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The real dragon essence and blood in Xiao Naihe floated slightly, and a vortex of light formed in his eyebrows.

At that moment, Su Bingyun suddenly felt a terrible aura burst in Xiao Naihe's body.

It was like holding the ears of the gods of the Nine Heavens. There were unprecedented power fluctuations in every move.

As if thousands of miles away, Xiao Naihe's actions alone can control everything in the world.

"This kid's force field is so strong?"

Even Longya was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xiao Nai to stand on the spot and couldn't take a step. He could actually produce an aura that made his heart palpitate, and he could not help but secretly notice it.

However, this thought was erased by Longya in an instant. How could the existence of the Seventh Realm be influenced by a guy with only one realm?

"If I want to, I can blow this man to death with one punch. Unfortunately, I will now borrow the treasure land of the flame phoenix to absorb the heaven and earth."

Sighing slightly, Xiao Nai converged 90% of the body's strength.

"what happened?"

Su Bingyun, who was standing not far away, raised her eyebrows. She clearly felt that Xiao Nai was motionless, but her momentum rose suddenly, as if she could break the entire martial arts training ground.

Su Jian'an also moved his expression. Although Xiao Naihe's fluctuations at that moment made Su Jianan feel strange, his attention was quickly diverted by Longya.

"Hey, although Longya has just entered the Seventh Realm, but after all it is the creator. The difference between the First Heavy and the Seventh Heavy is too great, and one move can score high points."

Su Jianan sighed softly. He liked Xiao Naihe as a man. After all, when Xiao Naihe appeared in the Beast Salon, Liu Tao, a disciple who used to protect the Huofeng tribe, also had a heart of love in his heart. .

But now that Longya is excited, Su Jianan feels too sorry.

"Although this person is just and talented, it is a pity that he lacks experience and his emotions are easily attracted by others. If it is changed to make him deeper and more restrained, it must be a big disciple of my phoenix."

Su Jianan thought so.

The dragon tooth descended from the sky, the momentum was like a rainbow, his hands were waving, and a tai chi figure was rotating in the back, like a gorgeous sun, illuminating the entire flame phoenix.

For a time, the light released by the Tai Chi figure caused the entire martial arts field to shake violently.

"Quick back."

Su Jian'an changed his face slightly and shouted.

The disciples of the Huofeng branch quickly retreated, and retreated outside the martial arts field, away from the battle situation.

"Take a punch."

Xiao Nai said indifferently, his bland fists slowly waved out like this, without any charm or mystery.

Long Ya looked at it, could not help but smiled coldly, shook his head and said: "Xiao Nai He, this is your hole card?"

There was a slight disdain in the tone.

A cultivator with a heavy realm, actually made him the initiative of creation, has lost his identity.

If he had to find the place on Su Bingyun, Longya didn't even want to see Xiao Naihe, let alone deal with him.


The disdain in Longya's eyes was even thicker, and it seemed to be a push hand at will. The gossip figure emerging from his body immediately formed an aperture, which was directly sent to Xiao Naihe.

At the next moment, this gossip figure appeared above Xiao Naihe's head, directly exploding.

It seemed to be the red light that countless blood coagulated and penetrated into Xiao Naihe's body.

"Longya, what are you doing?"

Su Bingyun's face changed slightly, and Longya's gossip map seemed to exceed his expectations. Among the gossip maps he condensed, it seemed to show a strange power.

At this time, Su Bingyun didn't know that it was the seed of the world born by Longya after he opened the earth.

After entering the Creator, you can open up a world, form a world, and distribute your own world seeds.

If the seeds of this world enter Xiao Naihe's body, an invisible space world can be born in Xiao Naihe's body, which brings great hidden dangers to Xiao Naihe's body.

In this way, let alone Su Bingyun, even Su Jian'an could not find out.

Although Su Jianan saw some light penetrate into Xiao Naihe's body, he did not care.

Instead, it was Su Bingyun, who focused all of his attention on these two people throughout the journey, so Su Bingyun was very concerned about Longya's every move.

Su Bingyun suddenly felt a very bad feeling after seeing what light penetrated into Xiao Naihe's body.

"Xiao Naihe, don't blame me. Since that woman takes you as a shield, you must have the despair of shielding, if you want to blame, you blame your luck."

Where can a smart person like Longya see the nasty relationship between Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun.

The world seed vaguely revealed by the Eight Diagrams has already penetrated into Xiao Naihe's body and injected into Xiao Naihe's sperm blood.

At this time, there was a faint chuckle on the corner of Longya's mouth.

But when Longya thought it was done, Suddenly, Longya felt that the world inside her seemed to have crashed out.

That kind of pain is no different from tearing your own flesh.

Although there was only a moment of pain, Longya remembered hard.

"What's going on? Why does my world seem so painful?" Longya's body shuddered, his eyes showing horror.

Others didn't notice Longya's expression, but Xiao Naihe saw Longya's face with the same expression of 'seeing a ghost,' and the corner of his mouth slightly picked up.

"Brother Longya, what's wrong with you? I haven't shot it yet."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

When Longya heard it, he immediately felt something was wrong, especially when he looked at the strange smile on Xiao Naihe's face and felt a bad hunch in his heart.

"what did you do to me?"

Longya quickly sent a message to Xiao Naihe.

"Who knows? I don't know what happened!" Xiao Nai was surprised.

But Longya vaguely felt that Xiao Nai was lying, and the seeds of the world he planted into Xiao Naihe seemed to have all been disconnected.

However, Longya didn't even believe how Xiao Nai could have this ability to cut off the connection of his own world seed.

Not to mention Xiao Nai, not even Su Bingyun.

"I'm coming."

Xiao Naihe's voice fell slightly, and the bland fist was already smashed, as if a meteor was rolling, flying to Longya.

A gang of wind swayed past Xiao Naihe's fist.

It seems that countless gang winds will tear the void.

That's a strong wind attribute power, punching like a wind, breaking the vacuum.

Wow wow wow wow wow!

The punch is extremely strong. Xiao Naihe's punch seems to show thousands of punches in the blink of an eye, constantly breaking the vacuum and coming through the void.

Finally, this punch came to Longya and faced the Eight Diagrams.


One punch hit the Eight Diagrams, and a loud noise suddenly sounded, as if two different worlds collided with each other, producing strong fluctuations.


There was a shock in Longya's heart. He watched the gossip chart broken by Xiao Naihe's punch, and the whole person could not believe it.

The gossip figure seems to be broken by the glaze, and countless fragments are scattered down, and the rushing piece seems to be raining.

For a time, the scene was silent, so quiet that the needle fell.

A trace of strong inhalation sounds one after another.

I don't know which one exclaimed, and suddenly broke this quiet situation.

"The gossip map of the deputy patriarch was actually broken?"

"Isn't it possible? That's a gossip chart derived from the creator."

"The deputy patriarch entered the sevenfold realm and became the creator, even if he suppressed it to the highest level, it was far beyond the same level."

"Could it be that this person is already invincible at the same level, or that he is about to step into the supremacy double."

Many disciples discussed.

If you are promoted to the highest level, the status will change a lot.

Xiao Naihe is now accepted by Su Bingyun as a disciple, and his talents are so high that he may step into the sixfold realm without a thousand years.

Once stepped into the sixth level, Xiao Naihe's status will grow to an extremely high level.

Su Bingyun's eyes were a little surprised. When he looked at Xiao Naihe, there was a trace of surprise in his expression.

And Su Jianan also gave Xiao Nai an interesting look.

Xiao Nai's fist broke the gossip map, which surprised and surprised many people present.

Liu Tao's small face was even more shocked and happy.

But in the middle of the crowd, Ye Yonghao stared at Xiao Naihe with a look of jealousy and dread.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, my body is stronger than the same stage for some reason."

Xiao Nai smiled slightly.

After listening to Xiao Naihe's words, everyone suddenly came over suddenly.

It turned out that Xiao Naihe's physical body was too powerful. Was there any natural material taken, or it was because of some blood connections.

"No wonder the Deputy Sovereign suppresses his power to the highest level, but he is not right."

"This child's physical strength is only afraid that it can be compared with the supreme realm, and the deputy patriarch loses justice."

"Yes, Vice Sect is suppressed to a single level, but Xiao Naihe's physical strength exceeds a single level, no wonder."

These people found the reason for the failure of Longya and explained it to themselves.

However, they did not know that although Longya suppressed their own strength, the physical strength of Longya's body was also very powerful. He really broke into the seventh realm.

All the gossip pictures actually displayed were broken by this heavy repairer, and for a time, Longya was very unhappy.

"But there is only one trick. With the strength of the deputy suzerain, if another trick is taken, this Xiao Naihe is definitely not an opponent."

At this time, Ye Yonghao said yin and yang strangely among the crowd.

Upon seeing Ye Yonghao, many disciples nodded quickly: "Brother Ye is right."

"Yes, this one is just taking advantage of it."

Ye Yonghaogui is the leader among the core disciples. The five levels of the uppermost level are also among the best in the genre.

That is why Ye Yonghao is respected by everyone.

"Longya, you lost. You said it, one move." Su Bingyun's face was indifferent, like a goddess, Yu Guang turned slightly on Xiao Naihe, said: "Xiao Naihe, thank you Longya Brother for your guidance."

"Thank you, Brother, for your guidance."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Originally, Longya stepped into the founder and became the deputy suzerain, but the sect gate ceremony had not yet been held, and Longya was not a deputy suzerain.

And Xiao Naihe is not a disciple of Su Bingyun now, but he is also a disciple of half a phoenix, so there is nothing wrong with calling Longya a brother.

After listening to Xiao Naihe's words, Longya's heart was even more annoyed, and a murderous opportunity emerged in his heart, and a flash of murderousness flashed in his eyes.

However, the hiding is very good, others have not noticed the killing in Longya's eyes.

But who is Xiao Nai? He walked through the life-and-death crisis all the year round, and the feeling was extremely strong. Longya showed a little murderous opportunity, and Xiao Nai immediately felt it.

"This dragon tooth ..."

Xiao Naihe secretly thought in his mind that there was no unreasonable hatred in this world, although Xiao Naihe had never had a conflict with Longya before.

But now Longya has some thoughts about herself, and Xiao Naihe also made some ideas.

"Okay, okay!"

Longya waved her hand, her body was like blue smoke, tearing the void and drilling into it.

This dragon tooth was tearing the void alive in front of everyone, and finally disappeared.

Disciple, look at me, I look at you.

The aura of Longya is too big.

However, Ye Yonghao also admired Longya. Longya has now stepped into the Seventh Realm to become the creator, and is already the top figure in the Fire Phoenix branch.

Longya is already on par with Su Jian'an. The practice world is based on strength. If Longya forces Su Bingyun to be his wife, Su Jian'an will give face to him.

But now, Xiao Naihe and Su Bingyun faced each other, but Longya had no solution at all, only secretly sulking.

Longya didn't turn her face on the spot, it was already very rare.

Because of the performance of Longya, some disciples were stunned, and their views on Longya also changed.

"Xiao Nai?"

Su Jianan looked at Xiao Naihe with a more complicated look, gently exhaled, and finally shook his head, saying: "From now on, you are my disciple of the Fire and Phoenix Division, although you have become Bingyun Apprentices, but they are not exempt from vulgarity, and they will enter Sansheng Pavilion tomorrow to receive disciples' tokens. "


After talking, Su Jianan sighed softly, and then caught up with Longya.

Originally, Longya was already the founder of the creation. For the Fire Phoenix branch, it is definitely a great opportunity, but now because of these things, Longya is already a gap in life for Zongmen.

"Xiao Naihe, come with me."

After Su Bingyun finished speaking, his hands waved like a snow-white ice rainbow, directly covering Xiao Naihe.

"Is this space Taoism?"

Xiao Nai He moved in his heart, but did not make a direct breakthrough, but allowed Su Bingyun to take him away, and then the two men had disappeared in the martial arts arena.

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