yun Weixue's idea. Now that I see Yun Weixue, the meaning in my heart immediately becomes active.

"I want this beauty, and I want three hundred nine-pin pills."

"Just kidding, it's all mine."

For a time, many cultivators scrambled over and stretched out their palms to Yun Weixue.


Yun Weixue snorted coldly, and then a ray of light condensed in his eyebrows, as if the flames were burning, for a time, the first few people were burned to death.

"This little girl actually has such ability."

There was a snow in the world, and Yun Weixue was no better than himself.

"Hey, come here for me."

When a master at the early stage of the Nineth Layer made a shot in the void, he had to catch Yun Weixue.

However, at this time, several auras erupted, forming a blaze from Yantian Pavilion, knocking back this huge palm.

"We Yantiange **** battle today, saying that nothing will allow them to succeed, as long as the Son returns, we can reverse the situation."

At this time, Dai Jun's ancestor's voice came from Yantian Pavilion.

The Yantiange disciples finally shot.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples flew out of Yantiange, these people are the first echelon.

Yantiange is now in danger. At the beginning, Yantiange disciples were also afraid. However, they did not give up after the desperation. Instead, they inspired their militancy and defense of Yantiange.

"Go up!"

Many disciples flew out of the Yantian Pavilion, and at one time they slaughtered with the many monks in front. It was dark and dark, even Yun Weixue was inside.

Although there are many people in Yantian Pavilion, at least half of the people on Wushen side are already masters of Shinto level.

Now, as soon as they get together, Yan Tiange's disciples have already lost more than 40% of their casualties, and they are slowly getting worse.

Even Yun Weixue's face showed dignity.

If it wasn't for Yantian Pavilion that developed extremely fast during this period, otherwise, according to the level of the disciples before Yan Tian Pavilion, I was afraid that it would be killed in less than an hour.

"Hey, Xiao Naihe's concubine, now Xiao Naihe is dead, you still follow me."

At the end of the talk, he smiled, and the situation in Yantiange is very uncertain and extremely dangerous.

Wushenyi united to talk about Moran, Xuexue, Lingxiao and others. The four parties gathered together, which can be comparable to any top force in the world.

Facing the pressure of the end of the talk, Yun Weixue did not have any fear, but took a blow.

"Yin Yang vortex."

The vortex that appeared in Yun Weixue's eyebrows stopped Tan Mo's attack for an instant.

At the end of the talk, he saw that Yun Weixue was only the level of the creator. He actually stopped the attack of his eightfold realm, and his face was slightly ugly. "There is snow in the world, you still don't shoot."

"It's okay for me to shoot, but this woman must let me enjoy it for the first time."

The snow in the world is obviously also in love with Yun Weixue.

"Okay." At the end of the conversation, he gritted his teeth and agreed.


Yun Weixue's face was cold, and a yin and yang vortex had passed over.

"Hey." There was a trace of excitement in Yu Xue's face.

The thought of being able to crush Xiao Naihe's confederates under him, and that kind of feeling even caused some reactions to the snowy world.

The two men worked hard, and the yin and yang vortex of Yun smile was broken instantly, and Yun Weixue's face was pale.

At this point the situation becomes very dangerous.

If it is a single fight, Yun Weixue will not be afraid of any of them.

But Tan Moran and Yu Xuexue joined forces, and suddenly Yun Weixue was caught in a difficult position.

The Night King, Immortal Elder, Dai Jun Patriarch, and Zhu Jia had long been discovered, but at this time they were all dragged down by their enemies.

"Miss Yun."

Zhu Jiabao snorted, and there was even a trace of despair in his eyes.


At this moment, suddenly, a ghostly voice came from midair, and a huge oven fell into the sky.

When this oven came down, it seemed to absorb the surrounding airflow.

A terrifying aura that cannot be described by words, the enemies are surrounded in a blink of an eye, and when there is snow and peace in the world, when he feels this aura, he quickly retreats.

Then the eyes of the two men were looking towards the void, and only saw a figure like a **** standing in the sky.

Wushen's face changed fiercely, an incredible tone: "Xiao! Chen! He!"

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