Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1893: Xu you chance

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Su Bingyun stood up, waved his hand, and Tianxiang retreated.

As the core disciple of the Huofeng tribe, this Tianxiang has reached the four levels of supremacy, but is willing to stay beside Su Bingyun, showing his loyalty to Su Bingyun.

And Su Bingyun does not regard Tianxiang as her maid, but is commensurate with her sisters.

"Where have you been in the past few days? Why haven't you seen you during this time? I thought you were in the Seven Star Tower!"

Although Su Bingyun's tone was very calm, he was vaguely worried and sincere.

Xiao Nai He moved his heart and said, "I have some things in the Seven Star Tower, and I stayed outside for a while ..."

As soon as the voice fell, he hadn't finished speaking. Su Bingyun suddenly picked Liu Mei's eyebrows, just like the lingering spring rain, and directly shot it with a palm.


This applause seemed to contain the heaven and earth **** thunder, and gathered the thunder breath into it. It was shot with a palm, and it suddenly seemed like a continuous thunderstorm.

But there is also a kind of artistic conception that spawned flames, as if there was a thunder fire in the void.

"Void Creation."

Xiao Naihe glanced at it and knew that Su Bingyun had used his sixfold strength.

In fact, before Su Bingyun shot, a look changed, and Xiao Nai knew that the woman was going to start.

Although Su Bingyun did not have any killings or hostility, if she had a hands-on idea, Xiao Nai could feel it instantly.

Although Su Bingyun's trick is powerful, it is nothing for Xiao Naihe.

I saw that Xiao Nai raised his hand, and an invisible barrier of power directly blocked Su Bingyun's palm and blocked it in mid-air.


Su Bingyun froze for a moment, but he did not expect that Xiao Nai actually had such a means. His eyes suddenly flashed with a palm, and he saw Su Bingyun's charming face showing a halo, his hands red, a fire Directly from the palm of his hand.

"Click click!"

Xiao Naihe moved around, clenching his fists, and looked at Su Bingyun, directly avoiding Su Bingyun's attack.

At this time, Su Bingyun also withdrew his own momentum and smiled lightly: "Yes, it seems that you have also received a lot of benefits in the Seven Star Tower. You should now be in the triplet of supremacy? You just made every move. There is a breath involved in the evolution of heaven and earth. I did not expect you to be able to step into the triplex from the supreme realm in one fell swoop. "

Although it is very rare to get promoted beyond a level, it is not without.

"A breath of heaven and earth evolution?"

Xiao Nai touched his nose, but did not expect Su Bingyun to think so.

Just a moment ago, he did indeed have the momentum of encapsulating the world, but it was not a big road, but a real one yuan, and the world was transformed into one yuan.

However, Su Bingyun could not comprehend this profound meaning, and Xiao Nai could not explain it.

This is like a creator who wants to explain to a warrior who is not even congenital, what is the deep meaning of the earth and the evolution of the universe.

"This time, we will soon arrive at the prince of Feng Zongzong. We will select some disciples to participate in the Huofeng branch. Tianxiang and I will definitely be able to enter. I was a bit worried about you before. But you are here now. The triplex of supremacy already has this qualification. You have to fight for it. "

Su Bingyun said lightly that the Taoist momentum just now had completely converged, as if transformed into an unpredictable fairy.

Xiao Nai couldn't help crying. He glanced at Su Bingyun and said, "Miss Su should now be in the creation of the creator. As long as you push it further, you can directly step into the seventh realm and become the creator."

Su Bingyun frowned and seemed to dislike Xiao Naihe's tone, but still explained patiently: "Yes, I also got some cultivation benefits in the Seven Star Tower, so I am now near the creator. Although it is not as good as before I may step into the creator, but in about three hundred years, I should be able to step directly into the realm of the creator. "

"In this case, if Miss Su goes directly to the creator, it should be of great benefit to the Dabi you said."

"what do you mean?"

Although Su Bingyun attaches great importance to Xiao Naihe, the fact that Xiao Naihe's tone of speech actually made Su Bingyun feel a little lower towards Xiao Naihe.

"If I said that I could advance the cultivation of Su girl to the top seven levels and open the earth, I don't know if Su girl would like to."


Su Bingyun's face suddenly changed, with a trace of anger on his face: "Xiao Naihe, although I said that I accept you as a disciple before people, and later they are commensurate with sisters and sisters, but if you want to entertain me, then you will blame me. . "

"Hey, I knew that Sister Su didn't believe me. Since that is the case, I can only show a little bit."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

"What do you want ..."

Before the words were finished, Su Bingyun suddenly felt a gust of wind facing him, and the thought of Chunyang burned directly.

Su Bingyun felt only a flower in front of him, and was suddenly caught by Xiao Naihe, and the whole person was pulled back by Xiao Naihe.

The delicate, soft, boneless catkins in his hands, and the scent on his face, all told Xiao Naihe that Su Bingyun was an extremely outstanding woman.

Put in the God Realm, Su Bingyun is also a rare beauty.

But at this moment a rare panic flashed across her face.

Xiao Naihe just grabbed it, Su Bingyun was pulled over with one hand, he couldn't control his mind at all, and he felt helpless for the first time.

Looking at the panic look on Su Bingyun's face, Xiao Nai and He Ruoyin said: "Miss Su is assured that I will not do this to you. You have helped me a favor before. false!"

Xiao Naihe finished his speech. With a little hands, suddenly a flash of light sprang out of his fingertips and fell into Su Bingyun's eyebrows.

Su Bingyun's blush flashed, and his temperament suddenly changed.

"Open the earth, create the world, keep my heart, and protect me."

After hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Su Bingyun felt subconscious and quickly followed Xiao Naihe's actions.

I don't know why, Su Bingyun just felt that there was a very subtle magic in Xiao Naihe's words, as if Xiao Naihe had to listen to everything he said.

This is actually Xiao Naihe's way of running a thunder, making Su Bingyun instinctively face Xiao Naihe's meaning.

A small world emerged above Su Bingyun's head. This is a model of Su Bingyun's Little Thousand World.

As long as you step into the five levels of supremacy, a void world will automatically be born in your body, which is a world of flowers and thoughts.

When it comes to the six-fold void creation, it can create some useful grounds in this inner world, such as mountains and rivers.

But at the seventh level, it is to open up the inner world directly and form a small world like the 3,300 world that can live in.

This is the way to open the earth.

When Xiao Nai did not reach the creator, he opened up the space Jindan, merged the secret realm of the Archaic Saint, and opened up the world of Xiaoqian.

And Su Bingyun and these people can only open up the small world normally when they are in the Seventh Realm.

"Go in!"

Xiao Nai's five-finger grabbing, and actually beat Su Bingyun behind, a soft feeling reached Xiao Naihe's hands.

And Su Bingyun didn't notice, she just felt that her whole body was radiating the same power.


Suddenly, a thunder in the sky came up. This is the **** thunder in the **** realm, which is much more powerful than the thunder in the three thousand three hundred world.

Even Su Bingyun was frightened when he saw this thunderstorm.

At the beginning, before the Longya entered the creator, there was the light of thunder and calamity in the world vision, which was terrible.

Even Su Bingyun is still vivid in his eyes, and he can't help but feel a trace of worry.

"Steady state of mind."

Xiao Naihe drunk again.

Su Bingyun's face changed greatly, knowing that he was almost shaken, and quickly kept his heart.

Xiao Naihe looked at the **** thunder in the sky, a slight smile appeared on his face: "Shen thunder? Since I said you had a great chance, I naturally want to keep you on the creator realm."

After talking, Xiao Naihe clenched his fists, and his body was full of blood and blood.

At that moment, Su Bingyun only felt that the man next to him changed violently, as if he were a powerful man, and even his father did not have this kind of momentum.

Xiao Naihe's eyes erupted with a fine mane, and the sky was a punch, as if to burst through the sky and the whole sky into a huge hole.

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Shenlei landed in the sky, but halfway through it, it was actually smashed with a punch than Xiao Naihe. The breath of Shenlei was gone.

"This ... that's Shen Lei! Even when his father stepped into the creator, when Shen Lei came down, he spent a lot of energy to resist, and even hurt himself. Now the punch is gone. Alright? "

At this time, Su Bingyun had completely stepped into the creator, and after Xiao Nai He blasted off this **** of thunder, he introduced the breath of **** thunder into her body and helped her refine it.

But when Su Bingyun looked at Xiao Naihe again, the horror in his eyes was already extremely obvious. He took two steps backwards, and his tone trembled: "You ... who are you? What kind of strength do you have ... how could I come to Huofeng Inside the case. "

How did Xiao Nai introduce himself to the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm in one fell swoop, and was able to blow away Shen Lei with one punch. What kind of realm has this master reached?

Is it the Seventh Level of the Supreme Realm, or the Eighth Level of the Supreme Realm, or even the God Realm, those nine-level gangsters?

On Su Bingyun's beautiful face, there was once again a kind of shaking fear, looking at Xiao Naihe, and Jiao body shook slightly.

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