Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1865: Su Bingyun's doubts

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Xiao Naihe opened his eyes. The martial arts field was no longer in front of him, but a quaint study room.

A scent of scent came from the study, as if it was produced by some kind of immortality, which can make people's spirits shake.

In front, a landscape painting hangs on the wall.

Mountains and waters are endless.

Although it is just a simple painting, it has a flavor that makes people unable to break away.

"The fusion of Yin and Yang, the meaning of Fire Phoenix?"

Xiao Naihe glanced at him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly saw a phoenix emerge from this landscape painting.

The phoenix seemed to be wrapped in flames, rising directly into the sky, and the whole landscape seemed to vibrate.

Then, a long cry came.

"Pang Pang Pang Pang!"

Xiao Naiho's eyes moved, only to see a flaming phoenix flying directly out of nothingness, as if to hit Xiao Naihe's brow.

If the person with poor concentration is hit by this flaming phoenix, the meridians burn absolutely, and the Dao heart breaks.

But Xiao Naiho didn't change at all. His eyes flickered, his eyes seemed to be wrapped in stars, very mysterious and mysterious.

"This should have been painted by Su Bingyun. I didn't expect her to have such a profound understanding of the concept of fire."

Xiao Nai thought secretly in his heart, and suddenly thought of the Huo Luo King he had killed.

Huo Luo King is the ancestor of playing with fire. His own fire attribute power is already incomparable, abnormal, and the power shown is already the first person under the fire attribute.

Although Su Bingyun is far inferior to Huo Luo in terms of strength, he is definitely not under Huo Luo!


Xiao Nai He said lightly, as if whispering, pinching with two fingers, and then turned all the phoenix produced in the illusion into a light and disappeared.

And the original artistic conception of mountains and rivers flames turned into nothingness at this time, as if nothing happened.

In the end, Xiao Naihe has become calmer, as if there is no strange place in this landscape painting in front of him.

"This is the Tianfeng landscape painting I painted, mainly based on the artistic conception of fire. When I broke through to the fourfold realm, I accidentally got some insights and painted it on a whim."

At this time, Su Bingyun's voice came from outside the door.

In fact, when Su Bingyun appeared outside the door, Xiao Nai felt it long ago, but it didn't break.

He is now playing as an ordinary disciple. Of course, he is not a disciple who specializes in Su Bingyun. He has not forgotten his purpose. It is to absorb some heaven and earth luck in the Huofeng branch.

"Miss Su!"

Xiao Naihe gave a little salute.

Su Bingyun raised her eyebrows, but quickly calmed down and said lightly: "Don't call me Miss Su in the future, but although I accept you as an apprentice, it is also a helpless move. You should know my thoughts."

"of course."

"In the future, you can call it master or apprentice, but if there is no one, just call it sister."

Su Bingyun did not really want to accept Xiao Nai as an apprentice.

However, Xiao Naihe did have a good understanding, and if he dialed it a little, he knew his position, and he really saved a lot of time for explanation.

"However, what you say now can be regarded as my disciple of the Huofeng Faction. Everything must act according to the rules of the Huofeng Faction. You will go to the Sansheng Pavilion with Tianxiang tomorrow to receive the disciple's token."

Su Bingyun gave a slight meal, and then said: "But now, you come with me. As a" disciple "in my face, you naturally need a cave. And you are now a supreme state, which happens to be qualified. "

Then Su Bingyun waved his hand, and there was a twist in front of him, as if it had been reversed in time and space.

Xiao Naihe knew that this was a kind of magical power of space turning.

Xiao Nai did it when he wasn't at the top, thanks to his second golden pill.

"It's your cave house in front. You will practice here from now on. The place where I practiced is in the depths, at the top of sixteen high mountains!"

Then Su Bingyun's finger pointed to the front, Xiao Naihe looked with his eyes, and only saw a bamboo house above a peak in the distance.

"Huh? There's a lot of heaven and earth transport there."

A trace of fine awns appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyes. He could see a pile of auras in the sky mixed together and merged with the bamboo house.

If you are in Su Bingyun's place of cultivation, and absorb the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport, you will definitely be able to step into the passive realm in three hundred years, and the success of the path creation may also be.

But that's also when the world's air transport is sufficient.

With Xiao Naihe's current ability, the air transport in that place is not enough for Xiao Naihe to absorb for ten days and a half months.

"By the way, what did Longya put into your body before? I guessed it, it should be the world seed."


Su Bingyun continued: "When stepping into the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, a new world can be born in the body, which is more mysterious than the five-level realm. Seeds, I am afraid that they will be very bad for future cultivation. "

This Dragon Tooth didn't expect to be so cruel, even Su Bingyun felt a trace of terror.

From a long time ago, Su Bingyun felt that Longya was like a hypocrite, and many things were not imaginable at all.

When they went out to practice together, Longya killed all the soldiers in the same period for a great chance, and finally obtained the great chance.

If Su Bingyun withdrew at the time, I was afraid that there would be another ending at that time.

But Su Bingyun also believed that if the interests were sufficient, Longya would definitely kill himself at that time.

That is why Su Bingyun's impression of Longya is very bad.

"But I'm curious, why there seems to be something wrong with those world seeds entering your body!"

Su Bingyun remembered that there was some change in Longya's complexion at that time, but what clues he caught.

"It should be my bloodline problem."

Xiao Naihe touched his nose.

He can't always say that it is because of his own strength that he wiped out all the seeds of the world of Longya, right?

Xiao Naiho can only find other excuses.

"Blood issues? What's the matter?"

"I met a great opportunity in a heavy day at that time. At that time I got a little dragon blood. After the fusion, the power of the bloodline changed and my physique changed."

Xiao Naihe pushed everything to true dragon essence and blood.

"True Dragon Essence?"

Su Bingyun, who has always been cold, suddenly changed his face after hearing Xiao Naihe's words, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes: "You mean the blood of Taikoo Zhenlong?"

"should be!"

Su Bingyun took a breath.

What is the existence of Archaic Zhenlong?

That was the existence of the entire world once once overlord, after the age of heaven and earth, many real dragons were cultivated to the peak of the nineth layer. Even in the ancient times, there were several real dragons of passive levels.

The legend of the true dragon has spread from the ancient times to the present, not to mention in the 3,300 world, even if many cultivators in the **** realm, their face will change when they hear the essence and blood of the true dragon.

If Ye Yonghao, even Longya knew that Xiao Naihe actually had real dragon essence and blood in his body, he was afraid that he would have any thoughts about Xiao Naihe.

"Wait, let me see."

Su Bingyun suddenly shot out slightly with a slap in the face, and there was a cold wind on the face, like a steel, Xiao Nai had a tough idea, as if hitting a huge iceberg.


Xiao Nai understood in his heart that Su Bingyun was testing himself.

He was also very cooperative, suppressing most of his true dragon power, mobilized less than a third of the power of a hole, and hit Su Bingyun's palm.


Su Bingyun suddenly heard something seem to explode in his mind. It was the coercion of two forces squeezing each other.

"Sure enough, it's true dragon essence and blood!"

Su Bingyun sighed softly, looking at Xiao Naihe, his face was complicated. Although Xiao Naihe's cultivation is far inferior to himself, but if there is a real dragon and blood, the future achievements will definitely not be under him.

"No wonder, no wonder you can break the whole gossip chart with your physical strength."

At that time, Su Bingyun felt strange. Xiao Nai was able to break the gossip diagram of Longya with his own body, which was too surprising.

"The true dragon essence and blood you have on your body, it is best not to let others know, except me, do not tell others to wrap up the people inside the sect."

Although Su Bingyun is a disciple of the Fire and Phoenix Division, she does not believe that Zongmen's disciples will know that Xiao Naihe has real dragon essence and blood, and will not do anything to Xiao Naihe.


"There are some immortals in these exercises. You can see for yourself. If you have any questions, ask me."

Afterwards, Su Bingyun waved his hand, and a white light suddenly appeared in front of him, blending into the void, only to see some cheats and magic medicines appeared in the hands of Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe glanced, and could not help but smile secretly.

Not to mention these elixirs, these exercises are only at the third-grade level, and they are still very low-level three-level exercises, at most the three-level elementary Taoism.

However, in Su Bingyun's eyes, these exercises are already very precious to Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai looked down on these, but did not show it.

"You practice yourself!"

Su Bingyun's speech just fell, and his body seemed to be streamer, and he went out instantly, and then disappeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

I only saw the streamer formed by Su Bingyun and flew directly into the bamboo house on the top of the mountain!

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