Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1867: Haotian

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early morning.

The dew on the lotus leaf dropped, making a soft voice.

Xiao Nai got out of the cave house.

After a night of practice, he has transported the atmosphere of heaven and earth near Dongfu to the point of absorbing nearly 80%.

It is a hundred times more than he absorbs the heaven and earth atmospheric transport in the lower realm.

"Unfortunately, this cave house is not worth much now."

After 100,000 years of baptism, God Realm has not been affected by the Holy War of the Six Realms, so the heaven and earth transportation in the Nine Heavens Realm is still very strong.

However, the heaven, earth, and atmospheric transport in the God Realm were controlled by other powerful people, collected using various magic arrays and Taoist instruments, and placed in their own ancestors and families for disciples to practice.

Xiao Naihe now has a huge accumulation in his body, but he also needs a lot of heaven and earth to transport, and a small cave house can't satisfy him.

Now Xiao Nai sees his eyes in the other cave houses and secret realms of the Huofeng tribe.

"I don't know what excuses to approach now. If I hurriedly approach, it will definitely cause a rebound and bring a lot of inconvenience."

Xiao Nai put his own body in the world of time and space, refining the heaven and earth, and at the same time, Cangwu created a way to separate an avatar and realize his space ability.

He has many treasures in his hand, and refining a doppelganger is not a problem.

His current doppelganger has at least nine levels of mid-level, and with his own strength, as long as half a step is out of nowhere, almost no one can threaten Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe transferred the real dragon essence and blood from the deity to the avatar, and could borrow the deity's power in a short time.

After coming out of Dongfu, I saw a little girl jumping up front and ran over.

This girl was tied with two ponytail whips, her pupils were ethereal, like a saint in the wind, and she carried a relaxing breath.

Tianxiang seems to be only sixteen or seven years old, but after cultivating to Shen Kong Realm, he can refine his whole body of blood and make him return to the original. After spending a little means and real energy, he can return to his old age.

This practice is basically done by women. Women are inherently beautiful and pay attention to their appearance. They do more of these things.

This young girl is at least about seven hundred years old, more than Xiao Nai and He II combined.

Tianxiang is already a four-level state of supremacy, an epic character. Walking up, like a breeze, sweeping in front.

"You are Xiao Naihe, a newly-disciplined young lady?"

Tianxiang asked in a very indifferent tone.

Although the woman deliberately showed a temperament high in the mountains and frost like snow, but with her appearance, it seemed a little funny.

Xiao Naihe clasped his hands: "Is it Tianxiang's sister? Would you like to take me to receive the disciple token?"

"Sister Sister, called Sister Sister, as soon as I am older than you, don't look at me like this, I am already 736 years old. Second, I am higher than you, and I have become a supremacy. You But it's a realm, it's not as good as mine, are you called Shimei? "

Tian Xiang said arrogantly, although she had an extremely dignified temperament, but looking at her figure, Xiao Naihe couldn't really think of anything.

"Oh? Then call you little sister."

Xiao Nai didn't seem to laugh.

Tian Xiang frowned and murmured: "Yuezui slips her tongue."

With a slight hum, Tianxiang stood up against the slightly raised hills in front of her chest, one after another, very regular.

The place where Su Bingyun is located is the Qinglian Peak of the Fire Phoenix branch. There are only a dozen people on the entire Qinglian Peak, Su Bingyun and Tianxiang, and the rest is Su Bingyun's maid.

And Xiao Nai just came in.

A Qinglian Peak, Xiao Naihe has absorbed 30% to 40% of the world's atmospheric transport, but Xiao Naihe has not completely absorbed it.

First, the effect is not great, and second, this kind of thing is too unethical.

"I will take you to Sanshengge to receive the disciple token first."

Every disciple who enters the Huofeng tribe needs to go to the Sansheng Pavilion to collect the disciple token.

As long as you receive the disciple token, you will mark yourself as a disciple of the Huofeng tribe.

Xiao Naihe became a disciple of the Huofeng tribe, and naturally needed to go.

Along the way, from the martial arts field to other peaks, Xiao Nai could see a group of disciples punching on the martial arts field.

These disciples are ordinary disciples who have not stepped into the supreme realm, and only after stepping into the supreme realm can they become inner disciples.

If the achievements are fourfold, the core disciples are in rank.

Tianxiang is also one of the core disciples of the Huofeng branch.

"If these people work hard, they will become disciples in the future. Originally, you just joined the phoenix clan, and you need some evaluations from the clan. However, because you were accepted as a disciple by the young lady, you can avoid this exam Assessment. "

Tianxiang's voice fluttered, and the tone was very indifferent.

Xiao Nai nodded, but focused on a peak ahead.

The peak is as high as ten miles, and there is also a seven-star tower on the mountain, with a total of 108 floors and a height of three thousand feet.

What really attracted Xiao Nai's attention was that around the tower, the dense atmosphere of heaven and earth transported together to form a spiritual vortex.

"The heaven and earth transport there is the strongest, which is more than a hundred times more than the cave house above the Qinglian Peak. If the heaven and earth transport there is endless, I will absorb three years of Jiazi there, absolutely enough The power of luck has accumulated to the passive level. "

Of course, just think about this kind of thing.

The reason why Xiao Nai was able to absorb the atmosphere of heaven and earth at a rapid rate is because he has cultivated 1,118 acupuncture points, which is faster than the old gods like Huaxiang and Panlingzi.

These two people knew that if they wanted to accumulate the essence of the heaven and earth's atmospheric transport, at the speed of God's world, they needed to absorb at least tens of thousands of years in a row.

That is why the two men will seek other opportunities for promotion.

However, for Xiao Naihe, Jiutian God Territory is now an untapped treasure. If the atmosphere of heaven and earth transported him to absorb it, he can definitely grow to a passive level.

"What are you looking at?"

Following Xiao Naihe's gaze, a mountain and Qixing Tower appeared in Tianxiang's eyes in the distance.

"Only the elders, deputies, and suzerains of the Seven Star Pagoda can go there. The Seven Star Pagoda inherits the historical heritage of 18,000 years, and there are opportunities left by countless predecessors. . Don't even think about it now. "

Tian Xiang sneered coldly, but she looked at Xiao Naihe's face very calmly, and she couldn't help commotion in her heart, "Hey, why do you have this cold attitude every time you talk to you?"

"Huh? I just didn't think about what to say." Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

"Don't say this, I heard that you played against the Deputy Sect Master yesterday and won a trick?"

"Vice Sovereign? Are you referring to the Dragon Tooth?"

"Exactly, Longya has become the creator of the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, and is the first person under the suzerain. You can beat him by one move. How did you do it?"

Tian Xiang was curious about her baby. At this time, she finally couldn't hide her active mind and began to ask.

The cold and tall look before was actually pretended. Tianxiang's eyes flickered and her eyes looked a little playful.

"At that time, Longya suppressed and repaired, but I just won by virtue of physical strength."

Xiao Nai vaguely answered.

"Really? But it shouldn't be. Even if Longya suppresses his cultivation behavior and stops at the highest level, his own body is already groundbreaking. I heard that a new world has been created in the main body of creation, You can practice the body, and the physical strength is definitely not able to contend with the suppression of cultivation. "

"Maybe it's my bloodline problem!"

"What bloodline?"

Tian Xiang looked like he had broken the casserole, and Xiao Naihe touched his temple with a headache, but did not answer.

Then Tianxiang snorted coldly and mumbled: "If you don't say it, don't say it, what's so great."

Between speaking, they had already entered the front of Sansheng Pavilion.

Sansheng Pavilion is located on the third peak in the east, and along the way, you can see the two and three disciples walking together.

When some people came over, they would look at Xiao Naihe subconsciously, even the Tianxiang around him ignored.

Looking at the strange eyes that these people looked at, Xiao Naihe didn't care.

"They seem to be watching you!"

Tianxiang apparently didn't have the appearance of a strong and cold look before, but tweeted like a sparrow. Xiao Nai simply ignored the past.

When Xiao Naihe reached Sanshengge, there was no one left.

There is a lotus pond in front of the Sansheng Pavilion, and there is also a wooden pile above the lotus pond.

Xiao Naihe glanced at it, and his heart was clear.

There is a formation in this lotus pond, which is a phantom formation of the fourth-grade level. Even if a general quartet master falls into it, it is difficult to break through.

"It seems that the owner of Sanshengge should be someone who should be good at the formation."

That's all. Xiao Naihe just got a little interested.

He Xiao Naihe himself is a master of formation. If he wants to crack the phantom array in the lotus pond, it is a matter of his grasp.

"It just happened that there was no one else in Sanshengge, so I quickly resolved the matter."

Tian Xiang took Xiao Naihe into the Sansheng Pavilion, and there was a middle-aged man on the front.

The middle-aged man seemed to be wood, standing in front of a sandalwood table, motionless, as if entering a state of no selflessness.

"Huh? When did you come?"

There was a trace of curiosity in Tianxiang's voice. She just didn't see the talents just now, why did someone suddenly come in?

Xiao Nai glanced at him, indifferent.

The middle-aged man seemed to be fused in the air, but he didn't even emit a breath. Tianxiang looked stunned.

But Xiao Naihe knew that this man was just practicing a kind of breath-holding magical power, to stop the whole body of blood and acupuncture, so that his mind was rigidly rigid, and it was a means to exercise endurance.

"Seven steps in half."

Xiao Naihe estimated that the age ring of this middle-aged man should be around six thousand years old. His physical body has reached the level of the creator, but it is clear that the soul has not been baptized by Heavenly Tribulation. So it's just half a step and seven steps.

Half-step seven-fold is like half-step passive, very rare, and their own laws are more special than other half-step cultivators.

Since Xiao Naihe II was a man, he has also watched two, three, and a half steps.

Some half-step seven-level masters, if the accumulated background is enough, can contend with the creator and leapfrog the challenge.

"It is Uncle Haotian, he is the caretaker of Sansheng Pavilion, I forgot." Tianxiang said a bit, and then transmitted the voice to Xiao Naihe: "Uncle Haotian has a strange temper, you must not offend him, Otherwise, even the lady will not be able to help you at that time. Although Uncle Shi is not the creator, but his strength is not lower than that of the creator, and he has a very high status in the sect. "

Tianxiang's voice spread through Xiao Naihe's mind.

The middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes, as if a fire appeared in his pupils.

The fire was burning like a beacon in the river, and there was a feeling of illuminating the soul of others in a flash.

"Uncle Hao Tianshi, we are here to get the disciple token."

Tian Xiang respectfully gave Hao Tian a respect.

Haotian's eyes turned, and he turned on Tianxiang and Xiao Naihe.

Then, Hao Tian reached out his hand, as if he had caught something in the void, a white light looming.

A token appeared in Haotian's hands.

This token is made of a rare spirit jade, which can absorb the disciple's mind.

As soon as the disciples in the martial arts die, the token will break apart, and Haotian, who is thousands of miles away, can feel it.

"I heard that there are no disciples who want to join the Huofeng tribe recently. Only one person became the disciple of Bingyu's girl. That person is called Xiao Naihe, isn't it?"

The fire in Haotian's eyes flickered slightly and looked at Xiao Naihe.

Tian Xiang saw this, and quickly sent a voice to Xiao Naihe: "Uncle Haotian taught Longya in the past, Longya can enter the sixfold realm, in fact, a big reason is because Uncle Haotian's sake, and the young lady once I have studied the set of 'True Fire Divine Skill' in the hands of Uncle Haotian. "

Xiao Nai nodded. Although Longya is an apprentice of Su Jian'an, it is not uncommon for the same sect master and uncle to teach other disciples.

Probably because the talents of Longya and Su Bingyun are so good, Haotian has a heart of love.

"I also heard that Longya had something to do with you on the martial arts training ground. After Longya suppressed and repaired it, one move failed, but he lost you one move. Is this thing true or false?" Hao Tian continued to ask.

Tianxiang froze for a moment, but did not expect Haotian to actually ask this question, and there was a three-pointed sense hidden in his tone.

"Uncle Shi, that was the dragon ..." Tianxiang was about to explain.

Hao Tian suddenly waved his hand, and a slight smile appeared on his face: "Dragon Tooth, a child I taught for a period of time, was extremely talented, no less than Bingyun, and even better than me. He could step in I know the creator, but even if he suppresses cultivation, it is almost impossible for you to beat him. "

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