Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1899: Phoenix God Territory

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Soon, the day of Phoenix Dabi is coming.

On this day, the Huofeng Tribe has already started to depart, starting directly from the 33rd day.

Su Jian'an and Hao Tian also had several high-ranking sect gates, and directly took hundreds of disciples into an ark.

Compared with the moonlight warship Xiao Naihe, this ark does not know how much less.

But anyway, it is also a seven-grade Taoist device, which can be broken into a void.

Soon, in less than three days, this ark had straddled the thirty-three days and came directly to the gate of Phoenix God Territory.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have come to the Phoenix God Realm. Although I attacked the Nine Heaven God Realm in my previous life, I directly attacked the Nantian Gate."

Xiao Naihe followed these people and looked slightly at the tall city wall in front.

This city wall is so high, it seems that the sky and the big tree burst into the sky.

Each brick in the city wall is a very tough blackstone.

It can be said that if you want to attack this city gate, I am afraid that hundreds of thousands of creators will not be shaken, and even the masters of the eighth realm will have difficulty breaking the city wall.

No wonder this is the main entrance of Phoenix God Territory.

"The greatest force in Phoenix God Realm is the total sect of Phoenix. It is the largest sect power in Nine Heavens God Realm. It is the same force as the previous Wuxiang Hall of Huaxiang."

Hua Xiang is the most semi-stepless passive existence. The Wushuang Sect he opened as the largest sect power in Wushuang God Realm, and the Phoenix Sect in this Phoenix God Realm can be compared with Wushuang Sect. How deep.

The total sect of the Phoenix has at least 80,000 years of sect history, just like the night king said, in the Nine Heavens Realm, I do n’t know that it is as simple as the Nineth Supreme Master, some super powerfuls in order to impact a higher realm, also It is the unity of origins that they would rather not retreat.

So these nine heavens are definitely not as simple as they thought.

In the Phoenix Divine Realm, there must be some hidden masters that Xiao Nai did not know, even these masters are not under Huo Luo King, Ye Wang and others.

If Xiao Naihe is besieged by so many people, even if he is even more powerful, he is afraid to run away immediately.

"Compared to Yantian Pavilion, it's much worse. Now, with the help of Yantian Pavilion, it can already be compared with the force of Loulan Palace, but how does it compare with the Phoenix Sect, it is almost worse. Thousands of thousands of miles. "

The General Sect of Phoenix is ​​the first force in the Divine Realm of Phoenix, and there are thirty-three heavens underneath. It can be said that the Sect Gate in each of the heavens can actually be regarded as the vassal power of the Phoenix Sect.

It is like the Fire Phoenix branch, which is actually a side branch of the Phoenix General Sect.

"Let's go in."

This is not the first time that Su Jianan and Haotian have come to Phoenix God Territory. Although they are very powerful characters in the Fire Phoenix Division, they are different here.

In the Phoenix Divine Realm, where the creator walked all over, Su Jian'an didn't dare to trust.

He honestly came to the gate of the city, when someone was checking it out.

"Obe, this person has a strong breath, which is similar to Brother Ye's aura, and should be the five-level state of supremacy."

"Great, a gatekeeper has such a state."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ...

Haotian ruthlessly whispered a few gossip disciples. These people shook their bodies and dared not talk nonsense again.

Even Ye Yonghao was shocked when he saw the disciples guarding the gate.

Many disciples came to the Phoenix God Realm for the first time. They are all genius disciples in the Sect. They think that their hearts are higher than the sky. Even if they are placed in the Phoenix God Realm, they are also first-class masters.

But now that I see a goalkeeper who is far better than them, I suddenly feel very incredible.

Ye Yonghao is like this. Although he was a little shocked in his heart, he quickly recovered and slowly thought: "Although the gatekeeper is like the five-level realm like me, but the other party's time ring is at least five thousand years old, I Less than 3,000, I am much younger than him, and I can achieve more in the future than the other. "

Ye Yonghao clenched his fists tightly.

"This brother, this is our pass."

Phoenix Divine Realm should be one of the strictest among the Nine Great Divine Realms. Passing orders are required for outsiders to enter and exit. No entry order is allowed.

The two guards looked at it, and a strange smile appeared on their faces. "Well, this pass is indeed true, but ..."

"Brother, I understand."

Su Jianan quickly pumped up in his sleeve, and a superb spar appeared.

Seeing this superb spar, the guard immediately gleamed.

In the 3,300 world, the common currency is various spars, but the highest grade is only top grade spars.

But when it comes to God's domain, the universal currency is the best spar, and a best spar can be worth 10,000 fine spars.

Xiao Naihe killed so many enemies in the lower realm, and he got the best spar less than 300 million.

However, there are more than 300 million superb crystals in the moonlight warship, and the nine crystals obtained from Huo Luo and Ye Wang are placed in different storage rings. Xiao Nai has not dismantled it until now. Come and see.

However, Xiao Naihe estimates that these two people, as the overlords in the Divine Realm, are afraid that there will be billions of billions of top-quality spars.

After all, those masters in the three-thousand-three-hundred world, unlike the Huo Luo and Ye Wang, they were born in the God Territory.

"If I put all the abilities in these spars into the Moonlight Warship, and urge into the Star River Taiyu, I'm afraid I can drive a distance of 90 million miles at most."

There are more than 90 million miles in Taiyu. The most basic unit calculation is to calculate distance in billions.

Xiao Nai had to find something that could replace the best spar and the aura of the Cambrian era to urge the moonlight warship.

"Okay, you can pass."

The guard waved his hand and other people around him turned a blind eye. This kind of phenomenon often happened. The task of guarding the gates of God's Domain was indeed a beautiful one.

Longya saw this without expression.

Su Bingyun just hummed and closed his eyes. Instead, Xiao Naihe was very calm, thinking about other things in her heart.

"Why do we need to hand in top grade spar? Don't we have a pass order?"

A disciple suddenly asked in a low voice.

Although the voice is very low, which one is not a master in the field.

The guard who guarded the gate heard his face, and suddenly his face sank, and he was about to speak.

Su Jianan knew it was bad at first glance, and quickly said: "This brother, the disciples under my door are young and ignorant, please don't blame."

As the so-called ghost is difficult, Su Jianan and these people do not know how many times they have dealt with, naturally knowing this truth.

The disciple who was so coldly killed by Su Jian'an was pale and dared not speak anymore.

Then Su Jianan gritted his teeth and took out a superb spar from his hand.

"Okay, you go in."

The guard looked slightly loose when he saw the second best spar.

Su Jianan quickly nodded and took these people to go in.

"Huh, really it's a sect from the country, I don't understand the rules at all."

At this time, I didn't know where an unharmonious voice came from. Su Jianan was slightly stunned. His heart was angry, and he was about to get angry.

As soon as I turned my head, all the anger suddenly turned into a chill, and the back was cold, as if to be frightened.

The person who spoke also brought a group of children. These children were full of energy, and there was a spirit of energy between the eyebrows and feathers. The power of the blood and blood on the body was even thicker.

Each of these people has at least three levels of supremacy, and four levels and five levels of supremacy is a big piece, and there are more than a dozen breaths. I am afraid that I have reached the level of supremacy and the creator.

In particular, the person in front of him, with his eyebrows like a sword, although his whole body has calmed down his momentum, but the sharpness of his body can't hide it at all.

As soon as the middle-aged man opened his eyes, there was a flash of thunder in his eyes.

This is not a falsified electric awn, but a sign of thundering through the nine robbery and reaching the upper boundary.

"Bingfeng branch, Bingfengzi!"

Su Jianan recognized the middle-aged man, and at this time, Su Jianan didn't refute much, only one face blushed.

Even Haotian sighed softly.

Sure enough, only when he came out to God Realm, did he know what a real God Realm was.

They are in the corner of the genre, and they are the kings in the mountains, but when they reach the **** realm, they are nothing.

This Bingfengzi is a master of the Eightfold Realm, and the Bingfeng branch and their Huofeng branch are both branches of the Phoenix sect. Too.

"Su Jian'an, it's been three thousand years, and you're still the top seven. It's really bad."

Bing Fengzi, as the head of the Bingfeng tribe, was blatantly ironic, and Su Jian'an did not dare to speak, only a red face.

Su Bingyun raised a brow, her father was trained like this, her face was not good, just stared at Bing Fengzi coldly.

Suddenly, Bing Fengzi seemed to feel something. He looked back suddenly, and his eyes seemed to be burning with ice and fire, and he could freeze everything.

Su Bingyun suddenly felt that the soul of the soul was shocked, as if the whole person was about to be shattered, and even the spirit of the soul had to be dispersed.


Suddenly, Xiao Binghe heard a light whisper in Su Bingyun's ear, as if a blazing flame, but a lingering flame, made Su Bingyun's cold and unmatched feeling disappear.

"Mr. Xiao."

A trace of fear appeared on Su Bingyun's pale face, and he gritted his teeth.

But there was still a trace of gratitude in his eyes. After seeing Xiao Naihe, he was moved.

She did not expect that Xiao Nai would actually help herself at this time, otherwise she could break her heart and mind at the first glance, and there would be no progress in the future.

Thinking of coming here, Su Bingyun was a little scared, and all eyes could reveal such terrifying power.

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