Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2301: Long Xiang

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There is a mess in the void. At this time, the third prince has already forcibly torn the void and wants to escape.

However, Xiao Nai's expression moved, and he took a picture towards the front. A strong gust of wind swept over in an instant, and it seemed to destroy the entire sky outside the territory.

"Want to go? You don't want to run because you're not successful? How can there be such a good thing between heaven and earth, or stay here for me today."

Xiao Nai He smiled coldly, a burst of sparks burst out between his fingers, and these sparks were all left behind by the chaos.

I saw that Xiao Naihe once again condensed a Promise Shield, and smashed all the cracks in the void.

"Good guy, even more ruthless than me, using the power of the source directly to close the space force."

The third prince took a deep breath, and Xiao Naihe did not give the third prince any way of life, and suddenly burst out. I saw Xiao Naihe's body came to his side for a moment, and the third prince retreated immediately towards the back.

At the next moment, the third prince raised his hands, and across a small meteorite, he just grabbed the meteorite and shot it fiercely towards Xiao Naihe.


This meteorite is extremely fast, and Xiao Naihe has already come to him in the fingertips.

More than fast, the whole meteorite instantly rubbed out flames, like a huge fireball, swept with huge heat.

The heat wave rolled and wrapped Xiao Naihe's whole person inside.

"Dragon Fist."

At this time, Xiao Nai He Shi exhibited long-lost Taoist tricks.

Since he created the Infinite Dao Dao, except for the two Daxing Daxing Dao and the Dao Dao Dao, he has rarely exhibited the other three.

The main reason is that the other three avenues are still far worse than those without the maximum.

The Avenue of Stars was stripped from the memory of Xingzu's Taoism, and Xiao Naihe is still in a period of cultivation.

The demon supernatural power is Xiao Naihe's best, even better than Wu Dao Dao.

The Dragon Fist is a fist that uses humane supernatural powers to fuse the power of true dragon essence and blood to directly urge the fist.

In the past, true dragon essence and blood helped Xiao Naihe many things. True dragon essence and blood could stimulate Xiao Naihe's potential and increase Xiao Naihe's strength.

But since Xiao Nai He stepped into the passive realm, the true dragon essence and blood has become tasteless.

Every drop of Xiao Naihe's blood is an invaluable treasure, more valuable than the real dragon's blood.

However, Xiao Naihe's "Dragon Fist" is different from the original one.

I saw Xiao Nai He punched out, simulating a true dragon form in the void.

The huge Void Dragon Shadow instantly appeared, shrouded in the starry sky.

And at the two ends of Longying's horn, there are two strange powers shrouded in it.

These two peculiar powers are Chao Qi and Qi Origin.

"Dragon in Taiyu is also a kind of beast. It is said that when Taiyu first divided, the dragon was in a strong period and occupied many planes. Knowing the rise of mankind, the real dragon slowly Was taken from the supremacy. "

Xiao Naihe suddenly recalled an experience in Tiangong World.

He had seen the memory of the blue wolf, and in the memory of the blue wolf, he once saw a dragon emperor in Taiyu. That dragon emperor has become famous since the first generation of chaotic sky stone master still exists. Yu Taiyu.

According to legend, the Dragon Emperor is a descendant of the ancient dragon tribe in Taiyu. The blood is strong. When the ancient dragon tribe first divided, it can borrow two different true qis of chaos and origin.

That is why the Gulong tribe has become Taiyu's overlord race for a while.

However, since the disappearance of the two true qualities of chaos and origin, the weakness of the Gulong tribe has slowly emerged, and it has been replaced by cultivators of other planes.

The Cangwolf once played against the Dragon Emperor, and Xiao Naihe also saw this memory.

He just had a sudden whimsy, if he borrowed the real dragon essence and blood in his body to urge the "Fighting Dragon Fist" and merge the chaotic true energy and the original true energy, I wonder if he can simulate the shape of the Taiyu ancient dragon family.

It should be known that the first ancient dragon is also a branch of the ancient dragon family.

"Dragon qi? In Taiyu, the dragon family is declining. You simulate the dragon qi supernatural power, which is useless to me."

The third prince exhaled a breath. He has been rampant among Taiyu for many years and naturally knows some things and is very familiar with the dragon clan.

Now seeing Xiao Naiho mimic the dragon form's supernatural powers, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. I think it's an opportunity, and I have the opportunity to fight back.

Xiao Naihe suddenly became very strong in the later period, and the third prince was overwhelmed. He knew that he had kicked the iron plate, so he wanted to leave.

But now that I see a chance, I feel that Xiao Naihe may be killed.

Suddenly, there was a violent surge in the heart of the third prince, hiding the killing opportunity.

"Fighting the battlefield, the battle is invincible, and the dragon travels the world."

Xiao Naihe's eyes erupted in a flash of light, and at the moment of the punch, the dragon shadow in the void became extremely clear.

At this time, a strong dragon chant came out instantly, echoing constantly in the head of the third prince.

At this moment, the dragon shadow simulated by Xiao Naihe seemed to be really resurrected, with a kind of horrible coercion that devoured everything and destroyed the starry sky.

"No, how can his simulated dragon shape be so coercive, it is almost comparable to the remaining old guys of the ancient dragon family."

The third prince's face changed greatly, and suddenly a few people appeared in his mind, and he was surprised.

"It really works."

Xiao Naihe was overjoyed and sighed slightly.

The two mysterious powers of Chaos Qi and Originating Qi seem to be more in harmony with the dragon form.

Looking at the hundreds of feet long dragon shadow in the starry sky, it seems that it has become a real dragon and turned into a dragon with blood and flesh, rather than a simulated dragon shape.

This long dragon shadow instantly burst into a roar of destruction, enough to shatter the world's roar.

As if an endless torrent broke out, the entire outer sky was submerged in a flash.

Chaos Qi and Origin Qi are two different forces. At this time, the dragon shadow is very perfect.

An ancient dragon, like a breath from hundreds of millions of years ago, burst out of this simulated dragon shadow at once.

"This ... aren't you the first person, the Gulong people?"

The third prince took a breath.

Although the Gulong tribe is not as good as before, after all, it has existed since Taiyu's first split. It can be said that if the Gulong tribe is the second oldest race in this Taiyu, then no one would dare say the first .

Even though the Gulong tribe is not as good as the human race of other planes, it has brought great influence to Taiyu, and the heritage is extremely terrible.

Therefore, when Xiao Naihe summoned the dragon-shaped power, the third prince would feel that Xiao Naihe was the heir of the ancient dragon clan, because it was so similar.

"It's useless to say more, I'm now asking Jun to enter the urn. The third prince, either obediently grab a hand and catch, maybe I can consider not killing you. Or just obediently wait for me to kill you.

Xiao Naihe's voice was extremely cold, and with the dragon-shaped deterrent, the three princes felt difficult to resist at once.

The unstoppable momentum made the third prince feel the threat of death already.

"Break me."

In the face of such extreme danger, the third prince converged his arrogance, dared not underestimate the other party, raised his arm, and suddenly it was a punch.

"Life and death law fist."

Xiao Naihe and the three princes each punched their punches, and they both tasted like they would devour and kill each other.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!

The two boxing intentions collided with each other in the void, and it seemed that half of the starry sky would be lifted.


Suddenly, the third prince felt a strong Gulong Longwei crush.

"Go walk!"

I do n’t know why, although the third prince blocked Xiao Nai just now, but now suddenly became a little worried, and it was a magical power.

The dangerous thought lingered in the third prince's mind.

I don't know why, the third prince felt that as long as Xiao Nai was there, the feeling of threatening his life would be getting closer.


Suddenly, the dragon in the star sky exploded, including the abilities inside.

However, at this time, two different forces, Chaos Qi and Origin Qi, as soon as they appeared, directly descended from the upper end with a sharp edge, and they were drawn across.

Everyone stretched his body subconsciously, the blade qi was like a sword, and at a distance, a blade qi destroyed the power fluctuation around the third prince.

However, when Xiao Nai felt the third prince struggling, there seemed to be a very mysterious atmosphere around her body.

Before the third prince resisted his move, Xiao Naihe did not feel this way.

And now the third prince seems to become more vague and mysterious.

"No matter, it's a punch."

Xiao Nai snorted coldly.

His punch is the fusion of the two great qis, and instantly splits the starry sky into a long breath river.

The breath river is like the river of time in Taiyu, and it seems to be the river of time in Xiao Naihe's body. At the moment of the two forces turning around, it seems that they want to restrain time.

Chaos Qi and Origin Qi are merged in the Dragon Shadow, and the third prince is about to be harvested.

Suddenly, a powerful and terrifying gas enveloped the third prince present.

"Go down for this king."

At this time, the third prince suddenly stood still and said in a very low tone.

And this voice is actually from another person.

"You are not the third prince?"

At this time, Xiao Naihe seemed to feel something, a coercion far more powerful than the third prince, and immediately crushed Xiao Naihe.

[The author's off topic]: The weather is suddenly cold, people feel too bad these two days, and their heads are dizzy. The remaining chapter will be added tomorrow.

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