Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2345: Mysterious woman

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At this time, Xiao Naiho was in front of a confused thick fog.

And his five senses seemed to be shielded directly at the moment, every inch of flesh and blood, as if he had lost his perception in the mist.

"what is this?"

Xiao Naihe's expression changed slightly, and he quickly ran his mind, forcibly covering all his mind with flesh and blood, inspiring his pain.

He used pain to restore his wisdom in an instant, and the flesh and blood that he could not perceive seemed to return at this time.

"Is it an illusion? Or an illusion? Why is there an illusion here?"

Although Xiao Naihe's strength is far inferior to the peak period, his attainment skills are still at the level of the Saint.

Just a little speculation to know what happened to me.

The mist around him was gradually condensing, and Xiao Nai didn't even know where he came out of his residence.

He walked aimlessly, distracted, but instead went to an incredible place.

The mist in all directions has blocked the sight.

And Xiao Naihe's five senses have been shielded by this thick fog, making him unable to observe the surroundings at all.

Xiao Naihe secretly took precautions. Although in Suzaku College, it was unlikely to encounter danger suddenly, but just in case, Xiao Naihe secretly mobilized the spiritual thoughts in his body to enhance his own strength.

"The voice came from that place."

Xiao Naihe's eyes shone with a ray of stars, which is the heavenly star map!

Although he does not have the previous cultivation and strength, the celestial machine star map can still be used.

The only pity is that Xiao Naihe's lack of strength, this Tianji star map can not be used for the time being, and sometimes the Tianji star map will even be automatically generated.

This is not how Xiao Nai can restrain himself. The power of the celestial star map will not be misused often, but this time the celestial star map automatically generates the ability.

In front of the dense fog, Xiao Naihe slowly deepened, the starlight in his eyes became more and more obvious, as if he would jump out of the depth of his pupil.

After forcibly turning off the power of the celestial star map, Xiao Naihe no longer has the image of the stars moving.

He came to the middle of the woods, above a rockery, as if standing alone.

Looking at the back, the person standing on the rockery must be a woman, the moonlight shining on the other person, like a goddess under the moon, fused in the world, picturesque as a dream!

The sound just now came from this direction.

Xiao Nai was about to ask the other party's identity. Suddenly the mysterious woman moved. Her clothes fluttered with the wind, and the moonlight shone more and more, shining her whole body like a ice man.


Xiao Nai He vaguely heard the woman murmur, and suddenly, she saw a spinning long sword appear in the woman's hands.

This long sword flew out, pierced into the void, and the sound of ‘boom’ was heard.

Later, Xiao Naihe could see the woman holding a long sword and dancing the sword under the moon, just like the flower moon fairy, each sword and every movement carried an indescribable beauty.

But when Xiao Naihe saw the other party's sword dancing, he suddenly had a hint of starlight again in his eyes.

The celestial machine star chart flashes, it seems to continue to infer the swordsmanship performed by this mysterious woman.

After the Tianji star map automatically deduced this set of swordsmanship, Xiao Naihe began to recall the woman's every move.

The movement and timing of her sword dance are perfectly controlled.

It seems that Tianji Xingtu pushed this set of swordsmanship to Xiao Naihe in the first time.

"It's really weird that the celestial star map will actively learn the Taoism."

Xiao Naihe shook his head, and he became more and more curious about the celestial star chart. This celestial star chart is estimated to have not fully demonstrated this strength.

"This set of swordsmanship is really perfect."

Xiao Nai He secretly praised.

And at this time, another hurried voice came from the void.

"who is it?"

There was a strong murderous intention in the woman's voice.

It was as if the fairy in the sky had turned into **** asura in an instant.

Especially when the last ‘who’ was called, an unspeakable force exploded into the void.

That kind of shock seems to come from the ancient stars, every wave can sweep away all existence.

The killing intention is even in the void, and every inch of killing intention seems to be harvesting Xiao Nai.

"Golden Body!"

Xiao Nai didn't panic and hurriedly displayed six real bodies directly.

The golden body appeared, and the murderous intention of that sharp edge was directly locking Xiao Naihe.

The killing intent from the original void instantly turned into Yuehua falling from the sky, and every inch of Yuehua seemed to have a cold air in it.


The sword light flickered, and the flashing moment of Yuehua turned towards the front for a moment, which was directly tearing the void.

But it was only a moment of time, all the breath disappeared at that moment.

Xiao Naihe seemed to have lost control of the whole moment of Yuehua's lockup.

"The Great God Wheel."

Xiao Naiho knew he had to prove that he had to stop this trick.

I saw Xiao Naihe raised his five fingers, all of which seemed to be carrying the light of Yuehua, and a huge **** wheel suddenly turned behind Xiao Naihe.

The huge Shennian continued to run and slammed towards the front.

But it was just a breathing time, and there was a loud bang immediately.

"What kind of Taoism is this? Why have I never seen it?"

The woman froze for a moment, turned her head, and immediately revealed her official face.

Xiao Naihe can see the appearance of the woman. On the appearance, it is indeed like walking out of the lady's figure, every move, with a charming state of action.

"Who are you? Why can you get here?"

The woman spoke suddenly, but the movement in her hand was faster, and the long sword in her hand exploded in an instant.

Jianguang shone, and in the explosion, the woman's figure was locked again.

But Xiao Na didn't catch a cold, he was also covered with a layer of Yuehua, only to see Xiao Nai He caught in the void, as if condensed into ice and snow.

"Set it down!"

At this moment, the voice in the woman's mouth gathered great power at that moment.

At the moment of this surge of power, Xiao Naihe was directly wrapped up.

The sword gas flowed as if from the tens of thousands of miles.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang."

Jianqi and Shenlun hit each other in the void, as if two different stars collided with each other and converged, and finally generated a huge shock wave.

Yuehua in the entire void has poured out and spilled on Xiao Naihe.

At that moment, Xiao Naiho only felt that every hole in his body seemed to be blocked by this month of China.

"Are you a man? Who are you?"

Unlike Xiao Naihe, Xiao Naihe is now in the mist, and when she practiced Taoism, the mysterious woman on the opposite side could not fully see through her appearance.

Although she could not see through, she could still see that the person opposite was a man.

"Since I broke into my astrolabe, then don't leave, just stay obediently."

Between the words, the long sword in the woman's hand was already here, and after Xiao Naihe received the Great God Wheel, a light was suddenly released in her arms.

"The Great God Wheels of the heavens, smashed."

The huge Yuehua has already locked Xiao Naihe.

And Xiao Naihe's magic wheel appeared again, this time to run all the power in the body.

The **** wheel rolls, it seems that at that moment, it is directly to the edge of the end.

Because the dense fog in the void reappeared at this time, and the sky and star map in Xiao Naihe's eyes automatically appeared a ray of light, smashing everything.

Finally, Jianguang disappeared.

And the sky and star charts in Xiao Naihe's eyes no longer appeared.

"How did I get into that phantom space just now, and who is that woman? That person is definitely a strong player in the passive realm, and it's just a move, almost a move."

When I remembered that I was fighting with that woman, I almost made a move.

The woman's sword skills are indeed powerful, especially after the fusion of Yuehua's sword spirit, she is unstoppable.

In Xiao Naihe's peak period, this kind of sword spirit is naturally nothing.

But now Xiao Naiho, dealing with that huge sword spirit, almost felt that death and survival occurred between that moment.

If you don't know why in the end, re-enter into the real space, otherwise that sword spirit may really kill your old life.

"That woman is a strong player in the passive realm, but why did she set up a phantom array in the academy? And as soon as she found me at that time, she immediately set hands on me."

Xiao Naihe frowned slightly, and his celestial star map appeared automatically in two consecutive times. Xiao Naihe suspected that it might have something to do with the mysterious illusion before.

"Forget it, don't even think about it that much. That woman will still meet one day. This time I know the crouching tiger and hidden dragon in the Suzaku Academy.

Xiao Naihe shook his head and quickly walked in the direction of what he did.


After Xiao Naihe left, in the original illusion, a radiance suddenly appeared to rise up.

That is the mysterious woman.

The woman stood between the rockery, and every action seemed to contain a huge power.

The cohesiveness of the origin shows the strength of the strong man in the passive realm.

Sure enough, and Xiao Naihe guessed right, this woman really made the existence of the passive state.

"Why did that man suddenly enter my phantom space just now? It's impossible. Since I got the mysterious astrolabe and got the magic weapon, this strange situation has always appeared.

The woman frowned.

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