Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2321: Who is this person

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At this time, I saw the three-eyed demon all over his body, and a breath of blood burst out of his third eye.

As if the entire desert had become a **** cage.

Even Qiu Wei and others in the back felt a kind of skin-like chill, like some kind of terrible cold constantly invaded into his body, wanting to completely devour himself.

"What am I going to do next? Would I do the same thing again?"

Now Gongyue Ling can only put all hope on Xiao Naihe, and truly believe in Xiao Naihe, because she knows that Xiao Naihe just pointed himself, and directly blocked the three-eyed demon.

This Gongyue Ling was also thinking about something, but at this time she did not worry too much.

"No, you back away."


"Yes, your strength is far less than the three-eye demon. Even if you can make this formation more mysterious, but the strength is really not enough. Only by consuming the three-eye demon and finding a chance, you can make a comeback."

Xiao Naiho seems to have seen Gong Yueling's doubts. After all, there are still advantages. If he retreats, he may have to waste all these advantages.

However, Xiao Naihe knew more clearly that the current advantage is only temporary, and Gong Yueling's cultivation practice and strength are not as good as the three-eyed demon. This is real. This woman is not the kind of strong man who can leapfrog.

Once suppressed by these three-eyed demon, even the most powerful formation, I am afraid that it will not be used.

Therefore, now Xiao Nai wants this woman to avoid first and avoid the edge.

Retreat is the way forward. This is how the monks fight.

"it is good."

When Gong Yueling gritted her teeth, she could only now fully believe Xiao Naihe, especially Xiao Naihe said that they were all people on the same boat. Even Xiao Naihe had to rely on herself to escape the robbery.


As soon as the thought moved, white brilliances appeared on Gong Yueling's body. These brilliances seemed to have their own consciousness, and they continued to surround them.

Then condensed into a small vortex in the void.

The vortex tears the cracks in the space, forcibly pulling Gong Yueling directly to another space.

"I want to go. If I let you go, I'll just explode my soul."

The three-eyed devil smiled coldly.

When the three-eyed demon started to move his hands again, he reached out and patted.

This palm is constantly expanding in the void. Devil qi soared to the sky, just like the eye of hell, instantly locked the palace moon spirit.

"Miss, let's help you."

When Qiu Wei jumped, he would fly over to help Gong Yueling.

"Let them not move, don't destroy the graphics of the array." Xiao Naihe quickly transmitted the sound to Gong Yueling.

This Nine-House Chain Array is indeed mysterious, but with Gong Yueling performing it alone, it is not enough, and other people need to join forces to stabilize the formation in the formation.

If any one of them withdraws, if the formation is missing a corner, then all will be lost.

At this time, Xiao Naihe naturally dared not let anyone come over to help Gong Yueling, otherwise it would be a situation of death.

"Qiu Wei, you guard your eyes, don't come, other people are too."

When Gong Yueling heard Xiao Naihe's words, she called out quickly. After all, she was also a genius of formation, and she still knew something.

After drinking Qiu Wei, Gong Yueling immediately felt the palm of the three-eyed demon lock herself, and the spirit inside her seemed to be caught, and the horror felt spontaneously.

"The difference in strength is too great."

Gong Yueling looked slightly pale.

"Good opportunity, you will now directly fill back the four formations and reapply the four consecutive changes."

Xiao Naihe heard again.

At this time, Gong Yueling had no idea what Xiao Nai wanted to do, and could only do so.

The four disappearing arrays once again appeared, turning continuously in the four directions of southeast, northwest.

"Are you still struggling to die? Gong Yueling, you must follow me today, and everyone here will die."

The three-eyed demon laughed a lot. He also studied the formation together. When he saw that Gong Yueling had re-evolved four formations, he divided the strength of the formation and immediately knew that the opportunity was coming.

"Come over here for me."

The Three-Eyed Demon rushed directly over, extended his hand, and the giant palm had already grabbed towards Gong Yueling.

Qiu Wei and Bai Ming watched the three-eyed demon directly catching people, but there was no way to help Gong Yueling, desperate in his heart.

Even Gong Yueling clearly felt that a desperate thought was occurring.

"Don't give up so quickly. Is there something on you that can release a huge array of forces in a short time? Directly detonate these four arrays."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly, and now he has completely concealed his soberness, because in this situation, no one has paid attention to Xiao Nai He.

However, Gong Yueling heard it and saw that Gong Yueling did not know what he took out of his arms. It was a strange array. This array was like a compass, with countless strange arrays on it.

Xiao Naihe glanced at it, and he could clearly feel that he had a lot of strength in this market.

The formation force is actually the source of strength of the formation mage, transforming the mind and origin into another kind of energy.

In Xiao Naihe's memory, there is also such a practice method.

However, after Xiao Naihe created the Infinite Dao, his own original power can be transformed at will, even if it is transformed into a formation.

If Xiao Naihe now recovers his strength, even if he only recovers 10%, he can directly run the original formation and detonate these four formations, which can directly kill everyone on the spot.

Fortunately, Gong Yueling's position was really powerful. After detonating in mid-air, the various positions in the position suddenly lit up, a stream of streamers flickered and rushed directly into the sky.

The four arrays of south-east and north-west burst in an instant.

"Let everyone immediately withdraw their forces and leave here."

Xiao Nai He Lima transmitted the sound.

Gong Yueling didn't hesitate anymore, she was fighting now, and the way to fight Xiao Nai could indeed defeat the three-eyed demon.

"Everyone listened to my orders, withdrew their strength, and immediately left."

Gong Yueling shouted loudly.

Qiu Wei, Bai Ming, and others were unknown, but the words of the elder lady had to be listened to. They all withdrew their formation and fled directly from the formation.

Bai Ming grabbed Yile, shrunk his body, and dragged his seriously injured body to escape.

However, Bai Ming had just flew out and saw that Gong Yueling actually turned around and went towards the formation. He was so anxious that he shouted, "Miss, what are you doing, come out soon."

Everyone felt that there was an inexplicable danger in that formation. They didn't know what Gong Yueling was doing, but they knew that the formation was very dangerous at this time.

And Gong Yueling actually ran in, which directly made Bai Ming and others' hearts mention the throat.

Soon, I saw Gong Yueling running in, grabbing someone on the ground, and quickly pulled away.

If you look closely, it turned out to be the mortal man who was saved before.

Bai Ming knew that although Gong Yueling was very kind, he still had to run back to save people in this situation, which made Bai Ming couldn't help but secretly admire him.


Xiao Naihe breathed a sigh of relief. If Gong Yueling had just left, Xiao Naihe had no choice but to wait for death in the formation.

So he was also fighting, but fortunately this woman did not let herself down, and saved herself directly in danger.

"Huh? Is there a weird formation?"

The Three-Eyed Demon has felt some of them strange, but it is too late, because the four array eyes have exploded at this time, directly generating a huge formation vortex, which is rolled toward the Three-Eyed Demon.

"Oops, dangerous."

The three-eyed demon has been practicing for many years and is extremely sensitive to danger.

After feeling the danger, without any hesitation, he directly withdrew and retreated.

But he just stepped back and found that the array of eyes on all sides actually formed a four-corner cage, forming a dead corner, completely trapping himself.

"Gong Yueling!"

For the first time, a huge killing intention appeared in the eyes of the three-eyed demon. He could only watch the formation vortex roll over himself, madly absorbing the magic power in his body.

And the other demon, now the three-eye demon can't even take care of him, he is in trouble now, how can he have time to control his life and death.

After watching the explosions of the four bursts of eyes, the power generated by the three eyes of the demon actually fell into surprise.

Even Bai Ming and Qiu Wei were shocked.

They are also aware of the Nine Palaces, and they have practiced for a while.

However, the Nine-House Chain Array was originally based on nine-nine and nine-nine extremes, and directly formed various endless chain changes, trapping the enemy and dying the enemy to death.

This Nine-House Chain Array is an expendable formation.

But now the Nine-House Chain Array, but instead has become a main attack explosive type formation, which makes them feel very incredible.

"How did Miss do it? Is there such a method in the Nine Palaces?" Bai Ming stared at the three-eyed demon entangled in the vortex of this method, and his heart was horrified.

In fact, Gong Yueling didn't understand himself, but just looked at Xiao Naihe.

Xiao Nai He smiled and said: "Nine five to four, four to attack. The previous nine five form is a defensive state, and the four that passed can actually be transformed into a main attack explosive type, using a large array of forces to detonate, The power of compressing the array of eyes will naturally produce the power of one plus one equal to ten. "

Hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Gong Yueling suddenly realized.

It seems that Xiao Nai is directly compressing the four formations in the ninety-five formation formation to detonate the formations, and the power generated is far beyond the "four" form.

"Nine Palace Serial Array actually has this strange form, which has not been recorded in the family. Who is this person? Could it be the Master of Formation? Even if it is not the God of Formation, at least it is the Formation of Immortals."

Gong Yueling thought secretly.

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