Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1857: Wild Beast

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"Broke Brother Ye's punch?"

"This Xiao Nai is so powerful? The supremacy is only one thing."

"He must have some dragon blood in his body, yes."

The three men and women were taken aback and discussed each other.

Xiao Naihe didn't seem to hear it, but made a very hard look.

Ye Yonghao took a deep look at Xiao Naihe, wanting to see something special in Xiao Naihe's face.

However, it was found that Xiao Naihe was still in the clothes with a smile, and touched the back of his head with his hands, and appeared very embarrassed.

"Are you fused with dragon blood?"

Ye Yonghao asked.

Originally such secrets could not be opened, everyone had their own secrets, but Ye Yonghao simply asked himself in a tone of command regardless of whether Xiao Nai would tell himself or not.

Liu Tao changed his face slightly, and said, "Brother Ye, how can you ask this?"

Later, Liu Tao apologized: "Brother Xiao, Brother Ye is excited, don't be surprised!"

Regarding Liu Tao who has been helping himself, Xiao Nai liked Liu Tao as a little girl and smiled slightly: "It's okay, this is not a shameful thing. I did have some adventures, and I got a blood of the dragon who didn't know what it was , After taking it, it will be closed here for many years. "

Xiao Naihe showed a sincere smile on his face, but in his words, Jiucheng was fake.

It was true that the original dragon blood was obtained because of chance.

"No wonder, the dragon's blood is starting to be rich, I didn't expect you to get it."

"With the integration of a dragon's blood, even a half-dragon race like Sharon can change his physique."

"It's no wonder that the last one was blocked by you. It seems that most of the reason is because of the potential of the dragon blood."

Wang Shaolong's tone was sour.

Xiao Naihe, a human race cultivator, actually got the blood of the dragon race, which is simply a violent disaster. If Wang Shaolong got the Dragon's blood, after taking it, he would be able to stand on Brother Ye for thousands of years.

Of course, not just him, but some other people think the same way.

In particular, Ye Yonghao also had some jealousy in his heart.

Xiao Naihe was funny. Although these people had a bad attitude, especially Ye Yonghao's attitude was high, Xiao Naihe also taught Ye Yonghao.

Ye Yonghao was last penetrated into the body by Xiao Nai's dragon qi. I'm afraid that the blood and blood in the body are now difficult to control and suffered some injuries. It can't be recovered within ten days and a half months.

Ye Yonghao also thought that it was caused by Xiao Naihe's physique of dragon blood, and he was angry and hated for Xiao Naihe, but was helpless.

"Brother, now Brother Xiao has passed your test, is it possible to enter our Fire Phoenix branch." Liu Tao asked bouncingly.

For Taoist cultivators, Liu Tao was in contact for the first time, so he felt very interested in Xiao Naihe.

After hearing Liu Tao's words, Ye Yonghao was also very angry. He already regarded Liu Tao as his wife who had never passed by in the future.

Now seeing Liu Tao talking to other men, a trace of annoyance came out of her heart.

However, there was still a smile on his face: "Of course, he has passed my test, but whether he can enter the sect door or not, it all depends on what the master said. I can only promise to recommend him to the master. "

"Hey, as long as you are willing to recommend, the master will naturally agree."

Liu Tao smiled.

Ye Yonghao also had no other choice. He glanced at Xiao Nai and said lightly: "We will also return to the Fengfeng sect, so follow us first."

"it is good."

Xiao Naihe still had the dull "smile" on his face. Actually, he already had some calculations in mind.

Looking at Ye Yonghao covering his chest, although there is nothing strange in the expression, Xiao Naihe knows that Ye Yonghao is definitely uncomfortable.

Xiao Naihe's fist force forced into Ye Yonghao's body, causing the blood and tumbling in his body to be injured.

But Ye Yonghao loved his face so much that he didn't dare to show it, fearing that he would be taken lightly by a few younger brothers and sisters.

Ye Yonghao's face is light and light, but his body's qi and blood are uncomfortable. The more he looks at Xiao Nai He, the more he feels abominable.

Xiao Nai didn't care about Ye Yonghao's thoughts, he wanted to enter the Huofeng Branch through these few people, and temporarily cultivate in the Huofeng Branch to absorb the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

As for Ye Yonghao's hostility towards himself, it was simply air.

The crowd then returned to the Huofeng tribe.

The Fire Phoenix is ​​actually in the Phoenix Divine Realm, and it can be regarded as a middle and low class.

In a Phoenix Divine Realm, there are thirty-three heavens, that is, thirty-three small worlds.

The Fire Phoenix sub-sect is the sect of the 33rd heaven.

Xiao Nai and Liu Tao also got a lot of news about the Fire Phoenix branch along the way.

"Although I have the memory of the Night King, if you don't stay overnight, the King is a hegemon in the God Realm. How can you be interested in the middle and lower level sect like the Fire Phoenix?

At this stage, Xiao Naihe also don't want to step into the sky and enter those super-sects.

For example, suddenly showing his extraordinary strength, attracting the attention of the old monsters of the big sect, and then soliciting Xiao Naihe to go in, let Xiao Naihe become a high level of a super sect, and give Xiao Nai a lucky land.

This kind of thing is almost impossible.

In the Nine Heavens, there is a clear conflict between various races.

In particular, the Protoss clan has always had some prejudice against the practitioners from the lower realm.

If Xiao Naiho showed his own strength, he was afraid that he would not attract those super-sectarians, but would cause those super-sectarians to be afraid, and then unite to deal with themselves.

Even if discovered by Bai inorganic, it is much more dangerous.

Xiao Naihe slowly infiltrated into these sects, to gain some high-level status, only to get lucky.

It can be said that Xiao Naihe has now accumulated half of his body into the passive realm, more than Hua Xiang and Jun Yongye.

If he absorbs the heaven and earth atmospheric transport for a long time among those super-sectarian luck treasures, he may be able to succeed in creating a Tao in a hundred years.

"This kid is so close to the younger sister."

Ye Yonghao didn't know what Xiao Nai thought, but he just saw that Liu Tao was interested in asking Xiao Naihe what he wanted to do, as if he had seen the human race for the first time.

However, it is not surprising that Liu Tao itself is only 17 or 18 years old, and he rarely goes out. The disciples who usually watch are all Protoss people, and they are really interested in human clan cultivators.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

At this time, when they passed through a sand dune, suddenly, a roar sound came from all over the world, and the airflow around them all poured backwards, as if to smash the entire world.

That coercion came from all around, and everyone's heart seemed to be crushed by a huge rock of a million pounds, which was very uncomfortable.

At that time, Ye Yonghao made a clicking sound on the flesh, as if the flesh and bones were squeezed and deformed.

"What a powerful coercion, what is it?"

"This voice is ..."

Wang Shaolong's complexion changed greatly.

When he looked up to the void, a sudden terror appeared in his eyes.

Even a few people around were cautious on their faces.

"Brother Ye!"

Ye Yonghao nodded and stepped back slightly: "Let's not act lightly."

At this time, Ye Yonghao seemed very cautious. The whole perception was stimulated to the maximum. All the attention was put around, as if ready to explode at any time.

"Come out, brother, look!"

Chen Hong suddenly pointed to the front, and suddenly a white light came out of the desert and rose into the sky.

There was a thick blood in that white light, like a straight wolf smoke, rushing into the sky, immediately spread into the thousands of miles.

Five thousand miles away, the whole desert was filled with a blood-red breath, and a **** smell rushed head-on, as if it had absorbed countless breath of essence and blood.

Even when Ye Yonghao smelled it, there was a feeling of wanting to vomit.

"Hoohoo ..."

At this time, a shadow came out of the desert and flew directly to the front.

The countless rays of light in the whole sky were flashing, and the blood was thick, as if forming a wall, standing tall and breaking through the sky.

Then, the dark shadow appeared, and a three-mile salon appeared in everyone's eyes.

There were dark yellow dragon scales on the body, and there were countless sandstones in the dragon scales. The dragon tail was swept a little, and a gust of wind formed, swept hundreds of miles away.

Liu Tao's eyes flashed, and the gust of wind exploded hundreds of miles away, like a huge mushroom cloud.

"Aboriginal Salon."

Except for Xiao Naihe alone, the others' faces suddenly turned pale.

Even that Ye Yonghao was as pale as a face, his palms permeated with cold sweat.

"Why do you encounter the beast salon? We obviously avoided the place where the salon came in."

Chen Hong's face was extremely pale, and his voice was a little trembling.

This barren beast salon, at least reached the five levels.

The same is the five-fold realm, the power of the wild beast is too strong, even Ye Yonghao may not be its opponent.

For a time, a breath of terror and death permeated the crowd.

Even Liu Tao couldn't help but retreat behind Xiao Naihe, holding Xiao Naihe's clothes tightly.

Xiao Naihe moved in his heart, a force in the middle of this salon is brewing, it seems that the salon is ready to start.

Xiao Naihe is also thinking about whether he wants to do it or not. If he does, Shijo Sharon is not his opponent, but it will obviously reveal his strength.

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