Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1898: Unexpected

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Between Zhang Hui's fist intentions, not only did there be a punch, but there was also a strong electric light between his five fingers.

This layer of electro-optical flashes, as if a wave of thunder sounds shaking, countless thunder flashes.

"Xu Sheng Electric Mang, the symbol of the second realm."

"Brother Zhang is transforming the magical power of the double realm into the boxing intention."

"Great, if it were me, I wouldn't be able to take Brother Zhang's punch."

"You don't need to watch this battle, there is no suspense at all."

These people are amazed, already anticipating the next situation changes.

Ye Yonghao also smiled, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Tian Xiang looked closely at the front, as if to see other changes in Xiao Naihe's eyes.

"Just this punch?"

Xiao Nai raised his head, and even did not move with both hands, but just stood there quietly, as if unmoved.

Ye Yonghao looked at Xiao Naihe's breezy look, and suddenly there was a feeling that it was as if the whole world had cracked and collapsed, and could not shake Xiao Nai any point.

"You ... really hard-mouthed. Why can a foreign disciple get the qualifications of Dabi, why can he enter the Seven Star Tower, and why can he be appreciated by the master sister? Be willing, I am not willing. "

At this time, Zhang Huizhi's momentum changed slightly, and with the fierce face, his punch became more fierce.


A real murderous opportunity.

At this time Zhang Huizhi was actually murderous.

Both Tianxiang and Ye Yonghao felt the murderousness of Zhang Huizhi. The other party really wanted to kill Xiao Naihe.

"not good."

As soon as Tianxiang's expression changed, she stepped out in front of her and was about to separate the two.


Suddenly, another fist rushed in, and Tian Xiang was shocked. This fist seemed to be divided into two, distorting the entire void, and Tian Xiang regressed again and again.

"Sister Tianxiang, where are you going? When the two of them are fighting, please ask Sister Tianxiang not to intervene."

Ye Yonghao said righteous words.

"Brother Ye, you want to stop me, don't you see Zhang Huizhi's approach?" Tian Xiang was anxious.

"Although the contest between our disciples is point-to-point, the sect is not without any disability indicators, and disciples who have not experienced life and death can not grow up. Rest assured, if it is really dangerous, I will naturally The two are separated. "

Of course, even if Xiao Nai did not die, then it would be better to die or die. Dao Xin was broken, and he no longer has any qualification to be appreciated by Su Bingyun.

It turned out that Ye Yonghao couldn't bear Xiao Nai to be valued by Su Bingyun, and his heart was jealous.

At this time, Zhang Huizhi's fist was like a thunder snake, and he bowed left and right, ferocious, and merged his own mind.

At this moment there were two different voices throughout the air.

Whirring whirring……

Zizizizi ...

They are the intersection of wind and thunder, as if to devour everything.

Zhang Huizhi's momentum suddenly rose, and everyone's attention was placed on Zhang Huizhi's body.


Suddenly, Xiao Naiho said a word, the fist in the original void changed, and Zhang Huizhi seemed to be short, and he felt a desire to stop.

"This is how the same thing?"

Zhang Huizhi is unknown. Therefore, he only felt that Xiao Nai stood there, a kind of immovable, visible momentum.

It's as if Xiao Nai is just like that, he can suppress everything.

Suddenly, a flower in front of Zhang Hui's eyes burst into thunder.

Xiao Nai runs the 'Buddha Lotus' and the thunder. Zhang Huizhi was shaken from the void through the force of words.

It was simply a word. Zhang Huizhi's body floating in mid-air suddenly caught a little caught off guard. It actually shook and fell directly to the ground, directly fainting.


The audience is quiet.

The raven was silent.

These people did not see how Xiao Nai shot, they just heard Xiao Nai said lightly, and suddenly the thunderous sound moved, as if a thunder flashed across the horizon.

Then Zhang Huizhi fell to the ground and passed out.

The whole process is just a few breaths.

"Did you see it? Did Xiao Nai do it just now?"

"No hands-on?"

"If you didn't do it, why would Brother Zhang fall?"

"I saw him scream, and then Senior Brother Zhang, like a broken kite, fell directly in the air and could not control himself."

Everyone was horrified. If Xiao Naiho simply shouted and shocked Zhang Huizhi, would it be too terrifying?

And the most important thing is that Zhang Huizhi is already the duality of supremacy, but Xiao Naihe is nothing more than a realm.

Ye Yonghao's face changed abruptly, and he couldn't clearly see what happened just now.

"Lei Yin? Could it be that the electric power of the imaginary, the supremacy is double? Xiao Naihe, have you stepped into the supremacy?"

Tianxiang's voice was shocking and joyful.

Xiao Naihe touched his nose, a strange smile appeared on his face.

It was true that he used Leiyin just now, but that was the "Buddha Lotus" in the Buddha's Tao, which was urged by real thunder.

Not to mention Zhang Huizhi, even a master like Ye Yonghao, I am afraid that Xiao Naiho will be shocked and will end like Zhang Huizhi.

But did not expect Tianxiang to be regarded as the supreme realm of double-faced lifeless mans.

"I didn't expect him to enter the supremacy duality, it must be Sister Su. Only she can let this kid enter the supremacy duality. Sister Su got some chances in the Seven Star Tower, she must be certain The opportunity was given to Xiao Naihe. "

Ye Yonghao thought of coming here, and his heart was suddenly jealous. He was jealous of Xiao Naihe, and he would often become hostile to Xiao Naihe.

Now I think that Xiao Nai actually got the chance of Su Bingyun, and I was even jealous of Xiao Nai, staring at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe was bright in his heart, glared at by Ye Yonghao, swept his mind, and immediately saw Ye Yonghao, with a cold smile in his heart.

"Let's go, Sister Tianxiang."

Xiao Nai He laughed, and then went directly down the mountain.

Tianxiang recovered, and quickly caught up.

Seeing Xiao Naihe's divine power just now, these disciples did not dare to look for Xiao Naihe's trouble again. Nowadays it is subconsciously giving Xiao Naihe a way.

Xiao Naihe accompanied these people in a play, but it was only a sudden interest. Now that he has no interest, he naturally doesn't want to be entangled with Zhang Hui. Now, Zhang Huizhi is shocked.

After Xiao Naihe left, the people here were all noisy and clamoring.

"Good guy, he just screamed just now, and he shocked this brother."

"Even if this Xiao Nai became a master of the supremacy dual, it is also the supremacy dual, can it really shock the opponent so easily?

"It must have been some means. Xiao Nai might have forgotten Brother Zhang." Zhang Huizhi's younger brother said sourly.

"Huh, how is it possible. We have so many people watching, where the other party has secret calculations."

Another disciple pondered for a while, and slowly said: "It should be Brother Zhang who is too weak against the enemy, and Brother Xiao is concealing cultivation behavior.

"It should be so."

Everyone nodded and felt that this explanation was most likely.

If this Xiao Naihe was so powerful that he could shock Zhang Huizhi with a cry, wouldn't Xiao Naihe already be able to compare with the masters of Triple Realm?

This is terrible.

Ye Yonghao stood not far away, his face uncertain, looking at Zhang Huizhi on the ground, and finally he snorted and walked away.

When he walked down the mountain, Tianxiang couldn't help but ask: "Have you already entered the supreme realm?"

"That's right." Xiao Nai touched his nose, what Tiantianxiang thought.

Besides, he has indeed stepped into the supremacy duality, but now it has grown to a half-step passive, so it can not be called cheating Tianxiang.

"This time you have such strength that even Zhang Huizhi can easily be defeated, maybe you have the opportunity to compete for the top 8,000."

Tianxiang excited.

Don't look at the top 8,000 as if it were the very end. For the disciples of the Supreme Realm, they are already extremely high-ranked.

In the thirty-three heavens, each sect has one hundred places. And the sect in the 33rd Heaven is not as simple as 33.

There are some heavy worlds, but there are two or three ancestors that are equivalent to the Huofeng division.

Coupled with the quota of the Phoenix sect, the number of people in a comparison is at least tens of thousands.

These people, without exception, are all young people who have achieved supremacy before the age of thirty.

It is not easy to be able to participate in such a big contest.

Even Tianxiang didn't feel that she had a chance to win the top 7,000, and she thought that Xiao Nai might win the top 8,000.

You should know that in Tianxiang's eyes, Xiao Naihe only has the supremacy of two levels, but he is already the supremacy of four levels.

Looking at Tianxiang's excitement, Xiao Naihe only smiled slightly, but did not speak, so the two went back to Qinglian Peak.

What happened to Xiao Naihe and Zhang Hui soon spread out. After all, the Fire Phoenix tribe is not big, just a circle.

Soon Su Bingyun knew that she didn't say anything. She knew why Xiao Nai wanted to win Zhang Huizhi. It was as simple as drinking water.

But after hearing this news, Longya's face changed, and finally waved his hand, and said to a man behind: "Zhang Huizhi's waste is useless, find an excuse to shut him into the peak of remorse for 3000 years."


After talking, the men behind disappeared suddenly.

There was a glimmer of coldness in Longya's eyes: "Sister Su, since you are passionate about a little disciple, you should stop blaming me. You are mine, and no one can **** you in front of me."

Su Bingyun didn't know that Longya actually thought he was emotional for Xiao Nai.

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