Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1863: Publicly targeted

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"Really? Master, if our Fire Phoenix tribe wants to accept disciples, is there a condition for assessment?"

"Yes." Su Jian'an nodded. "Named disciples must be above the real state of the gods, formal disciples need to be above the Divine Lord, and core disciples need to be above the triple realm."

The conditions for receiving this disciple have been circulating for a long time, and all the disciples in the sect are very clear.

"Xiao Naihe is already supreme, and I think his bone age is not more than 800 years old, which just meets the conditions."

Su Bingyun glanced at Su Jian'an.

Xiao Naihe is not a person who is 800 years old at all. He wants to change his bone age so that others can't see it. This is easy.

If other people know that Xiao Naihe is under 30 years old, Mo said that Xiao Naihe showed his half-step passive identity, even if it was only one thing.

The supreme realm under the age of thirty is the most important, let alone their thirty-three days, even if it is placed in the Nine Heavens Realm, it is also among the top geniuses.

"I accept the disciples of the Huofeng branch very much and can't take it lightly, and the origin must be blue and white." Longya shook his head.

Su Bingyun smiled faintly: "Really? I really believe in him."

"Sister, you don't know what you know."

Longya said something.

When Xiao Nai heard that, the corners of her mouth suddenly twitched slightly. This dragon-tooth girl actually hit her own head. One used himself as a shield, and the other was all ironic.

"Just because he protected Liu Tao with his body not long ago, I believe in him."

"What's the matter?"

Longya froze a little, and heard some meaning in Su Bingyun's words.

Su Bingyun is not nonsense. A crystal radiance suddenly appeared in her hand. The radiance shines in the radiance.

This scene is exactly what happened before in the desert of Beiye, which wrapped Xiao Nai's shot in front of Liu Tao.

When I saw these pictures, many disciples were stunned. I didn't expect Xiao Nai to face such a life-and-death crisis, and he was willing to protect Liu Tao.

"This ... is this true?" A disciple asked softly.

Shennian projection can be faked as long as it is enough.

Su Bingyun seemed to have thought of someone asking this question, and suddenly a light appeared in his eyebrows. After the light flashed out, a glass-like amber appeared in front of everyone.

There is a figure in Amber, which has been reduced by a thousand times, it is the barren beast salon.

"Sure enough, it is a barbarian salon."

"That's the salon of the fivefold realm, I didn't expect it to be like playing in the hands of the sister."

"This is Xiao Nai's true temperament, and dare to protect herself in front of Sister Liu."

For a time, the situation changed. After all, in that kind of dangerous time, it was facing the threat of life and death, but Xiao Nai was born out of righteousness, which required great courage.

Xiao Naihe touched his nose. In fact, Xiao Naihe also thought of quietly killing the wild beast salon with illusion, so that everyone could not doubt his head, but at that time Su Bingyun had already rushed over, naturally there was no The way to go.

Longya's face changed slightly, no matter how Xiao Naihe's life is now, he dared to come forward to protect Liu Tao in such a dangerous time. The first person to thank Xiao Naihe must be Fafa Liu.

Liu Fawang is a master of the sixth-level peak. He has a high status in the sect, and he speaks a lot.

"Xiao Naihe, I ask you, are you willing to be my disciple of Su Bingyun?"

Su Bingyun opened his eyes, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

This Su Bingyun's words were very interesting. She asked Xiao Nai if she would not want to be her own disciple, instead of asking Xiao Nai if she would not join the Huofeng branch.

If Xiao Naihe agreed to the former, then he was not only a disciple of Su Bingyun, but also a disciple of Huofeng Fenzong.

But if it is the latter, then Xiao Nai is at most an ordinary disciple of Zongmen, not a disciple of Su Bingyun.

The difference between the two is huge.

Longya's face was slightly stiff, and she looked at Xiao Naihe violently, as if thinking about how to put pressure on Xiao Naihe.

"I do."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, there was a way that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

In Xiao Naihe's existence at such a level, there are no more constraints on what to do with such a teacher.

What's more, Su Bingyun didn't really want to accept Xiao Naihe as his disciple, but used an excuse to block Longya.

Su Bingyun froze for a moment, but she didn't think that Xiao Nai actually agreed so quickly. She didn't look happy at all. Instead, she was very calm. She could not help making Su Bingyun feel strange.

However, since Xiao Naiho agreed, then Su Bingyun also had to do the show.

"Okay, from now on, you are my disciple of Su Bingyun. From today on, I will cultivate you well. During this time, I have too many avatars and I will naturally not consider other things."

Now Su Bingyun has a good excuse. When Longya heard it, his face changed slightly, and it looked very ugly.

"Good, this Xiao Nai has become a disciple of Senior Sister."

"He just entered the Fire Phoenix branch, and he has such a chance. It is envy."

"How many years have we been in the sect, and we haven't got a core disciple yet, this surnamed Xiao has already become a disciple of Sister Sister, and the future achievements may only be limitless."

Many disciples looked at Xiao Naihe, feeling jealous, envious, etc.

Xiao Nai was extremely keen, but he didn't care.

Ye Yonghao flashed a shadow in his eyes, his fists clenched tightly, and the jealous fire in his eyes was burning.

Liu Tao was puzzled, looking at Xiao Naihe, and Su Bingyun, his head shook, and his face was a little weird: "How is Brother Xiao now becoming a disciple of Master Sister? What am I missing? "

Not only her, but even Chen Hong had a weird face, and she did not expect Xiao Naihe to become a disciple of Sister Sister at this time.

"Congratulations, Brother Xiao!"

At this time, Longya's face had become slightly indifferent, a smile appeared on his face!

But in Xiao Naihe's eyes, the smile seemed like ice under the deep valley, very cold.

Xiao Naihe knew that this dragon tooth must have hated himself for himself.

However, Xiao Naihe also knew that since it became a shield, it must have the awareness of shields.

"If it weren't for the heaven and earth in this flaming phoenix, the atmosphere is really strong, I need to stay here for a while, and I will fly you out with a slap."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly in his heart.

Although Longya is powerful, it is nothing in Xiao Naihe's eyes.

"Since the younger brother can win the appreciation of the younger sister, there must be something extraordinary, why not try it with his brother?"

As soon as Longya's words came out, many disciples were taken aback.

Ye Yonghao was also stunned, and then there was a smile of misfortune in his eyes.

"Brother, what do you mean? You have stepped into the Seventh Creator, and Xiao Nai is nothing more than a supremacy."

Su Bingyun's face is like frost, and Longya's words are just to hit his own face. Where can Su Bingyun stand?

Su Jianan also felt something was wrong, "Dragon tooth, is this something wrong?"

"It's okay, I have a sense in my heart. I suppress my cultivation and use the most important level to deal with the younger brother. Since the younger brother will soon become a younger disciple of Sister Su, I have a different status. , Pointing and pointing at him, doesn't Shimei give her a face? "

Longya laughed.

Su Bingyun's face is very ugly. This dragon tooth has a strong momentum. Since Long Ya stepped into the founder, his heart has changed a lot. It is Su Jian'an, and Long Ya must also have an equal status. What the location says is its own.

With this idea, Longya's ideas and practices gradually became bolder, and every action was full of majesty.

Many of the disciples were active minds, and they saw something wrong early in the morning.

Now when I see it, I smell some of it.

Su Bingyunxiu frowned slightly and was about to say something. Suddenly he heard Xiao Naihe's voice: "Okay, then please the deputy suzerain.

"Xiao Naihe, are you really sure?"

Su Bingyun quickly transmitted the voice to Xiao Naihe.

"Assuming this Dragon Tooth doesn't dare to do too much, don't worry."

Xiao Naihe's words seemed to have a mysterious magic power, so Su Bingyun couldn't help but relax.

Su Bingyun was secretly surprised, but Xiao Nai should be somewhat sure if she wanted to come, otherwise she would not agree.

Besides, if you have yourself, even if Longya wants to do something bad, he still has enough ability to stop it.

"Well, I'll" point and point "at you. I use a trick to suppress it to a realm. If you can understand this trick, it will definitely help you."

Longya took a step forward and waved her hands, only to see a Tai Chi figure emerged behind her.

This tai chi picture is very mysterious. When it turns slightly, everyone seems to be included in it.

"This is Tai Chi's pusher!" Su Bingyun recognized Longya's move and couldn't help but squeeze his heart.

The Tai Chi figure turned around like a meteor outside the sky.

There was a fierce light in Longya's eyes.

"I left some dark wounds on you to ensure that Su Bingyun won't be able to find out by then. Since you broke my things, I won't spare you."

It is impossible for Longya to kill Xiao Naihe in the face of all eyes, but he can use some means to leave some hidden traumas on Xiao Naihe's body, or to break Xiao Naihe's heart and want to be others Can't see it.

Xiao Naihe caught the cold gleam in the eyes of this dragon tooth, and smiled coldly in his heart: "A small flaming phoenix branch has this kind of cunning person, and actually put his attention on me, it seems not to give You do n’t look good anymore. "

As soon as the thought moved, Xiao Naihe's eyebrow flashed with a golden light, and suddenly a breath of dragon burst out.

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