Reincarnation of the Heaven

Chapter 2355: Godly?

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From the beginning, Xiao Nai did not expect this woman to use the panacea as a bargaining chip.

Because Xiao Nai was thinking about the weirdness of the disc, he felt a special power in the disc.

This kind of power makes Xiao Naihe feel very familiar. As long as he touches it a little, Xiao Naihe seems to feel something tumult in his body.

"Unfortunately, my current strength has not been fully restored, otherwise as long as the source is released, you can explore the situation inside."

Xiao Naihe shook his head.

If he is a passive state, as long as he urges his source and works his magic, even if there are tens of thousands of prohibitions inside and outside this disc, Xiao Nai can't be stopped.

"Where did you get this CD? The array used on it is not from the human race."

"Huh? Not a human race?"

This Shangguan Jiajia froze for a moment, she was not very familiar with the formation, she was from the Jianxiu Academy, and she was a pure practitioner.

In terms of formation, Dan Dao, and refinery, it can only be said to be slightly involved, but it is not proficient.

Otherwise, she wouldn't find students from the Daoyuan Academy to help.

"I got this CD from an underground auction, but it cost me a lot of fairy crystals!"

Thinking of paying a great price, the woman showed a distressed look.

Xiao Nai frowned: "Don't you say you got it by accident?"

"I didn't think about photographing such a thing from the beginning. When I saw it for the first time, it wasn't actually like this, but it was covered by some means to become a special mirror. It was only later that I felt this disc Faintly with a mysterious charm, he unintentionally unlocked the true face of the mirror and found this disc. "

Speaking of this, Shangguan Jiajia looked at Xiao Naihe again and asked, "Do you have a way to undo it? I have studied for a long time before, and I don't know what is hidden in it, but I accidentally triggered the ban. .Maybe what big treasure is hidden in this thing, or maybe it is like a cheating book. "

Shangguan Jiajia is a wealth fan, as long as there is a benefit, she is indispensable everywhere.

Otherwise, she would not try to find some balance in Xiao Naihe because Xiao Naihe took advantage of herself.

Xiao Na didn't know what the woman was thinking, but slowly said: "I don't know if there is any big treasure in the disc, but it seems to have a breath of space. I suspect there is actually an inner space in it."

"Really? When I studied it before, I couldn't even notice the power of space in it. How did you find out?"

Xiao Naihe shook his head and did not answer. He could never say that he was intuitive.

Although Xiao Naihe's instincts have always been very accurate, this woman certainly would not believe it.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Naihe's voice slowly sounded again: "This disc was actually changed to another appearance, obviously someone did it on purpose. What secrets are there?"

Xiao Nai suddenly felt that during this time he always encountered some strange things.

For example, the front page that I encountered in the Book Collection Pavilion actually sealed an ancient **** strong disk!

Now that Shangguanjiaji finds his own help, the CD-ROM for himself seems not easy.

"As long as it can be unlocked, think of a way."

"What are you in a hurry? This thing is here, and it will not disappear. Also, you are very patient. You can actually set up this small space in Suzaku College."

Xiao Nai said lightly.

Shangguan Jiajia confessed: "Here is my small base, other places are not safe, no one here knows, you don't want to talk nonsense, I don't want to buy something that I didn't easily buy, it became A piece of waste. "

Xiao Naihe didn't want to complain with this woman either, because he found out that the prohibition formed around the disc, although not a human race, was a long time ago.

In other words, this stuff is an old thing.

And the age of this old thing, I am afraid it is not simply a few thousand years and tens of thousands of years. It may be 100,000 years, millions of years or more.

"Among these maps, there is a long-term system prohibition, most of which are lost or have not appeared before. I cannot solve it with my current strength."

"What? Then you were so excited to say that you have a way to undo it." Shangguan Jiajia suddenly exhilarated.

"Yes, I mean I have a way to unlock it, but a way does not mean I can do it now."

"This ... I don't understand."

"To be honest, these prohibitions are a long time ago, and although each of the prohibitions is not a very powerful array, but without exception, it is extremely complicated. If they are separated separately, as long as a seven-fold array, it should be It has the ability to unlock. But once it is put together, it will not be possible for Zhenzun to unlock. I am afraid that Jinxian and even Jinxun may not be able to unlock. "

Upon hearing Xiao Naihe's words, Shangguan Jiajia was half-confident: "No, I was inadvertently triggered by this disc prohibition. It's so complicated? Even the array of gods can't be solved. Doesn't it mean that only the array can be solved? "

Xiao Naihe naturally could hear Shangguan Jiajia satire, but he didn't take it seriously.

Now in the whole longevity world, Jin Sheng can be said to be one of the few, even if it is Jin Shen, it is also the existence of a hegemonic level and will not appear easily.

Xiao Naihe mentioned the array of God even higher, which made Shangguan Jiajia feel that Xiao Nai was exaggerating.

"You believe it or you don't believe it. I have a way to unlock it, but I can't do it now. Because I can't do it, I lack something and can't unlock it."

Xiao Nai clapped his hands and gave a slight pause: "However, if my cultivation can be promoted, even a short-term promotion. It is enough to unlock these prohibitions."

"Huh? Really? How do you improve briefly?"

Shangguan Jiajia just asked, and suddenly saw Xiao Naihe looking at herself with a non-smiling look, which made Shangguan Jiajia feel a little hairy.

"The first one is to use heaven, earth, treasure, or panacea to give me some time, after refining, I can improve my cultivation. As long as I step into the creator, I have the ability to unlock these restrictions."


At this moment, Shangguan Jiajia eased away, and his face was stained with frost, and said in a deep voice: "You said that it is not the idea of ​​my" strange power chaos ". If so, then I I wo n’t ask you for help. "

"Then forget, there is only one way left. That's what I said about the short-term ascension and cultivation. Among these prohibitions, there is a need to develop a divine power. I'm just a six-level realm, and it's far from a seven-level damage. Lord. As long as someone can pass on some of the gods to me and let me get the earthly power in a short time, maybe I can try it. "

"It turns out that this requirement is not excessive."

Shangguan Jiajia nodded.

But in my heart secretly thought: strange, before I clearly felt that he is the four levels of the supreme realm, why in the blink of an eye became the six realms? Has he taken those immortals?

Afterwards, Shangguan Jiajia returned to his posture and reached out.

Experts borrow their power to others, although this kind of thing is not common, but it is not impossible.

"My Shangguan Jiajia has a nine-fold peak, lending him a 10% strength, which is enough to make him an instant creator peak. Although it is only temporary, it is already enough."

As soon as the thought moved, Shangguan Jiajia's hands suddenly turned into bright white, and a ray of light continued to swim between his fingers, as if to fly from her fingers.

Seeing this, Xiao Nai directly grabbed the hand of Shangguan Jiajia.

This method of borrowing the mind is the most common.

But when Xiao Nai grabbed the palm of Shangguan Jiajia, he felt a huge force passed in from the palm of Shangguan Jiajia.

At the same time, you can feel the soft touch of Shangguan Jiajia's palm, a hint of warmth is free at the fingertips.

Xiao Nai suddenly thought of Yun Weixue.

But Shangguan Jiajia is different. In fact, there is a yang and a yin between men and women. Once yin and yang are in contact, a special feeling is bound to occur.

The supernatural power that Shangguan Jiajia just cultivated belongs to the pure Yin attribute.

As for Xiao Naihe's infinite greatness, although compatible with yin and yang, the masculinity in Xiao Naihe's body is clearly dominant.

Two people, one yin, one yang, and two divine thoughts touch each other, as if the purest power between men and women squeezes each other.

"How does it feel?"

Shangguan Jiajia has never felt this strange thought, she found that after contacting Xiao Naihe.

Contacting with the thoughts in Xiao Naihe's body will produce a strange thought.

At the same time, a kind of pleasant pleasure derived from her soul, that pleasure was never encountered by Shangguan Jiajia for so many years.

She even had a comfortable desire to scream, but worried that Xiao Naihe might say something after listening to it, she forced to hold back.

Shangguan Jiajia did not know, but Xiao Naihe was very clear.

Because of this feeling, it is similar to Xiao Naihe's first encounter with Yun Weixue.

"Oops, this girl actually stored pure Yin Shennian in her body."

Xiao Naihe's face changed slightly, and if he continued in this way, Xiao Naihe worried that the two of them might be affected by these two forces, and then they would become real gods.

And after the gods have passed, maybe it is the real joy of flesh.

Xiao Nai never thought of taking advantage of this.

"If I used to be, I would be able to stabilize my Dao heart naturally. However, I am lacking in strength now, but was influenced by two gods. I wonder if Shangguan Jiajia will feel anything? This is not a good phenomenon."

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