Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2318: Longevity World (Part 2)

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This kind of barren, yellow sand flying in the desert.

Xiao Naihe turned his eyes a little and saw the starry sky full of stars, like a pearl in the sea.

A desolate feeling came into being.

"This longevity plane does not have the same power of heaven and earth luck as the first plane, but instead is a mysterious star aura often felt in Taiyu. Although the Taoist system in Taiyu is almost the same, it is great. And the same, small and different. "

Xiao Nai suddenly had some ideas in mind.

He merged the memories of the masters of the nine heavenly palaces, knowing that in Taiyu, many planes of practice system are actually integrated in one set.

This is no different from the first plane.

But there are two different people, Gongsun Yan and Sun Haotian.

These two people seem to have come from a different Taiyu, and their cultivation system is different from Xiao Nai.

Duo Taiyu said that Xiao Nai had already observed this point. Perhaps there is not only one Taiyu, but multiple Taiyu, each of which is isolated.

The two people, Gongsun Yan and Sun Haotian, can enter this Taiyu, which is also a different kind of legend.

Having said that, Xiao Nai finally found some information about the plane of longevity in the memory of the owner of the Tiangong.

This longevity plane is derived from the world of the main plane in the starry sky of the East City, which is much larger than the first plane.

A master of Tiangong World used to be in this longevity plane, but the memory of this person was hundreds of millions of years ago. Compared with the present, it is certain that many things can no longer be connected.

But one thing is for sure, the number of cultivators in this longevity plane far exceeds the first plane, and it is even a little more than the star plane.

The star plane world is on the other side of the Changsheng plane. The two plane worlds do not belong to the same starry sky, but they are not far away.

Therefore, there are some superpowers in the longevity world that will enter the star plane.

Even some superpowers in the planetary plane will enter the eternal life, but the number is naturally very small.

Compared with the first two planes, the number of the first plane is completely incomparable.

Although it may be because the first plane belongs to a period when Shouyuan will be exhausted, it is much worse than the longevity plane and the star plane.

The longevity plane has many cultivators, and various races have been passed down hundreds of millions of years ago, and even some legendary existences have lived hundreds of millions of years.

This is why the plane of longevity is also called the longevity world by foreign visitors.

"Look, what is that!"

At this time, Xiao Naiho was thinking about these things, and was suddenly interrupted by the little girl in front of her.

Afterwards, Xiao Nai quickly closed his eyes. He knew that it was better not to be found out that he was awake now.

Before there was no ability to protect himself, Xiao Naihe felt that being a ‘dead man’ was the smartest.

Several people turned their eyes, and thousands of miles away, a white light flashed, just a breathing time, and the light appeared in front of it instantly.

A dozen men came out.

These men are all tall and full of blood, and are at least masters of the Eightfold Realm.

One of them, dressed in white, with a half-face mask on his face, is already the pinnacle of Jiuzhong.

"Miss Gong, why don't you go directly to the battleship and come back here?" The white man's voice sounded low.

Gong Yueling said slowly: "When returning from the Imperial City to the Red Moon City, there were some problems with the Jiugong, which could not be urged. We had to land here forcibly."

"It turned out to be the case, but after receiving the news from the young lady, the house owner ordered him to come to meet the young lady as soon as possible."

"Thank you Brother Bai, please ask Brother Bai to lead the way."

This big brother named Bai Ming, the 9th peak, he appeared here, Qiu Wei and others all looked respectful and did not dare to pass,

Bai Ming has a relatively high status among the guards at Jiugonglou. He has strong strength and is very promising to break through to the passive state and cross the higher level.

"Huh? Qiu Wei, who is that on your back?" Bai Ming frowned slightly, and found that Bai Ming was carrying a man behind him, and stopped immediately.

"Captain Bai, this person was discovered by Miss Shan in the red desert, Miss Gong ordered to save people."

"Red desert? This is an ordinary person, without any thought, how did he appear?"

This time Bai Ming was taken aback. To know that the danger in the red desert is obedient, even if it is a serious cultivator, even if you enter it accidentally, there may be life worries. in?

Thinking of this, Bai Ming thought of a possibility, maybe this person is a foreign acupuncture.

This time was a little uneven, and even Bai Ming was suspicious.

"Relax, Captain Bai, I have already sealed this man's Dan Mansion. He can't urge God to read it."

"it is good."

Gong Yueling is kindhearted about this matter, and they are not unaware of it.

In the past, Gong Yueling also often helped some people in the mortal world who needed help.

While listening to these things, Xiao Naihe generally began to recall some memories about the plane of longevity.

From the memory of a certain master in Tiangong World, some memories about the longevity world are recorded.

However, Xiao Naihe really got the information of the longevity world, actually from the memory of Xingzu.

Xingzu is a strong man who likes to walk through many plane worlds of Taiyu. In order to pursue a higher level, he often looks for opportunities in other plane worlds.

Among them, Xingzu has been to this longevity world once, and Xiao Naihe also got some things about longevity world from the memory of Xingzu.

This longevity world is actually similar to the first plane, that is, there are many continents in a world.

And this huge longevity world also has various races.

However, among the first planes are mainly Protoss, Demon, Demon, Human, and Wu.

In this longevity world, there are also God Race, Demon Race, Human Race, and Demon Race, in addition to Elf Race, Orc Race, Barbarian Race, etc.

There are many races in a longevity world, and there may be dozens of races.

There are only a few major powerful races.

The human race is now one of the most vulnerable races in the longevity world, and it is very vulnerable to other races.

Saving people is a very common thing.

Nowadays, the human race is in an unprecedented state of solidarity. In the past, the human race often engaged in various battles and wars for its own benefit.

Long ago, the longevity world was dominated by human races, and other races were not as prosperous and powerful as human races.

However, because humans are naturally proficient, various types of wars often occur, leading to greater losses for the human race.

And the long-term infighting of the human races has contributed to the growth and growth of other races.

Finally, one day, other races suppressed and completely replaced the status of the human race.

And many years ago, the clan had many battles, most of them were provoked by other races, and they fought against the human race.

At the beginning, the Terran also won some victories.

However, in the years of internal fighting, the human races have lost too much, resulting in many human races not as many elites as other races.

While other races are twisted together, this huge force has suddenly surpassed the human race.

In the following wars, the human races retreated, and the losses became even more severe.

Even within a short period of hundreds of years, the number of human beings has been lost.

This is why the human race fell into a situation of a weak race at once.

In the end, the human race woke up, knowing that it was no longer the status of the longevity world that their human race really controlled.

The tribes have begun to stand side by side.

Then the human races began to unite. They knew that as long as they did not unite and did not cooperate, the longevity world would no longer have a place for them.

Other races have hunted humans frantically because of the hatred they have accumulated over the long time.

Many people in the mortal world have been attacked by other ethnic groups!

For this reason, after the unity of the human races, a stipulation was set for the first time that the human races can compete with each other, but large-scale internal fighting is absolutely not allowed, otherwise it will be regarded as the biggest enemy of the human race.

And when competing with each other, once there is an invasion of foreign enemies, all contradictions must be suppressed to deal with the foreign enemies, that is, other invading races.

The longevity world is different from the star plane. The longevity world is a huge opportunity plane. Various races want to be the clan of this longevity world, replacing the previous position of the human race.

This is the same for every race.

It's just that the human race is one of the weakest races among the various races.

The human race is now in the longevity world, and it has far less territory than before, but it still controls nearly ten continents.

There are also some small worlds.

After the unity of the human races, a huge force was established for the first time, and this force is now in control of human survival.

Nowadays, in order to contend with other races, the human race has also established many college forces, followed by some schools, religions and the like.

But the Terran College is the place to cultivate the largest elite in the longevity world.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many things in this longevity world. Compared to the first plane, this longevity world is really too complicated."

Xiao Nai thought secretly.

He didn't expect that he didn't enter the plane of the stars, but he reached a realm as long as the plane of the stars.

This longevity world far exceeds the size of the first plane, and is at a time when the plane is the most civilized.

By comparison, the first face is much weaker.

Even if the first person has experienced a lot of eras, there are not so many passive strongmen.

In this longevity world, it is said that every human race force has at least a passive strong suppression, let alone other races.

There are thousands of passive powerhouses on a single continent, so the number of passive powerhouses in the entire longevity world can hardly be estimated.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nai also shook his heart slightly.

"But it seems that the Red Moon City seems to be a relatively remote city."

Xiao Nai thought of the place mentioned by these people just now, this place is called Red Moon City.

As for the Red Moon City, in Xiao Naihe's memory, it should be said that in the memory of Xingzu, it can't be found at all.

So Xiao Nai guessed that this Red Moon City should belong to a relatively remote city.

The thought moved slightly, and Xiao Naihe suddenly heard a very sharp voice.

This sound seems to come from a strange monster, which can shock the human eardrum.

Buzz buzz!

"What sound is this?"

An **** said suddenly.

"No, this is the whistle, the whistle of the Red Moon City. This whistle will only be heard when other races invade. Could it be that a foreigner invaded the Red Moon City?"

At this time, the face of Gongyue Ling changed slightly.

When these people heard the words of Gongyue Ling, their faces also changed drastically.

From Swire to the present, the wars between races are very brutal. The battle between a city can destroy this city at any time.

Red Moon City is a very remote city. There are not many cultivators here. Once invaded, there is almost no ability to resist.

Red Moon City is a branch site of their Jiugong family. After so many years, the heritage of Jiugong family has slowly begun to decline.

Now there is a crisis in the Red Moon City. If this continues, the Jiugong Family is likely to transform from a big family into a third-rate family and disappear in the long river of history.

Although human races cannot fight indiscriminately, it is too common for human races to compete with each other.

Every big family will be blessed with some luck from the human race. Once they get the main blessing from the human race, they will cultivate more geniuses, elites, and strengthen the strength of the family.

This is the case. Among the human races, many large families, even small and medium families, are constantly competing.

As for the Jiugong family, it used to belong to a large family, but the Jiugong family has also been greatly influenced by the long-term accumulation of external fighting.

The huge Jiugong family has also begun to decline, and many cities previously controlled by the Jiugong family, even Xiaoqian World, have also been taken away.

Today's Jiugong family has become a strong family.

Although their name belongs to the type of big family, in fact, the Jiugong family is far worse than before, and even worse than some sect.

The Red Moon City is a city controlled by the Jiugong Family, which is better.

It can be seen how embarrassing the Jiugong family is now.

If the Red Moon City is invaded and taken away, it is likely that the Jiugong family will once again decline and fall into the third-rate family.

This kind of thing has not happened.

In the past, there was a big family among the human races, because their territory was continuously invaded and taken away, and finally became the memory of the long history. The big family finally fell apart and lost its own strength.

If the Red Moon City is now taken away, it is estimated that their Jiugong family will also become the family.

"If we go, we must protect the Red Moon City."

Bai Ming yelled, looked at Gong Yueling, and said again: "Miss, it may be dangerous in front of you. Otherwise, let's go first. I'll take someone to support."

"No, now there is a crisis in Red Moon City. If I leave this time, I will be ashamed of the children of the Jiugong Family."

Gong Yueling shook his head. Although he felt an undetectable despair in his heart, he still had a little hope, even remembering that he was a member of the Jiugong family.

"This ..." Bai Ming wanted to say more.

Suddenly, another sharp voice came out as if it cut through the night sky and broke the silence in the night sky.

"Don't even think about leaving."

At this time, this icy voice came out, as if ignoring the distance in the void, and a powerful air flow surged in an instant.

There was a huge chill in this stream of air, as if it had burst out of nine days.

The coldness swept away and instantly transformed the hot desert into a world of ice and snow.

"The devil people? Have you really invaded our Red Moon City?"

Bai Ming's face was extremely ugly, his eyes moved, only to see a man in black in front of him.

There are three eyes on the man's face, each with a different color flashing constantly.

The moment these three eyes turned, they were directly locked on the body of a guard.

This guard is a creator-level cultivator. After feeling the other person's sight, the whole person seems to be penetrated directly into his chest by an indescribable terrible force.

This kind of power seems to be pulling his own soul-, and directly breaking his own soul.


The guard who had locked his eyes screamed suddenly.

"you dare……"

Gong Yueling's face was ugly, watching the guards around him actually killed by the other party, and he was suddenly angry.

Bai Ming even shouted, "The thief, watch the fist."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Ming suddenly saw a punch.

"Crush the sky fist."

The fist swelled up in an instant, and seemed to be constantly flooding in the entire void.

Fist sweeping in all directions, a huge torrent was rolled up in the desert.

All of a sudden, it showed the strong strength of the early nineth layer.

"Not self-restrained."

The three-eyed man seemed to disdain, and his eyes showed an ironic look.

I saw the three-eyed man reaching out his hand, slightly pressing his five fingers in the air, and then the huge palm imprint that seemed to cut the void in an instant.

Bai Ming, who burst out of fist, only felt that he was violently shaken by an invisible force in his body.


Bai Ming's face was as earthy as the whole person was thrown out by this invisible force, and a bunker was smashed.

"The late nineth layer!"

Gong Yueling spit out word by word, with a bitter tone.

"Yes, Miss Gong, I was ordered to take you away this time. If Miss Gong can walk with me, we will not only invade the Red Moon City, but also put down the lives of those people in the Red Moon City. "

"Are you here to catch me? Who are you? Why did you Mozu want to catch me?" Gong Yueling was a little unexpected. The Mozu people are so expensive, they just have to come and grab themselves.

"Miss Gong does not need to know this, you just need to know that if you don't follow me, everyone here will die. The order I received will take you intact. If Miss Gong is a wise man, look In four weeks, you will make smart choices. "

Gong Yueling listened, looked subconsciously, and suddenly his face became extremely pale.

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