Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2320: Formation master?

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Gong Yueling heard the words and moved her expression slightly. She didn't know where the voice came from, but she did it subconsciously.

Because Gong Yueling at this time had long lost her calmness, her beautiful face burned with despair.

Hearing this mysterious sound, it was like catching a life-saving straw and doing it directly.

"Don't give up most of the serial change level?"

Gong Yueling clearly felt that once he gave up so many levels of the nine-tiered series of changes, the formation power would definitely retreat directly.

But in this desperate situation, she still did it.

"Zhenwen closes!"

Afterwards, I saw Gong Yueling screaming. The original three thousand formations had already been taken away by her, and less than one thousand formations remained.

"Aren't you giving up, hahaha, Gong Yueling, you still have to obediently catch your hand."

The three-eyed demon laughed, and the sarcasm in his eyes made no disguise. He flew directly toward the front and punched out with a punch, so as to smash the battle level protecting Gongyue Ling.

"Next, use your mind ... strengthen the strength of the remaining formations and block them in a nine-nine-four way."

This voice once again passed into Gong Yueling's mind.

Gong Yueling didn't hesitate. He quickly used his strength to divide the remaining elements into four parts of nine or nine points, directly strengthening them.

Afterwards, the array floated, once again emitting a white light.

The white light flickered, and the rest of the composition seemed to jump, spinning continuously in the void.

It seems that at this time, many formations turned into a wall, which instantly blocked the attack of the three-eyed demon.


With a loud noise, these bursts of rock were rock-solid, and the three-eyed demon slammed directly and found that it had not broken.

"Huh? What's going on? Is there such a change in formation in their nine-tiered series?"

The three-eyed demon was stunned for a moment, indicating that he had never seen this form of serial level.

In fact, it is not just this three-eyed demon, even Gongyue Ling, who did not expect to strengthen the formation in such a way that it can become so powerful.

Suddenly, Gong Yueling recovered.

The colors of despair on her face dissipated a lot at once, because this success gave her some confidence.

But she still didn't understand in her heart, why did you do so, the formation ability of the Nine-House Chain Array will be strengthened to such a degree? And who is that mysterious voice?

"Although there are many changes in your Nine-House Ring Array, I estimate that the changes in the Nine-House Ring Array will be at least 80,000, or even more. And you have only exhibited about 3,000 changes, which is not enough. And you still have Too concerned about the number of serial changes, resulting in too severe division of the number of arrays, naturally weakening the strength of the array. "

This voice once again came into my mind, directly explaining Gong Yueling's doubts.

"Really? Why did the Nine-House Serial Array remove most of the serial changes, but why is it stronger?"

"I think the Nine-House Chain Array should be one-nine-nine, nine-nine extreme, the real number of serial changes should be 99,999. But your number of serial changes is only 3333 There are too many divisions. It is the situation in the Ninth Five-Year Plan that strengthens the formation, and naturally can obtain a higher quality formation force. "

Gong Yueling murmured: "Nine Five, Nine Five? Nine Nine to Four, Nine Five Form. It turned out that it was my appearance."

This time, Gong Yueling seemed to understand something, and his face suddenly showed joy.

She is a formation genius in her own right, although it is far inferior to the formation saints, but she can make a difference.

Being so a little bit changed by others, you immediately knew the essence of this formation.

However, Gong Yueling thought of something, and quickly transmitted the sound into the voice of the mind: "Who the **** are you? This change and change of the Nine Palaces' serial formation method should not be the style of our Nine Palaces family."

"You saved me today, I naturally want to vote for Tao Li, and I will rely on you later to survive the disaster in front of me!"

"I saved you?"

Gong Yueling was slightly stunned, his face suddenly changed, his eyes turned, and he looked towards the ground behind him.

This person is naturally Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Naihe now uses Qiu Wei's thoughts to transmit to Gong Yueling.

Gong Yueling's method is really powerful, but it is still too much.

Xiao Nai is among the chaotic heavenly stones. The fourth Tiangong world master is a saint of formation, and even in the alchemy and alchemy are top level.

Xiao Naihe got the life experience of the owner of this Tiangong world, and merged the knowledge of the other party, and naturally will have a lot of experience related to the formation.

Moreover, Xiao Nai was in the formation before, and his talent was very good.

However, even though Xiao Naihe had integrated the knowledge of this saint of formation, it was still full of brain experience. If you want to exhibit it, you need to practice and practice,

But Xiao Nai has a very precious treasure. This treasure is absolutely nothing in terms of calculation and deduction.

That's the sky machine star chart.

The Tianji star map was originally a Tianji disk, which is a rare Taoist fate weapon in Taiyu. Even Gongsun Yan has said that this type of treasure, such as the Tianji disk, will never exceed ten in this Taiyu.

Since Xiao Naihe changed the fusion of the celestial machine's ability into a celestial machine star map, and integrated it into his own eyes with the star calculation method, his formation deduction ability has naturally grown explosively.

Coupled with the knowledge of the formations of the Masters of Tiangong World, Xiao Naihe can now be said to be a half formation saint. Or there is a theory of knowledge of the saints, but it has not yet been fully implemented.

With his ability to see through some of the key points of the Nine-Layer Serial Array, it is nothing.

"Who the **** are you? Your formation skills are so strong, it shouldn't be any ordinary talent."

Gong Yueling sent a voice directly to Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai smiled bitterly and said: "You better not waste time. I don't have a lot of mental thoughts in my body. It takes a lot of time to pass the sound of mental thoughts. After a while, everyone is finished. You must hurry up and follow my steps. "

When he heard Xiao Naihe's words, Gong Yueling suddenly woke up.

Some of Wei Nai's strange ideas emerged in her mind, including why Xiao Nai He appeared in this place

But now Gong Yueling also knows that it is not the time to pursue these things.

Her only hope lies in Xiao Naihe.

"Gong Yueling, do you think you can block me? Impossible, all shatter it for me."

The three-eyed demon cried frantically.

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