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That's right, the huge army that Xiao Naihe imagined did not appear.

Instead, a huge monster did not know what it was called.

This monster is bigger than Zulong's real body, and his height can almost hit the sky.

If you put it in the Divine Realm, it can definitely be above the Divine Realm.

A very familiar breath was mixed in this monster called ‘Yuan’.

"This is the true qi of origin, yes, it is the true qi of origin. Isn't this 'Yuan' absorbing the true qi of origin?

The origin of Qi is to transform decay into magic, and it is the most magical power in Taiyu.

At the beginning, the creation of the Holy Son was only a part of the original Qi, and after fusion, you could refine an extremely powerful magic weapon.

Now, the "Yuan" monster has such a huge source of Qi, even obscured by the capacity of Xiao Naihe's body.

The origin of Qi in Xiao Naihe's body was obtained from the chaotic heavenly stones, and there are many of them.

But compared to this ‘yuan’, it ’s a lot worse.

It seems that this ‘yuan’ itself is a fusion of the original Qi, and every move, with the original Qi overflowing, even Xiao Nai feels that this illusion seems to have become real.

"You humans, are really looking for death. Do you want to deal with me when you come from so many planes in Taiyu? I don't know how many humans like you have devoured."

The sound made by this element cannot be said to be the voice of human beings. Instead, it looks like a very chaotic, fuzzy voice

It cannot even be said to be sound, but words that appear in the mind.

"Yuan, you have destroyed so many of our plane worlds and destroyed all of our hometowns. We can't tolerate you, and today we are bound to kill you and destroy you with your own hands."

The passive peak was expressionless, holding the sword, and a cold awn flashed on the sword body, showing the extraordinary appearance of this sword.

It was only for a moment that the sword light flickered, as if it was crossed, directly cutting the space, and the yin and yang cut faintly.

"Hahaha, do you want to kill me? You all want to kill me? Hahahahahahahaha." Yuan laughed madly, matching his huge body, smiled, and suddenly became extremely terrifying and terrible, even Xiao However, through this illusion, they all feel that they are really facing a real monster, not in a illusion.

"Yi, you are really powerful. It can be said that you are much more powerful than other monks. You should be the one who is closest to me. You should be the one on my side. Yi. Work with me, you do n’t belong to humans. Of this camp. "

Yuan said, as if it were not a monster at this time, but a real human.

Xiao Nai He Shennian moved slightly, and could not help but secretly said: "It turns out that this man is called Yi, I have seen from the memory of Xingzu, in ancient times, some planes in Taiyu, some powerful cultivators, they Has only one word. It seems that this 'Yi' is such a person. "

However, the existence of Passive Peak is basically the most powerful state in Taiyu.

Mysterious existences such as Bai inorganic and Huang Lin have only reached this limit.

The 'easy' in front of it seems to be more full.

Xiao Naihe felt a kind of unfathomable aura in this man's body, unable to detect even his thoughts.

"It ’s useless to say more, but the heart of the non-my family must be different. Yuan, you kill too many people. You treat us humans as food, as your playthings, as long as you kill you, you can liberate all of us. Liberate all plane stars in Taiyu. "

"Hahaha, liberation? Taiyu was born in a cycle. After every chaos, there must be a rebirth of origin. Now that chaos disappears, only I am born with the origin. You humans are all low-level existence. Yi, I am asking you a sentence , Do you really want to be that kind of inferior creature? Why not follow me to be the highest life being. "

"We human beings, everyone is equal, everyone is a gentleman, and everyone is a dragon and a phoenix. There is nothing inferior or superior, as long as you are alien, you are the lowest."

"Haha, is it? You have always said that I treat you humans as playthings, but why are you humans also a kind of psychology? You humans regard other species as their own food, standing at the top of the food chain, you hunt monsters and beasts , Star Beast, as your magic weapon, as a way for you to cultivate, why not treat yourself as a higher intelligent life. "

Yuan smiled coldly.

"The existence of mankind has its own meaning of existence. The heaven and earth are common, the origin of chaos, the Taiyu cycle. Since ancient times, it has been the same principle. Every living thing, every existence, has its own existence. Who It is all in such a law. And you, Yuan, you have broken this law, to destroy everything, you are evil! "

"In that case, then I will devour all of you so-called higher wisdom, kill it, and make you all my food. Yes, you humans are my playthings. Since you Say I am evil, then I am evil! "

Between the words, this huge monster suddenly burst into a terrifying power. The whole world seemed to be shaking, and suddenly a huge force of qi and sea was generated in all directions.

And Xiao Naihe could only feel through this illusion that this force of sea and energy seemed to hit him in front of him, and he would devour Xiao Naihe as a whole.

"What a terrible power, this is the real performance of power." Xiao Nai could not help but sigh.

In the first plane, he can already say that no one can threaten his life, open the earth and move the mountains and the sea, it is not difficult for Xiao Naihe.

But compared to the ‘Yuan’ in front of me, I was far worse.

Yuan just moved, the world shook, and the sun and the moon lost their colors.

As if all the gossip of Qiankun was smashed, the mountains and rivers were destroyed.

The millions of powerful men were instantly submerged, all of which turned into pus blood.

But so many people died, these people did not fear, but inspired the blood of humans.

These hundreds of thousands of powerful men released powerful rivers and directly rolled them up.

"Humanity is not bad on this side, this power river is really powerful, and only so many cultivators above the creator can accumulate such a huge power."

Xiao Nai thought.

At this moment, those passive strongmen also moved, and their bodies seemed to turn into swordsmanship, and they shuttled out instantly.

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