Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2297: Anxious

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This is not the first time Xiao Nai has encountered this phenomenon of defeating himself.

When he was eliminating the demons, the demonic disaster had become his own appearance.

One's greatest enemy is always himself.

If Xiao Naiho was to deal with Sansheng, Chen Ming, and even Bai inorganic, Huang Lin, he felt true.

But once he met ‘self’, even Xiao Nai felt a headache.

If the enemy on the opposite side is in the same way as Dao, magic, and cultivation, and he knows his way of playing and behavior, it is simply invulnerable.

"You, simulate Taiyu Leijie, do you want to defeat me?"

Just when Xiao Nai and his thoughts were linked, the "self-incarnation" suddenly burst into thunder, and the voice cooperated with the thunder and continued to intersect, it seemed that the whole world would be cracked apart.

Xiao Naiho felt his thoughts seem to be shocked.

"Huh? Is this the incarnation of Taiyu Leijie? There seems to be something wrong."

Xiao Naihe feels that self-incarnation seems to have his own wisdom, not the kind of incarnation that simply evolved himself.

It was as if someone had taken away Xiao Naihe's body. Although Xiao Naihe's flesh was the body, the soul was not.

This feeling made Xiao Naihe frown tightly.

"Thanks to you, also want to take this step? Directly step into a higher realm? Delusional delusions!"

'Self-incarnation' smiled coldly, and there was a black thunder cloud floating above his head. There was a huge thunder power in the clouds. Devoured to Xiao Naihe and strengthened his strength.

Shenxiao Leiwei, like the sea like prison.

The sky-high thunder directly merged into a blade of thunderstorm, descending from the sky, and descending towards Xiao Nai.


Xiao Naihe was directly blown away by this thunderstorm blade, and made a violent noise.


It seems that the power of thunder in all directions surged in and filled the sky.

Xiao Naihe's any move seems to be locked in by this thunder force.

Afterwards, only to see the "self-incarnation" above the head, the pieces of thundercloud came down, and it seemed to surround this piece of heaven and earth.

The sky was dark, and it seemed that the whole world had become dark.

Only the endless light of the thunder flashed continuously, and seemed to be in the depths of Taiyu.

"You are me, I am you. I have a clear idea of ​​any tricks, supernatural powers, and ideas, so it is impossible to defeat me."

The self-incarnation suddenly smiled coldly.

The smile on his face is like frost, frost June.

This feeling, Xiao Naihe has not appeared in a long time, he has met so many opponents, but never once, will feel so anxious.

No matter whether the situation is changing or the battlefield variables are out of his control, he even has the illusion that he will not be a member of this battle at all.

On the contrary, I feel that the opposite side is in the thunder, and I am the demon.

"The mirror stops the water?"

At this moment, Xiao Naihe's heart moved abruptly, and his whole person was awake at this moment, as if in his heart was penetrated by a powerful source of power.

This is exactly the same. The trace of confusion in Xiao Naihe's eyes also disappeared at this time, and he recovered directly.

"I didn't expect that the" self-incarnation "just showed me the" mirror and stop the water "just now. If it's not the critical time-the whim, the power of the original source. Otherwise, just now, I am really likely to be lost directly.

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of breath and looked deeply at the ‘self-incarnation of the void. ’

The "mirror stopped the water" that the other party showed to him just now was completely invisible, and Xiao Nai almost made a move.

The magical power of "The Mirror Stops the Water" is his golden power. Before reaching the realm of Shinto, Jindan Shentong is Xiao Naihe's greatest skill.

At first, he used this trick to kill Jindan, and he was able to kill him. He didn't know how many masters he had defeated.

‘The Mirror Stops the Water’ is actually an illusion magic power. It is the most subtle magic power among the golden powers. The resulting magic power can even be swapped with reality.

For example, if Xiao Naiho just believed that he was the incarnation of the demon, he would definitely die.

‘Self-incarnation’ can even truly replace yourself and become a real Xiao Naihe.

And he will be suppressed and completely wiped out of existence.

"It's really risky, and it's my avatar. It really knows me best."

Rao is a master like Xiao Naihe, who couldn't help but secretly pinched a cold sweat.

"It is indeed a true deity, and we can actually crack our" dark mirror ", but I also believe that you will crack it, otherwise you will not be Xiao Nai."

"Self-incarnation" smiled fleshly on the face, suddenly stretched out five fingers, and quickly gathered a huge palm print in the void.

"No Great God Wheel."

At this time, behind the "self-incarnation", a huge divine wheel emerged, and the entire divine wheel seemed to control the life and death of all things in the heavens.

Although Xiao Nai long exhibited this magical channel to deal with others, but now it is strange to see someone actually exerting his supernatural powers to deal with himself.

Behind the "self-incarnation", the **** wheel turned, as if devouring the heavens and everything, controlling all life and death.

Any action seems to be under the control of this "Great God Wheel".

Xiao Naihe even felt that a divine wheel appeared in the depths of his mind. This divine wheel enveloped his heart and constantly eroded himself. It seemed that he would wipe out Xiao Naihe's existence.

"Promise countercurrent, refining."

Xiao Nai breathed a sigh of relief, and the source in the body suddenly exploded.

This source of power condenses an aurora in the body, and instantly removes all the effects brought by the "Great God Wheel".

"The emperor-level shocking world fist."

Xiao Naihe's eyes erupted with a gleam, a punch, and a violent noise in the void. It seemed that countless wind tunnels were formed, constantly blasting huge holes in the void.

Xiao Nai's fist intentions seemed to have his own consciousness, bombarded the past in an instant, with a mysterious line, directly locked on the 'self-incarnation'.

"Imperial-level shocking world fist? Is it a new supernatural power based on Inorganic Avenue, which directly transforms the frightened dragon fist? Not only you will know it. I will also, imperial-level shocking world fist."

Between the words, the "self-incarnation" moved like a rabbit jumping all the way, punching out.

The two of them collided with each other in the void, and their powerful punches instantly compressed the airflow within thousands of miles.

Underneath, a huge cave was directly exploded, and a blade of energy directly fell towards the depths of the void.


It seemed that thunder and lightning flashed down, dividing the earth in half.

"After all, you are not my opponent. If you are so bad, I am the one who can replace you."

The ‘self-incarnation’ burst into tears. His five fingers shrank again, and he shot with a palm.

"No great imprints."

The huge palm prints have not been completely eliminated. Xiao Naihe has already made a move, which is also a ‘no great palm print’, and has collided directly in the void.

The moment when the force collided just now, a strong shock wave was formed and swept away instantly.

As if sweeping everything from the heavens to everything, sweeping away.


After the Great God Wheel, Xiao Naihe and the "self-incarnation" directly exhibited the same way of Dao in the "Maximum Imprint" until now, and they have not changed from head to toe.

"Is this really just an incarnation? Why do I feel that this guy has his own wisdom, and it is possible to leave this simulated thunderstorm at any time."

Xiao Nai frowned slightly.

He does have this feeling, it seems that the ‘self-incarnation’ can be free from the thunderstorm at any time and truly form a real body.

This is not the first time he has seen such a thing. Like Chen Ming, he has made such a similar choice.

The Book of Heavenly Dao separated by Chen Ming, that is, Long Tiantong and Heavenly Daotong, has its own independent Zihui. Unfortunately, under the influence of Chen Ming, there is not much freedom.

Especially in the sky, his existence is very similar to the "self-incarnation" in front of him.

Although the self-incarnation is produced from the simulated thunderstorm, it is still far from the real "self-incarnation".

Xiao Nai has a feeling that once this 'self-incarnation' breaks away from the core of this Thunder, maybe it can be separated from the control of Tian Tao Chen Ming just like the long sky.

"Xiao Naihe, you really are not my opponent, I am disappointed. You can't even beat me, and I want to go through that thunderstorm."

The self-incarnation is constantly opening and attacking Xiao Naihe with words.

Although the other party was restricted, it was not surprising that he used words to influence Xiao Naihe.

"If you want to attack my Dao Xin, the incarnation is just an incarnation after all."

At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly laughed.

This is from the beginning of the game to the present. Although the two sides played you back and forth, it was very thrilling.

But in fact, there was not much loss.

However, Xiao Naihe has a feeling that when faced with self-incarnation, he always has such a feeling that he wants to have some thoughts on the ‘Taiwan incarnation 'anyway.

"You can't beat yourself.

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, he raised his palm, and the huge palm print once again condensed from the void, bombarded to the front, and collided again with the power of self-incarnation.

At this time, Xiao Naihe and self-incarnation were instantly wrapped in this palm wind and caught in a danger.

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