Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2298: No one can replace

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The violent thunder collided with each other, and the two big vacuum palm prints impacted each other.

Xiao Naihe and the 'self-incarnation' blasted each other in the void, and were directly surrounded by these two forces.

"Hahaha, Xiao Naihe, you can't beat me. I'm invincible, because the person who knows you best is me. I know any of your thoughts, any actions. You can't destroy me, you can't defend. "

Self-incarnation laughed wildly, his voice louder than Thunder.

The battle between the two people became extremely irritated. Although Xiao Naihe didn't have any performance on the surface, he felt a feeling of anger in his heart.

At this point, Xiao Naihe exhaled gently and shook his head, saying: "You reminded me, yes, the person who knows me the most is you. You know what I will do, what will you think. But there is one You did n’t get it right. "

"Huh? What do you want to say?"

"All you know is what you are now, so you are now, people will improve, and I will improve. As long as I become stronger and progress faster, you can't really understand me, so ..."

Between the words, Xiao Naihe's internal power exploded instantaneously, as if it was a strong tide, instantly wrapping all directions.

At the next moment, Xiao Naihe's original power was extremely magnificent, as if to lock the entire outer starry sky.

"what do you mean?"

The smile on the self-incarnation face also slowly stiffened at this time, as if feeling something.

"Although you were born from the Taiyu Lei Tribulation that I simulated, but the simulation is only the one I used to be. As long as I improve and become stronger, then you can also cut off your advantage over me. . "

Hearing here, the ‘self-incarnation’ suddenly changed his face, expressing his almost flesh-like expression vividly.

Xiao Nai He wanted to become stronger. Although he did n’t know what Xiao Nai would do, the self-incarnation knew that once Xiao Nai He really became stronger than before, his cultivation ability and strength were gradually improved. These problems Will be completely resolved.

That is to say, self-incarnation can no longer know Xiao Naihe's every move.

"Taiyu Thunder Tribulation, Thunder's core is at the top. I used to see the power of Taiko Thunder Tribulation in Tiangong World. The masters of the Passive Peak of Thunder Tribulation can all be destroyed."

Subsequently, Xiao Nai stepped into the core of Thunder Tribulation step by step.


Xiao Naihe smiled slightly, his eyes glowed with dazzling light, and the patterns evolved from the sky and star maps directly reflected on Xiao Naihe.

Afterwards, these patterns rotated and seemed to merge with Xiao Naihe.

Above his head, a burst of qi and blood wolf smoke suddenly broke out. When this qi and blood wolf smoke penetrated the entire world, Xiao Nai shot immediately.

Another punch, this punch ignores space and time, and seems to disturb both time and space.

Suddenly, Wu Ji Jing Shu appeared on the top of Xiao Naihe's head. The light from this Jing Shu was dazzling.

"There is another point, I created the" Wu Ji Jing Shu "created by you, and you can't use it either. So, fakes are always fakes, it is impossible to be the real me."

At this time, Xiao Naihe's momentum was elevated to the extreme.

The Promise Sutra above his head seems to have created a world of self, formed directly in the void, and then the world immediately surrounded them both.

In the middle of Xiao Naihe's brow, there is also a black stone with two very mysterious powers, just like the Chaos Heavenly Stone.

"Chaos Heavenly Stone, you can't control it. Even if you derive it directly from Taiyu Leijiao, I can completely kill you. If you know my supernatural powers, it may not be useful. For Chaos Qi And the origin of Qi, will you control it? "

Xiao Nai He smiled faintly, and the Chaos Heavenly Stones spun up, forming dozens of weird arrays in the void.

These arrays contain countless stars, sun and moon, mountains and rivers, etc., and seem to have everything in it.

At this time, the array evolved from Chaos Celestial Stone instantly gave birth to Chaos Qi and Origin Qi.

"I am me, no one can replace me. You are the same, now, I will completely seal off. Wipe away!"

Xiao Naihe's voice was extremely cold, holding the outline of the array, and shot instantly.


The array evolved from the Chaos Heavenly Stone came directly down and enveloped itself in an instant.

And the moment when the self-avatar was locked by this mysterious array, it was directly unable to move, and the power in his body passed away instantly, completely uncontrollable.

His power comes from the power of Taiyu Thunder Tribulation. Although Xiao Naihe simulated Taiyu Thunder Tribulation, this power of Thunder Tribulation was true.

Therefore, the existence of self-incarnation is also true.

But Xiao Naihe's current idea is very simple, that is to completely eliminate the existence of self-incarnation. The best way is to use the two true qualities of the Chaos Heavenly Stone to erase them in abrupt ways, leaving no trace.

"No, Xiao Naihe, I am you, you are me. When you eliminate me, you are eliminating yourself. Can you really start?"

The self-incarnation felt Xiao Naihe's determination, and he was a little scared at once, and he quickly shouted.

"I am me and no one can replace me."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and the Chaos Heavenly Stone slammed down directly, sinking into the array like a meteor.

This mysterious array suddenly enveloped the self-incarnation. At the next moment, the two true spirits in the array were locked up with the 'self-incarnation'.

"No, I was just born, I don't want to disappear. I am the real Xiao Nai, I want to become a real person."

At this time, Xiao Naihe clearly felt the idea of ​​'self-incarnation', and there was a celestial devotion. The kind of idea to replace Xiao Naihe was extremely strong and constantly struggling.


Xiao Nai He responded coldly. At the last moment, the evolution of Chaos Heavenly Stone completely eliminated the self-incarnation.

At this time, the existence of self-incarnation was finally destroyed by Xiao Naihe.

And the thundering power of the thunder in the void seems to be very monotonous, without the danger that was before it.

Xiao Naihe looked at the power of thunder in the void, and suddenly his mind became very transparent. A strange and mysterious feeling filled his mind.

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