Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2353: Tangled

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Late at night, Xiao Naihe began to practice in closed doors.

He imposed a space ban in his room.

This prohibition can isolate the inside and outside, as if the outside of the room was separated into another space.

But according to Xiao Naihe's strength, once he meets those who are more powerful than him, it will be easily broken.

However, Xiao Nai was not worried, because he was now in the residence of Jin Dao Yuan. Basically, no outsiders will disturb Xiao Naihe.

Today, Xiao Nai will use the elixir obtained from Shangguan Jiajia to directly break through to the creator.

Later, I only saw when Xiao Nai moved his hands with two hands, and a strong danxiang came directly from his palm.

"Strange power chaos god, although these few medicines are only the lowest-grade passive medicine, but at least it can restore me to the sixth level of supremacy, and even restore to the creator."

What Xiao Naiho lacks most now is these things.

Pan said that if you want to find the treasures of the ancient gods, you must go to the Jiuzhong realm, or even higher.

However, Xiao Naihe estimated that he could return to at least the eightfold state.

Because Xiao Naihe's cultivation method is different from others.

His ninth level is almost equivalent to the difficulty of others entering the passive state.

According to some of Xiao Naihe's current methods, to return to the Ninefold Realm, there is really no good way unless the treasures of the ancient gods are obtained.

"I hope these immortals will not let me down."

After that, the few panacea in Xiao Naihe's hands directly released a very dazzling light.

Like the stars among the heavens, the aurora flickered and rushed directly to the top of the room.

As soon as Xiao Nai drank, he quickly grabbed it, as if grabbing these lights with one hand.

"Fortunately, if I hadn't been prepared for a long time, I implemented a double prohibition enchantment, otherwise I had to break the top beam just now, and I will definitely attract the attention of others.

These elixirs are really powerful. The passive primary elixirs are already spiritual.

The moment when the spirit bursts out, Xiao Naihe's control is about to break away.

Once this spiritually formed aurora hits the top beam, it is bound to attract the attention of everyone in the array.

This immortality may not be a big deal for those who are passive.

But for the practitioners below the passive, it is inexplicable.

Who knows what those people will do at that time, Xiao Naihe's current strength does not dare to say that he can save the panacea in the chaos.

"It's not too late, let's refine it directly."

Xiao Naihe quickly swallowed the panacea in his mouth.

He is not as troublesome as others. Some people have to swallow such high-level pills, so they have to make a lot of preparations in case of accidents.

But Xiao Naihe was not so hypocritical at all. He knew his body could hold up.

Normal cultivators of the fourfold realm, once ingested this 'strange power chaos pill', are afraid that they will explode and die.

But who is Xiao Nai? He turned out to be the late passive existence. Even if the physical body is degraded, there are still some foundations left by the passive.

"All refining, reversal of yin and yang, heaven and earth heavens, no extremely Sheng!"

Xiao Nai closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

There was a loud noise constantly in his mind, as if endless thunder hit his mind.

Suddenly, the Dan Li in the 'Strange Power Chaos Pill' was directly poured into Xiao Naihe's body.

But Xiao Nai and He Hun seemed to be floating in a sea of ​​nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, every hole in his body seemed to be leaping, and with a slight movement, there would be a crackling sound, like a firecracker.

That is, the power on his body has been infused into an extreme state.


Xiao Nai suddenly felt very refreshed all over him.

"Five levels of supremacy, finally reverted to five levels of supremacy."

A smile appeared on Xiao Naiho's face.

However, supremacy five-fold is not the point, if these immortals can not restore him to supremacy five-fold, then Mr. He can kill himself.

Subsequently, the Dan Li in Xiao Naihe's body was surging.

Every hole, every inch of flesh and blood seems to be squeezing each other continuously, releasing huge power.

Pedal Pedal Pedal!

It was as if there was a sound erupting between his flesh and blood, and Xiao Nai felt a void in the depths of his body.

"The Void Creation, the Sixth Level of the Supreme Realm!"

At this time, Xiao Nai also smoothly moved from the top five to the top six.

After returning to the sixth level of supremacy, Xiao Naihe felt that his strength was in a very good state.

Now according to Xiao Nai's ability, even if he meets some creators, he dares to fight with others.

"It's not over yet, maybe it can be restored to the top seven."

Xiao Nai seems to feel that the medicine in the body is about to explode again.

The six levels of supremacy are at most called creators.

The Seventh Supremacy is the creator of the world.

Faintly, Xiao Naihe seemed to see the world inside him slowly recovering, but the speed of recovery was very slow.

As long as he can recover to the starry sky world, he can enter the moonlight warship, and by then relying on this point, he can directly recover to the passive state.

"Um? Still not?"

Xiao Nai suddenly felt that when he recovered to half of the creator, the drug effect in the body had already disappeared.

The feeling was like how the two people were doing the **** between yin and yang, and suddenly it was forcibly interrupted. How uncomfortable was that feeling.

Now he is obviously just a little closer, he can directly step into the Supreme Realm and enter the creator.

But the power of the panacea disappeared at this time, causing him to be a little worse.

Uncomfortable, really uncomfortable.

Xiao Naihe exhaled, smiled bitterly, put away the power in his body, and then removed the forbidden enchantment in the void.

"Unfortunately, it's obviously a little bit worse. If you can still get some" strange power chaos ", then I'm afraid that you can't recover to the passive state. Isn't it to have a Shangguan Jiajia?

However, this thought was eliminated by Xiao Nai in an instant.

It seems impossible to get the panacea in the hands of Grandpa He.

As for Shangguan Jiajia, that is impossible.

Last time I took a few pills of Shangguan Jiajia, the other party would have trouble with themselves.

Now I still go to Shangguan Jiajia, I really don't know if she will be mad by Xiao Nai.

It seems that I can only find a way to find other opportunities and resources to recover myself as soon as possible.



Xiao Nai spent the night, and the rest of the time was spent in retreat.

It only took about seven days for Xiao Nai to stabilize his cultivation.

Cultivation is the most timeless concept, but Xiao Naihe is just simple cultivation now, and did not waste much time.

After he got up, he walked directly into the courtyard and breathed his yang.

Get up every morning, the early morning Yangguan contains a pure yang.

This positive energy can make people's flesh get a certain level of activity.

However, Xiao Naihe is now back to almost the status of the creator, and the flesh is still in a full state.

If he is fully restored to the creator, a masculinity will automatically form on his body, and there is no need to absorb this yang.


At this time, Xiao Nai suddenly heard a crunch.

Directly swallowed the yang that I absorbed.


At this time, only one person was seen standing at the door of the yard.

When Xiao Naihe saw this man, he could not help but twitched his mouth.

"You really don't give up."

Xiao Naihe's face is not very pretty.

The man outside the courtyard is Shangguan Jiajia.

That night, Xiao Nai thought about whether to look for opportunities at Shangguan Jiajia, and get a few more "strange power chaos", but this idea was cut off by him.

He just worried that Shangguan Jiajia would have trouble with himself.

But now it's better. He didn't go to Shangguan Jiajia. Instead, the other party came to the door.

And it seems like the comer is not good.

"Xiao Naihe, what a coincidence."

Shangguan Jiajia smiled, and a small dimple appeared on his face.

"Coincident? I said Miss Shangguan, you came here. If you said that you didn't do it on purpose, I'm afraid no one would believe it."

"Hey, yes, this time I came here and I really have something to find you."

Shangguan Jiajia was broken by Xiao Naihe, and he didn't care, but shrugged.

"What are you going to do with me?"

Xiao Nai frowned: "Although I got a few pills, we are all in good deals. You come to me twice and you are entangled with me. What are you thinking?"

"Oh, why do you say that? What does it mean that I am entangled with you? Besides, we are also friends, can't friends help each other?"

When Xiao Nai heard it, the corners of his mouth were twitching again.

This woman is really too cheeky, what is a friend.

He and the woman are not friends at all.

Fortunately, the woman kept talking about her friends.

"Farewell, you have something to say quickly, don't waste my time."

Xiao Naihe shook his head and made up his mind to quickly send the woman away.

"Hey, this time I have something to ask you for help."

"It seems that you are determined to find some balance in me, do you have to solve any problems for you?"

"No, this time it has nothing to do with alchemy, you and me will know when you come over."

The Shangguan family couldn't help but say that it would take Xiao Naihe's hand.

Xiao Naihe escaped very cleverly, he said coldly: "I will do you a favor this time, but my ugly saying is that this is the last time I help. Whether I can help or not, I will never owe humanity anymore , Don't bother me again. "

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