Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1840: Gather all (on)

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"How is your master?"

"I don't know, but it's impossible to have an accident. Although Jun Yongye is powerful, the owner is not the same as before."

The Immortal Elder and the Night King transmitted sound to each other, and the sound between them sounded in their minds.

Without other hesitation, the Night King and the Immortal Elder retreated, and retreated towards the back.

Now Xiao Naihe and Jun Yongye both don't know which big pit they fell into, and they can't distinguish clearly between them.

The area with a radius of 100,000 miles is a mess.

And Tang Hailong and others who guarded the Yantian Pavilion even showed horror on their faces.

Since they came in, there have been no fragments of vibration, as if two different worlds are colliding.

Even everyone couldn't help but wonder, if such a shock continues, will the entire wild continent be overturned.

"My consciousness has just been released, it seems that it was stabbed back with some terrifying breath. If it was n’t for me to receive it fast, I ’m afraid that the force just now can tear up all my consciousness, and even my You will be torn apart when you know the sea. "

When I think of my delusion to use my consciousness to find out what is happening outside, the immortal elder is cold all over.

It can no longer be described in words. Tang Hailong never felt that he would be so small, and he might be killed at any time.

Ancestor Dai Jun said coldly: "Don't say you, even me, if you use your consciousness to detect what is happening outside, you can't resist the sea. This level of battle is not something we can involve, Still stay inside, don't act rashly. "

Tang Hailong sighed, but could not help sighing.

At this level of battle, the two of them cannot get close at all.

If it wasn't for Yan Tian Pavilion's support from the mountain protection team, I was afraid that Yan Tian Pavilion would not be able to support it at all.

The ancestor Dai Jun also smiled bitterly. He is now the ultimate in the eighth peak, and is gradually approaching from the nineth level.

But he also knew that even if he stepped into the Ninth Realm, it was just the early stage of the Nineth Heavy, and he could not get in touch with the battle of that level outside.

Only Yun Weixue didn't know what he was thinking.

With a move in his heart, Zhu Jia couldn't help but whisper: "Miss Yun, don't worry, with the strength of the Son, almost no one can win him. Even if the Son is not an opponent, there is an absolute ability to escape."

Yun Weixue smiled faintly: "I don't worry about Naihe, I can feel the far-reaching power in Naihe. Although these two people are powerful, but Nai is definitely not a problem, we should better protect Yantiange now, Do n’t think too much about other things. Zhu Jia, can you tell me how hard it is to lose? If there are disciples killed or injured, it is to take out the resources and give good care to the family of the deceased. "

Zhu Jia froze for a moment. She didn't expect Yun Weixue to be so calm, and she was able to think of these things at this time. She couldn't help but sigh.

It has to be said that although her Zhu Jia has arrived at the Eightfold Realm, she seems to be inferior to Yun Weixue who has not entered the Eighth Layer in terms of state of mind.

Yun Weixue has been helping Xiao Nai take care of the Yan Tian Pavilion for so many days. There seems to be nothing in the world like Yun Wei Xue.

Zhu Jia also envyed Yun Weixue in his heart, looked at the sky, and did not know what he was thinking at this time.

"Xiao Naihe!"

Regardless of the scene in the Yantian Pavilion, the earth that was blasted out of a tiankeng at this time suddenly shook, like a landslide.

There was a shock in the front, and Jun Yongye jumped out of the Tiankeng.

Although there was no damage on his body, even the stains left by the fighting, there was a cold murder in his eyes.

Xiao Nai He actually let himself lose such a big face. This is the second time Jun Yongye has suffered such a big loss since the Hong family ancestors combined with the other two ancestors.

Although Jun Yongye did not suffer any injuries, he was very self-respecting, but now he is fighting Xiao Naihe and has suffered a lot.

At that time, Jun Yongye was not as powerful as it is now, and the ancestors of the Hong family at that time still united with the other two ancestors. These two ancestors were placed in the current 3,300 world. Master of this level.

Although Jun Yongye suffered a loss at that time, at least two other ancestors were killed.

Now Jun Yongye's strength is soaring, but he is forced to such a situation by Xiao Naihe, a junior.

This shame is the biggest in Jun Yongye's history.

Jun Yongye didn't hide his anger in his heart, and the killing in his eyes was extremely cold.

If the sight can kill, Xiao Naihe now does not know how many times he died.

Bang Bang Bang!

At this time, there was a burst of sand and gravel rolling in another sky pit ahead, and the sound of various flowers rubbing together was the same.

A white light burst into the sky, like an ancient star, a powerful force shook it out.

Destroy the general, making the whole earth and the void constantly shake.

"Jun Yongye, what are you in a hurry, I won't die before I dig out your eyes."

Xiao Nai He's lightly indifferent voice also came, and I saw a white light around Xiao Nai He, like a peculiar aura, surrounding him.

Subsequently, Xiao Naihe slowly ascended and floated in the air.

Just a little ...

A wind blew through, and Xiao Naihe's clothes floated slightly, and nothing happened.

The white clothes on her body are lead-free and dust-free, as if they were the fairy goddess in the dust.

Even Jun Yongye saw Xiao Naihe at this time, his heart was tight, his eyes coldly shot, looking forward.

"Xiao Naihe, I have to admit that you are indeed a blessing of heaven and earth. I didn't expect you to be able to progress so fast. Now I can deal with me. Even now, I have to put you in my hands Look at this level above. "

Jun Yongye took a deep breath and exhaled, and the temperature in the void fell suddenly, as if suddenly entering the ice cave.

Only Xiao Naihe remained unmoved, but his eyes were clear: "I never put you above my level, it just makes me feel strange that you and Huaxiang are both four. The most top level in the world will actually come together. Do n’t tell me, the two of you are working together now, in order to get a chance for Huang Lin ’s promotion. ”

Xiao Naiho's eyes moved, and then placed on Hua Xiang.

The figure standing in the distance moved slightly, suddenly it seemed to break the vacuum, tear the space, and jumped from the other side.

A little bit of footsteps, the flower phase at this time is already standing in front of Jun Yongye.

The two men stood on the left and right, each with an aura beyond their control. It seems that the entire Four Realms are not in the eyes of the two men.

However, Xiao Nai was unimpressed, and let the two men be more powerful, he still had no change.

If it had been before, Xiao Naihe might have struggled against any of them, but he was still able to cope. And if they met the two men, then Xiao Naihe had no need to think about anything, and immediately turned around and left.

But now it is not the same, Xiao Nai has been half-step passive, and his strength is no longer under these two veteran masters.

In particular, Xiao Nai and Si Xiu Avenue, the accumulation of the body is full, powerful and unmatched.

Even if these two people unite, Xiao Naihe is confident that he can still cope with it, not to mention beside him, there are also the Night King and the Immortal Elder.

Sure enough, the figures of the Night King and the Immortal Elder flickered, like ghosts, and fell around Xiao Naihe.

At this time, the two parties formed a collision between auras.

It seems that the bombardment confrontation between the two stars is indiscriminate.

"It's too busy, it seems that if I don't come out, it won't work!"

At this moment, another calm voice came to mind from the back. There was a fluctuation in the laughter, shaking the hearts of these five people.

Jun Yongye's gaze changed very fast, a faint flash of light flashed in his eyes, but disappeared in an instant, and even no one else found it.

"The demon dies!"

The figure that appeared in the eyes of the Night King was none other than the demon.

Standing in the middle of the crowd, Eiyou nodded toward the Night King: "Your Excellency Night King, I haven't seen you for a long time. We haven't seen each other for hundreds of years, but we never thought that you and the immortal two would actually become Xiao Shengzi companion."

"Haha, aren't Lord Mori and Son close?"

Hua Xiang laughed.

The relationship between Tianyao Yu and Xiao Naihe was known to almost everyone in the scene. As early as more than a year ago, Duo Yu had publicly supported Xiao Naihe.

Although a lot of things happened later, this thing is still remembered.

Not only him, but Jun Yongye also remembered very clearly.

"Jun Yongye, Hua Xiang, one of you is the king of the devil in the lower realm, and the other is the top master in the realm of the gods. Both of them can't beat a single pole in eight lifetimes. Seems to join forces? "

Ei Yu smiled slightly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

The few people in the room, every one of them went out, were superb masters.

Now they all stand in one place.

"Don't say this, our guests haven't all been present yet, Chen Ming, I know you are here, get me off."

Xiao Nai shouted, it seemed that there was a surging force in the thunder, and the entire void seemed to be shattered.

When Lian Mori heard Xiao Naihe's voice, it seemed that the whole person was shaken violently.

"Chen Ming? This name seems to be the name of the guy, why did Xiao Nai actually know?" Hua Xiang stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and he was locked in the void.

A piece of auspicious cloud flashed, and suddenly a cold hum!

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