Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2281: Ancient Array

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The golden light of the sky, the power of chaos mixed in it.

Xiao Naiho only felt that each of his original thoughts seemed to become extremely clear. As long as his thoughts moved, he seemed to be able to sense everything in the array.

The huge death gas in the original Death Star seemed to be gone at this time, and there was no sign.

And Xiao Naihe's body slightly, his chaotic heavenly stone once again merged into his body.

"What's going on? How could Chaotian Tianshi react to this image?"

This is really beyond Xiao Nai's expectations, unexpectedly.

Chaos Tianshi actually overflowed the chaos, and merged with the front figure, but it was only a moment, but it really merged.

Now Xiao Nai wants to be in the chaos in the used array, and finds it can't be summoned.

"It seems there are indeed some secrets in this picture, otherwise the blue wolf will not be placed here, and he does not need to set up a forbidden enchantment outside to prevent outsiders from approaching."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of breath, flashing slightly between his expressions.

Then he hesitated and summoned Chaos Heavenly Stone. He wanted to use Chaos Heavenly Stone again to overflow Chaos Qi and produce some sense of this Heavenly Stone.

"Try again."

Soon, Chao Tianshi appeared in Xiao Naihe's eyebrows, constantly rotating, a layer of crystal clear light appeared on the black surface.

Once again, the chaotic real energy overflowed, and the array towards the front was merged into it.

This time Xiao Naihe grabbed the moment and injected his thoughts into the battlefield.

Chaos and Qi will merge into this array, there is obviously a reason, as long as you let your thoughts into it, you can find out.

Just when Xiao Naiho thought about what magic weapon this pair of maps was, suddenly, Xiao Naihe seemed to penetrate a cool breath into the sea of ​​knowledge.

This breath seemed to be the cold spring in the depths of nine days, but I felt that a coolness instantly swelled Xiao Naihe's whole body.

When Xiao Nai felt the coolness, he became more and more clear in the sea, and it seemed that the whole person was in the middle of the array and the chaotic heavenly stone.


At this moment, a sign of distortion appeared in the void, as if life was reversed, and time and space reversed.

In front of Xiao Naihe, countless lights and shadows appeared at once. These lights and shadows flickered continuously, as if they were fragments left by other worlds.

"What's going on? Is it the space separating the two realms?"

Xiao Nai suddenly felt like he was jumping from the burial ground of the galaxy into another world.

Or it is the hidden power of the array that directly splits a ban on all sides and divides it into two worlds.

Xiao Naihe stood within the ban and was dragged into it by the array.

"The star is flat and broad, and the river flows in the moon."

At this moment, Xiao Naihe suddenly heard the sound from the void, as if he was in another space.

"Qin moved Taiyu, holding the sword in his hand."

There was another shout.

Xiao Naihe raised his head and was suddenly calmed down by the signs in front of him.

That's right, in the realm of Xiao Naihe, it is almost impossible to control Xiao Naihe.

But now Xiao Naihe was really taken aback.


Appearing in front of Xiao Naihe was a huge army, and a piece of black pressure spread from the horizon to the ground.

It seems that hundreds of thousands of miles of space, the entire world, is full of people.

Everyone is wearing gold armor and holding various swords and treasures.

Everyone's eyes released a chill, a thick murderous spirit permeated the crowd.

The huge qi and blood wolf smoke was released above their heads, and everyone's qi and blood wolf smoke condensed into one piece, how powerful it was.

This blood and blood smoke seems to penetrate the entire world and destroy everything.

"These people are actually cultivators above Shinto."

Xiao Naiho was surprised in his eyes, staring at the huge crowd.

One by one is the existence of the supreme realm, and the worst one is already the seventh supreme realm, reaching the realm of creation.

The eight-fold, nine-fold, and even half-step passive existences are countless.

Xiao Naihe didn't even count the number of people. His consciousness covered it, and there were at least a million cultivators.

These cultivators automatically formed a permanent army, although there is no master of passive state among them.

However, the powers of the millions of creators and above are directly twisted into a group of forces. Even if the passive powers accidentally encounter it, they may be killed alive.

"Is this an illusion scene in the array? So what do these people have to face? Such a large army cannot be controlled by no one, otherwise the dragons will be headless."

Xiao Naihe knew that once the forces formed by the millions of powerful people were placed in the three-thousand-thousand-world world, almost no forces could resist it.

With millions of creators and above, what a change.

Even if they punch one person, they can penetrate the world of thousands and destroy any continent in the world of three thousand three hundred.

Shock and shock can cause the mainland to collapse.

"Huh? Who is that?"

When Xiao Nai moved his mind, he already knew that all the things in front of him should be the illusions generated from the array, and he was no longer so worried.

As he approached, he found that among the millions of troops, there seemed to be hundreds of powerful breaths.

If you look closely, among the millions of troops, there are really strong people in the passive realm.

Most of them are in the early passive period, the other is mainly in the passive middle period, and there are dozens of remaining passive periods.

"It's such a powerful force, I don't know when it was. Taiyu was really a master of this, and this scene, the first face may never appear."

Xiao Nai sighed softly.

Although he is now in the passive late period, it is estimated to be placed in Taiyu, and he is also a strong player.

But he is now in the illusion, actually saw dozens of passive post, and only a small part.

Suddenly, Xiao Naiho only felt very small.

He speculated that if he faced such an army alone, he was afraid that there would be no chance of winning.

Even if Xiao Nai can kill many of them, it is estimated that he will eventually be killed alive.

Of course, as long as the dozens of passive late masters don't hug them, Xiao Naihe can escape even if he can't beat him.

"What do these people seem to be waiting for, with fierce eyes and murderous shots, they are ready to fight. Could it be a battle between the two armies? If so, what does this picture show? Was it from ancient times? "

When Xiao Nai thought that two powerful troops were going to clash, suddenly, Tiangong dimmed directly.

The momentum of the millions of powerful troops originally seemed to be directly suppressed at this moment.

Xiao Nai He was secretly taken aback. Some people could suppress the momentum of such a million troops. We must know that these millions of people are all powerful people above the creator.

"What's coming."

The huge gas field suddenly descended from the void, and there was a cold air in all directions, and this cold air wrapped Xiao Nai all around.

Even though Xiao Naihe knew it was just an environment, he seemed to feel a chill, a chill that made his head tremble.

"It's finally here, 'Yuan'."

Among the crowd, a man suddenly called out.

When Xiao Naihe saw this man, he couldn't help but froze a little, he remembered that he didn't seem to see this man just now.

As for Xiao Naihe's current level of consciousness, as long as he is swept away by his consciousness, there will be no omission at all.

But now, he really seems to see one less person.

That person appeared in millions of troops, but Xiao Naihe did not find it alone.

"No, this person has a strong atmosphere, the heavens are full, and there is a mysterious psychic power between the eyebrows, and the source breath is deep and unrevealed. This sign is exactly the same as Bai inorganic and Huanglin. The strongest at the source. "

Xiao Nai said secretly.

Now he can control his emotions because he has seen such a huge army, so many passive strongmen, and there will be a passive later period of existence, and Xiao Nai will not feel any surprises.

On the contrary, it was the man, who seemed plain and ordinary. If he threw the other party into the crowd, I was afraid that no one would remember him.

And he is such a bland person, in Xiao Naihe's eyes, it seems to have become the most dazzling existence.

Between every move, there seemed to be a huge breath.

This kind of breath, Xiao Naihe only felt in Bai inorganic and Huang Lin.

"An army led by passive peak powerhouses is afraid that it is possible to raze the entire first plane to the ground."

Xiao Nai suddenly had such an idea in his mind, his brows could not help but wrinkle slightly.

He then threw out the thought in his mind and paid attention to the things before him.

At this time, Xiao Naihe had been waiting for the mysterious but unappearing army to be able to suppress the existence of millions of strong men in an instant. The army called ‘Yuan’ was afraid that it would not be worse.

However, what Xiao Naihe didn't think of was that his imaginary army did not appear, but a mass of light appeared. This mass of light appeared in the void, without any form, simply floating.

"This ... what is this? Is this what is" Yuan "? Isn't it an army?"

Xiao Nai He was slightly surprised.

At this moment, the group of light clusters, which seemed to have no special features, suddenly became a huge existence.

The whole body is golden, holding Qiankun, releasing the power that can deter the sun and the moon.

In an instant, there was a feeling of extreme coldness throughout the illusion.

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