Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1856: Dragon incarnation?

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The violent wind made a tearing sound in the void, and all the sand and dust within ten miles of the circle rolled up, wrapping Xiao Naihe's whole person.

That moment looked very dangerous. Even Liu Tao couldn't help but feel a little worried about Xiao Naihe. She felt very good about Xiao Naihe, so she didn't want Xiao Naihe to have an accident.

A blue light flickered in the void, and the flames and gusty winds rolled together to form a tornado.


Xiao Nai looked at Ye Yonghao to divide his strength into 30%, but the power was too small. I'm afraid that although Ye Yonghao as a cultivator of the five-level realm, it is only the bottom role in the five-level realm.

Bang bang

The flame seemed to be blowing in the wind, and it was burning.

With a palm shot, the surrounding positions suddenly became heavy, as if the entire space became extremely heavy in an instant, and the surroundings became very heavy.

At that moment, Xiao Naiho seemed to be suppressed by his body.

Click and click.

Xiao Nahe's body made a clicking sound, as if the bones were brittle.

"It's awesome, Senior Brother goes one step further. It seems that Senior Brother came out this time and must be prepared."

"Brother Ye's strength is so powerful, but at the age of seven hundred, it is already the top five of the supremacy. Maybe before Chitose, you can step into the top six."

"Sixth Realm of Supreme Realm, that's the level of the master. If Brother Ye became the Sixth Realm of Supreme Realm, then it will be a first-class master in the 33rd heaven of Phoenix God Realm."

The men and women were very excited when they discussed it.

Even Liu Tao glanced at Ye Yonghao.

But when looking at Xiao Naihe, Liu Tao was also worried.

She rarely goes outside the sect gate, so she is very curious about the people outside. In particular, she feels a little good about Xiao Naihe, and does not want to see Xiao Nai hurt under Brother Ye's hands.

"Hey, if Brother Ye hurt him, I would be a sinner. I did n’t know that I would n’t tell him to join our Fire Phoenix branch. But I ca n’t bear it anymore. He ca n’t go anywhere, I just want to help He only. "

Liu Tao is in a dilemma.

But when these people thought that Xiao Nai was about to lose, Xiao Nai stretched out in the void, and escaped with a very weird posture.

"Huh? It seems that there is some skill."

A smile appeared on Ye Yonghao's face, but it was a sneer.

"The second is here."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Yonghao replaced his palm with leg work, and swept his leg to Xiao Naihe's front.

"Sweep Tan legs."

As soon as the legs and feet were pressed hard, Ye Yonghao's body suddenly dragged out a dozen shadows, and ran to Xiao Naihe's front with extremely fast speed.

Then I saw a figure on Xiao Naihe's head. Ye Yonghao had a gust of wind encased in his leg, which had been bombarded from the upper wind, and it shook all around. It seemed to burst.

"Humanistic fist."

Xiao Naihe did not show other avenues, but showed humane skills. This humane move is only a middle-level and low level among Xiao Naihe's humane abilities.

But it was almost used against Ye Yonghao.

Ye Yonghao used 30% of his strength to test Xiao Naihe. There was a vague idea of ​​letting Xiao Nai suffer a little and suffer a little to establish prestige.

But Xiao Nai used less than one percent of his strength. He raised his fist gently, and there was nothing special about it.

But the boxing wind was suddenly released from all around him, and a punch came out. It seemed that Xiao Naihe was exhausting all his strength to deal with Ye Yonghao, but in fact Xiao Naihe was just a light punch.


Punching each other with one punch and one leg, Ye Yonghao stepped back in the air, obviously knowing that Xiao Nai had a three-point magical means, and he didn't care.

"He could actually take Brother Ye's two moves, could his third move come next?"

"Isn't it possible, Brother Ye said that he only used 30% of the power, which is at most a top priority."

"Yes, even if it is the supremacy, Xiao Nai can't stop Brother Ye's third move."

The three people around didn't hide their voices and talked unscrupulously.

Senior Brother Ye listened proudly and saw Xiao Naihe's "best effort" face, sneering even more, and then glanced at Liu Tao.

"Sister Xiaomei, you are too kind-hearted and so enthusiastic to a human race cultivator. How can you be so close to this Sanliu Sanxiu in the future if you want to be my person."

A glimmer of light flashed in Ye Yonghao's eyes.

Xiao Naihe never thought that he was actually taken by his brother Ye for flying vinegar for no reason, so he moved his mind to teach himself.

This Ye Yonghao has a strong possessive desire for Liu Tao. After all, Liu Tao's people are very good looking and very flattering. Many men in Zong Men see Liu Tao, and they will have the idea of ​​protecting Liu Tao in their hearts.

In the Fire Phoenix branch, Liu Tao is also very popular, including this Ye Yonghao.

"The third measure is to return to everything."

Although Ye Yonghao has already mentioned a little interest in his heart, he still suppresses his cultivation to 30%.

An aperture emerged from the top of his head, which is just a sign of a world of flowers and thoughts, but it is very thin.

"Actually, it's the rule of thumb, has Brother Brother already learned it?" Chen Hong was taken aback.


When the punch came out, the space around the dozens of miles was suddenly dim, and the dust was flying, as if the entire person of Xiao Naihe was wrapped in it, making Xiao Naihe's movements slow down.

Shen Nian's strength improved. Ye Yonghao's punch fell from above, making a loud noise, like a thunder on the ground, and several people in the distance seemed to resonate like bones.

"Why did Nai lose?"

"Yes, Brother Ye's rule of thumb is a unique trick for Master Zun. I did not expect Brother Ye to actually learn it."

"Maybe Brother Ye might be able to compete with Master Sister in the future for the patriarch!"

The three people were excited to discuss. Ye Yonghao shot, and they also had very good experience.

Even Liu Tao couldn't help but sigh gently, and there was a three-point regret in his tone.

"Fist of the Dragon."

Xiao Nai didn't look at it anymore. He invoked less than one percent of the mind in his body to excite part of the Dragon Qi in a hole, and then his fist burst out, and a dragon chant appeared around him.

It seems that at this time in the whole desert, there is an ancient dragon to be born.

"What's the matter? Why are there dragons in the desert of Beiye?"

In Ye Yonghao's heart, there was a salon in the desert of Beiye.

Sharon is in the desert, but he is the overlord among the wild beasts. His strength has reached the peak of the fifth level, which is much more powerful than Ye Yonghao.

If Ye Yonghao meets Sharon, he will definitely run away immediately, and he is not Sharon's opponent at all.

"No, this is not the voice of the Beast Salon, this is the momentum sent by this kid."

Afterwards, Xiao Naihe's boxing intention faintly showed a hint of dragon spirit, which seemed very old.

This is not a salon, but a real dragon breath.

However, Xiao Nai suppressed most of the true dragon breath, so there is nothing special about it.

But in the eyes of these people, it seemed very shocked.

"What kind of Taoism is this? Is it impossible for the Dragon Clan to fail?"

"How is it possible, how could human beings know the way of the Dragon Clan? The Dragon Clan Road is like the Buddhist Road. Although it does not belong to the six sources, it is also an independent road."

"Is this person an incarnation of the dragon?"

Not only these few men and women, but Ye Yonghao's first thought is also the same. Xiao Nai could not be the reincarnation or incarnation of the dragon.

"No, even if the dragon clan in the wild beast turned into a human, it is also powerful. The power in his body is too weak. It should be that he has the blood of the dragon clan in his body."

Thinking of this, Ye Yonghao couldn't help but feel a trace of greed and jealousy.

The blood of the dragon family, especially the blood of the real dragon, can change its physique with just one drop. Many Protoss children are not as good as real dragons.

If a drop of true dragon essence blood is released, under the creator, it will definitely cause a **** storm and all kinds of robbery.

"This kid really has **** luck, but he must not have merged the real dragon's essence and blood. The ancient dragon is the supreme realm in adulthood. After the fusion, it is not difficult to break through the triplet of the supreme realm. This child is only a realm, and his fusion should be It's the dragon blood and even the half-dragon blood of Sharon. "

Ye Yonghao thought, if Xiao Naihe's body is true dragon essence and blood, then in some middle and small schools, they should definitely be trained as core disciples.

If such a person has a good talent, he must be at the six levels of supremacy. In the future, he can even enter the creator and improve the strength of the sect.

"Regardless of whether you absorb the dragon blood or not, if you want to enter my Fire Phoenix division, you have to accept temptation."

Ye Yonghao burst into a thud, his punch blasted in mid-air, and the airflow around seemed to form an independent space.

After this boxing intention wrapped Xiao Naihe's whole person, the next moment Xiao Naihe's whole person was smashed to the ground.


Xiao Naihe's expression was indifferent, and his 'human dragon fist' was less than one-tenth. He collided with Ye Yonghao's fist in midair, and suddenly produced a huge impact.

Even Ye Yonghao felt that his body seemed to be shaken out, and the blood in his body was tumbling, which was a bit uncomfortable for a while.


Ye Yonghao was shocked in his heart, did not expect that his punch could not win Xiao Naihe, and was broken by a supreme boy?

This is not an interesting thing, for Ye Yonghao, very embarrassed.

Ye Yonghao bit Xiao Naihe's eyes fiercely, and the anger flashed in his eyes.

But Xiao Naihe still caught it.

"Hey, there are really people who have rivers and lakes everywhere, and they can get in trouble for no reason."

Xiao Nai said in his heart helplessly, even if he didn't go to trouble, as if the trouble had eyes, he would come to the door by himself.

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