Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2300: Third Prince

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The powerful power of the stars, at the moment when Xiao Naihe was overwhelmed, a gap was directly blown out by Xiao Naihe.

This star king prince is indeed powerful. Although Xiao Naihe does not know the specific identity of the other party, even in Taiyu, such masters in the post-passive period are also the existence of a domineering party and are among the best among the cultivators.

That's right, this third prince's cultivation behavior is comparable to that of Xiao Nai.

"If it weren't for the Taiyu Lei Tribulation that I had just simulated, the strength has made some progress. Otherwise, just now, maybe I will really suffer a big loss."

Xiao Nai said secretly.

After he crossed Taiyu Thunder Tribulation, although it was only a simulated Thunder Tribulation, his strength has been greatly improved.

With this increase in strength, Xiao Nai responded to the three crown princes even more easily.

Xiao Naihe estimated that if he had met with the third prince before he had passed the simulated thunderstorm, he would not have been hit by the other party and would have to suffer a big loss.

This is the contrast of a trip to Taiyu Leijie.

Xiao Nai was somewhat fortunate. Fortunately, the other party shot him only after he passed the simulated thunderstorm.

Otherwise, Xiao Naihe was really fierce when he tried his hand while simulating thunder.

It's just that Xiao Nai didn't know that the third prince of the star actually felt Xiao Naihe's existence when Xiao Naihe did not fully ride through the thunder.

The reason why the third prince did not take the lead was to worry about being swept back by the other party's thunderstorm power. When the boat overturned in the gutter, it would be worthless.

These three princes are the Taiyu Thunder Tribulation simulated by Xiao Naihe as the real power of Thunder Tribulation.

After all, Taiyu Leijie will only be encountered when stepping into the passive peak.

The third prince is just a passive late period. He knows what Taiyu Thunder Tribulation looks like, so he treats the power of the other side's thunder tribulation as if it was the thunder tribulation in this world.

Of course, if the three princes shot when Xiao Nai and He Du simulated thunder, then the current situation might have two different endings. At least Xiao Nai could not be safe.

That's why Xiao Nai was relieved inwardly, and felt afraid.

"Aren't you the first person on the plane? Are you a cultivator on the star plane?"

Xiao Nai said suddenly.

Upon hearing this, the third prince changed his face suddenly, but he recovered instantly. He said coldly: "I didn't expect you to be a cultivator in the country, but I knew that the existence of our planetary plane should not be underestimated."

"Oh, to put it this way, you should also know someone called the Son of Creation."

"Cultivation?" The third prince changed his face again. This time he didn't hide it, but said sharply: "You know the creation, who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's just that you people outside the sky, the cultivators of the planetary plane, how come our first plane one after another. Don't you know that this world of heaven and earth has reached an era of the last law, and then again In less than ten thousand years, there will be a five-day decline of heaven and earth here. Will the era end? "

"Huh, do you want a cliché? Or obediently give the third prince me a supplement."

Between the words, the three crown princes shot instantly, condensed a giant palm in the void, and crushed to Xiao Naihe.

The air currents in all directions squeezed in in an instant, and the stars glowed continuously.

A huge source of power erupted from the body of the three princes.

At this moment, the third prince turned around, and the palm print in the void instantly shot towards Xiao Naihe's heavenly cover, trying to crush Xiao Naihe's whole person into pieces.

"I don't know where your faith comes from? Even the Son of Creation has died in my hands, can't you hear my voice outside the string? I still have to work with me again."

Xiao Nai said indifferently, his original source of power instantly turned into ten thousand crystal thoughts, each of which was filled with full source of original power, as if it were ten thousand doppelgangers, which instantly resisted the third prince attack.

"What's going on? Even if you are in the late passive period, you have just survived the Thunder Tribulation. The Soul should be in a state of fatigue. How can there be more energy to do it for me?"

The third prince seemed to see a ghost and was puzzled.

He just thought that Xiao Naihe was in a period of fatigue after the thunder tragedy. During this period, Xiao Naihe's power should be attenuated. How could there be such strength.

Although the third prince was arrogant, he was not stupid, but rather very shrewd.

Which of the characters who can cultivate to this level is stupid.

"The third prince, the third prince, I peeled off your skin, do you still claim to be the third prince?"

Xiao Nai screamed, his body swelled, his fist moved, and suddenly a force of stars rolled up the storm.

The endless star storm that this fist brought directly to the third prince.

The third prince was shocked, and the whole person was forced to retreat by this star storm. Even when his own soul resisted this star storm, he felt a kind of powerlessness.

"How is it possible? This is the Avenue of Stars? Are you also a person in the Star Plane ... No, right, the cultivator of the Star Plane doesn't have such a strange aura in you. You are indeed a cultivator in this plane, But how do you know the Avenue of Stars? "

The star king's face was stunned, and the original arrogance also disappeared.

Of course, Xiao Naihe wouldn't say that he had obtained two Xingyuan mysterious stones and the memory of Xingzu's Taoism before practicing the Avenue of Stars.

"Don't you think that just after I thunder and thunder, it is a kind of fatigue period, so there is a chance? Unfortunately, there are some things that cannot be as you wish."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, the huge infinite power, in conjunction with the stars' rhythm, blasted a long sky in the void, rigidly isolating the three princes.

At the moment, the third prince felt a strong sense of oppression,

"Great sense of oppression, even in the star plane, I only feel it in Father Father and several others. Is this person not a passive late period, but a passive peak? And Father Father People at the same level? "

At this moment, the third prince suddenly retreated.

He mistakenly thought that Xiao Nai is the existence of passive peak, and his strength is one level higher than himself.

Thinking of coming here, the third prince didn't hesitate anymore, slammed a punch in the void, broke the void crack, and directly escaped.

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