Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2319: Nine Palaces

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"There seem to be many people."

Xiao Naihe secretly glanced. He was lying in the crowd now, carefully opening his eyes and observing the surroundings.

The appearance of these people made Xiao Nai and He vaguely feel bad.

Although these demons are far inferior to their predecessors, the most powerful one is the three-eyed demons, in the middle and late stages of the nineth layer.

But in the case that Xiao Naihe does not have a cultivation base right now, let alone these three-eyed demon, any one of them wants to pinch himself, it is not too simple.

At this time, Xiao Nai was thinking about something. He had to think about how to escape.

But he is temporarily unable to act for now, because the Chaos Heaven Stone's counterattack makes his power temporarily disappear, and it will take some time to recover.

If you want to act, you have to wait at least a few days.

"Is this the way to invite Jun into the urn?"

Gong Yueling smirked a little, and she knew that if she didn't pass, Red Moon City would be finished.

Once the Red Moon City has become the site of the Demon Race, the power of the Nine Palace Family must be weakened again. Once weakened, the chain reaction caused by that time will be difficult to estimate.

In particular, there are many civilians in the Red Moon City. Their lives are now in their own hands. Gong Yueling's heart is extremely complicated and desperate.


"Sister, don't go by."

Although the little girl is young, at this age, she will also separate some things and know what is happening now.

Although she was afraid, she was even more afraid that once Gong Yueling passed, the unknown danger was waiting for Gong Yueling.

"You said, as long as I follow you, will they let them go, and let the people of Red Moon City?" Gong Yueling suddenly stared at the eyes of the three-eyed demon, Shen Sheng asked.

"I can let go of the Red Moon City. Those civilians are useless to me, but it depends on your next choice."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Gong Yueling closed his eyes and completely concealed the desperate color in his eyes, daring not let others around him see it.

As soon as she heard that the young lady was going to follow, the guards of the Jiugong Family were shocked and furious.

"Sister, you can't pass."

The little girl rushed over and prepared to hug Gong Yueling.

"Go away."

In the eyes of the three-eyed demon, a group of fine awns exploded, which seemed to be a burning flame, and penetrated into the front of the little girl in an instant.

"Yile, no!"

Gong Yueling screamed, and hadn't had time to act. Suddenly a figure flew out, grabbed the little girl named Yile, and retreated directly towards the back.

If you look closely, the person who saved the little girl is Bai Ming who was bombed out before.

At this time, Bai Ming was ragged, his face pale, his mouth was stained with red blood, and his body's breath was very unstable, which was obviously greatly injured.

"You said, as long as I follow you, I will let go."

"I ’m talking about the people who put the Red Moon City. Those civilians are really useless. But these people ... are human race cultivators, and they are also excellent supplements for our demons. I will never let go of making a variety of Chinese medicines and Taoisms. "

Gong Yueling changed his look again and shouted fiercely: "Do you actually want to refine them? You are back!"

"Haha, when did I go back and forth? Before your human race, some people who had taken our demon clan refined all kinds of immortals and Taoism. Now that our devil clan only uses teeth for their teeth, you can't stand it? , How long is your human race? "

In the end, the three-eyed demon said meaningfully, with a scornful look in his eyes.

"Miss Gong, you don't want to go. There is nothing to say to these demons, they never intended to let us go from the beginning." Qiu Wei next to him said quickly.

Gong Yueling saw it naturally, she knew that the three-eyed demon would definitely be behind, and directly killed all the people here.

This time Gongyue Ling instead broke the thought of following the past, and the Devil people could not easily believe it.

"Talkative, Gong Yueling, since you woman does not follow me, I can only use a little means. When I kill all the people here, see if you promise me."

The three-eyed devil smiled coldly.

Between the words, I saw the demon around rushing out, waving various weapons in his hand, and slashed towards the crowd.

For a time, a huge magic power arrived in an instant, and a thought of death was born in everyone's heart.

"Arrange the array, use the nine palaces in a row."

Gongyue burst into a blast, and at this moment a strange golden book page suddenly appeared in her arms.

This golden page floated in mid-air, and suddenly thousands of strange characters flew out of it, each of which seemed to contain an indescribable mysterious power,

"Nine Palace Array? I heard that your Nine Palace family was in the ancient times. That was a great array of formation methods. Although the strength of the Nine Palace family is far less than before, the skill of the formation seems to be still there. If you are the old guys from your Nine Palace family , I might still be afraid, but you guys, hehe ... "

The three-eyed demon sneered again, and his third eye cast a burst of blue light.

This burst of blue light floated directly over him, and immediately a blue flame burned continuously, burning directly towards the front-thousands of nothingness words.

"The Nine-House Linked Array has a variable of three thousand, the ninety-nine is the ultimate, and the ninety-nine is one. The series is continuous, and the formation is not broken. Don't let this person burn the three thousand formations of the Nine Palace.

Bai obviously knows the power of the Nine Palaces.

As the three-eyed demon said, the Jiugong family is a great array of formations. In ancient times, it was based on the power of formations to establish itself in this eternal life.

In the longevity world, there are various occupations commanded, out of pure cultivators, there are alchemists, formation masters, alchemists, refining masters, etc. How rich is it.

In the history of their Jiugong family, there was once a formation power, and this formation power reached the realm of the formation saint, famous in the longevity world, and the Jiugong family created with one hand became a longevity. The famous big family in the world.

Each enchantment in the longevity world has different levels of calling, just like cultivators, what are the supreme realms and passive realms.

The same is true for the formation mage, the formation mage reaches the highest level, which is the saint.

The saint of the Jiugong Family supported the Jiugong Family with one hand. Otherwise, the Jiugong Family would not maintain its title as a big family for so many years, and it was blessed by the Horde Alliance.

However, the formation saint of the Nine Palaces family disappeared a long time ago.

It is precisely because this great power has disappeared that the Jiugong family will only get worse.

Although the Jiugong family is cultivating formation mage, it has also trained many powerful formation mage, but unfortunately, no one can compare with that formation holy man, and he can't even learn 30% of his skills.

Gongyue Ling is a young man among the Nine Palaces who has a relatively powerful array.

The series of nine palaces she cast is one of the formations on which the nine palace family is famous.

The Nine Palace Chain Array originally had 100,000 consecutive changes, and each change will set a different illusion level.

Like the mighty saint of the formation, it is said that he used the Nine Palaces serial formation method to directly trap 100,000 enemies, each of which was trapped in the illusion level and was exhausted alive.

However, Gong Yueling is far less powerful than this formation, and can only display about three thousand, not even the cost of the evaporation power.

But these three thousand consecutive changes alone have trapped many people in the Demon Race.

"Shooting, everyone used their strength to protect the array."

Bai Ming burst into a sigh, they are all members of the Jiugong family, naturally learned some of the formation skills of the Jiugong family.

The formation force is actually the strength of the formation mage, which is equivalent to the mind under the passive, the source of the passive strong, this is the same reason.

I saw these people's hands squeezing out several obscure spell marks, and suddenly a strange white light appeared on his body.

The white light flickered and merged into the formation.

The three thousand formations that were originally burned by the three-eyed demon became firm at once.

The demon trapped in the chain of nine palaces are temporarily unable to move.

If you are trapped in it for a long time, the Nine-House Chain can even pull these people into illusion forever, and never be supernatural.

"It's a nine-tiered series, but I have some knowledge of the formation of your nine-tiered family. I don't know if you can stop me with this trick? Heaven is in chaos!"

Afterwards, the three eyes of the three-eye demon directly received the blue flame in the void, and a smell of sulfur diffused, and a huge magical energy was instantly involved.

Three thousand serial levels fluctuated directly, and those originally stabilized formations burned again, and even began to burst.

The huge magic power sent several Jiugong family guards out of the air, and the seven holes bleed and were directly killed by the earthquake.

"Oops, this demon actually forcibly burned the array and couldn't stop it."

Gong Yueling's face was extremely pale, and her behavior was still inferior to this three-eyed demon.

If her skill of formation is a little deeper, even if she learns the next hundred serial changes of the Nine Palaces, even if there are only ten, she will have the opportunity to trap these three-eyed demon inside.

But now there should be no such opportunity.

She has practiced in the Nine Palaces for a very long period of time. The three-thousand series of changes she controls are very good, but here, they still seem so weak.

Just as Gong Yueling felt extremely desperate, suddenly a light voice came into her mind.

"These three thousand serial changes, you can give up most of which you can't control and switch from defense to offense, otherwise you will never be trapped by this three-eyed demon."

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