Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1868: Make things difficult

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"There is Bingyun, I know her temperament best. She has a very high eye, and pursues the pinnacle of martial arts. She has never had the idea of ​​accepting a disciple for so many years, but she has fallen in love with you. I really want to know, what are you doing? Ability. "

Hao Tian closed his eyes and flicked his fingers slightly, collecting the token in his hand.

When Tianxiang heard it, she suddenly felt something bad and quickly said, "Uncle Master, what do you want to do?"

"Boy, how about we play two-handed karate?"

Not only Tianxiang, but even Xiao Nai did not expect Haotian to say so.

What kind of person is Haotian, a half-step and seven-fold realm, and its strength is not less than that of the ordinary creator, and even far exceeds Longya in terms of experience.

If it is the realm, Haotian is definitely not as good as Longya, but if it is really a fight between life and death, let alone Longya, even Su Jian'an may not be able to beat Haotian.

"Senior Haotian is half-step and seven-fold. I'm just the top of the line. There are several big realms in the middle. You want to play two-handed karate with me. It's hard for some strongmen."

A playful smile appeared on Xiao Naiho's face.

"Yes, it's playing two-handed karate, not pointing. We'll try it as equals."

Xiao Nai couldn't help but laugh. Not to mention Xiao Naihe's true strength can kill Haotian in seconds, but now Xiao Naihe is obviously a disciple of a realm. Hao Tian is already half-step and seven-fold. It is unpredictable to say that he wants to play two-handed karate with Xiao Naihe.

Tian Xiang's face was green and white. Xiao Naihe was the person Su Bingyun handed over to her. If Xiao Naihe had any mistakes here, how would she face Su Bingyun when she went back.

After thinking about it, Tianxiang shouted, "Sovereign Haotian, aren't you kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm kidding like this? Boy, since you dared to fight Longya at that time, wouldn't you dare to play with me now? To know that I'm not the Seventh Creator, I can't compare to Longya."

Why didn't Xiao Nai take it easy, bullshit!

Although Longya is the creator, but in terms of strength and experience, if Longya and Haotian meet, the dead person must be Longya, not Haotian.

"Senior, you don't have to irritate me. Is there any advantage for me to deal with you? You won't bully the children directly. It's not good for your reputation if you pass it on."

"Good guy, are you talking to me about the conditions now?"

Haotian heard what Xiao Nai said, and narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Xiao Naihe as if it was the first time he really looked at Xiao Naihe.

Tianxiang's face changed, and she heard other meanings from Xiao Naihe's voice.

Why did Xiao Nai really want to play against Haotian? And there are conditions.

Hearing this, Tianxiang couldn't help but twitch her lips, "Xiao Naihe, you are ..."

"Okay, I won't treat you badly. If you can win me, I will pass this" True Fire God Skill "to you, and I will also give you a heaven and earth Taohua Pill!" Haotian interrupted Tianxiang to say if.


Tianxiang was shocked, and was calmed by Haotian's words.

"Victory over you?" Xiao Naihe shook his head, said lightly, "You let me a person with a heavy realm to win you, it is too difficult for a strong person."

"Of course, I naturally will not go all out. I will suppress my self-cultivation like Longya, and suppress it at the highest level. You and I will do three tricks. If you can persevere, you will win. "

"Not good or not." Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Hao Tian frowned slightly and said lightly: "Do you have any other conditions?"

"I don't want this true fire **** skill, neither does Tiandi Huahuadan, I just want something else."


When Tian Xiang heard Xiao Naihe's words, there was an urge to greet Xiao Naihe's face with a fist.

The "Heaven and Earth Creation Pill" and "True Fire Divine Skills" are all treasures of the sixth grade. If Xiao Nai got it, it would be a great opportunity.

Even if Tianxiang gets it, it has great benefits.

And now Xiao Nai actually rejected these two benefits?

Tianxiang immediately had the urge to kill Xiao Naihe alive, asking if Xiao Nai was stupid!

"Oh? You don't want these two treasures?"

Hao Tian was stunned, how could Xiao Nai resist this temptation, would it be that he wanted other better treasures?

"I want to enter the Seven Star Tower!"

As soon as Xiao Naiho finished speaking, the Sansheng Pavilion suddenly became quiet and became noticeable.

Even Tianxiang couldn't help but took a breath.

Could it be ... This guy wrote down what he said before, and wanted to go to the Seven Star Tower to find an opportunity?

"Do you want to enter the Seven Star Tower?" Haotian's eyes flickered and his face was a little weird: "Did you know some things about the Seven Star Tower and want to go in to find a chance? But I still tell you, although the Seven Star Tower There are some opportunities left by the predecessors of the former Zongmen, but it is not much worse than the "True Fire God Skill" and the "Tiandi Zaohua Pill". If the luck is not good, I am afraid that I wo n’t even get a chance Want to go in? "

"Yes!" Xiao Naihe said firmly.

Hao Tian took a deep look at Xiao Nai and did n’t know what he was thinking. His eyes rolled slightly, and finally said slowly: "Although I am not the person in charge of the Fire and Phoenix Division, I still have a little qualification. I can promise you, Let you go inside the Seven Star Tower, but only for three days. "

He couldn't let Xiao Naihe stay in the Seven Star Tower for a long time. Among the Seven Star Tower is the law of flame, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

The power of the flame laws inside is very terrifying. At that time, there was a master of the nine-level realm in the Phoenix God Territory.

At this point, the Seven Star Tower has become a place for the high-level experience of the Fire Phoenix tribe.

Not to mention that the supremacy is so important, even if Lian Haotian goes deep into it, it is very likely to be in danger.

But those dangers are also under thirty layers.

As long as Xiao Nai does not go up more than 30 floors, there will naturally be no danger of life and death. Moreover, even with the strength of the upper realm, coupled with the three-day period, Xiao Naihe certainly can't go up to thirty floors.

"Okay, I promise you. Our three moves are limited, how?"

After Hao Tianyi agreed, Xiao Naihe's face appeared a faint smile of conspiracy, very obscure, even Haotian and Tianxiang did not see them.

"Since that's the case, I'll trouble the little sister to step back a little."

Tian Xiang's face was a little complicated, and she groaned for a moment, and finally sighed, and no longer stopped Xiao Naihe.

In fact, she also wanted to know what Xiao Naihe is really good at, otherwise how could the younger lady meet Xiao Naihe and want to accept Xiao Naihe as her disciple.

"Uncle Haotian has a decent shot, and this guy will be fine. Besides, it is best to win, and there is no loss if you lose."

Thinking of this, Tianxiang couldn't help but secretly look forward to.

There are no disciples in Sanshengge, so naturally there is no need to worry about being discovered by others.

"Child, I'm ready, I'm going to shoot."

Haotian suppressed his spiritual power to the highest level, and took a step towards the front.

Then, the entire void seemed to vibrate, making a loud noise.

Tianxiang only felt that the house was shaking, and there was a feeling of shaking the mountain.

"it is good."

Xiao Naihe's expression remained unchanged. Although his face looked very cautious, he didn't take it seriously. He had just found an excuse to enter the Seven Star Tower to absorb the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

However, now Xiao Nai still wants to make a play. He cannot let Haotian see his own depth, but must let Haotian absolutely be very careful and steady.

"The first is here."

As soon as the voice fell, Haotian took a step forward, just pointed out, like a divine sword shuttled in the wind, the brush came to Xiao Naihe's front in an instant.

That kind of speed is beyond Tianxiang's imagination.

Although Haotian suppressed his cultivation, but he was a half-step seven-level realm, which could not be changed.

Huh ...

The sword is turned into a finger, the sword is like a violent wind, tearing the void.

A trace of aura emerged from Haotian's fingers, as if it were a jumping flame, and the wind and fire mixed, and suddenly produced a strange and powerful.

"Seriously, if Uncle Haotian suppresses him to the uppermost level, and if he is angry, he can't resist even Longya with a single blow."

Tianxiang had no good feelings about Longya. When Longya was embarrassed at the martial arts stadium yesterday, Tianxiang hated Longya. No matter what combat power is described now, dragon teeth are the basic unit.

If Longya knew Tianxiang's idea, she would be afraid of turning her face on the spot.

But now Haotian's sword spirit is really powerful. He suppresses it to the uppermost level. This is the momentum of the sword spirit, which is much more powerful than the gossip map exhibited by Longya.

The momentum is like fire, a feeling of breaking the mountains and rivers. Xiao Naihe only felt that the weight on his shoulders seemed to increase in an instant, and the whole person was severely pressed down by the giant mountain.

"The weight of Jianqi is only one level above the boundary, there are hundreds of thousands of catties. If it bursts out with all your strength, wouldn't it be ten million catties or even heavier."

Xiao Naihe had a clear heart and admired Haotian secretly.

This Haotian, like him, is the existence of a leapfrog challenge.

This should be attributed to Haotian being a cultivator, since Xiao Naihe came into the Sansheng Pavilion, he saw Haotian still practicing.

Haotian is the kind of person who cultivates all the time. This kind of talent is good, but he is more diligent and his achievements are absolutely extraordinary.

After knowing his identity, Haotian did not care about his identity. He wanted to pass Xiao Nai. It may be because of his love, but he wanted to see what Xiao Naiho saw.

"This sword is really powerful, but I don't know what do you think of Haotian Senior?"

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