Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1894: How do you want me to repay

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The shock that broke through to the creator is so great that everyone in the Huofeng branch can feel that there is a heavenly aura in the sect.

People who don't know just see countless white clouds in the sky, spreading into the sky, and covering the whole sky.

In the tens of thousands of miles of the fire phoenix, under this force field, the fire phoenix is ​​continually shaking and the mountains are constantly shaking, as if the void is distorted and moving.

"What is this? Did a master show up?"

"Is that the master who entered the 108th floor of the Seven Star Tower?"

"No, no, you see a thunderstorm flashing in the sky, and infinite thunder in the clouds. I'm afraid someone stepped into a very high level and thunder came."

No matter what they are doing, whether to practice martial arts or to eat, they all put down the things at hand and hurried out, with a gaze, everyone's eyes are tightly locked in the sky.

Numerous dark clouds filled the sky, as if night came, and the current thunder snake in the void constantly swallowed, as if to show the power of Thor.

Several high-level executives who were originally in the period of discussion were working hard and stepping forward.

In particular, Su Jian'an looked at the thunderous cloud in the distance, and he could see a long blood cloud rushing into the sky, as if to swallow the entire Huofeng branch.

The fusion of Jinghuo and Jingyun together would make everyone feel a sense of heaven's coming.

"It's in that position ..." Su Jianan's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly turned into a surprise: "Is it Bingyun? That's right, that position is Qinglian Peak, only Bingyun she. Has she already crossed this One step into the realm of the creator. "

"It should be her. This breath of Fa is obviously earth-shaking, and that position is only the girl of Bingyun."

Hao Tian smiled slightly, and Su Bingyun was also half of his apprentice. He admired Su Bingyun very much. Now, when Su Bingyun stepped into the creator, Hao Tian was also relieved.

"let's go."

These few people rushed towards Qinglian Peak together.

Only Longya followed these people, a flash of fine light flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Naihe, who was originally helping Su Bingyun to introduce Thunder Robber, raised his brow slightly and let go, his palm suddenly released a blue light.

The blue light spreads like ripples, and there are waves of ripples. The prohibition circle directly surrounds the entire space.

An invisible barrier was formed outside Qinglian Peak, isolating everyone.


Su Jianan seemed to be aware of the forbidden enchantment in front, and quickly stopped the people who came over, saying: "Don't go in first. This prohibition is set here. I'm afraid that Bingyu's girl wouldn't let us approach, maybe she is still in the robbery . "

"It makes sense, we are waiting here. Bingyun girl is very opinionated, we don't act rashly now." Hao Tian also nodded.

When these people stopped outside, Xiao Naihe breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Su Bingyun.

At this time, Su Bingyun took three steps backwards, with a complex look in his eyes, with surprises, panic, consternation, etc. No one knew what Su Bingyun was thinking.

"I know you must have a lot of things to ask me. I can tell you that the Huofeng Branch is just a site for me, and I will leave soon. My coming to the Huofeng Branch is just to do one thing. "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

Su Bingyun looked strange and pondered for a long time, he could not help but ask: "What is it?"

But Xiao Naihe still smiled, but did not answer. Su Bingyun knew that Xiao Nai did not want to answer his thoughts.

However, she thought of how Xiao Nai came to their phoenix division, and had never done bad things. In Su Bingyun's eyes, she could have guessed that Xiao Nai He was at least a super master of Lei Guojiu.

Masters of this level, if they really want to exterminate their phoenix division, it is definitely a breeze.

And there is nothing in their Fire Phoenix tribe that can attract masters of this level. If there is really something that attracts Xiao Naihe, there is only the Seven Star Tower.

Thinking of this, Su Bingyun suddenly moved his heart, and the voice rang: "It turns out that the mysterious master who stepped into the 108th floor of the Seven Star Tower is you?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Is your purpose for the Seven Star Tower?"

"This ... so to speak, I just want to go to the Seven Star Tower to get something. I don't want to take the Seven Star Tower."

It is impossible for Xiao Nai to tell his true purpose, but to answer with ambiguous answers.

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Su Bingyun suddenly felt that it was only because of the Seven Star Tower. Otherwise, how could such a super master appear in their Fire Phoenix branch and pretend to be a little disciple.

Experts such as Xiao Naihe usually only appear in the Nine Great Realms, and suddenly appear in their Fire Phoenix branch, certainly for no other purpose.

However, Su Bingyun saw that Xiao Naihe had no other meaning, and did not hurt the phoenix division. On the contrary, because of Xiao Naihe, this time Su Bingyun received huge benefits.

"Why are you helping me?"

"It's very simple, I entered the Fire Phoenix branch, you also helped me, and I feel good about you, naturally I am not stingy to help you."

Xiao Naihe said slowly.

Su Bingyun was stunned for a moment, and a faint flash of light flashed on his beautiful face. Xiao Naihe said this ambiguously.

However, Su Bingyun looked at Xiao Naihe's clear eyes. She knew that Xiao Naihe had no other meaning. If this kind of master is really willing, those goddesses, goddesses, and family elders who are better than themselves in God Realm are just afraid to go Go to Xiao Naihe.

"I will give you these things too, for me these things are useless."

After talking, Xiao Nai waved his hand, and a ring suddenly released its light. Many treasures are revealed in the storage ring.

These treasures were obtained by Xiao Nai from the Seven Star Tower.

"these are……"

Su Bingyun was shocked. Among these treasures, three of them have exceeded the sixth grade, and the value of thousands of treasures is definitely more than the treasure pavilion of the phoenix.

Why did Xiao Na take these things out?

"There is a smell of the law above these things, which is inside the Seven Star Tower. Could it be ... that the chances in the Seven Star Tower were swept away by you alone?"

Although Xiao Naihe did not answer, Su Bingyun knew that he guessed well. When the group of people entered the Seven Star Tower, from the tenth floor to the seventieth floor, there was nothing.

Su Bingyun guessed that it must have been robbed secretly.

Now it seems that all these things were taken away by Xiao Naihe, and not only the 70th floor, but also the chances above the 70th floor were also obtained by Xiao Naihe.

At this time, Su Bingyun's face was very red, which was not caused by greed, nor was it caused by shyness. But because of too many chances, Su Bingyun's mood fluctuated greatly.

Su Bingyun has always been in a state of mind, but today so many things have happened, and even Su Bingyun feels that it is beyond his control.

"You ... do you want to give me these treasures? Why?"

"I said, I feel pretty good about you, naturally I don't mind helping you once. Now that I can help you so much, I will soon leave the Huofeng branch."

Su Bingyun's face was flushed, and she had a complex look. It was obvious that she was thinking about something, and said for a long time: "Since you can take so many opportunities from the Seven Star Tower, these things are also yours. You are willing to give them Me? I ... I ’m afraid I ’m not going to repay you, do n’t you want me to make a difference? "

Xiao Naihe gave so many things, if according to other people's actions, Su Bingyun was only afraid that the other party would make a plot.

However, what Xiao Nai gave herself was a treasure of extremely high value, and helped her to ascend to the level of the creator. Such kindness is really too heavy.

Besides, Su Bingyun doesn't have any advantages at all. Although she is a genius in the Huofeng tribe, in the eyes of a master like Xiao Naihe, that's a huge difference.

Su Bingyun knows that if a master like Xiao Naihe is pointing his finger, I am afraid that many women who are better than her will automatically undress and go to bed.

But Su Bingyun didn't dare to think about it. Xiao Nai just gave her such a great chance by saying "I feel you are good".

It is impossible to say that Su Bingyun does not move. Su Bingyun is also a cultivator, and cultivating all the way requires huge resources.

If you can get Xiao Naihe these opportunities, these thousands of years will definitely not need to worry about resources.

But she felt that there was nothing to repay Xiao Naihe. Besides her self-confidence, she had no repayment.

"Forget it, I already have a buddy." Xiao Naihe naturally thought of Yun Weixue.

Yun Weixue's current strength far exceeds that of Su Bingyun, and has received much support from Xiao Naihe. Compared with Yun Weixue, Xiao Naihe gave Su Bingyun these things, which is simply the difference between Yun and Yang.

"Is ... is it?"

While Su Bingyun was relieved, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment in her heart. She didn't know why she felt this way, but she quickly stabilized her mind.

"Accept it. Since I took out the thing, there will naturally be no claim that it will be withdrawn."

Xiao Nai could not help but say that he directly handed the storage ring to Su Bingyun.

Looking at the heavy storage ring in his hand, Su Bingyun's heart is also very complicated, respectfully said: "Senior helped Bingyun so much, Bingyun could not be rewarded. Ende Bingyun in this life will never forget, if the senior has useful things, please Senior commanded. "

"Forget it, you can't help me with what I want to do."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, said lightly.

"Although Bing Yun's strength is limited, there may be a power to help the senior. The senior came to my Fire Phoenix branch to have something. If the senior is willing to tell Bing Yun, maybe Bing Yun can also help the senior!"

Listening to Su Bingyun's words, Xiao Nai nodded, pondered, and said slowly: "You think this is a good idea. I came to the Huofeng branch this time because of the lack of a lot of heaven and earth, but now I am the Huofeng branch. The strength of her luck can no longer satisfy me. I will naturally leave. "

"Heaven and Earth atmospheric transport? I know this, but the flame power of the Fire Phoenix branch can't absorb much for thousands of years. Legend has it that only the eighth or even nineth strong can really absorb the power of the power, since the air inside the branch The strength of luck can't satisfy the senior, I don't know where the senior will go next? "

"You don't need to call me a senior. I'm not older than you, or call me a name. I thought that the Xiaozongmen in the thirty-three days have not much luck to absorb, I should be in the Nine Great Divine Realm. The most recent Divine Realm is the Phoenix Divine Realm, and I want to go there. "

Su Bingyun was slightly surprised.

Xiao Naihe is younger than himself? This really can't be seen. Xiao Nai didn't know what magical power was used, and was able to hide his own years and rings, so Su Bingyun looked at Xiao Naihe on the surface and thought that the other party was about a thousand years old.

However, it seems that Xiao Nai should not be more than a thousand years old, or even younger.

Only the super geniuses of the super powers in the Divine Realm have such a wicked talent. Is he a sect in the Divine Realm?

This idea only appeared in Su Bingyun's mind, and then said: "It turns out that Phoenix God Territory is far away from the 33rd Chongtian, and people in the 33rd Chongtian are going out of the Phoenix Divinity. It is necessary to pass the pass order of Phoenix God Realm. "

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

"In a little while, it ’s the Phoenix God Realm. At that time, our thirty-three celestial ancestors will gather in the Phoenix God Realm to participate in the Phoenix God Realm. Let's go together. The Fire Phoenix Sub-Sect is also a pass order to enter and exit the Phoenix Realm. "

"is it?"

According to Xiao Naihe's strength, if he wanted to dive into Phoenix Realm, it was not a difficult problem, but he seemed to have heard something important.

"Is the Dabi of Phoenix Realm?"

Xiao Nai said with a smile, and said with a smile: "Did your Phoenix Dabi fight directly against the Phoenix Sect?"

"Yes, Dafeng Phoenix is ​​actually picking out the outstanding disciples of Sanchong Tian and Zongzong, and absorbing them into Zongzong."

"Phoenix Phoenix?" Xiao Naihe showed a strange smile on his face: "Phoenix Phoenix is ​​the top sect in the Divine Realm, and also one of the nine hegemonic forces in the Nine Heavens. There is only a lot of heaven and earth in it. Fortunately, it ’s not bad, the next goal is the Phoenix Sect. "

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Su Bingyun was shocked, and his eyes were horrified.

Although Xiao Naihe may be a master of the Eightfold Realm, in the Phoenix God Realm, there are also a few Masters of the Eightfold. If he entered into the Phoenix General Sect, I was afraid it would not be easy.

"But if he can participate in the competition, it should be very easy to join the Phoenix Sect."

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