Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1859: Master Sister

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"That salon ... seems to stop!"

Chen Hong opened her eyes and found that what had happened to her in the previous scene happened.

That salon actually stopped in mid-air and braked in mid-air, fearing that it would be extremely extreme.

"What's the matter?" Even Ye Yonghao rushed over to stop in mid-air. He felt that all this was very strange.

This salon has clearly reached five levels. If we can't break the prohibition barrier, everyone will die.

Such a great opportunity ...

"No, what does this salon look afraid of?"

Wang Shaolong lost his voice.

Several people followed Wang Shaolong's gaze, but found that Sharon's death lock Zhu Xiaonai, the breath was condensed and motionless.

Liu Tao also looked at Xiao Naihe with his eyes wide open. If she didn't know that it was because of Xiao Naihe, then she was really stupid.

But what Liu Tao did n’t understand was why this salon seemed to be afraid of Xiao Naihe. It was clear that Xiao Naihe had only one level of supremacy, and this salon had five levels of supremacy, and Brother Ye was not an opponent Maybe it would be afraid of Xiao Nai?

But this is the fact. Sharon's eyes on Xiao Naihe were naked fears, which made people confused.

"Don't there be any secrets in Xiao Naihe's body, otherwise how could Sharon be afraid of it?" Ye Yonghao looked strange.

"I know, isn't he with the dragon blood? Sharon itself is a half-dragon bloodline, there will be such a performance, there is only one explanation. That is suppressed by the dragon bloodline!"

Chen Hong's eyes lit up, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Ye Yonghao was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Xiao Naihe, remembering the words Xiao Naihe said before, the dragon blood of his fusion.

"Dragon blood? Although Sharon is the blood of a half-dragon, after all, it is a beast of the five-level realm. Even this salon can suppress, what is the blood of the dragon?" Chen Hong said with a voice, seeming a little suddenly: " Is it ... Is it true dragon family? "

The Archaic Zhenlong family has disappeared tens of thousands of years ago. Even the Nine Heavens Realm has not seen the Archaic Zhenlong in tens of thousands of years, not even the essence and blood of the true dragon.

A drop of true dragon essence blood may not be a big deal. After the fusion below the upper level, it can only change part of its physical constitution.

However, if the true dragon essence and blood are merged into the supreme realm, when the earth is created to become the creator, it can become a dragon.

Xiao Naihe's integration of the essence and blood of the ancient real dragon, after stepping into the seventh realm of supreme realm, has undergone tremendous changes in constitution, and the flesh can be comparable to the real dragon body.

However, now that Xiao Nai has reached a half-step passive, the real body of the legal body has reached an extreme state, which is more powerful than the ancient legal body of the ancient dragon.

So now the power of True Dragon's essence and blood is useless.

"True Dragon Essence Blood? How is it possible? Even if the power of the Real Dragon Essence Blood is in the Nine Heavens Realm, it is extremely rare. How could a human race cultivator have such a chance."

This was Ye Yonghao ’s first thought. He did n’t believe that Xiao Naihe had real dragon essence on his body. Even if he was a big man in the sect, he would n’t have seen the true dragon essence for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. blood.

Sharon surrounds Xiao Naihe. It is different from Ye Yonghao and others. It feels a danger in Xiao Naiho. He feels that if he only takes one step further, he is absolutely worried about his life.


Ye Yonghao temporarily ignored Xiao Naihe's real dragon essence and blood, but he gritted his teeth and burst out of a knife.

"We also shot."

For a time, Chen Hong, Zhang Jiangfan, and Wang Shaolong also followed Ye Yonghao, and a shock blow broke out.

All the power burst out in this sudden, four people and four breaths of blood rushed into the sky.

嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤 ......

This sound is like a real dragon. Once the cultivator's blood reaches a very high level, he can form the breath of the dragon and the phoenix.

Even Sharon felt the sound of the dragon's chanting, and was swayed by the eardrums and roared.


Sharon twitched the dragon scales and swept its tail. Several gusts of wind formed a tornado, which swept through the air and formed a few miles directly, which was shocking.

"Oops, rewind."

The look on Ye Yonghao's face changed greatly, and he saw that Sharon had erupted into a more terrifying power. It seemed that countless peaks in all directions collided and wanted to squeeze the four of them into meatloaf.

"This is the Fifth Desolate Beast, which is amazing."

Chen Hong also took a secret breath. The power that broke out in the Sharon of the Wild Beast was so horrible. I didn't expect that this salon did not use its full strength at first.

It was at this time that all strength was shown.

Ye Yonghao, Chen Hong, Zhang Jiangfan, Wang Shaolong, four people, deeply felt a crisis locked in by wild animals.


More than a dozen peaks collided and produced a loud noise, which shattered the crust thousands of miles away, directly tipped over, and collapsed.

The violent breath swept through the air, Sharon ’s huge dragon claws had broken the vacuum, and caught the front, there was a feeling that it was necessary to tear everyone apart.

The fierce momentum is unbelievable.

Even Liu Tao standing in the distance could feel a terrifying rage.

"If I face this salon head-on, I will definitely be overthrown by this breath ... But I stand beside Xiao Naihe, but I feel very safe."

Liu Tao looked away and looked at Xiao Naihe. I did n’t know why. There was a certain kind of safety in his heart. It seemed that as long as he stood beside Xiao Naihe, there would be no invasion of law and magic.

That kind of feeling can't even be brought by the patriarch.

Liu Tao also did not understand why a small supremacy can bring such a feeling to herself, she just thought it was Xiao Nai He's dragon blood.

"These four are not Sharon's opponents, it seems that I can only get shots. Unfortunately, I want to use them to enter the Fire Phoenix branch and find a cultivation treasure to safely absorb the heaven and earth."

Xiao Nai He sighed softly, a glimmer of murder in his eyes.

And Liu Tao suddenly felt that Xiao Naihe's temperament had all changed, just like Hell Shura, which could kill all the existence of heaven and earth, and stand in the sky and earth.

Even Liu Tao couldn't help but took a few steps backwards.

But at this moment, Xiao Naihe concealed the murderous chance. Hey, his eyes flickered, and the remaining light swept to a corner of the East.

That is, in that corner, a trace of light and shadow appeared, a space crack appeared in the space, and a sword light emerged from the space crack.

A long sword gas crossed the void, like a rainbow, radiating the light of the glass, and at the moment of rushing out, it directly bombarded Sharon.

It's crackling.

Sharon's body seemed to explode, all dragon scales exploded, making a sharp noise, and then became dull.

At the next moment, I saw a figure appearing above, a woman.

The woman, dressed in white, resembles a fairy, covered her half face with a gauze, revealing a hazy beauty.

The strong chest jumped with her, and suddenly bounced the chest.

"Sister Master!"

Liu Tao shouted in surprise, took Xiao Naihe, and pointed at the woman floating in the sky with a small finger, shouting: "That's Master Sister, Master Sister actually came, we have been saved."

Facing the angry salon, Su Bingyun did not move like a mountain, floating in mid-air, but the small body was like a golden mountain standing in the sky.


This Su Bingyun's voice is very soft, as if the spring breeze swept across the hearts of everyone, a cool passing, very comfortable.

Originally, Ye Yonghao, Wang Shaolong and others all suffered a lot of damage, but at this moment there were vague signs of slow healing.

"Void creation, blood formation across the sky. It turns out that it is the highest level of supremacy."

Xiao Naihe saw at a glance that this veiled woman had reached the sixth level of supremacy.

She had a spirit sword in her hand, and the colorful glaze flashed continuously, waving slightly, and a gang of wind rolled on the sword body.

Aoao Aoao!

Sharon burst into a roar, gave a shocking blow, and raised his claws, his body for a few miles seemed to agitate, his body full of blood.

Thunder and lightning thundered, and the wind blew.

There are a lot of thunder snakes, electric pythons, etc. in the sky, gathered together, it seems that the ancient demon gathered, releasing the thunderous movement.


Su Bingyun opened his mouth again, but there was an unusually powerful force in the original soft voice.

Her voice seemed to form an excalibur. When stabbing out, with the spirit sword in her hand, she emitted a buzzing sword light and waved it.

This sword seemed to pierce the entire sky dome, forming a long river in nine days.

Pieces of light waves rippled and rippled, as if in the nine-turn cycle.

No one can stop it. After the sword of Su Bingyun was coldly opened, it seemed that the Lotus of the Prosperous World was blooming, and the body that was several kilometers long in Sharon shook.

Countless scales rubbed and made a loud noise, as if countless stars and stones collided.

"This is the strength of Master Sister."

Ye Yonghao is also terrified. Although he knows that he is not the opponent of the master sister, he believes that he is inferior to the master sister, and there will not be too many gaps.

But now it seems that it is too simple.

When Su Bingyun's sword crossed, the aftermath was like a vast galaxy, which was constantly flowing. After the collision, it was even culled, and it was necessary to tear Sharon.


Sharon was severely smashed to the ground, breaking a huge crater with a diameter of more than three miles, which was as deep as a magic hole.

Later, everyone only saw that Sharon was condensed into a yellow light and absorbed into Su Bingyun's body world.

"Too powerful, too cruel."

Even Chen Hong couldn't help whispering when he saw this, looking at Su Bingyun, his eyes full of fanaticism.

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