Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1875: Fight for luck (Part 2)

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At this time, Xiao Naihe transported the heaven, earth, and atmosphere in his body to refining. Above his head, three flowers appeared, as if the prosperous Tanglian bloomed.

The whole body's acupuncture point kept opening, transporting the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the Seven Star Tower.

There is a magic circle in the Seven Star Tower itself. You can use this magic circle to absorb the heaven and earth atmospheric transport of the Fire and Phoenix tribes and gather them into the Seven Star Tower.

Xiao Naihe is now on the 70th floor, and has already felt that this formation is in the invisible space of the Seven Star Tower.

Click and click.

Now Xiao Naihe, like the fried beans on the flesh, there is a burst of noise. These are the friction between the bones. It is a change that is urged to the extreme by a force.

Xiao Naihe's avatar absorbs the heaven and earth atmosphere transport in the Seven Star Tower, and then transports these heaven and earth atmosphere to the body and transfers it to the deity of the world in the body.

His avatar refining heaven and earth atmospheric transport is too slow, all air transport capacity needs to be transferred to the body.

After doing this quietly for six hours, Xiao Nai was ready to start acting.

While outside, the people of the Huofeng branch suddenly saw the light spot above the 70th floor acting.

"It finally moved. When the deputy patriarch just stepped into the 70th floor, he didn't move at all for six hours in a row. I didn't know what he was doing."

The disciples who mistakenly thought that Longya entered the 70th floor complained.

If Longya was acting on the 70th floor, it might have entered the space on the 80th floor, catching up with Su Jian'an's record.

"Dragon Tooth, if you can enter the 80th floor, and pass smoothly, I will consider allocating Bingyun to you."

Su Jianan murmured.

And now Longya is fighting on the 60th floor.

"It's really strange, why haven't I seen the treasure inside since the tenth floor, didn't it mean that those ancestors left the magic weapon here? Why not?"

Longya's face was very bad at this time. He struggled to enter the 60th floor, but he couldn't get a baby. Not to mention Qipin Taoist, even the shadow of the Taoist can't be seen.

It seems that all the treasures in the Seven Star Tower have disappeared, and even Longya can't find her to expand her perception.

Where does Longya know? From the tenth floor to the seventieth floor, Xiao Naihe has dug all the treasures in the ground for three feet, found them all and collected them.

Not to mention Longya, even other people can't find it.

These people come in not only to experience, but the most important thing is to find the chance to get the baby in the Seven Star Tower.

But along the way, they found nothing, and they had no choice but to move on.

Some people know that they can't get up, and there is danger of life as soon as they go up. They can only bite their teeth and stay on the bottom layer. After three days have passed, the Seven Star Tower will automatically open and send themselves out.

Originally, some people did not plan to go to a more top-level position, but because they could not find their chances, they were not reconciled and could only go in, including Longya.

Su Bingyun stood in the space of another barrier. She was on the 50th floor at this time and had just killed a wild beast.

But after a long search, I didn't find my chance.

"What's going on? Is it my luck to do so? I have to go on."

The same scene happened on the 40th floor. It was Ye Yonghao. Ye Yonghao had just walked out of a phantom array, and his face was very ugly, because he walked all the way and also didn't find his chance.

Xiao Naihe didn't know his own behavior at this time, which disrupted many people's plans.

But he didn't care even if he knew it, because he did it on purpose.

Since those people have just used the means pointed out by the ancestors to attack their Dao Xin, then Xiao Nai would have to **** their luck and chance.

"Now the heaven and earth transport in the 70th layer has been refined by me. Let's move on."

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and turned into a light and shadow, which directly jumped up and broke the barrier in the void.

The 80th floor is the rank of the creator.

As soon as he went up, there was a strong coercion, as if the gods in the heavens had come down.

A blood-clad iron-clad man appeared in front of Xiao Naihe, who was as tall as a foot, only to see that he raised the sword in his hand and made a crackling sound.

That is a symbol of the strength of the physical body.

"This is a puppet? And still a seventh-grade puppet? The iron armor of this puppet is a seventh-grade Taoist, and even the sword in its hand is also a seventh-grade Taoist, good fellow."

Xiao Nai couldn't help but glance at it.

At this moment, this iron man was murderous. Although he was not alive, he was wise, but Xiao Naihe glanced coldly.

"In the first place, I can actually enter the 80th floor. It's a peerless genius, but unfortunately the trial is the trial. I won't be merciless because of it. If you want to blame, just blame yourself on the 80th floor. "

The Iron Man didn't really speak. He used a method to transmit the sound directly into Xiao Naihe's mind.

At the same time as the sound was transmitted, the iron armor immediately started to see that the sword in his hand was spinning in the void, and a violent gang wind suddenly enveloped it, covering Xiao Naihe's whole person in it It seems that Xiao Nai is going to smash everything.

Although this iron man has no life, he is a seven-grade puppet after all, and he still has two seven-grade Taoists.

If you really start, even Longya is not a puppet's opponent.

Just like the Iron Man, it was only ordered to deal with these test disciples, but it did not release water because the other party's cultivation was too bad.

If you want to grow, you have to experience life and death.

The master who established this seven-star tower assessment was to convey this idea.

However, the owner of the Seven Star Tower should not have thought of why Xiao Nai entered the trial as an overwhelming identity.

Now the entire Seven-Star Tower suddenly shook, and the blade of light on the 80th floor continued to glow, as if to turn the entire tower layer up.

This little thousand world changed a bit, and actually formed a sea in an instant.

The phantom sea seemed to become real at that moment.

"stand up!"

The sword in the armored man's hand chopped off, and a fierce sword gas was released for a long time, forming a strong wind on it, sweeping through the air, and surrounding Xiao Naihe in front.

His eyes opened and a burst of light burst out.

Xiao Nai waved his hand, his expression remained unchanged, and there seemed to be a flame burning continuously in his pupils.

Then, behind Xiao Naihe appeared a huge **** wheel, which continuously rolled, compressing all the airflow around.

"The great gods of the heavens and the wheel of life and death!"

The short nine characters seem to contain the world's catastrophe.

Since Xiao Nai's successful Taoism integration, whenever he exhibits various previous Daoist methods, he can blend the Daoyun rhythms of other avenues.

It is like this great **** wheel of the heavens, which was originally a Taoist law in the demon scriptures of the heavens. When it is put into practice, it is an indomitable force that controls the real future.

But Xiao Naihe also joined the life-and-death reincarnation ability of the Wu people, the fusion of yin and yang, and the burst of rigidity and softness.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Vibrating violently, it seems that the whole void will be lifted.

And the **** wheel that Xiao Naihe grasped in his hand was a collision, and he smashed it fiercely, smashing the iron armor.

Wow la la la.

There was an incredible trace in the eyes of the Iron Armor.

Although it is not a life form, it also has five senses of human beings, so it is normal to show such an expression.

Then, the armored man snorted coldly, threw the sword in his hand towards the sky, and a strong wave of power suddenly burst out of the body of the armored man.


The armored man is like a real living warrior, with five fingers caught in the void, all the waves underneath are surging up.

In the continuous sea of ​​eight thousand miles, all the seawater was caught, forming thousands of water dragons, and caught in Xiao Naihe's side.

If these thousands of water tornadoes are all struck together, even a master like the creator will be clipped into pieces.

But Xiao Nai is different. Although his avatar is far less powerful than his own body, he already has the strength of the Ninefold Realm.

"Stop playing, break it for me."

Xiao Naihe's voice spread lightly, and suddenly it was a little in the void, and a strong force was also revealed from behind Xiao Naihe.

Then a huge Buddha statue appeared behind him.

A huge halo emerged from the top of Xiao Naiho's head. This halo continued to rotate, and then turned to the top of the Buddha's head.

"The big sun is like a handprint, and Prajna Paramita!"

Xiao Nai's five fingers shot in the void, forming a huge palm print. At the moment of shooting, this palm print was already moving towards the front. The two palms struck and smashed all the thousands of water tornadoes into Innumerable phantom fragments.


At this time, the iron armor, like humans, showed a kind of horror on the face. It was almost like a flesh and blood, and its expression was extremely wonderful. It could not be seen that this iron armor was a puppet.


This is how Xiao Naihe said lightly, and then the law behind him opened his eyes, and the huge aura was already shrouded, completely absorbing the clothes and the sword from the armored man.

"not good!"

The Iron Man is also wise. When he sees the situation is not good, even the illusion in this space has been cracked, and immediately turned his head,

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho's body seemed to fly up, and there was a huge **** wheel behind him. This **** wheel seemed to have a thousand tons of weight and was crushed down hard.

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