Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2280: Burial site, phantom

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As the moonlight warship shuttled into the burial ground of the galaxy, the dead air that filled the void was even thicker.

That feeling is really not very good. If Xiao Nai didn't run his Promise Scripture, he really didn't want to stay for a moment.

"Even I will feel this way. I am afraid that ordinary passive cultivators, once they have penetrated into this galaxy burial ground, and have not gone deep into it, are likely to be covered by the dead air in the galaxy burial ground If it falls, it will disappear in the end. "

Xiao Naihe exhaled a breath, a golden halo appeared on his body, and this halo continued to surround it, as if forming a strange hakama, protecting Xiao Naihe.

And Xiao Naihe stood in the moonlight battleship, watching the dead star above the burial ground of the Xinghe River, with various pits and potholes, as well as death, filled with darkness.

Almost making the entire starry sky seem dark at this time, Xiao Naiho only felt that his mind seemed to be blinded.

That's right, it is this feeling that Xiao Naiho only feels that his mind is suddenly blinded and unable to perceive all other phenomena.

The monk, especially the strong man in the late passive period, has a very powerful ability to sense and inspire himself, even if it is anything in the tens of thousands of miles of space, even a dust can be clearly felt.

But now, Xiao Naihe can't feel anything.

This dead air permeated, let Xiao Naihe smell a threat of death.

"Is this what the wolf said, in the burial ground of the galaxy, is there still the dead air and the breath left by the disaster of the end of the year?"

Xiao Nai's brow smiled slightly, his five fingers spread out in the void, and a palm print suddenly appeared, which was introduced to the front.

Suddenly, the golden light flickered, and the dead air that had diffused in the void became scarce at this time.

"It's here. In the place where the blue wolf gave, the treasure land of the Xinghe Burial Ground is near here."

Don't look at how Xiao Nai entered the Xinghe burial ground for the first time, he got the life experience of the blue wolf, and also got some memory thoughts of the blue wolf. Wolf's memory ability.

Traveling through the endless belt of meteorites, Xiao Naihe had walked hundreds of thousands of miles from the entrance of the Xinghe Burial Ground and straddled two heavens.


At this time, Xiao Nai's eyebrows appeared a red light, this red light scattered in the starry sky, and finally turned into a map.

The whole map is actually the map that the gray wolf gave Xiao Naihe to the Xinghe Tibetan land, and the map is marked with a red location.

This position is where the secret realm is.

And the place of this position mark is here.

The huge star stone continuously rotates, and what appears in front of Xiao Naihe is a huge star stone grinding plate, which is natural.

Thousands of small meteorites then continuously rotated in front of them. These small meteorites actually formed a pattern.

When the blue wolf was hiding this treasure, it made some special methods on these small meteorites.

"The heavens are heaven and earth, the earth is infinite, and the land is endless, broken and broken!"

Xiao Nai suddenly shouted loudly, and a huge light wheel appeared in his eyebrows. The light wheel continued to rotate and entered the thousands of small meteorites.

These small meteorites spin up, seemingly irregular, but in fact they hide a strange order.

After being put into operation, the formation pattern formed invisibly excluded Xiao Nai.

"If I forcibly break through this formation, it is very likely that these thousands of small meteorites will be bombarded into fragments."

Do not look at these small meteorites seem to have little power, Xiao Nai can feel that these meteorites contain powerful power.

Each meteorite contains a certain amount of power of chaos, which was obviously left by the blue wolf.

"Why did the blue wolf leave such a treasure land? What is there in it? Let the gray wolf not hesitate to do so?"

Xiao Nai frowned, and the huge light wheel had already been transferred into the array.

"Array, solution."

As Xiao Nai screamed, the thousands of running stars finally stopped. It seemed that they had received some orders and fell directly into all directions and stayed.

Then, a white ray of light seemed to form a avenue of stars, which was shot directly from the depths and covered in the void.

The two ends of this Avenue of Stars seem to be a river. Opposite the river, there is a secret space.

Xiao Naihe walked on the Avenue of Stars and approached the front.

When he entered the end of the Avenue of Stars, it was reflected in Xiao Naihe's eyes, which was actually a strange array.

"What kind of picture is this?"

Xiao Nai frowned slightly.

Is this the place where the wolf said is this place? The treasure land is not hidden in many magic weapons, cheats and the like.

At least Xiao Nai thought so.

But now, seeing what he was seeing in front of him, the treasure land in his mind was obviously quite different from what Xiao Naihe imagined, and it was too different.

"Hey, it seems that I think too much, but what exactly does the blue wolf mean? What's so strange about this array. Can't we forcefully put away this array? Actually we still have to release it it's here?"

At this time, there was a feeling in Xiao Naihe's mind. He felt that the blue wolf seemed to be playing with himself. Although this kind of thought appeared in a moment, he was strangled by himself, but Xiao Naihe was the feeling, the green wolf Seems to deceive yourself.

Xiao Nai sighed, approaching this array of pictures, and wanted to see what is special about it.

There are some strange pictures and texts in the array. These pictures and texts are very strange. Xiao Naihe studied for a long time, and did not know what it meant.

"Is it the text of the second plane of the year? If this is the case, I can't understand it, or go to the Tiangong World to ask about the blue wolf first."

Subsequently, a black stone emerged from Xiao Nai's eyebrows. This black stone was the chaotic heavenly stone, and the heavenly stone continued to rotate.

Xiao Nai is about to open the enchantment of the Chaos Heavenly Stone, enter it, and go to the Tiangong World to inquire about the blue wolf.

Bang bang bang bang

Suddenly, a ray of light erupted from the Chaotian Sky Stone, and this ray of light contained a strong force of chaos, as if it had turned into a huge sword.

The sword light flickered, rushed into the void, and merged the power of chaos.

At the next moment, Jianmang was endless and directly invested in the array in front of him.

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