Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1839: Inhuman combat

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"Come out, Hua Xiang, Jun Yongye, are you two coming to see my joke in Yan Tian Ge?"

Xiao Naihe put his hands on his back, his face was indifferent, and there was always a smile on his face, gentle and elegant, like a breeze.

During the talk, the night king behind could feel an inexplicable aura.

Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye, just standing on the spot, Yantian Pavilion and others underneath, had a feeling like being in a magical realm.

After the defeat of the first class of Wushen, one hundred thousand cultivators have been defeated, dead, captive.

Because there is an immortal elder alone, at least half of the pressure is shared.

Those masters of the eighth and even the ninth level cannot be dealt with by ordinary disciples in Yantian Pavilion, but they are not difficult to put on the side of the immortal elders.

"Who is that?"

"Isn't it prudent to look at the Son? Don't quarrel, I'm afraid it's not a level we can relate to, let's go back."

Ancestor Dai Jun whispered softly.

After a while, Yun Weixue's voice appeared in the minds of all disciples.

"Everyone retreat, seal the others to the sea of ​​air, retreat into Yantian Pavilion, open the mountain gate array, do not come out casually."

Although Yun Weixue was also a bit worried, she knew that no matter who now, except for the Night King and the Immortal Elders, the others could not help with their stay, and they all retreated into the Yantian Pavilion.

Jun Yongye and Hua Xiang were unimpressed. In the eyes of both of them, the group of people underneath were all ants, just like giants looking at ants, and they never ignored any ants.

It was Jun Yongye, his eyes flashed, revealing a trace of evil charm, and saw a woman among the crowd.

When Yun Weixue just flashed into it, he suddenly felt a cool back, as if locked by some wild beasts.

Now Yun Weixue has reached the Seventh Creator, and because of the long-term consumption of all things and rice, soaking the Taikoo Leichi, the body and perception are no less than the existence of any eightfold realm. Old masters like Zu are even stronger.

It was also at that moment that Yun Weixue sensed a chill. It was an unprecedented crisis. Even if she was a master many times more powerful than hers, there was no such chill.

Now this feeling of being locked in by the wild beasts gives Yun Weixue a hunch that there is no escape.


In this case, Xiao Nai would not be able to notice where, with a sneer, a force of fine element burst out among the primordial gods, breaking the aura in mid-air.

At that moment Jun Yongye's eyes seemed to be stabbed by a piece of metamagnetism, which made the soul of the gods feel like they were cracked apart.


Jun Yongye quickly stabilized his soul, and Xiao Naihe showed a little bit of embarrassment and cold eyes.

But at the same time Jun Yongye's eyes emerged with fear.

Rao is a master like Hua Xiang, who looked at Xiao Nai with some surprise.

"This Xiao Nai, I don't know what chance I got, I actually reached this level, I don't know how much he is more refined than before?"

Hua Xiang frowned, with a clear heart.

Where can he not be seen? The master of the Nineth Chong Peak, who wants to refine further, how can it be, it is as difficult as the Houtian Realm to cultivate to the Nineth Chong Realm.

The gap between them cannot be described by distance.

Hua Xiang stepped into the half-step passive from the peak of the nineth layer. In the middle, he got a few secret luck, and he had an insight to be able to enter this step.

But in this light, he didn't know how many years it took to get into it.

However, Xiao Nai entered the Ninth Realm, absolutely no more than four years, and now there is still progress. If there is no big chance, Hua Xiang will not believe anything.

With Xiao Naihe's strength, even if the talent is good, if there is no chance of luck, there can be no improvement.

"Isn't that the time when his breath of life disappeared? It should be. The breath of his flesh now is completely different from before. This is a return to the original, like a jade. What did he experience?"

Hua Xiang thought about it, but it was only about it. With his ability, how could he not see Xiao Nai's chance.

Even if Xiao Nai is extremely talented, if there is no good luck, what chance advantage would be obtained, it is impossible to advance to this state.

"Jun Yongye, do you want me to dig out your eyes? Or do I want to do it myself?"

Xiao Nai's eyes narrowed, and the smile on his face revealed an ice cold murder.

No man can endure other men staring at their wives, and they also have evil thoughts.

When Xiao Naihe's strength failed, he dared to fight Jun Yongye.

Not to mention that now that he has entered a half-step passive, he has gone to a higher level, not to be afraid of Jun Yongye.

"Xiao Naihe, you seem to be a bold artist now. Although I do n’t know what chance you got, but if you said so to me before, I will definitely pump your soul and refine your soul. Sealed in the Devil Realm, it will be uncomfortable for thousands of years. "

Jun Yongye smiled faintly, revealing a cold murderous opportunity between his words, just like the cold before dawn.

"Oh? How about playing two-handed karate?"

Xiao Nai waved his hand.

When he said ‘hand’, his body had turned into a straight line, and he flew towards the front.

The speed cannot be captured with the naked eye.

Even if the Night King stood next to Xiao Naihe, he could not perceive the figure beyond the speed of sound.

Even Junyong Ye didn't think that Xiao Naihe said that he would do it without any consideration.

"This guy……"

Jun Yongye shook his body, and the spiritual power of his body fell down, only to see a magical light around him, just like the sun and moon wheel, dazzling, like a round of blazing sun.

"Magic Battle Sun Moon Sky Wheel!"

The magical energy gathered around the moment, forming a black space, as if cutting the entire void in an instant, you can divide the spot into two halves of the world and break the shackles of space.

"This is the half-step passive game, or the half-step passive in the magic path."

The immortal elder shook and could not help but step back a few steps.

Even though he was still a long way away from Jun Yongye, he was forced to back away by the force of Jun Yongye and could not bear it.

That is no longer a word to describe. Rao is an immortal elder such as the old master of the nine-fold peak. In the face of such a crisis, he feels the unshakable aura on the opposite side.

"Large ovens in the heavens, refining the sky fire."

Xiao Naihe's voice seemed to come from the Ninefold Hell, and it resounded the entire continent. The space of 100,000 miles in all directions and all directions was the thunder of the eight characters of Xiao Naihe.


The huge oven appeared and collided with Jun Yongye's body strength in mid-air to produce a shock of unmatched strength.

As if digging the ground, the continent was shaking.

However, when Xiao Naihe's eyes opened, a burst of light emerged from the explosion in his eyes, as if the sky was burning, all of them would be burned.

Jun Yong Ye Mo was like falling into the mortar of hell, but not the huge heat, but the icy coldness.

"Get me up!"

When Xiao Nai grabbed it, the huge oven was shrouded in an instant, as if to bring Jun Yongye from the underground to the oven.

In this oven, there is a trace of the underworld industry fire force that Xiao Naihe condensed, mixing many sky fires.

Jun Yongye looked at the oven. He had a feeling that if he was caught in the oven by Xiao Naihe, it would be extremely dangerous, and there must be worries about his life.

"Underworld industry fire, I didn't expect you to get this thing. Since the Six Worlds Jihad more than six thousand years ago, no one has been able to get the underworld industry fire. You **** luck."

Jun Yongye said coldly.

Underworld industry fire itself is the most strange flame in the world, which can burn all existence.

Even the existence of the Wu people who controlled the underworld at that time did not dare to enter the eighteenth heavy prison at will and extract the underworld karma.

Only some means can be used to summon the underworld karma to fire.

This kind of treasure of the underworld industry fire, if you use it a little, it will be a little less and will not regenerate, so not only is there a last resort, but Xiao Nai will not just summon the underworld industry fire.

"Underworld karma should not belong to this face, at least it cannot be produced in this era. The power of the law contained in it is not what this heaven and earth can show. If you can understand the power of the law in it, say It may be helpful for your cultivation. "

Hua Xian looked intently, tightly locking the black industry fire in Xiao Naihe's hands, as if the entire world could be burned in between fingers.

Even Hua Xiang can feel an extremely dangerous breath from it.

"Xiao Naihe, your name is good, with my strength, this wants to fight me? Can you help me?"

Jun Yongye smiled coldly, five fingers, a magic figure revealed in his eyebrows, shining a thick black gas.

The chaotic black gas fell to the front but was not between the fingers, Jun Yongye kicked **** the big oven with his foot.


It seemed that Hong Zhong Dalu, with a muffled sound, shook the entire void, as if the night tore the day and turned the whole day into a dark place.

The two turned into a streamer, and the two forces mixed and violently collided together, forming a long stream of streamer suddenly, as if two different stars collided with each other in the void, producing a shock wave of unspeakable power.

"Is this the battle between the top nine?"

The face of the immortal elder changed slightly.

He is an old master of the nine-fold peak. Seeing the battle between Xiao Naihe and Jun Yongye, he seems to be in the space created by the fight between two wild beasts.

The kind of trembling between the gods and spirits seemed like two people in front of each other collided with each other, torn apart the space, and crushed each other in a vacuum.

This is no longer a battle between humans, but a battle between two gods.

When these two forces collided, it seemed that a huge wave had appeared, but in the blink of an eye, the two had been shaken out.

"Hoohoo ..."

A sharp voice, as if the fingertips were scratching on the glass, produced an unspeakable discomfort.

"What a Xiao Nai."

There are also three points of caution between the looks of flowers.

In his eyes, how could he not see that Xiao Naiho's move just now surpassed the past, and now Xiao Naihe is afraid that he is already enjoying the same status as him.

Before that, although Xiao Naihe was powerful, Hua Xiang was not in the eyes, because Hua Xiang, like Xiao Naihe, was a genius in genius.

Xiao Nai is more powerful, and even more beautiful.

Even though Xiao Nai had such a name as a holy son, Hua Xiang didn't care.

Had it not been for the last time that Huang Lin said that Xiao Naihe had also practiced Wu Dao and created the four cultivation legends in this era of heaven and earth, Hua Xiang would not have much meaning.

At the time, Hua Hua paid Xiao Naihe relatively, that was because he wanted to attract Xiao Naihe and let him do things for himself. However, Xiao Naihe refused, and finally Hua Xiang used his own people, using Zhao Xinglong and others who had entered the late stage of the nineth layer to chase Xiao Naihe to prevent future troubles.

However, he did not expect that Zhao Naihe would be defeated in the end, which made Zhao Xinglong dead, and he has not been able to regain his thoughts.

Although Zhao Xinglong was dead, it was a pity that he had the most flowers, and he didn't have much heartache, because in his eyes, the ants were all half-step passive.

Including the nineth peak.

And now it shows the strength to be on an equal footing with him, and it's no wonder that Hua Xiang's heart will spawn so many ideas.

"Haha, Xiao Naihe, you're fine, you're very good. I didn't expect my Jun Yongye to be hurt. Since the Hong Family Ancestor attacked me, I haven't been injured for many years. Today I use Jun Yongye The name will definitely take you. "

Xiao Naihe smiled coldly, Jun Yongye caught in the void, and did not give Xiao Naihe any reaction time at all.

"Tian Mo Hun Yuan Gong."

In Jun Yongye's eyebrows, it seems that a small thousand world has been spawned. This small thousand world is running at a rapid speed, and the whole world is surrounded in an instant.

Among the miles, it was dim.

Only Jun Yongye was surrounded by white light and purple light, like a magic dragon, rushing into the sky and disrupting the communication between heaven and earth.

The ghosts wailed and the wind blew wildly.

At that moment, it seemed that Archaic Demon King came.

"I still want to defeat me in this way, Jun Yongye, do you really think I was Xiao Nai before?"

"If you come to a fingerprint, you can't move like a mountain. When the dharma comes out, the world will be the same."

Xiao Naihe's eyebrows also spawned a small thousand world, but the small thousand world different from Jun Yongye, this small thousand world, when surrounded, made Xiao Naihe's whole body golden and dazzling glory bloom into the endless void.


The two Little Thousand Worlds squeezed and collided with each other, and then each exploded.

At this moment, the action of the two people directly compresses the pressure of the explosion of the two small worlds, so that all forces are evacuated at this time, and I don't know what space secrets to escape into.

The two of them, like meteors, were slammed out.

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