Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1832: Crush! Crush!

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That's right, it wasn't Xiao Naiho who appeared in the air.

Xiao Nai He Shennian spiritual power, in less than half a day, directly shuttle a lot of the world.

If it is the previous strength, Xiao Naihe is afraid that he can rush to Yantian Pavilion not so soon.

But since stepping into the half-step passive, with his ability, the 3,300 world can shuttle back and forth in almost a day.

This is the power of the first person under the passive.

At this time, Xiao Naihe stood in the sky, his aura was like a mixture of gods and demons. The horror could no longer be described in words.

"However, you are finally back."

A kind of tenderness appeared on Yun Weixue's face, and his eyes were even more affectionate. The kind of love cannot be described by words.

On the other side of Wushenyi, there are actually nine adults who do n’t know what Xiao Nai looks like, and many people do n’t respond.

"Who are you? Do you want to pretend to be? Let me take you down and talk about it."

A creator cultivator shouted with a look of contempt in his eyes.


Wu Shen screamed.

But it was too late, Xiao Naihe's eyes moved, as if the ice and snow suddenly came down.

The seven repairman who shot, suddenly felt his body seemed to be filled with a cold breath, unable to move even with a move, and felt a shock in his heart, he would retreat towards the back.

But when he was about to stimulate the mind in his body, Xiao Nai condensed a ray of light between his five fingers, and the oven turned into it came down in an instant.

The Seventh-Generator was too late to dodge, and was shattered into pieces by the ‘big ovens’ of the fingers.

A creator was struck to death in less than one breath.

For a time, the people in front of them all stopped and quickly backed away.

Along with the people in Yantian Pavilion, there was a shout of earth-shattering shouts.

"The Son returns, I have saved Yantiange."

"The Son is invincible, the Son is invincible."

Xiao Naihe had been regarded as a godlike totem by the people in Yantian Pavilion before, otherwise it would not produce an incense force.

And it is precisely because of Xiao Naiho that these people can condense such unity.

If Xiao Nai did not arrive in time, I am afraid that the cohesion of Yantiange will soon be broken away.

"Have seen the Son."

The Night King and the Immortal Elder passed on to Xiao Naihe's mind at this time and said respectfully.

Although they didn't know how Xiao Naihe had reached the realm, when Xiao Naihe stood beside them, the two men only felt that Xiao Naihe was like an ocean, unpredictable. The horror, even the night king vaguely surprised fear.

Xiao Naihe was already the pinnacle of the nine-fold peak before, and now he goes one step further, to what level. Is it just a line away from the passive state?

Thinking of this, the immortal elders and the night king were shocked, but they dared not say it.

"Are you all right?"

Xiao Naihe looked to Yun Weixue, a smile appeared on his face, as if the spring was warm in winter, making the softest place in Yun Weixue's heart suddenly touched.

With four simple words, Yun Weixue suddenly felt a sense of relief and could not wait to be put into Xiao Naihe's arms.

"It's okay." Yun Weixue's heart was also very warm in a thousand words.

Zhu Jia looked at Xiao Naihe and Yun Weixue's every move, suddenly sighed, a complex look appeared in his eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, why didn't he die? I clearly felt that his breath of life had disappeared."

Bei Songyang was the most frightened one in the field. He hated Xiao Nai and he could not wash it out of the five lakes.

Now that Xiao Nai is still alive, the first thought is shock, the second is anger, and the third is terror.

Even King Huo Luo lost his voice: "Xiao Naihe, it's impossible, I clearly feel that your breath of life has disappeared, why are you still alive?"

For a time, the original thoughts of Huo Luo, Bei Songyang and Wu Shenyi in their hearts were actually condensed at this time.

Especially Wu Shenyi, who actually hated and feared Xiao Naihe, the idea of ​​smoothness was now reunited, and once again formed a magic barrier, even better than before.

"Why are you still not dead, why? Xiao Naihe, why are you alive."

Wushen yelled madly in his heart, his face suddenly became extremely unbearable.

It was a hate that seemed to be derived from hell.

Wushen could not wait to eat Xiao Naihe's flesh and blood, even if it turned into a devil on the spot.

"Brother Xiao is actually alive."

At this time, Liu Xiu had already seen Xiao Nai appearing in the scene in the space around thousands of miles away.

Liu Xiu's expression was shocked and delighted, but there was a complicated look indistinctly.

Only 殒 湮, at this time there was a burst of glory in his eyes, no one knows what the sky demon was thinking at this time.

Instead, Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye looked at Xiao Naihe, and suddenly there was a change in aura in the cave.

It seemed that at that moment, the radius was almost shattered, and the whole earth would be overturned.

But that was also a momentary change in the aura, which soon disappeared.

A smiley look appeared on Jun Yongye's face: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that this kid is still alive now, even we have concealed it."

"Although he is still alive, but what about it, Yantiange is still dangerous and untouched."

"Shall we shoot?"

"No, for the time being, the demon was not shot that day, and I am also very concerned about the two alien lives hidden in the void."

Hua Xiang shook his head.

At the same time, Zong Sheng's cold eyes, like a cold Excalibur, came out instantly.

If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Xiao Naihe, thousands of miles away, would have been killed by Zong Sheng's eyes.

"Xiao Naihe, I didn't expect you to be alive."

For a long time, Zong Sheng said softly, and then his expression became normal. He didn't know what was going on at this time.

Because of the emergence of Xiao Naihe, there was a change in the scene, as if the battle situation suddenly became rigid.

"Is he that Xiao Nai?"

"It should be. I didn't see that Lord Wu Shenyi just called Xiao Naiho."

"He is the San Xiu Shengzi, the legendary figure like Taigu Sheng?"

"I heard he was not dead? Why are they still alive?"

"Then do we want to do it?"

For a time, many masters' eyes were placed on Wu Shenyi.

Wu Shenyi's face changed, but in the end it turned into a sneer: "Xiao Nai, even if you are still alive, so what?

Nowadays, it is no longer possible to restore the situation where your Yantian Pavilion was destroyed. "

As soon as Wu Shen knew, it was now the last chance to kill Xiao Naihe. If Xiao Naihe could not be killed today, I fear that there would be no chance in the future.

When others heard it, they nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, even if it is the legendary Sanxiu Son, what about it?"

"As long as there is Lord Wushen Yi and the two seniors of Huo Luo King, even the three repairing sons are going to die."

"This Yantian Pavilion is vulnerable, we are the winners."

These don't know Xiao Naihe's power. Although many people have heard of Xiao Naihe's name, he hasn't seen Xiao Naihe's real strength, so he didn't have much fear.

"At the end of the talk, the two of us go quickly."

There is snow in the world and it is not like everyone else. He and Tan Moran are very clear about Xiao Naihe's power.

In particular, although Yantian Pavilion is in a dangerous situation now, there is snow and peace in the world. Both of them do not want to succeed.

"it is good."

Then, the figures of Tan Moran and Xue Xue in the world moved as if they were lightning. The movement of light and shadow moved in a blink of an eye, and it was several miles away in one step.

"You two want to come and go as you like?"

Xiao Naihe's eyes flashed, and a hint of killing suddenly appeared.

Seeing that Xiao Naihe's figure was faster, he shot as if thunder and lightning burst out, breaking the shackles in the space.

Whirring whirring.

Like a strong wind gesture, Xiao Nai rolled down with five fingers, no, it was a general momentum.

I saw Xiao Naihe's power burst out suddenly.

"Oops, condense the boundary quickly."

There was a shock all over the world, and the sudden horror of Xiao Nai appeared in my mind.

Even at the end of the talk, even at this time, no matter how neglected, the thoughts on his body united to form a forbidden enchantment, and Xiao Nai was stopped.


However, Xiao Naihe was as if he had entered the realm of no one. I saw a seal that opened between his five fingers, which contained a sky-like power. The golden light and the power of the demon mixed together, and there was a vaguely This kind of real dragon and demon road merge like a momentum.

"Zhenlong Dafa Seal."

It was Xiao Naihe's power to merge the seals of the heavens and the blood of the true dragon.

The power of the demon and the real dragon merged, and the seal of the five fingers condensed. The weather was magnificent.

There is a charm beyond human control that jumps out of the five elements.

At that time, when there was snow and peace talks at the end of the world, I was shocked, and there was a terrifying thought.

"Xiao Naihe, you can't kill us ..."

Before Tan Moran's voice was finished, Xiao Naihe had already taken the Fayin seal, only to see him grabbing with five fingers, showing the power of a dollar, and severely grabbing Tan Moran and Yu Xuexia When he got up, he instantly caught the two people in the palm of his condensed hands.


Suddenly, there was a burst of inhalation in the whole scene.

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