Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1869: Three strokes

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Hao Tian froze for a moment. Suddenly, Xiao Naihe also used **** together, turned his fingers into swords, and shuttled them out directly.

Taking a step forward, Xiao Naihe's momentum suddenly changed, as if it were Kaifeng's sword.

Haotian suppresses 90% of the power, so Xiao Nai is suppressing the power of 1/10 million, and it is only a doppelganger.

Xiao Naihe seemed to pierce the entire void at the moment when the sword qi was shuttled out, and a red light came out.

This red light flows like a blood shadow, becoming extremely ghostly.

"What kind of sword spirit is this?"

"Ancient Killing Kendo!"

At that time, Xiao Nai learned from the First Sword Emperor the ‘Elder Killing Sword Dao’, although it was only a hierarchical method of God ’s dominion. However, since Xiao Nai and He Dao succeeded, every Taoism has been brought to the extreme.

Even some acquired Daoist laws, exerted in Xiao Naihe's hands, can exert power far beyond its level.

It's like this "Ancient Killing Sword Dao" was originally not up to the highest level, but Xiao Nai He Shi unfolded, but it has a mysterious and unpredictable taste.

"A good ancient killing."

There was a move in Haotian's heart, and Xiao Naihe's sword sent a thick murderous opportunity.

It wasn't Xiao Naihe's intention to derive a killing intent, but sword energy like killing and terror like this.

Screaming, the sword wind swept and wrapped all around it. At the next moment, Hao Tian suddenly felt every hole on his body, as if locked by the murderous force in this sword gas.

"Good guy, this" Elder Killing Sword Dao "is probably of the sixth rank. It is no longer under my" True Fire God Skill ", it is even above it."

Not only Haotian, but even Tianxiang also saw the bright spot, and was frightened by Xiao Naiho's killing sword spirit.

But these two people didn't know that Xiao Naihe's killing swordsmanship was not a sixth-grade power, nor a seventh-grade power, but a real divine realm.

The reason for this kind of power is that after Xiao Naihe itself merged the Tao, he merged all Daoism into an extraordinary artistic conception.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The two sword qi collided in the void, radiating like a spark, flashing in the air, and looked very dazzling.

And at the next moment, Haotian's body moved again. His whole momentum seemed to rise up in a flash, a slap, a slap in his body.

It was a break from the bone, as if a strong force burst from the direct gap of the bone.

"The second move, Sansheng cracking fist."

Hao Tian raised his fist, his body seemed to be infinitely high, and turned into a giant.

A detached power was released from his fist. With a punch, a "booming" sound was emitted from the void, as if thunder and lightning collided with each other to devour the entire Sanshengge.

Tian Xiang shook his body, his face slightly white: "Is this really suppressing the supremacy?" How do I think that this uncle Haotian's punch can break the void and smash the entire Sanshengge into fragments? . "

Although Haotian suppressed his practice, his physical body did reach the level of half a step and seven layers. His legal body was extremely powerful, and he could not be suppressed by suppressing practice.

Even if Haotian does not rely on his own spiritual power, he simply pursues with his own flesh, I am afraid that he can smash all the whole hall of Sanshengge into pieces.

"Then I still do it."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, his fingers changed direction, and he swept directly toward the top, and the **** sword in the void broke away with vigour and magnificence, and he had a great power.


Haotian seemed to carry thunder sounds, shaking the whole void.

And Xiao Naihe's sword energy once again came in front of Haotian. Haotian raised his fist with a single blow and smashed **** Jianqi.


It's like two different giant mountains squeezing each other, producing amazing fluctuations.

Under this volatility, Tianxiang took a few steps back.

"True fire magic, fire away from the sword."

Hao Tian burst into a sigh, and a flame suddenly appeared on his body, and at a speed that he could see with his naked eyes, seven light and fire were spawned very quickly.

After these seven lights and fires appeared on the top of Haotian's head, it seemed that the prosperous Tanglian blossomed slowly.

"This is a real fire show, but be careful."

Hao Tian did not expect that he would be forced to exhibit this kind of Taoism by Xiao Nai.

He suppressed the cultivation by himself. Although he was the same as Xiao Naihe, he was supreme, but the power on the flesh still had the advantage.

He is still forced to show some cards. Haotian knows that he has lost half of this battle anyway.

However, Haotian still wants to know where Xiao Nai can go.

But seeing Xiao Nai's expression was indifferent, very calm.

Hao Tian's mouth twitched, and suddenly a weird thought came to his mind: "Would this kid be a pig and a tiger?"

Subsequently, the seven light fires above Haotian's head directly exploded and finally formed a stream of fire, forming a small blade in Haotian's hands.

This blade contains powerful flame power. Although it is suppressed to the extreme, Xiao Naihe believes that if this knife is cut down, it will definitely be able to split the entire Sanshengge in two!

This is still in the case of Haotian suppressing cultivation. If it is not suppressed, one knife will go down, I am afraid that the entire Qinglian Peak can be split in half.

"Fist of human dragon, break!"

Xiao Naihe used the power of qi and blood in his body to slightly agitate a hole in his doppelganger and released some true dragon essence and blood.

Roar roar!

At the moment Xiao Naihe's fist blasted out, a dragon chant sounded from the void, as if there would be a real dragon to appear from the depths of the void.

"What sound is this?"

"Is it a dragon?"

Tian Xiang and Hao Tian froze for a moment.

Immediately Xiao Naihe's Dragon Fist has been bombarded and collided with Haotian's fire knife, producing a strong impact.

Xiao Naihe's real dragon essence and blood in his body deliberately exhaled a little breath.

And Haotian felt a sudden change of face after feeling this breath.

"It's the blood of the Dragon Clan. Doesn't your kid integrate the blood of the Dragon Clan?"

Haotian now put away his own strength and asked quickly.

"Yes, true dragon essence and blood are fused in me." Xiao Nai did not conceal.

Although Su Bingyun advised Xiao Naihe not to disclose it, Xiao Naihe also knew that Ye Yonghao already knew that he had dragon blood.

As long as you think of the battle between you and Longya, the wise man can definitely feel what the dragon blood of Xiao Naihe is.

"True Dragon Essence ...... Actually Dragon Essence!"

Rao is a master like Haotian. After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, he felt a horror faintly, and a shocked look appeared in his eyes.

It was not just him, Tianxiang was also dull, looking straight at Xiao Naihe.

"It turns out that. It's no wonder that Longya suppresses cultivation behavior and won't win you. Even the girl of Bingyun is in love with you. You have merged real dragon essence and blood, and your own system has exceeded the ordinary people. In the future, you will cultivate to If you are in the Sixth Level Realm, you can even sweep your opponents at the same stage. If you reach the Seventh Level Creator, it will be even better. "

Hao Tian murmured and took a deep look at Xiao Naihe, suddenly he breathed a sigh of breath: "The Archaic Zhenlong was in control of the 3,300 world for many years. Even the creators of God Realm, Heavenly Dao, Hong The True Dragon family is very afraid. You got the True Blood of the True Dragon, which is of great benefit to your future cultivation. This opportunity, even I can't help but be jealous. "

This is true. If Haotian fused the dragon's essence and blood a long time ago, before stepping into the upper realm, he merged his essence and blood into qi and blood.

When the void reunites, you can change your body,

Maybe it ’s the creator of the Seventh Most Realm now.

Of course, now Haotian has lost the best opportunity, and has no big idea about the true dragon essence and blood on Xiao Naihe.

"No wonder you dared to talk to me about the conditions just now. If you don't fall, cultivate step by step. Within a thousand years, you should be able to step into the sixfold realm, and after five hundred years, it will not be impossible to open the earth."

Hao Tian waved his hand, and suddenly there was a token in his hand. This token was Xiao Naihe's disciple token.


I only saw this token as if it were a meteor, quickly shuttled through the void, and then fell into the hands of Xiao Naihe.

"As I said before, I will give you the quota to enter the seven-star tower to practice, but only three days. Only seven days later, the day when the seven-star tower opens, you will come to me, then Lead you in. "

Later, Haotian drilled a fine light in his brow and wrapped himself.

An inexplicable ban was derived from the Sansheng Pavilion, and Xiao Naihe and Tianxiang were pushed out.

The two stood outside and glanced at each other.

Tian Xiang looked at Xiao Naihe deeply, a complex look flashed in her eyes: "It turns out that you have such a background, no wonder the young lady will be interested in you, and will accept you as a disciple."

Xiao Naihe just smiled and didn't say much.

Tianxiang didn't know that Su Bingyun knew that there was real dragon essence and blood in his body, or last night, Xiao Naihe took the initiative to tell Su Bingyun.

"Don't say this, you actually bet with Uncle Haotian Master, and even won the chance to enter the Seven Star Tower. If the news is spread, I am afraid that it will attract the attention of many people."

Xiao Nai nodded: "I naturally know!"

Then the two disappeared in front of the Sansheng Pavilion.

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