Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2252: Tentative

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"How do I deal with Sansheng and Chen Ming next? These two guys are still outside."

Xiao Nai raised his brow slightly.

Although he worked hard to take down the Son of Fortune, there were still two people outside.

Especially for Sansheng, this person must have been one of the three incarnations of Xingzu, and his strength has entered the late passive period.

Dealing with the three lives is no different than dealing with the forged Son.

Fortunately, the Son of Fortune, although powerful, is too proud of himself, and the organization is exhausted, but after all, Xiao Naihe's body still has such a killer as Chao Tianshi.

And the three lives are different. This person will certainly not give up his own body to seize Xiao Naihe's flesh, just like the Son of Creation.

"It is really difficult to deal with these two people. Once they know that I have killed the Son of Fortune, they will definitely use various methods to deal with it."

Xiao Naihe now has no particularly good way, his strength is there.

Whether you want to kill Sansheng and Chen Ming, this kind of thing is basically impossible.

Unless it is dealt with separately, there is still a 30% chance.

"Huh? Isn't this Son of Cultivation trying to take away my body?"

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's head flashed, as if he had thought of something, and patted his head, a smile appeared on his face.

"Since the Son of Fortune has taken away my body, then I will just count it and disguise it directly as the Son of Fortune, and mix it in them. Since the Son of Fortune came from outside the heavens, there must be a secret between them and the three lives . "

Between speeches, Xiao Naihe directly used the memory thoughts of the Son of Creation, and these thoughts are the most critical part of the Son of Creation.

At that time, the Son of God forged self-destructive spirits, and many memory thoughts had been smashed away, leaving less than 20% of the parts. Xiao Naiho also directly collected these two tens of millions of memory thoughts.

Now Xiao Nai does not know what is in these memory thoughts. It may have the intelligence information he wants, or it may be some useless news, or it is the junk memory of the Shengzi Fenghuaxueyue.

Xiao Naiho can only hope that what he captures is a useful memory idea, preferably a secret between him and Sansheng.


Afterwards, these tens of millions of memory thoughts appeared in the void, constantly rotating, and enveloped a powerful memory vortex.

This memory swirled into a picture, which directly escaped into Xiao Naihe's sea of ​​knowledge.

"This is not actually news about the relationship with Sansheng, it's ... it's the secret of the cultivation of the Son."

Xiao Naihe's expression changed slightly.

All the things that the Holy Son cultivates are in these memory thoughts.

Xiao Naihe has always wanted to get a magical power for the Son of God, that is, the other party's "split technique", which should be precisely "Hongmeng split". One million miracles is a supernatural escape.

Did not expect to be here.

Judging from this part of the memory of the Holy Son, the other party once entered a mysterious realm of Taiyu, which was endlessly dangerous.

The Son of Fortune entered and almost died in it. However, by chance, he got the soul of Dijiang, as well as the powerful spar before, and part of the original Qi.

The most important thing is to get some secrets of Taikoo practice.

Among them is this Hongmeng splitting technique.

"Truthlessly breaking iron shoes and finding nowhere will come without any effort. I will get whatever I want."

Xiao Naihe sighed lightly, his luck was not too good.

But the thought of being able to have this kind of luck is only after a lot of hard work.

There is pay, there is reward, this is the avenue cycle, a certain cause and effect.

Without saying a word, Xiao Naihe directly cultivated some Taoism of the Son of Cultivation, and some of them are also of great cultivation value.

In the starry sky world, there is still a river of time, which can slow the flow of time, and Xiao Nai does not worry.

I don't know how long it has passed since Xiao Naihe cultivated the magical power of the Son of God. Although he has a very high level of comprehension, he hasn't fully understood these practices.

"It's worthy of being an ancient cheat book. I really don't know how the people who created this kind of magical power existed!"

Xiao Nai lamented slightly, he put away his thoughts and stopped practicing.

Because he was about to go out, and if he didn't go out, he must have caused doubts about the two people outside.


Xiao Naihe drank a word, and then the scene in front of him was directly twisted.

In this battle with the Son of Fortune, he directly controlled the scene of the two of them in a certain space in the body, and did not disturb Yantian Pavilion.

Although Yantian Pavilion was included in the moonlight warship, but later because of the need to use the moonlight warship to deal with the Son of Fortune, Xiao Naihe moved Yantiange to a closed space in the starry sky world.



At this moment, Xiao Naiho's body made a sound, as if there was something to come out.

The eyes of Sansheng and Chen Ming burst into fine eyes.

"Xiao Nai?"

Susan suddenly called out.

And Xiao Naihe slowly opened his eyes, a pride appeared in his eyes, with a domineering world, overlooking the charm of all living beings.

This is a kind of aura that Xiao Nai tried to simulate the Son of Creation.

If it is not a good simulation, it is easy to be seen by these two people.

"This Son is not Xiao Naihe. Now Xiao Naihe has become history and will never exist again. Hahaha!"

Xiao Naihe's voice appeared in a tone that was unique to the Son of Creation, so frivolous.

Sansheng raised his eyebrows slightly, and slowly said: "Are you the Son of Creation?"

"Nonsense, to tell you the truth, Ben Shengzi has the power of the ancient **** Beast Emperor Jiang Soul, and can devour everything. Xiao Naihe's soul has been completely swallowed by me. His current body has also been completely controlled by this Son . "

Afterwards, Xiao Nai He gave a slight meal, "But this body is not very suitable, Ben Shengzi has to find a place to run in."

Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Sansheng Brother, as you said, the Son of Fortune has the soul of Emperor Jiang, it seems that Xiao Nai really died."

Sansheng nodded, and a smile appeared on his face: "Teacher Son, since you have taken away Xiao Naihe's body, that's fine ... well, what is this?"

Then Sansheng's eyes suddenly looked towards Xiao Naihe behind.

Xiao Nai subconsciously looked at the other party's eyes.


It was at this time that Sansheng suddenly pulled up and burst into shock, and the whole person threw a punch at Xiao Naihe.

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