Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1874: Snatching luck (middle)

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"Someone is on the 30th floor, who is it?"

The disciples standing outside looked at the light curtain in front of them. A red light rushed directly into the headspace and directly into the sign on the 30th floor.

And the most recent one is still struggling on the 28th floor, but some people have already entered the 30th floor.

"The thirtieth floor was the territory where the quartet master started, and it was also the first Fengshuiling. There were many people who could enter the thirtyth floor, but they could go there directly in less than one incense stick when entering the Seven Star Tower. ,Who on earth is it?"

Chen Hong looked closely at the light curtain in front of him, and couldn't help thinking secretly.

Instead, Zhang Jiangfan said with a smile: "Who else can enter this time, except for the two temple elders and the dharma king, the single deputy patriarch is the first person. Only the deputy patriarch can enter the 30th so quickly Among the layers. "

Not only Zhang Jiangfan, since he can think of it, other people can also think that even Su Jian'an thought that Longya broke through to the thirtieth floor so quickly that he couldn't help moving.

"Unfortunately, because of the ice cloud, Longya now has a gap in my heart. His future achievements will not be below me, and he is still young. If he is appointed by the Phoenix General, it will be different at that time. Now. "

Su Jianan sighed softly. Because of Longya, he is also very careful in doing things now.

Although Longya was his own disciple before, when he entered the ranks of the creator, he immediately became an equal position, and Su Jianan also cherished the master of Longya.

But because of Su Bingyun's side, Longya had some ideas, which made Su Jianan very difficult.

This time entering the Seven Star Tower, Longya may really get any chance in it.

"Hey, if this time Longya can step into the 100th floor, I would consider letting Bingyun marry him. Being able to reach the 100th floor is at least the potential of the eightfold realm. What kind of potential? "

Su Jian'an thought for a while, but Longya is a lucky person, and even Su Jian'an doesn't know which step Longya can take in the end.

"I hope Bingyun can enter the 70th floor and show its absolute potential.

However, Su Jianan also knows that it is unlikely that the 70th floor is almost open to the earth. Only the creator has this capital.


There was a loud noise, it seemed that thunderstorms bombarded each other, forming a lot of Daoguo thunder sounds, which intersect each other.

Everywhere ...

The continuous thunder in the sky converged into a long river, which seemed to flow into endless hell.

After seeing this river, Xiao Nai was very indifferent.

"Spiritual tricks?"

The so-called tricks are effective, in fact, the master master has no way to practice, leaving some of his Taoism to the relatives, or some predecessors deliberately set it down to prevent the relatives from detouring.

Xiao Naihe now any magic law, once it works, can be preserved without breaking a single move.

Some spirituality has been preserved for less than a hundred years, some have reached thirty years, and some are even more distant, perhaps three hundred years, three thousand years, or even thirty thousand years.

Xiao Nai He's five fingers, a strong spiritual power suddenly irrigated from the top of Xiao Naihe's head.

A sky-like and powerful skill, magnificent, as if countless dragons merged with each other, constantly fighting in the void.

The last thing is to disperse the foul gas in the thirtieth layer.

At this time, this filthy gas continually condensed a dharma shadow. The dharma shadow itself is not a life, but because of the existence of a consciousness.

"This is a quadruple phantom?"

Xiao Nai smiled faintly, but the tone was very indifferent.

He just lifted a punch lightly, and his fist burst, as if countless flames merged together, forming a long fire dragon.

This fire dragon carried Xiao Naihe's horrible coercion, directly exploding out of speed, hitting the shadow in the void.

This dharma shadow seems to know the danger and wants to step back.

But where did Xiao Naiho give time for this shadow to react, the five fingers were once again closed, and a huge vortex suddenly emerged from the top of Xiao Naihe's head.

This whirlpool force wrapped Xiao Naihe's whole person, directly punched out, breaking the shadow of law in the void. ,

Wow, shards are scattered, and Faying has disappeared.

Everything on the ground appeared, and Xiao Nai did not talk nonsense this time.


Like Tian Lei, Xiao Naihe opened his palms, his hands were a catch, all the hidden treasures appeared in front of Xiao Naihe.

Although the grades of jade jade, immortality medicine and Taoism are not high, they are much higher than those below the 30th floor.

Xiao Naihe knew that his revenge had only just begun.

"There is no danger in this thirty-story building. Let me put all the things in here."

These things are much more precious than those non-influential gadgets under the 30th floor. Even if Chen Hong, Zhang Jiangfan and the like see these things, they will have some ideas in mind.

However, Xiao Naihe looked down upon him, but he still received everything in the body world and left it to you.

With a slight movement in his heart, Xiao Nai hobbed up, as if it were a spiral light wave, directly piercing the space on the thirtieth floor.

The current Longya has just walked to the 30th floor. It can be said that Xiao Nai left at the front foot and arrived at the back foot.

"I should be the first person to come to the thirtieth floor, ha ha ha, I am now open to the earth, even the master has to change your face."

When he was about to act, he suddenly froze, a burst of light erupted in his eyes, as if the stars were twinkling.

In front, a faint breath remained.

And Longya froze for a moment, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Someone is going to the 30th floor faster than me? Who is it? Is there anyone who is beyond my expectations?"

Longya's heart was full of jealousy and fire. He thought he was the first person to enter the 30th floor, but he didn't expect someone to get the shortcut first.

"Could it be the elders and the king? Several of them are characters from the six-level summit, or is Su Bingyun? Certainly they are the only ones."

Longya's fists clenched tightly, but as they were about to move forward, an illusion slowly formed.

If Xiao Nai is here, he can surely see that this is the ghost image he played against not long ago.

It's just that this time the object was changed to Dragon Tooth.


After Xiao Nai left from the 30th floor, he broke through in one fell swoop and entered the 31st floor.

Poor Longya thought that he would be able to enter the thirty-first floor soon, but the mysterious phantom that he had never thought of was so difficult that he could not solve it for a while.

In front of Xiao Naihe, there was a huge stove.

The stove seemed to be made of heaven and earth as an oven, and the fire was burning, blocking Xiao Naihe's path.

"Do you want to trap me with this stuff?"

Xiao Nai coldly drank. Suddenly there was another river in the void.

This river has a long flowing breath, and Xiao Naihe seems to be the only one in the river.

With a fist, the huge stove in front seemed to be split in two, and was instantly split in half by Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai felt it with his own strength, but found that no treasure remained in the 32nd floor.

Waving his hand, he also entered the thirty-two-story tower.

Outside, the people watched the red dots on the light curtain continue to rise, slowly ascending to the front.

Starting from the 30th floor, the mysterious man in the Seven Star Tower has broken through to the 48th, 50th, 60th, and 70th floors!

The speed is so staggering, I don't know what happened inside.

"Even if it's Dragon Tooth, isn't it really fast?"

Even Su Jianan gave birth to other ideas. This mysterious man was crossing the barrier too quickly and could not be controlled at all.

Many people have even felt a horror.

Some of the core disciples whose strength is not yet reached have changed their faces and looked at each other: "Deputy Sect Master is so fast? Now it is only the past two hours, and they are all on the 70th floor. So, maybe within three days , Can the deputy patriarch enter the highest level? "

"It's hard to say, no one knows what's going on inside. The deputy patriarch actually has such a capability, but it is terrible. I originally thought that he had reached the 80th level at most."

Several disciples started to discuss one after another, and they were discussing what level the Dragon Tooth could enter this time.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Naiho's own breakthrough was actually mistaken for Longya.

For a time many disciples were shocked and afraid of Longya.

Wow, wow ...

Regardless of what is being spread outside, Xiao Naihe has entered the 70th floor and has collected many treasures he has gained into his own inner world.

"The atmosphere of heaven and earth here is very strong, I will first refining all the power of this luck here."

Xiao Naihe's biggest purpose is to refining the heavens, the earth and the atmosphere in the Seven Star Tower.

At this time, Xiao Naihe sat cross-legged and closed his eyes, only to see that Xiao Naihe's acupoints were all open, constantly absorbing the heaven and earth's atmospheric spiritual power in the Seven Star Tower, and changing his physical luck.

If anyone knew how Xiao Nai actually practiced in the Seven Star Tower, he was afraid to be scared to death.

After entering the Seven Star Tower, it was dangerous and every step up was very dangerous.

Under this circumstance, Xiao Nai can still practice, which can't help but open your eyes.

However, it is not known that Xiao Naihe was refining the heavens and the earth in the 70th floor. At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to be in a state of hibernation, sitting tightly there, motionless!

And time is still passing by.

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