Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2251: Devour

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At this time, chaotic true energy kept overflowing from Xiao Naihe's body, and the chaotic sky stone floating in front of him was shining brightly, just like the sun.

Suddenly this burst of fine awns shrouded in the void, forming a net of light.

And this piece of light net envelops the soul of Emperor Jiang, who made the Son.

"Xiao Naihe, what are you?"

A trace of fear appeared on the face of the forged Son, from the instinctive fear of the soul of Dijiang.

He knew that what Xiao Nai released was definitely chaos.

But what kind of thing that stone is, I haven't figured it out yet.

At this time, there was a burst of fine awns throughout the void, which directly locked the soul of the emperor Jiang who made the Son.


In a fierce moment, chains broke out among the chaotic heavenly stones. The black chain filled the chaos, and even directly wrapped the body of the saint.

At the next moment, the Son of Creation only felt that there was a force of chaos in his soul, constantly biting himself and trying to devour his soul.

"This Son is the soul of Emperor Jiang, who can devour everything and Taiyu. Even if it is chaos, devour, devour, devour!"

Three swallows were screamed again and again. At this time, the Son of Cultivation Son showed a madness.

He had to be mad, because Xiao Naihe's chaotic power had already invaded the mind of the Son of Creation.

The entire Son of Creation was dominated by this force. He never thought that his powerful soul of Dijiang could devour all existence, and it could be said to be the strongest means of seizing the house.

But Xiao Naihe has the ability to restrain himself, that is the power of chaos.

Before Dijiang, it was chaos. When Chaos first opened, Taiyu formed and Dijiang disappeared.

No matter how powerful the ancient ancient beast, compared with the chaos that formed Taiyu, it is too much.

There is a magical power in the "Eds of the Heavens", called the Great Chaos of the Heavens, which itself was created according to the model of chaos.

It can be seen that Chaos is powerful and fierce.

Now with the support of Chaos Heavenly Stone, Xiao Naihe constantly urged his own chaos, and suddenly, raised his hand, and the huge handprint was crushed from the void.

next moment.

This huge seal of India was transformed into black chains, chaotic and energetic in it, and locked the soul of Dijiang.

At this time, the Son of Fortune had no spare power to resist.

When he was wrong, he was wrong because he actually abandoned the flesh and wanted to take Xiao Naihe's flesh.

If, from the beginning, the creation of the Son is honest and Xiao Naihe fights against the supernatural powers, plus Chen Ming and Sansheng, this kind of thing will never happen.

Xiao Naiho had to deal with all three of them, and he had to do his best to use the Moonlight Warship to open his hands.

However, the saintly child was greedy for Xiao Naihe's body and felt that Xiao Naihe was the first child of luck to conceive in the last days of the last days.

This is exactly the way it has become the way to the end of today.

"Swallow, swallow me."

"Useless, the power of chaos can assimilate any existence. It has directly assimilated even the gluttonous soul, not to mention your soul of Dijiang, and give me your soul of Dijiang obediently."

The soul of Dijiang is also extremely terrible. If it were not for the ability of Chaos Heavenly Stone, it might be successful today to make the Son.

Therefore, for the soul of Dijiang, Xiao Nai is inevitable and must be obtained.

Chaotian Tianshi can assimilate everything. It can assimilate even if it is not afraid of its origin, and the spirit of Dijiang is not to mention.

Suddenly, the power of chaos pervaded the entire void, and the power of the sky stone even invaded the spirit of the Divine Son.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Xiao Nai let me go. I'm willing to serve you and be willing to be an eagle. Even you can earn me into Taoism and refine it into an organ spirit.

The Son of Fortune shouted in wailing, he knew he was gone.

Xiao Naihe's chaotic spirit is now completely controlled by his soul of Dijiang.

The Son of Fortune was even unable to move. He could only watch his own soul's power continuously absorbed, and he was even more afraid of death.

The more powerful people are, the more they fear death.

Because they know that only living is the best.

Once you have the power, after dominating the fear of others, you have a fear of your own death.

"You will say the same thing as the Son of Fortune? You are the character of the Son."

Xiao Nai coldly satirized.

"I am not a Son, I am your defeated man. Besides, the cultivator does not do nothing for the sake of the earth, only for himself. Your strength is stronger than mine, and I am willing to follow you. This is just right."

"Unfortunately, I don't need your follow-up. I look too much at people like you. It's easy to insert a knife in the back, but you can rest assured that I will directly extract the memory in your soul. Also Your divinity can just fill my starry world. "

Between the words, Xiao Naihe raised a glimmer of light in his heart.

When this light shines, it directly locks the soul of Dijiang.

"Xiao Naihe, do you really want to kill it? Well, since you don't let me go, I won't make you feel better, my personality shatters and explodes!"

At this time, the Son of Fortune moved the determination to explode the Godhead and Spirit, a powerless late strongman, once he blasted the Godhead and Spirit, the power generated, I am afraid that he can destroy another strong powerless late.

And now he is in the world of Xiao Naihe's starry sky, once the destructive power produced by the self-explosive, I'm afraid I can smash everything.

In the past, the starry sky world was damaged due to the creation of the Dao, and it is likely to appear again. And this time I was afraid that it would be directly and permanently damaged, and I could never recover.

"Do you think that you have come to my inner world, so you are in trouble? Chaos Heavenly Stone, refining."

Xiao Nai He burst into a sigh.

The Chaos Heavenly Stone above his head suddenly shrouded, the summoned Chaos Qi condensed into thousands of chains, deadly locked the soul of Dijiang, and locked all the bodies of the Son of Fortune.

The force of chaos forcibly tears apart the soul of the God of Creation, and extracts the soul and divinity of Dijiang from his soul.

"Do not!"

Chaos Qi can cut everything, and in the presence of toughness, it cannot be saved under the air knife formed by Chaos Qi.

Suddenly, the spirit of the Holy Son was completely cut out, and his spirit was cut into pieces.

Endless thoughts of memory rushed out of the soul, seeming to escape Xiao Naihe's control.

If any of these memory thoughts escapes, the Son of Fortune can be born again.

Waiting for many years to come back and restore strength

But now Xiao Nai would let these thoughts escape.

"No Great God Wheel."

A huge divine wheel emerged from behind Xiao Naihe's head. At the moment when the divine wheel emerged, four kinds of memory thoughts flew out. Tens of millions of memory thoughts seemed to be a mouse seeing a cat and shook.

For a time, from these memory thoughts, a breath of fear was clearly felt.

"All come in."

At this time, Xiao Naihe's eyebrows also burst into a purple light. With the huge wheel of God, tens of millions of memory thoughts were all absorbed into it.

Xiao Nai didn't know how many times he did this kind of activity. Of course, practice makes perfect.

The tens of millions of memory thoughts are like running water, which constantly enters the magic wheel evolved by Xiao Naihe.

At the next moment, the breath of God's soul that had made the Son was gone.

However, Xiao Naihe also got the divine personality and the soul of Dijiang.

In Xiao Naihe's palm, a black breath appeared, flashing constantly.

This black breath is the soul of Dijiang.

"The gluttony gives me the feeling of being really powerful, but the feeling of this emperor Jiang is unfathomable, as if it cannot be detected at all."

If the gluttonous soul of Situ Longtian was still able to feel the substantial strength, then this feeling of Dijiang is like the sea, unfathomable, and there is no depth at all.

But compared with Chaos, Dijiang is still inferior.

Of course, no matter in the legends of gluttony and emperor Jiang, only the ancient ancient beast spread in the depths of Taiyu has long disappeared.

After the birth of each Taiyu, these ancient beasts are like constant hair on the earth, and they have long disappeared.

"The Godhead of the Son of God can just be used to make up for the lost aura in the starry world."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and after collecting the Soul of Emperor Jiang, he directly refined the divine power of the Son of God and filled it in any corner of this starry sky.

Soon, there was a strong spiritual fluctuation in the starry sky world, even far exceeding the previous starry sky world.

However, if the passive power of the late strong is used to fill the strength of the world in the body, if this kind of thing is known to others, it will be shocked, and then jealous to vomit blood.

You have to know that once a passive post-divine personality is refined, it can even cultivate dozens and hundreds of passive realms. What kind of power will it be?

And Xiao Naihe is directly used as a supplement to the world in her body. If someone knows it, she will only feel that Xiao Naihe is too wasteful.

Xiao Naihe now feels a little weird to kill the Son of Creation.

The strength of this Son of Creation is definitely not under his own, and may be able to defeat the other party, but to completely kill a passive Son of Creation in the late period, it is almost difficult.

It has to be said that this kind of miracle cannot happen if Chaos Heavenly Stone.

"But the Son of Creation is now dead. How do I deal with the two of Sansheng and Chen Ming?" Xiao Nai suddenly realized the problem.

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