Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 1900: Storm

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"Thank you."

Thanks to Su Bingyun's eyes, he looked at Bing Fengzi and was a little worried.

"Bing Fengzi, what do you mean, don't you want to fight with our Huofeng branch?"

Su Jianan couldn't bear it anymore and cried out.

This Bingfengzi waved his hand with a disdainful tone: "As far as the garbage branch like the Huofeng branch wants to be compared with me, I can destroy one of your Huofeng branches with one hand. In Zong's face, you are not even qualified to speak to me. "

"Bing Fengzi, I know you are great, but don't forget, we have that one in the Fire Phoenix branch. This time we will meet that one when we go to Phoenix God Territory to participate in Darby ..."

After hearing Su Jian'an's words, Bing Fengzi's body twitched slightly, his face showing a look of fear.

But hesitating a little bit, Bing Fengzi sneered: "Senior Chi Zhanhuo is indeed a dragon among people, but he has nothing to do with your Huofeng tribe, it has been more than 10,000 years, if that senior really If you want to appear, your Fire Phoenix branch will not be reduced to the bottom branch of the 33rd heaven. "

Su Jian'an's face was flushed, and Bing Fengzi scowled bitterly, but he dared not refute it.

The reason why the Huofeng branch has not been annexed by other sect forces is because of the red war.

Chi Zhanhuo was a super genius who came out of the phoenix tribe in those years. He won the fourth place in the Phoenix Dabi in one fell swoop and stepped into the Ninth Realm in one fell swoop.

And tens of thousands of years ago, it was on the 9th peak, with strong strength.

With the majesty of the red war, the phoenix division can only maintain its heritage for tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, according to the strength of the phoenix division, it would have been swallowed up by people.

However, after a long period of time, the influence of the Red War on the Huofeng Sect became lower and lower. As a sect of the thirty-three heavens, the Huofeng tribe is also the branch of the Phoenix sect, but it is the weakest one.

The status of the Huofeng branch is now in jeopardy, and the young disciples in the branch still don't know it, and only the senior department knows the difficulties.

"Don't talk to you nonsense, wait for my Bingfeng branch to beat your Fire Phoenix branch, and all will be eliminated. Your Fire Phoenix branch will probably become history soon.

After talking, Bing Fengzi took many disciples and high-level officials, raised his head and stood tall, and walked into the city with a high expression.

On the other hand, the Huofeng tribe and other people here are all mourning, and they lack confidence.

Although Su Jianan wanted to say something encouraging to them, he did not have much confidence.

He had long known that in this game, he was afraid that their phoenix division would only be at the bottom.

"Just try to get someone to the top 8,000." Hao Tian sighed slightly.


As soon as the Fire Phoenix tribe and others entered the Phoenix God Realm, everyone soon forgot the unpleasant things that happened outside the city gate.

Many disciples came to Phoenix Realm for the first time, and even Su Bingyun couldn't help but glance at the city more.

People come and go in the Phoenix Divine Realm, not only the gods, but also the demon, demon, and human race cultivators. Not only there are cultivators, there are some who do not have many cultivators.

After so many years of development, Phoenix Divine Realm has long become a dynasty-like world.

The entire Phoenix Divine Realm is equivalent to the size of ten wild continents, of which various forces are standing.

But the total sect of Phoenix is ​​the main force that controls the entire Phoenix God Realm.

"It's so bloody."

Xiao Nai closed his eyes, and could feel a powerful blood rushing into the sky in the entire Divine Realm.

The number of people in the Divine Realm is at least hundreds of millions, and the blood gathered by these people soars into the air, and no evil will invade.

"A lot of people, you see, the people in front are full of blood and blood, and they should be the characters of the creator level."

"Not only the creator, but dozens of people in the back are all in the sixfold realm."

"God, who is that person, I can feel a sense of oppression when I stand here, and it is no less than Bingfengzi. This son should have come to the thunder of Jiu Tribulation and Yae live."

Everyone secretly uttered their tongues, and their hearts were thrilled.

Everyone seemed to be dazzled by Grandma Liu entering the garden.

Longya is also constantly changing his expression, and secretly thought: "I originally thought that I became the creator, according to my age of less than three thousand years old, placed in the Nine Heavens Realm, it can also be compared with those super geniuses. But now It seems that I underestimated the background of these gods. "

When everyone was amazed, Xiao Naihe had seen a huge sky tower in front.

Compared with this giant sky tower, the Seven Star Tower is nothing but a big witch.

"That's the Fengzong Zongzong. In a Fengzong Zongzong, there are at least ten masters with nine peaks, and they have control of dozens of worlds in the lower realm. Even if Yantian Pavilion is compared with it, it is still a bit worse.

Xiao Nai thought about it carefully.

His naked eyes can see that there are layers of red clouds around the giant tower, which is the essence of the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Only when the strength of luck is extremely extreme will such a performance be possible.

Compared with the Huofeng Faction, the Huofeng Faction's little bit of heaven and earth is simply sending out Hua Huazi.

"I got the Xing Yuan Xuan Shi of the blood gentleman. Although the power of luck in it is very strong, it is only one third compared to the heaven and earth of Phoenix God Realm.

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

The blood gentleman has collected the atmosphere of heaven and earth for 100,000 years, but it is not as good as the heritage of a Phoenix sect.

But it is also true that since the establishment of the Phoenix Sect, it has been at least 80,000 years old, and it has 60,000 years to establish the Ju Ling Array. It has absorbed the power of luck in the entire Phoenix God Realm. 60,000 years of time do not know how rich it is. .

"Let's stay here."

Su Jianan took a group of people to an inn.

The Inn of Phoenix God Territory is not an inn in the lower realm. The inn here is equivalent to a small imperial palace, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Many people in Xianyun Inn glanced around, knowing that these people were not easy to provoke, and all bowed their heads.

"This little brother, don't know if there is a room in the inn?"

Su Jianan asked.

The second child at the front desk is a Protoss, and he has achieved four levels of self-cultivation.

The disciples underneath saw that a second child had four levels, and could not help being secretly shocked.

The four levels of supremacy are in their Fire Phoenix tribes, which are already the entry threshold for core disciples. But it's just a second in here.

"There is only one private room with a font size."

In Xianyun Inn, the mysterious room is equivalent to a mysterious small world, which can be divided into hundreds of small rooms, and the mysterious room can concentrate spiritual power and have the ability of time flow.

For the cultivator is a treasure of cultivation.

However, the same price is not cheap, at least one hundred best-quality spars.

And in the days of such a big ratio, the price is even higher.

Come to Phoenix God Territory to participate in the Dabi not only has the thirty-three heavens, but also many people who want to watch the Dabi.

The Xianyun Inn, where few people usually live, was suddenly overcrowded.

Su Jian'an distressedly took out a hundred top-grade crystals.

"Wait, we're asking for the secret house in this place."

At this time, another dissonant voice came.

Su Jian'an, who is already depressed today, suddenly burst out when he heard this sentence.

Looking cold, Su Jianan said in a deep voice: "Sorry, we have already booked a room with this size."

The man in the back looked indifferent and looked very young, with a smile on his face, like a spring breeze.

The man smiled a little: "Is it? One hundred Needle Crystals? I have a thousand Needle Crystals."


So generous.

The original one hundred best-quality spar would be ten times as soon as it was turned.

Even Su Jian'an was stunned for a while, and his look became very ugly. "Younger brother, come first and arrive later. We just booked this room just now."

Xiao Er was a little embarrassed. After looking at Su Jian'an and this young man, he finally couldn't help but say to Su Jian'an: "Your Excellency, I'm sorry. You haven't paid any money yet, so the highest bidder gets it."


Su Jianan took a deep breath. Although he was very angry, he did not dare to make trouble here. Because in the Divine Realm, every Xianyun Inn has great influence.

The Fire Phoenix Branch is the king in the mountains in the 33rd Heaven, but in the God Realm, even the power of an inn is probably much higher than the Fire Phoenix Branch.

Su Jianan and others only felt like grandchildren and felt extremely bad.

"Well, the breath of this man is familiar."

Xiao Nai froze for a moment, he felt that the man's breath was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere,

After thinking it over carefully, Xiao Nai suddenly looked, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"It's desperate, this kind of breath is exactly the same as the one that I have seen in Zhao Yuanxian."

At the beginning, Xiao Naihe was in the mysterious environment of missed fate, and had seen three people without a source of soul. Zhao Juixian once gave his memory to Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe glanced at Zhao Juixian's memory thoughts, and some of Zhao Juixian's Taoist secrets.

Zhao Juxian's cultivation of humanity is called ‘Heavenly Magical Power’, which is dominated by arrogance and, like ancient killing swordsmanship, is dominated by killing.

"Like Zhao Juexian, they are all people who practice stupidity? In Zhao Juexian's memory, he seems to have been born in the human world. How can he now encounter the same practice as Zhao Juxian in God Realm What about people? "

Xiao Na couldn't help but look at it a few times, but in order not to attract the man's attention, he didn't pay attention to it.

"Who the **** are you? Why should we target the Fire Phoenix branch?"

Haotian couldn't help saying more at this time.

The man smiled slightly and smiled, "I am called Huang Tianhu, but I am not aiming at your phoenix tribe, I just got up on a whim, and I want to stay here for a night. Now the entire Phoenix Divine Realm is 30,000 miles away You can stay at the inn. "

Su Jian'an's face was extremely ugly, and he could feel the expressions on the faces of some people around him.

Disdain, sneer, gloat.

Many people know that this team is a phoenix, but they are happy to see such interesting things here.

"Interesting, this is the branch of the Phoenix General Sect, the Fire Phoenix Sect?"

"It really lives on dogs, and the most powerful of these people is only the seven-level creator level."

"Hey, the lord of the flaming phoenix is ​​the creator, and a small ancestor has only this ability."

"In fact, many of the women inside are really pretty. Look at the young sevenfold woman in front of you, which is more beautiful than Tang Beiwei of the Sanxian School."

"It's a pity that this kind of sect is just a cannon fodder in Dabi."

Nowadays, many people in the inn looking at the lively people have talked about it. These people all have their own characters. They have no fear of the Huofeng branch, and they have unbridled chats.

The disciples of the Huofeng Fenzong heard the words of these people, and their faces were green and white, and they dared not offend these people. They could only shake their heads.

They received three consecutive blows today, but they did not have any resistance at all.


Su Jianan feels that his suzerain is really a fool. If so many of his people do not find a place to live today, everyone will be sleeping.

The next day, I was afraid that it would come out. The Huofeng tribe had no money and could only fall to the streets.

By then, the Huofeng Fenzong will be thrown home.

"I've got 1,500 best-quality spars." Su Jianan gritted his teeth.

"Three thousand!" The man said lightly.

"Three thousand five hundred." Su Jianan said again.

"Oh, I don't have much else. There are many spars, ten thousand best spars."

Wow ...

As soon as the man spoke, everyone was stunned. Even that little two was stunned.

A secret house with a local name actually needs ten thousand crystals, not to mention ten days and a half months, even if you live for ten years.

Even Su Jian'an and others were frightened by the man's tone, his face flushed, and he dared not bid again.

Su Bingyun sighed secretly, she knew that their Fire Phoenix tribe could not be so stubborn, even if they could get 10,000 Need for Spar, I was afraid that it would only hurt their bones.

At this moment, Su Bingyun suddenly heard Xiao Naihe's voice, and did not know what Xiao Nai said in Su Bingyun's ear. Su Bingyun just changed his face slightly, a little blushing, and hesitating.


"You just do what I do." Xiao Nai He smiled faintly.

Su Bingyun nodded.

At this time, Su Jianan was really embarrassed and fell to the 33rd day. I am afraid that this matter will soon be spread today, and it will be a fatal blow for them.

After looking at the disciples behind him, all of them were as mourning as the test, that is, their momentum was suppressed.

I'm afraid it's time to participate in the Dabi. With this kind of momentum, let alone 8,000, even after 30,000, it is possible.

"Thirty thousand Need Crystal!"

At this moment, Su Bingyun's voice suddenly came.

At this time when Su Jianan heard this voice, he was stunned for a moment, even the man was stunned!

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