Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2346: It's you

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"Unfortunately, I didn't see the man's appearance clearly, but I remember his breath. As long as he stood in front of me, he would definitely feel it."

The woman nodded slightly.

Just now her sword spirit swept down, according to the previous strength, it should not be a problem to take down the other party.

But the woman didn't care much, so she was run away by the other party.

"The man's strength should be in the supreme five-level or six-level stage. I didn't expect this stage, but I was able to escape. The man's body, like me, has the astrolabe?"

The woman's expression changed, and her eyes continued to roll.


At this time, in another secret room.

Wu Yang looked ugly. He just heard the news from others.

What happened between Xiao Naihe and Tie Niu was mainly caused by him.

Tie Niu actually encountered this situation.

Tie Niu should have been able to calculate Xiao Naihe smoothly.

But in the end, Xiao Nai had nothing, but something was wrong with Tie Niu.

"This Xiao Nai!"

Wu Yang yelled and stopped talking.

"Why did Xiao Na pretend to be deliberate? Otherwise, according to the strength of Tie Niu, and Tie Niu would be more proficient than me in some formations, but he would actually be defeated in the hands of Xiao Nai He. It is also inseparable from Xiao Naihe. "

Wu Yang thought for a moment and said secretly in his heart.

"Xiao Naihe, I originally wanted to use you to start the surgery, and finally go to the Gongyue Ling. Unfortunately, your appearance now makes me pay more attention. I can only exhaust all means and kill you completely. "

The original Wu Yang did not take Xiao Naihe's eyes at all, but now such a thing happened between Xiao Naihe and Tie Niu, which made Wu Yang feel that Xiao Naihe seemed a little dangerous.


The next day, Xiao Nai got up.

He spent too much energy last night because he had a fight with the mysterious woman for no reason.

"This Suzaku Academy doesn't seem to be as safe as I imagined. Hey, my strength is still far from being restored. Even if it is restored to 30% strength, it wasn't so passive to deal with that woman last night."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

Last night, I entered the mysterious illusion for no reason. The woman I met in that space turned out to be a strong early passive.

Although the opponent is only in the early stage of passiveness, Xiao Nai knows that if the opponent is determined to kill himself, he may not be able to escape at all.

But in the end Xiao Naihe left.

If he regained 30% of his peak strength, then dealing with that woman was just another scene.

"What's wrong with you, how do I think you seem absent-minded."

At this time, the voice of Gong Yueling came from the side.

Why did Xiao Nai come back, shaking his head and said, "I'm just thinking about other things, but shouldn't I have to take classes today?"

"No today, but I will take you to a place."


"You know when you go!"

A mysterious smile appeared on the face of Gongyue Ling.

At this time, Xiao Naihe could only leave with Gong Yueling.

The two of them walked out of the office and passed through a forest.

While crossing the woods, Xiao Naihe's originally calm heart beat again.

Because he knew very well that when he escaped from that mysterious illusion last night, he passed through this forest.

At this time, once again passing through this grove, Xiao Naihe was even a little worried that the other party would suddenly appear and re-handle against his own.

But obviously this kind of thing didn't happen, because Xiao Naihe followed Gongyue Ling at this time and went to the library.

This collection of books is, of course, the collection of collections of the Taoist Temple.

That is where Chen Wuji came before.

"Collection of books? Why are you taking me to this place?"

"I came here just for you. When you tested the battlefield rock that day, the concentrated colors that you showed did not come out even to the teacher Chen Wuji, and I do n’t know if he found any clues. He did n’t show up, then everything can only come by us two. ”

Gong Yueling smiled slightly.

In fact, Gong Yueling also felt very curious about the performance of Xiao Naihe ’s rock in several colors, so she wanted to come to this collection of books a long time ago.

"Can you go in this library? I remember that the library in the Taoist Temple seems to have limited status."

"Of course, but as long as anyone becomes a senior array master, they can freely enter and leave the library. Of course, the contents of the library cannot be taken out."

After talking, Gong Yueling suddenly had an extra token in his hand, and the word senior appeared on the token.

Unlike the token that Chen Wou-ki gave himself before, this piece of token seems to contain another kind of mindfulness. Apparently what master left in this token.

As for the usefulness, Xiao Naihe didn't know, and only Gong Yueling knew it.

"We go in."

There weren't many people in the bookstore. It wasn't that the bookstore was unpopular, but at this time, few people came.

Huang Lao stood in the courtyard at this time, opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Naihe and Gong Yueling. Gong Yueling obediently took out the token of the senior array master in his hand.

"Go in, you have to come out before dusk."


Huang Lao nodded, then left.

When he left, Mr. Huang murmured something: "One supremacy is eightfold, and the other is only fourfold. Hey, the practitioners of the Daoyuan Academy are no longer good. What are those old men doing? Is it impossible to cultivate them without talents? What is Chen Wuji doing? "

Huang Laohe and Gong Yueling did not know these words of Huang Lao, they had already entered the bookstore.

But when they walked into the library, Xiao Naihe suddenly seemed to hear someone's voice, subconsciously turned his eyes, and immediately frowned.

On his side, there is a woman holding a Dan Jing, seems to be very fascinated.

But when he noticed that her eyes seemed to lock herself, the woman looked up and saw Xiao Naihe.

At that moment, the woman's eyes lit up as if she had seen her prey.

"It's you!"

This woman is the Shangguan Jiajia I've seen before. I didn't expect to see her here!

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