Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1835: Suppress the audience (Part 2)

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After screaming, Xiao Naihe moved like a tiger entering the flock, but it was only a few breathing hours. Almost tens of thousands of practitioners were all crushed by Xiao Naihe's punch.

These people are all in the crowd, and the highest strength is only the late Jiuzhong.

If it was Xiao Naihe before, it might be a little hard.

But in his realm, killing these tens of thousands of cultivators is no different than killing a few ants.

"Dragon Fist!"

When a punch came down, it seemed like a real dragon broke out. When the punch fell down, there were explosions around it, almost 3,000 miles of area. At this time, Xiao Naihe blasted a tiankeng.

The tiankeng is as deep as a thousand feet, like a broken mountain wall, extremely dangerous, forming a tiankeng valley.

Xiao Naiho only used less than half of his strength. These cultivators were dead and wounded.

These people came to attack Yantiange. I don't know how many Yantiange disciples died in their hands. Even if he listened to Wu Shenyi's order, Xiao Nai would not be merciless.

The little devil is hard to deal with. A little devil is nothing to Xiao Naihe, but for Yantiange, that is a threat.

"Don't stay with any of these people, cut the grass and eradicate the roots. Immortal, you cooperate with the Yantian Pavilion to attack these Xiaoxiao together."

For a time, Xiao Naihe's voice was transmitted to the minds of everyone up and down Yantian Pavilion.

The ancestor of Dai Jun was stunned at first, and then a spirit burst out in his heart.

"All the disciples of Yantian Pavilion rushed up to me, and none of them stayed."

"Kill kill!"

Whether it was Xue Xingfeng or Ren Gongming, the older generation, or Fu Jiangheng, a new generation of disciples, all the suppressed anger burst out.

Over the past few days, the entire Yantian Pavilion was overwhelmed by these people's breathlessness, and even the disciples in Yan Tian Pavilion had died a lot.

If it weren't for Xiao Nai's return in time, I'm afraid that the entire Yantian Pavilion is already too fierce.

For a time, all the disciples of Yantian Pavilion were aggressive.

According to the background of power, it should be that Wushenyi is much more powerful.

But on the Yantian Pavilion side, because there is an immortal elder who holds it alone, the advantage immediately reverses.


One of the war gods thought that Xiao Naiho had just lost two times in succession, and had lost too much morale.

As the so-called "struck out", then decline, and exhausted.

After these people were continuously killed by Xiao Naiho just now, they were already afraid.

Originally they were not a sectarian, unlike the strong cohesion of Yantian Pavilion.

Now that everyone is united by Yantiange, the whole situation is reversed for a while.

Some people with high cultivation level were killed by some disciples with poor cultivation in Yantian Pavilion. This is a matter of momentum.

Wu Shen raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw here that he knew that the best chance for today was gone. It would be hard for him to find another chance to kill Xiao Naihe in the future.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Wu Shen burst out one by one, and a bit of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

But at this time Wu Shenyi never thought that Xiao Nai actually turned around and came to himself in an instant.


Wushen was shocked, and the subconscious was to condense the essence and quickly shot.

"Wu Shenyi, you come to provoke me again and again, is it because you have so many people behind you to help you succeed, and today you still obediently stayed with me."

Xiao Nai said coldly.

Then the five fingers spread out, and a huge seal of India was photographed, as if it were a golden Buddha's seal. The airflows all around merged together to form a huge vortex.

The moment this vortex appeared, it was actually absorbing the gods from Wu Shenyi.

"Xiao Naihe, don't force me."

In the heart of Wushen, fear finally appeared.

He always thought that he could defeat Xiao Naihe, even though he had suffered a great loss in Xiao Naihe's hands at the beginning, his heart was not well-behaved, and he had a demon.

However, he can absolutely use any means to kill Xiao Naihe, and he does not hesitate to mobilize all the forces in his hand, using people who have hatred against Xiao Nai, to attack Yan Tiange together to make his thoughts smooth.

But now he was beaten back by Xiao Naihe instead.

At this moment, Wu Shenyi's heart actually appeared a fear of Xiao Naihe, an idea that could not overcome Xiao Naihe.


Compared to Wushen's fist rush, Xiao Naihe's Fa Yin fell from the sky and severely knocked down Wushenyi.


Wu Shen spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person seemed weakened at this moment.

"No good, get out."

Huo Luo Wang is going to rely on Wu Shenyi ascending to the Lord of the Court, and will get the secret of promotion from Huang Lin in the future. If Wu Shenyi has an accident here, I am afraid that his plan will be over.

"Haha, I didn't expect Brother Xiao to not only die, but also so powerful. It seems that even if we don't shoot, Brother Xiao can handle it alone."

Liu Xiu stood in the void of thousands of miles away and laughed.

But the Tianyao 湒 湮 didn't do it, because all his attention was placed in the void space, beware of Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye at any time.

In fact, at the beginning of the 滒 湮, he was not willing to help Yantian Pavilion. In the past, Yan Yange was taken care of, which was seen in Xiao Naihe's face.

Since he thought Xiao Nai was dead, he didn't have much idea to help Yan Tiange.

The reason why he appears here is that he wanted to suppress Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye's limelight. Although he helped Yan Tiange in disguise, it was different from his original thought.

"King Huo Luo, do it."

As soon as Bei Songyang gritted his teeth, he only saw his club as if it were lightning. In the blink of an eye, he jumped up and took a shot.

"The Avenue Wuji Palm."

A kind of black gas diffused in the palm of Beisongyang, and printed directly in front of Xiao Naihe.

King Huo Luo didn't hesitate anymore, grabbing Wu Shenyi, and directly throwing Wu Shenyi into Nalan's invincible hands.

"Go with the God of War."

Huo Luowang snorted.

Nalan Invincible knows that the general trend is gone-without any hesitation, directly tearing the void, Ling Xiao also secretly follows Nalan Invincible at this time.

"This Xiao Nai is too powerful. With him in, I am afraid that Liu Xiu will replace Wu Shenyi and become the most promising person to ascend to God." Ling Xiao's eyes flashed with fear.

But he didn't dare to neglect, he followed quickly.

"Want to go?"

Xiao Nai snorted coldly, swaying in the void, as if it were ghosts, and King Huo Luo only felt like a flower in front of him, and his mind was stagnant.

"Breaking the law of time again?" Huo Luo's face changed greatly.

Just when he was stunned, Xiao Naihe was already transformed into a hot wheel, majestic, and rolled up wildly.

Nalan Invincible's heart was shocked, his face changed greatly, holding Wushen in one hand, and forming a punch with the other, it burst out.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

When the two fists collided, Xiao Nai didn't move, but Nalan invincibly spit out blood and his face was pale.

When the two punches just collided, the vitality in Nalan's invincible body was cut by a third, and his strength was greatly degraded.

"This Xiao Naihe is so powerful to heaven."

Before Nalan was invincible, he didn't play against Xiao Naihe positively. The first time he played with Xiao Naihe was two or three years ago.

But he didn't expect how Xiao Nai has made progress today, and he hasn't entered such a terrible state.

"No wonder King Huo Luo is not his opponent, and Night King has also turned to this son."

Nalan invincible did not know that the Night King was transformed by Xiao Naihe, and thought that the Night King was overwhelmed by Xiao Naihe's strength.

"Am I going to die here today?" Wu Shen showed a trace of despair.

But at this moment, bursts of white light burst out of the void, and a tearing noise came out.

Space torn and twisted space barrier!


Xiao Nai did not expect that in the direction where Wu Shenyi fell, someone actually tore the space and pulled Wu Shenyi into the whole person.

Seeing that jade-like arm, Xiao Naihe suddenly appeared a figure in his mind.

"Pan Lingzi."

Only a character like Pan Lingzi can quietly tear the space and save Wu Shenyi.

"Huh, Pan Lingzi, I won't kill you, but Wu Shen will stay with me, for example."

Xiao Nai hummed, and then a French seal shot, a powerful force descended from above, that is, it burst into the cracks of the void.

But at this time, a second white light suddenly appeared from the crack of the void, and a ball appeared in the white light.

"This is Thunderbolt, Thunder Pearl, the finest Taoist weapon."

Xiao Naihe moved.

Then, a powerful force erupted from the Thunder Pearl of Thunderbolt. When the endless thunderstorm came out, it enveloped the void for thousands of miles, as if it could absorb all existence.

"Good guy, in order to save people, even this kind of Taoqi is used."

The current era of heaven and earth is not as good as in the ancient times. Because of the decline of the atmospheric transport of heaven and earth, many Taoist instruments need to use the atmospheric transport of heaven and earth, but they cannot be refined.

That is why, nowadays Jiu Pin's superior Taoist instruments are almost so precious that even a master in the late Jiu Zhong or even the peak of Jiu Zhong is difficult to possess.

In order to save Wu Shenyi, Pan Lingzi actually used even the Thunder God Thunder Pearl. Once this **** bead bursts, it can almost instantly flatten a small world to the ground.

But now because of Xiao Naihe's gas field compression, it has not really spread.

"Get me absorbed."

Xiao Nai grasped with his five fingers, grabbed the chaotic thunderstorm in his palm, and then the explosive power had disappeared.

"Xiao Naihe, take your life."

King Huo Luo seemed to be fused in the void, and he patted it.

"The ants are average."

Xiao Nai stared at him.

At this time, the Huo Luo King actually felt like entering the ice cave, cold all over, and for a time there was a sense of fear of being torn apart by the soul!

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