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Soon, Xiao Nai and Shang Jiajia took out the Dao Yuan Yuan.

Xiao Naihe did not expect that Shangguan Jiajia would actually take him out of the array school.

"Where are you going to take me?"

"Relax, you will know when you pass. I promise, as long as you can help me this time, I will not bother you in the future."

Shangguan Jiajia said sincerely.

But he sighed secretly in his heart.

If it were not for this matter, Shangguan Jiajia would not like to come to Xiao Naihe for help.

Originally, Shangguan Jiajia had to follow Xiao Naihe's few elixirs from his own hands, which were directly used as a reason for taking advantage of Xiao Naihe.

But she didn't expect that this relationship should be filled in now.

After today, Shangguan Jiajia can no longer be embarrassed to entangle Xiao Naihe, to find a way to take advantage.

"You wait."

Shangguan Jiajia said aloud, and then only saw what she was murmuring.

Xiao Naihe looked around. The place where they were, surrounded by mountains, seemed to be between a mountain.

Soon, Shangguan Jiajia's eyebrows released a fine mans.

This fine mansions poured into a large stone in front, and between the violently, numerous cracks were directly cracked in the huge stone, projecting a sense of space.

"Tear the void?"

"Yes, let's go in."

Xiao Naihe didn't ask any more. He knew that Shangguan Jiajia would certainly not harm him. He was very sensitive now.

If Shangguan Jiajia really wanted to harm herself, Xiao Nai could feel it for the first time.

After the boulder left, a space crack appeared.

And inside the cracks in space, there is no other place.

They were all black in all directions, and at this time they seemed to enter another secret room.

"If it didn't happen suddenly, I wouldn't come over to find you, but now I think about it, and only you can help me."

"What the **** is going on? After I was brought over by you, you asked me for help without saying anything."

"Look here, you know why I want you."

Then, I saw Shangguan Jiajia's right hand touched the wall, and suddenly a strange rune emerged directly from the wall.

Soon, among the walls, a huge disc appeared, and hundreds of strange patterns appeared on the disc.

These arrays are all together, it looks very strange.

"Huh? Multiple arrays?"

Xiao Nai's eyes moved.

He found that there were at least hundreds of strange arrays in this disc, which sealed the disc.

"This disc was originally discovered by me a year ago. At that time, the disc seemed to have a very strange power, but I never found a way to unlock the secrets in the disc. Over the years, I have not forgotten to study , Just a while ago, I accidentally inspired the power in the disc. I thought it was the secret that triggered the disc, but I did n’t expect to trigger so many arrays in the end. I have no other way to find you. help."

Xiao Naihe took a closer look at the disc, and found that not only were there many patterns around the disc, but these patterns also seemed to rotate in a very orderly manner, constantly changing.

"How? Can you unlock these arrays?"

Shangguan Jiajia asked.

Xiao Naihe took this CD and suddenly said, "It is said that, as far as I know, Miss Shangguan, your identity seems to be very simple. With your abilities, are you afraid that you will not find other array masters to help you, why? Looking for me? "

When he heard Xiao Naihe ask this question, Shangguan Jiajia gave a slight pause and said, "Why, you pitted me so many medicines before, and now refuse to even do a favor, and ask Dongxixixi?"

Seeing Shangguan Jiajia's face a little displeased, Xiao Nai didn't explain it, but laughed: "I don't know how you got this disc, but three of these arrays are a self-explosive array. Once the mistakes are resolved, huge forces will be released, and even then, even with the existence of the supreme realm, there may be life worries. "


Shangguan Jiajia's complexion changed greatly.

But Xiao Nai's expression moved. Sure enough, Shangjia Jiajia concealed herself. She seemed to have known the secrets of the array around the disc.

"Yes, I can unlock it, but it will consume a lot of essence. When it is not enough to make up for it, it is very likely that the two self-explosive arrays will not be unlocked. I am worried that ..."

"Xiao Naihe, what do you want to do?"

"You also know that I'm just a small supreme situation with four levels, and Jing Yuan is far less than you. If you can't cope with it, there will be a mistake in early summer, and the one who will lose is then."

Xiao Nai He smiled slightly.

Although he has already stepped into the supreme realm with half of his feet, he specifically used his Promise magical power to hide his cultivation behavior. Even Shangguan Jiajia could not find the current Xiao Naihe.

"You say, what shall I do?"

"Give me another‘ strange power chaos pill ’, and I ’ll help you unlock these arrays immediately.”

Xiao Nai He smiled.

At this time Xiao Naiho finally showed his mind.

Shangguan Jiajia almost did n’t get mad. She found Xiao Naihe this time, just to let Xiao Naihe help herself to unlock the battlefield.

I did not expect that Xiao Nai did not conceal his thoughts at all, and wanted to get a panacea in himself.

Shangguan Jiajia has not been willing to use the last refined potion.

Otherwise, Xiao Nai and He Shun's few pills will not make Shangguan Jiajia feel so distressed for so long.

Because every pill is extremely precious, even if Shangguan Jiajia wants to take it, they must find a good time.

If she wasted it, it would be more painful than killing her own life.

Now it's okay, this Xiao Nai is still planning her own panacea, where will she not be angry.

"Xiao Naihe, don't go too far. The last time you passed me so many medicines, you are still playing the same idea. Are you crazy?"

Xiao Nai He Wei smiled: "Yes, since you don't agree, but I don't force it, but I still have a condition."

"What conditions?"

"After the disc is unpacked, I must let me study it."

"This condition ..."

"If you don't agree to this, then we don't need to continue anymore, you should go find someone else to help, I'm gone."

Xiao Nai shook his head as if he were leaving.

But Shangguan Jiajia took a deep look at Xiao Naihe, and seemed to be thinking about it. Finally, he bit his teeth and nodded, and promised Xiao Naihe.

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