Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1858: salon

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"That's the salon."

Ye Yonghao's face changed greatly.

The whole sky became extremely dim, and the sky was full of sand and dust, scattered all around.

The clouds above had turned into a black cloud and fluttered.

The sound of the wind blew, and the people in front of them were too stiff to stand.


Ye Yonghao took the opportunity to make a decision, without any hesitation, drank, and immediately let everyone retreat.

The remaining few did not hesitate. When they came out of the Beast Salon, they were already reluctant to retreat, and hurried to the back to quit lifelessly.

Bang Bang Bang!

Wang Shaolong had just retreated a thousand feet, and suddenly felt hit a huge steel plate, making a loud noise around the earthquake.

Chen Hong shook slightly and lost his voice: "What ... what is this?"

"This seems to be a ban on enchantment."

Zhang Jiangfan touched the front, a dark green space barrier appeared, flashing a faint light, and it was very scary.

Dark green light flashed around, reflected in the pupils of everyone, burning like a green fire.

"If I didn't guess wrong, this should be the inherent enchantment of the Beast Salon. I have seen it in the sect's classics. Once I enter the five-level salon of the Supreme Realm, Neidan will produce a small world and use it Barrier to cut off everyone. "

Liu Tao shyly said.

Ye Yonghao nodded and looked ugly: "This salon should be the overlord in the desert of Beiye. It was originally active in the middle area. Why did it appear here?"

"I don't know, but if this barrier cannot be broken, all of us will die."

Chen Hong's voice trembled.

When everyone heard it, their expression was as ugly as eating a fly.

Roar roar roar ...

At this moment, Sharon roared, waving a dragon beard hundreds of meters long, and a gust of wind swept up, actually condensing the air flow of the entire void together, forming a huge sphere of light.


Countless sandstones gathered in the light sphere, with a diameter of thousands of feet, as if a small planet was automatically formed, and hit the front.

"Wang Shaolong, Chen Hong, the two of you will fight against me, not to mention defeat, but please block it for a while, and you will have the remaining three people to break the forbidden barrier."

Ye Yonghao drank, and the whole body's qi and blood seemed to bulge, forming a vortex of blood and energy on the top of his head.

When this vortex hovered, it seemed to form an independent small world.

"One flower, one mind, one world. After all, Brother Ye also has five levels of existence. He can also produce a small world like Sharon."

At first glance, Chen Hong and Wang Shaolong ignited a burst of hope.

Sharon is a five-layer barren beast, and Ye Yonghao is also a master of five-layer realm.

Even if Sharon has an advantage, they can definitely support it for a period of time. As long as the younger sister ’s side breaks the prohibition barrier, they can escape.

"Let's go."

Chen Hong took a deep breath and did not know when there was an additional sword in his hand.

There was a flash of cold light on the sword, which looked extremely cold.

A stroke at the front, like a meteor beyond the sky, a sword gas rushed up from the ground, like an erupting flame, wrapping the salon.

"Nine Heavens Dream Guide, Sword Breaks the Sky!"

The Excalibur in the hands of Chen Hong is a third-grade Excalibur, very precious

Although Chen Hong's strength is only two levels of supremacy, but if he relies on the third-grade sword, he can also cope with the triple existence in a short time.

"Earth Fist!"

Wang Shaolong roared loudly, his fist casserole was the same, and he punched it with a strong gang wind, which was already Sharon's body.

Unlike Chen Hong, Wang Shaolong does not have any Taoism, and his most powerful weapon is his fist.

With the strength of his triple realm, he can really deal with triple masters head-on.

Two forces hit the barren beast salon, making a loud noise, as if two meteors hit Sharon's body, and the entire salon was shaking.

But it just moved a bit, no other meaning.

However, in Ye Yonghao's eyes, the two men did well.

"Okay, help me to spend a little time to watch my Jiu Dengtian turn knife gas!"

Ye Yonghao shouted, thunder sound burst out, and the entire void seemed to have gathered together one after another and collided with each other.

He turned the blade empty-handed, and slashed the void for a long time, as if splitting the space in an instant, so that the void was divided into two.

If this knife spirit is cut down rigidly, even the master of the five-level realm does not dare to deal with it head-on, and can only avoid the edge.

"It's awesome, Brother Ye's knife can be powerful, maybe it will work." Chen Hong clenched his fists tightly, his expression very focused, and stared at the front.

Hearing Chen Hong ’s words, Ye Yonghao also had some complacency in mind. Although Chen Hong ’s talent was not as good as Liu Tao, at the age of 500, he had cultivated the realm of the illusory electric mang, and maintained a young appearance, and looked pretty.

Women naturally love beauty. In order to maintain their appearance, they would rather spend more energy to maintain their appearance.

Ye Yonghao's eyes swept slightly over Chen Hong's undulating chest, and a touch of light was applied.


Suddenly, Ye Yonghao's knife slammed into Sharon's body, making a loud noise, making the entire Sharon seem to have shifted its position.

But there was nothing at all, not even the damage to the Beast Salon.

"How come? This salon is so powerful that even Brother Ye can't cause harm to it."

Wang Shaolong originally cheered Ye Yonghao like Chen Hong, but when he saw that Sharon had nothing, he couldn't help but look stiff.

Ye Yonghao gritted his teeth. He just thought he could hit the salon with a single blow. Even if he couldn't kill the salon, he would leave some trauma to the salon, but he didn't expect to be beaten in the next moment, and his face was very unsightly.

"Sharon's dragon scales are like a black iron, and they want to break it. I'm afraid there are only the masters of the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm, but even if the Sixth Level of the Master is in the Sect, there are only a few people. It's too hard to bind!

As Ye Yonghao thought, the salon was attacked by the wind and sand, and the length of three li was released. There was a strong wind entrained on the body and swept to the front.

Another sandstorm, up to thousands of feet, swept through the sky.

Liu Tao was attacking the prohibition barrier at this time, but felt a cold behind him, and the whole person seemed to be blown up.

"not good."

Liu Tao was unsteady and was about to be swept up.

Suddenly, a palm grabbed his arm and pulled Liu Tao down.

Liu Tao hides his eyes, but sees Xiao Naihe pulling himself back.

"Thank you."

"It's okay."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, his eyes swept above, the salon and three people were fighting, and each light and shadow seemed to hit each other.

Zhang Jiangfan was still striking the barrier of enchantment, and he could not break it for a long time, and he could not help but decadence: "No, this prohibition of enchantment is too complicated. Unless it is a six-layer master, it is torn apart. Personally, it won't work at all. "

Liu Tao ’s small face is also bitter. Although she was young, she was extremely clever. As early as when she encountered this prohibition enchantment, she knew that she could not attack by the three of them.

"What should I do? Should we three help Brother Ye together?"

"Where is it possible, that level of battle is not something we can join."

Zhang Jiangfan shook his head.

Upon hearing it, Liu Tao suddenly had little hope and felt bitter in his heart.

"Be careful."

At this moment, Chen Hong's voice suddenly came from above. Liu Tao and Zhang Jiangfan looked up and saw that Ye Yonghao's body was shaken back by Sharon.

Ye Yonghao shook his body, turned backwards, and his face was pale. Obviously, he just had a big impact.

Sharon's body shook, and Sanli's body swooped down from above. He actually rushed towards the three people below Liu Tao, and he had to tear the three of them directly.

"Little Sister, you rewind."


Chen Hong and Wang Shaolong looked inadequate, and Liu Tao was in danger.


The wind swept away, squeezing the surrounding airflow in, almost squeezing out the entire world.

Liu Tao couldn't help but go backwards, his face pale, and fear appeared in his eyes.


At this time, Liu Nai's voice sounded in Liu Tao's ear. She only felt that her body suddenly became very relaxed, as if the danger ahead was not worth mentioning.

I don't know why, the fear that originally formed in my heart disappeared at this time.

Only Xiao Naihe's eyes seemed to be jewels in the darkness, shining brightly.


Everyone only saw that Xiao Nai was actually standing in front of Liu Tao and wanted to use her body to fight against the salon, and everyone was shocked for a moment.

Even when Ye Yonghao looked at Xiao Naihe, his face remained unbelievable.

Xiao Naihe was not originally a member of their lineage. Although he promised Xiao Naihe to help him refer, but now he is facing life and death.

Rao is Ye Yonghao and he has to admit that, in the situation, he may not dare to use the physical body to resist Sharon as Xiao Naihe, because that is sure to die.

When the salon was swooping down, it ignored Xiao Naihe, opened his big mouth, and flew towards Xiao Naihe to tear and crush Xiao Naihe.

Even Chen Hong couldn't help closing his eyes and dared not see how Xiao Nai was torn.

Xiao Naihe didn't open his mouth, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, the blood on his body floated slightly, and then the gas field on Xiao Naihe's body changed immediately.

Even Liu Tao standing behind Xiao Naihe felt a kind of horror that could not be described by words.


Sharon screamed and was about to dive down. Suddenly, the body was long, and the three-mile-long dragon stiffened in the air like a brake, and made a sharp sound of airflow pinch.

When seeing Sharon stopped in midair, Liu Tao was slightly surprised, not knowing why.

Xiao Naihe didn't have any fear, however, there was a surge of blood in his eyebrows, a light and shadow came out, and he flew directly to the front.

Then Sharon shook all over, and Dragon Scales collided with each other, making a trembling trembling noise, like a cracking wind, which could tear the entire sky.

The whole void is all Dragon Yin, but in the blink of an eye, I saw the barren beast salon appearing in the sky continuously roaring.

But Sharon looked at Xiao Nai and other people in this way, but did not dare to go down directly. It seemed to be considering whether to kill these three people.

The three people in front of me, especially the woman, had a pure Yin physique, which was very precious to it. If it can devour the flesh and blood of this woman, it can definitely go further and enter the five-fold peak.

Once the wild beast stepped into the supreme realm and opened a higher spiritual consciousness, it would itself cultivate.

It is very greedy for attracting its own existence.

Liu Tao did not expect that his pure-yin physique was attracting the salon, and it was because he felt the existence of Liu Tao that the salon came from the central area, but others did not expect it.

However, only one person on the scene found this doubtful point, that is Xiao Naihe.

"This salon seems to be very greedy for Liu Tao. Is it because he missed something in this girl's body?"

Sharon nakedly showed that he wanted to get Liu Tao's thoughts. If Ye Yonghao and others just calm down, they can naturally discover some of the reasons.

But the Sharon Beast was too terrifying, and there was terror in everyone's heart, so it was impossible to detect something wrong in the first time.

Xiao Naihe squeezed both hands, holding Liu Tao's tender white wrist, as if feeling something.

Liu Tao froze for a moment, not knowing why.

"It turned out to be pure yin physique. No wonder this salon didn't look at others in the first place. It turned out that it wanted to absorb the flesh and Yuan Yin in Liu Tao's body and break through the realm.

Thinking of this place, Xiao Naihe's face showed a playful smile, and nodded: "A small salon wants to be brave in front of me."

Xiao Nai said this in his heart, but the sneer and disdain on his face deeply stimulated the salon.

Sharon has opened his mind, and he is no different from the cultivator's thinking. When he saw Xiao Naihe's expression, a burst of anger burst out of his heart.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

As if the thunder exploded, there was a riot all around, and the scales on Sharon's body clashed, as if it had turned into a constant collision of countless swords.

"It's over."

Ye Yonghao and others stabilized their bodies and swelled their blood, so they rushed to the front to rescue Liu Tao.

Just as Sharon swooped down, Xiao Naihe's eyes shone a little, like a flash of fire.

Suddenly, Sharon only felt that his whole body's acupuncture point seemed to be locked in an instant, and a chill came out of its three-mile long back.

Sharon only felt that as long as he was closer than one foot, he must be slaughtered by the man in front.

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