Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1834: Suppress the audience (on)

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"It turned out that people who practiced the ancient devil's Dao, did not expect to see this inheritance. If I guessed right, this old man should go to the ancient killing Dao."

Xiao Nai moved slightly in his heart.

At that time, Xiao Naihe also got the ancient killing sword way because of some chance coincidence.

That was the heritage of the suppression of the Gusu royal family that year, but the ancient killing kendo of the Gusu royal family is simply a little witch compared with the ancient killing road of this old man.

The same is the killing, I am afraid that Wu Lao will kill more people than any of the Gusu clan.

"This old man has been alive for at least four thousand years. I can feel that his body is very strong. If there are less than tens of millions of people, it is impossible to accumulate so much."

If a person wants to kill tens of millions of people, it is definitely not simple. Even if a person kills a hundred people, it will take many years to kill.

Although Xiao Naihe could kill people, those who killed were all those who took the way of death, killing tens of millions of people, and this was Xiao Naihe's preliminary estimate.

This old Wu is simply the devil in the murderous devil.

"Cultivation by killing is worthy of a killing machine. Since this is the case, don't you want to leave here alive today." Xiao Na He said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, Mr. Wu snorted coldly: "The arrogant boy, the old man walks more bridges than you walk. You are not qualified to give pointers to the killing."

Wu Lao is not a good man himself. On the surface, Wu Lao may be a figure like a Confucian master, but in his heart, he is almost twisted and murderous.

This is the breath that has killed too many people.

Although there are too many people in the three-thousand-thousand-world world, it is impossible to count at all, but one killing tens of millions of people is equivalent to killing everyone in a small world.

Slaughtering a small world is worthy of the ancient devil,

"Heaven's bloodthirsty, fist burst!"

There was a burst of strength in Wu Lao's whole body, and a sigh of energy condensed on the top of his head. When everyone saw the top of his head, he seemed to see a human hell.

Among them, there are countless grievances, all kinds of desolate screams, men and women, young and old, all kinds of screams moan, as if entering the depths of the underworld in an instant.

Some practitioners who were not good at cultivation saw the dark clouds above the old Wu's head, and suddenly the soul was shocked, and then they disappeared.

This is the horror of killing the spirit, attacking at a glance.

If you are a bad person, you will not be able to stand it with just a glance, and you will die.

"Take me a punch."

This is the trail. Old Wu knew that Xiao Nai could not kill Xiao Naihe alone. With this fist, he gathered tens of millions of grievances from the wronged soul. , Connecting the sky and the sky.

For a time, Wu Lao seemed to punch the whole world with one punch.

"Die to me!"

Boom Boom Boom Boom.

The fist was shot in an instant, the kind of speed beyond the control of the law of time.

The number of one dollar is itself the power of the law that controls time and space.

It just depends on the comprehension of time and space itself.

And Wu Lao used the twisted space directly at the moment he punched out, almost a few miles away. Without any time difference, he came to Xiao Naihe, even if he could not breathe, that punch was already a boom Come to Xiao Naihe.


Zhu Jia clenched his fists, and his heart was secretly tense.

Yun Weixue is calm, because she believes in Xiao Naihe, with Xiao Naihe's strength, these people absolutely cannot move Xiao Naihe's cold hair.

"Is this your killing way?"

Xiao Naihe just said something, and then his hands moved, and there appeared an ** behind him, turning slightly, as if it had influenced the changes in the laws of heaven and earth.

This is a trick Xiao Nai learned from Chen Beixuan before.

"Chen Beixuan uses the air transportation of heaven and earth, ignoring the rules of time and space, so I almost suffered a loss on the boundary river. I also have to try it. The way of heaven ignoring space."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

If it were in the past, Xiao Naihe certainly cannot learn the means of heaven.

Because the Tao of Heaven itself is actually a kind of avenue origin, just like the Buddhism, it is not the existence of the six avenues.

If Xiao Nai could learn the Tao of Heaven, it would be that the Five Cultivators existed and truly won the legendary characters of the era of Yuan Dynasty.

But Xiao Naihe also knows that he cannot learn heaven.

Because he is no longer suitable for the control of heaven and earth, part of the atmosphere of heaven and earth is under Chen Ming's control. Once Xiao Naihe attracts too much, it may be calculated by Chen Ming.

Besides, Xiao Naiho can only borrow the atmosphere of heaven and earth for a limited time, that is because he grabbed a part of the origin of Heaven and Dao from the spirit of Chen Beixuan.

"Time and space **** wheel, reverse space."

There was also a breath above Xiao Naiho's head, with golden light, like the flames erupting from the sun.


Between the speeches, the Great God Wheel behind was already rolling away, and the entire void seemed to be reversed at this moment, as if heaven and earth were under the control of Xiao Naihe.

"Huh? Strange, I have never seen Xiao Naohe like this."

Huo Luowang raised a brow and looked closely at Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Wu Lao was already breaking out of fist, and came to Xiao Naihe's face. As long as he didn't breathe, this punch fell on Xiao Naihe's face, and he could definitely blow Xiao Naihe's head.

"Go to death boy."

Because of the distorted face, Wu Lao's expression at this time looked extremely terrifying.

But at this time, Wu Lao found that his fist movements slowly seemed to slow down, and that speed, even with the naked eye, could be clearly seen.

"What's the matter? Impossible, my punch is already breaking the sound barrier, and I can't even catch it with the naked eye. Why do I feel that the movement has slowed down?"

Wu Lao was shocked. When he raised his head, he only saw the light cluster above Xiao Naihe's head, which actually changed into a **** wheel. When this **** wheel turned, it directly reversed the time of four weeks.

It seems that time is slowing down at this time. This is how Xiao Nai used the laws of heaven and the river of time in his body.

Now that Xiao Nai has stepped into half-step passiveness in one fell swoop, he has almost realized the extremely mysterious point of the law of time, and it is not a problem to break the law of time in a short time.

But in Wu Lao's eyes, Xiao Naihe's method was even more terrifying than the devil.

"No, I am not an opponent."

Wu Lao took the opportunity to make a decision and felt his fist actually slowed down. Even his thoughts seemed to slow down at this time. The other hand suddenly formed a hand knife. A burst of coldness flashed and he severely split.


Wu Lao's fist and arm were suddenly interrupted by himself.

"What? What does Wu Lao Na mean?"

Everyone was shocked, unknown.

Obviously Wu Lao has the upper hand. If the punch is really down, then Xiao Nai is afraid that he will be seriously injured without dying.

But why Wu Wu gave up such a good opportunity.

In the presence, only a few people could clearly see why Wu Lao gave up.

"Good guy, Xiao Naihe has become deeper and deeper, and even understands the law of time so mysteriously. Originally, only the existence of the heavenly path and the passive realm can use the law of time. "

Bei Songyang took a deep breath, he knew that Xiao Naihe's current strength is even stronger than he thought.

If Mr. Wu didn't make a decisive decision at that time, and interrupted the arm he punched, he was afraid that the next time, his mind would gradually slow down.

You should know that the whole body's acupuncture points are accessible, and even the acupuncture points on one arm are connected with the whole body to form meridian flow.

If an arm is caught in the law of time, then other parts will be controlled by the law of time.

Although Wu Lao could not know the mystery of the law of time, he relied on his superior sense of crisis, when he broke, he broke his arm directly.


Wu Lao resisted the pain of losing his arm, without any hesitation, receded directly towards the back.

But Xiao Naihe knew the old man's thoughts early in the morning.

"Get me down!"


The thunder riot, Xiao Nai was majestic, a word, a cold hum, as if the world, his four avenues mixed together into a ball, so burst out a cold hum.

Afterwards, everyone only saw Wu Lao flying in the sky. He was actually shaken, and he was drunk and drunk, leaving only a flesh.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Naiho directly collected the old Wu's body into his own space-time world.

There must be many treasures hidden in this old Wu's body, which has a great effect on Yantian Pavilion.

This time Yantiange suffered a lot of losses and many people died. Xiao Naihe naturally wanted to get them back from them one by one.

"Too powerful, too powerful, even Wu Lao is not his opponent."

"It's just a hum, Wu Lao's soul is broken, this ... this is definitely the existence of the nineth peak."

"We actually have to deal with the Zongmen Peak of the Nineth Peak. There are two or three Nine Peaks in the Yantian Pavilion. Can we really win it?"

For a time, a lot of people have already beaten back.

Wu Shenyi's face was extremely unsightly, just like eating a fly.

"You don't have to fight on wheels? If so, I will start."

Why didn't Xiao Nai give Wushen the first class any chance to react, the **** wheel behind turned, and his majestic momentum exploded directly, and flew towards the front.

"Mother. Run away!"

Thousands of practitioners in the front were scared to pee, and quickly separated.

But where did Xiao Nai let them go, only to see a burst of fist flashes, as if white light flashed, meteors descended, and a punch came out, the thousands of cultivators who had not yet had time to escape, instantly turned into powder.

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